Islam needs a Reformation. It needs someone with the courage of Martin Luther.

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Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: (Several people)
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Skoorb
Except the bible teaches that god is good, the koran doesn't, so it's hard to be true to the koran and teach peace.
Prepare to be flamed by people who know nothing about Islam or Christianity.
[ ... More nested quotes deleted ... ]
Actually I find this entire thing silly xD

Every Surah in the Quran starts out with the single sentence preface (if you don't believe me and refuse to look at a Quran yourself, ask Palehorse as he said he had read and studied the Quran) :

Bssm Allah Al Rahman al Raheem
In the name of God, the most gracious the most merciful

Then again that alone isn't an explicit "God is Good" statement...although this stuff does go hand in hand...

but if you've read the Quran there are statements near ad nauseum about how good God is.

I may not be a Christian, but I'm not delusional about how Christianity doesn't teach that God is good. And you may (well, clearly are not) a Muslim - but don't brainwash yourself to thinking that the Quran doesn't teach that God is good~

Else perhaps the "west's" (And I quote that word as those who love to emphasize that they are the west) perception of Islam is a bigger problem than previously thought, especially if they think that Muslims apparently worship a God that we are taught is not a good about satanism "to the MAX"... as well as "misunderstanding to the MAX"
You'll note the people who made the orignal smear have ignored you. It's so much easier to be a hate-mongering biggot when one is completely ignorant about the target of his hatred.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I again have to disagree with Corbett----who says---As if you have offered anything important to this thread. Saying "Christians are worse" is hardly debating the subject. Let alone butting into an argument you have nothing to do with.

Anyone has the right to comment on the argument of the thread title---and you clearly are not reading what I said---I am not saying "Christians are worse"---I am saying by SOME MEASURES Christians are worse---and asking the implied question---how do you get the question beyond authority or opinion to some objective and unbiased way to measure if a religion needs reformed--or is more evil than another religion.

But I have also thought about another point worth making---namely the degree of scientific tolerance of either Christianity or Islam. Historically---the initial spread of Islam had the side effect of spreading science and a flowering of thought---and at the time of say circa 1000 AD----Islam was at the cutting edge of human knowledge and their Christian counterparts were wallowing in ignorance-----but with the rise of certain thinkers and social changes that came at the same time---you had people like Galileo---and Copernicus---and later Newton and a huge number of others that resulted in European Scientific being the new and far keener cutting edge. But especially in the early rise of European Science---it was the then totally dominant catholic church that was fighting science tooth and nail.---and now that Christianity is a more fragmented force we still have
religious elements that fight science tooth and nail----and we have sects that deny evolution and advocate the literal interpretation of the bible---and it spills out to public policy on abortion, stem cell research, denial of global warming, no third world contraception funding is allowed, and now the GWB administration even edits the findings of scientific works and committees.

But we are sure quick to condemn Islam when they have their own radical right elements---we go ballistic when they advocate Sharia law---and are also quick to condemn Islamic exploitation of females--and maybe quite properly so---but in the process we ignore the fact we have some radical elements every bit as bad---and we say our worst is not typical of us---and their worst is typical of them.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
I again have to disagree with Corbett----who says---As if you have offered anything important to this thread. Saying "Christians are worse" is hardly debating the subject. Let alone butting into an argument you have nothing to do with.

Anyone has the right to comment on the argument of the thread title---and you clearly are not reading what I said---I am not saying "Christians are worse"---I am saying by SOME MEASURES Christians are worse---and asking the implied question---how do you get the question beyond authority or opinion to some objective and unbiased way to measure if a religion needs reformed--or is more evil than another religion.

But I have also thought about another point worth making---namely the degree of scientific tolerance of either Christianity or Islam. Historically---the initial spread of Islam had the side effect of spreading science and a flowering of thought---and at the time of say circa 1000 AD----Islam was at the cutting edge of human knowledge and their Christian counterparts were wallowing in ignorance-----but with the rise of certain thinkers and social changes that came at the same time---you had people like Galileo---and Copernicus---and later Newton and a huge number of others that resulted in European Scientific being the new and far keener cutting edge. But especially in the early rise of European Science---it was the then totally dominant catholic church that was fighting science tooth and nail.---and now that Christianity is a more fragmented force we still have
religious elements that fight science tooth and nail----and we have sects that deny evolution and advocate the literal interpretation of the bible---and it spills out to public policy on abortion, stem cell research, denial of global warming, no third world contraception funding is allowed, and now the GWB administration even edits the findings of scientific works and committees.

But we are sure quick to condemn Islam when they have their own radical right elements---we go ballistic when they advocate Sharia law---and are also quick to condemn Islamic exploitation of females--and maybe quite properly so---but in the process we ignore the fact we have some radical elements every bit as bad---and we say our worst is not typical of us---and their worst is typical of them.
I bet you're a big fan of Brown's recent directive to stop using the words "Islamic" or "Muslim" to describe the terrorists, aren't you?

I bolded the part where your entire comparison is flawed. 1) We (the gubment) do not ignore any fanatical groups; especially those within the western world itself. 2) the worst groups in America are not currently blowing up skyscrapers, markets, and schools. If and when they begin doing so, we'll go after them with everything we have - just as we're doing against Islamic fanaticism.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To palehorse74---who seems totally confused in the process of an debate---and says---I bolded the part where your entire comparison is flawed.

The point being is that no short and simple argument can be totally valid and true. But we still need ways to OBJECTIVELY MEASURE THINGS.

And I need only highlight one word to show you are full of it----and its when you use the word ENTIRE-----the point is that you want your ENTIRE viewpoint to be the ONLY measure. And rather than be willing to consider any other possible other way to look at things in a more balanced way----you say someone's entire argument is TOTALLY false.

And then you spend your time in some activated reserve unit having the local population shoot at you because your "gubment's" arrogance has alienated nearly EVERYONE.---by not only blowing up a few skyscrapers, markets , and schools--but the entire social fabric of the nation. And then you wonder why they hate you.----and if only 25 million out of 1.4 billion can totally tie you and the entire US military up trying to solve an occupation---imagine how much fun you will have trying to take on 56 times that number by reducing a large and diverse group to your version of a cartoon.----and then engage demonize the ENTIRE lot as your banner.

Get a clue---they have their own religious jerks--and saints--and we have our own Christian jerks--and saints----and we need to learn to live together rather than engage in always trying to call them names.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
To palehorse74---who seems totally confused in the process of an debate---and says---I bolded the part where your entire comparison is flawed.

The point being is that no short and simple argument can be totally valid and true. But we still need ways to OBJECTIVELY MEASURE THINGS.

And I need only highlight one word to show you are full of it----and its when you use the word ENTIRE-----the point is that you want your ENTIRE viewpoint to be the ONLY measure. And rather than be willing to consider any other possible other way to look at things in a more balanced way----you say someone's entire argument is TOTALLY false.

And then you spend your time in some activated reserve unit having the local population shoot at you because your "gubment's" arrogance has alienated nearly EVERYONE.---by not only blowing up a few skyscrapers, markets , and schools--but the entire social fabric of the nation. And then you wonder why they hate you.----and if only 25 million out of 1.4 billion can totally tie you and the entire US military up trying to solve an occupation---imagine how much fun you will have trying to take on 56 times that number by reducing a large and diverse group to your version of a cartoon.----and then engage demonize the ENTIRE lot as your banner.

Get a clue---they have their own religious jerks--and saints--and we have our own Christian jerks--and saints----and we need to learn to live together rather than engage in always trying to call them names.
Anyone who has followed my history here at P&N will tell you that I've NEVER labeled all of Islam for the corrupt fanaticism of the few. I've gone to great lengths to recognize the majority of Muslims who are peaceful.

That said, I have the common sense to recognize, and separate, the 1% who are violently fanatical; and who are currently making a mess of things everywhere. I also recognize that Christiandom may have a few flakes as well. However, the problems I am facing every day, and the battles I am waging every day, are against the Islamic fanatics - not Christians. The Islamic fanatics are who we must focus upon today, because they are the ones who are killing indiscriminately today. Recognizing their religion as a primary issue is the first step. Understanding the reasons why that is possible is step two; and discovering ways to halt or reverse it is step three.

I am sick and tired of folks like you who talk in circles; all in an effort to place blame on the US itself. Your constant sidestepping of the real issue, and failure to recognize our real enemies, is a thorn in the side of progress. Our enemies draw upon your weaknesses and throw them back in my face on a daily basis. The ones we capture know our limits and laugh at our humane efforts to interrogate. They also state over and over again that their entire plan revolves around waiting out the American public and the general lack of patience most Americans display. They know that your resolve will eventually be gone, and they are using that as one of their primary weapons in the field against me.

In other words, albeit inadvertently, you and yours truly are aiding our enemies. You are doing so every day, and with every breath.

Your failure to even recognize and label them as our enemies is just icing on the cake...

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To palehorse74---who claims---In other words, albeit inadvertently, you and yours truly are aiding our enemies. You are doing so every day, and with every breath.

Your failure to even recognize and label them as our enemies is just icing on the cake...

Your hypothesis seems to be if that if everyone in the USA just 100% got behind you and the troops---you would win all battles---which is somewhat a smokescreen to avoid confronting the possibility that you may be failing for other reasons---and just another way to find more and more enemies for this nation to engage militarily.

I am sick of seeing my taxpayer dollars being wasted in your counterproductive vision of a world at war.----which is flopping everywhere its being tried---in case you have not noticed. And I am also sick and tired of seeing lives on both sides being thrown down rat holes.

But maybe we just need to respectfully disagree---I am an unabashed advocate for non-aggression and you seem in denial of the FACT THAT YOU ARE A TOTAL WARMONGER.


Jun 5, 2000
Of the following, which religion currently has a violent, fanatical, growing minority, that is threatening the lives of every American man, woman, and child?
A) Islam
B) Christianity
C) Buddhism
D) none of the above because I refuse to admit that someone besides Bush is to blame for the problems in the world.

What is Islam Alex.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
The whole central idea of this thread is totally bogus---the whole idea of violence and terrorism being the face of Islam is a total myth only neocons need to shout from the rooftops. The vast bulk of the world's 1.4 billion Moslem's manage to live even more peacefully than their Christian counterparts.

And a major Islamic shakeup is now as likely as a Christian shakeup because Christians have a few bad apples like Pat Robertson. No matter what religion you want to talk about, you always find a few nuts totally misusing that religion for their own ends. And by ascribing all the legitimate, semi legitimate, and bogus grievances of some violent sorts to just the teachings of their religion is a very deceptive way to ignore the fact that some of their grievances are legitimate---and if we did something to reduce these offenses---we would have less violence.----but if you can convince everyone its just 100% Islamic religious insanity driving it---we can avoid confronting our own behavior.

Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

This is something that will have to be dealt with rather than the typical 'its not happening" we get so often from those in power. Sadly, due to that mindset, when it is dealt with, we will likely see the deterioration of what we had that we though made us civilized. That is a price we will have to pay though if we continue to allow our future leaders to take the mindset of nothing is happening.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Lemon law
The whole central idea of this thread is totally bogus---the whole idea of violence and terrorism being the face of Islam is a total myth only neocons need to shout from the rooftops. The vast bulk of the world's 1.4 billion Moslem's manage to live even more peacefully than their Christian counterparts.

And a major Islamic shakeup is now as likely as a Christian shakeup because Christians have a few bad apples like Pat Robertson. No matter what religion you want to talk about, you always find a few nuts totally misusing that religion for their own ends. And by ascribing all the legitimate, semi legitimate, and bogus grievances of some violent sorts to just the teachings of their religion is a very deceptive way to ignore the fact that some of their grievances are legitimate---and if we did something to reduce these offenses---we would have less violence.----but if you can convince everyone its just 100% Islamic religious insanity driving it---we can avoid confronting our own behavior.

Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

This is something that will have to be dealt with rather than the typical 'its not happening" we get so often from those in power. Sadly, due to that mindset, when it is dealt with, we will likely see the deterioration of what we had that we though made us civilized. That is a price we will have to pay though if we continue to allow our future leaders to take the mindset of nothing is happening.

Whoa whoa, what group exists exists whose sole purpose is to kill those of the other religion - and is NOT tied to some kind of political struggle ? (I know you want to say Hamas or Hizbollah, but I'm pretty sure they are out for "Jew Blood" because they are Jews and nothing else). You really have twisted that statement


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Lemon law
The whole central idea of this thread is totally bogus---the whole idea of violence and terrorism being the face of Islam is a total myth only neocons need to shout from the rooftops. The vast bulk of the world's 1.4 billion Moslem's manage to live even more peacefully than their Christian counterparts.

And a major Islamic shakeup is now as likely as a Christian shakeup because Christians have a few bad apples like Pat Robertson. No matter what religion you want to talk about, you always find a few nuts totally misusing that religion for their own ends. And by ascribing all the legitimate, semi legitimate, and bogus grievances of some violent sorts to just the teachings of their religion is a very deceptive way to ignore the fact that some of their grievances are legitimate---and if we did something to reduce these offenses---we would have less violence.----but if you can convince everyone its just 100% Islamic religious insanity driving it---we can avoid confronting our own behavior.

Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

This is something that will have to be dealt with rather than the typical 'its not happening" we get so often from those in power. Sadly, due to that mindset, when it is dealt with, we will likely see the deterioration of what we had that we though made us civilized. That is a price we will have to pay though if we continue to allow our future leaders to take the mindset of nothing is happening.

Whoa whoa, what group exists exists whose sole purpose is to kill those of the other religion - and is NOT tied to some kind of political struggle ? (I know you want to say Hamas or Hizbollah, but I'm pretty sure they are out for "Jew Blood" because they are Jews and nothing else). You really have twisted that statement

Though, I won't say those two, since they are a typical answer, they would be included. Muslim groups can come together and use Islam as a reason to kill others and bind together under an umbrella organization to further there means (Much as the PLO use to be (not as much anymore). The point is, it is multiple religious groups of one religion who bind together under the umbrellas of a single organization who received funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of furthering there cause which is to kill infidels, invaders, westerners, or simply, Christians and Jews. These group of people belong to a single religion and that is Islam. So yes, Muslims must be dealt with, and they must deal with it themselves. Now, that will require time, I am not someone who expects things to change overnight, and I truly believe that it will happen, but sticking your head in the sand and denying there is a problem will only further cause the rift between Muslims and the rest of the world to widen.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
To RichardE---who writes---Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

Well, it seems to me that GWB&co is precisely just that Christian entity that extorts funds from me and everyone else to wage wars of aggression against largely Islamic nations.

And the total saddest part--is that it just creates more angry Islamists---so the cycle is self-perpetuating.

But Jesus is reported to have said---"Let those without sin cast the first stone." And many of us see that 911 was not that first cast stone and in fact was just a part of a progression of stones that had been cast between Christians and Muslims over a period of uncounted centuries. But the immediate causal links of 911 may well be traced back to Ronald Reagan's decision to arm terrorists in Afghanistan and in his decision to use Saddam as a counterforce against Iran after the Shah fell. Even if the same actions had been pursued, had we in the United States better followed up and been less manipulative, 911 may well have not have happened.

But even today we refuse to acknowledge that we have done much to deserve Iranian hostility---and continue to drive them away with a diplomacy of sharp sticks.

And totally seem to forget the legacy of our wiser leaders who fought the second world war---a war not of their making---but in victory---they had a different policy---and through using far different reasoning than seems to rule us today---converted our former enemies into allies. And partly because their previous generation had tried the kick your enemy when he is down trick after the first world war-----they ended up to fight the second world war that policy--now back in vogue today--caused.

I can't help but make that distinction----but war begets war---and I hope I advocate the thinking of understanding and world peace.

But every time we listen to anyone who later earns the judgment of history as a warmonger---they always say they are not war mongers and that the war was forced on them
by the evil thinking of their enemy---and rather than wait to be actually attacked---they use any provocation as an excuse to invade.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
To RichardE---who writes---Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

Well, it seems to me that GWB&co is precisely just that Christian entity that extorts funds from me and everyone else to wage wars of aggression against largely Islamic nations.

And the total saddest part--is that it just creates more angry Islamists---so the cycle is self-perpetuating.

But Jesus is reported to have said---"Let those without sin cast the first stone." And many of us see that 911 was not that first cast stone and in fact was just a part of a progression of stones that had been cast between Christians and Muslims over a period of uncounted centuries. But the immediate causal links of 911 may well be traced back to Ronald Reagan's decision to arm terrorists in Afghanistan and in his decision to use Saddam as a counterforce against Iran after the Shah fell. Even if the same actions had been pursued, had we in the United States better followed up and been less manipulative, 911 may well have not have happened.

But even today we refuse to acknowledge that we have done much to deserve Iranian hostility---and continue to drive them away with a diplomacy of sharp sticks.

And totally seem to forget the legacy of our wiser leaders who fought the second world war---a war not of their making---but in victory---they had a different policy---and through using far different reasoning than seems to rule us today---converted our former enemies into allies. And partly because their previous generation had tried the kick your enemy when he is down trick after the first world war-----they ended up to fight the second world war that policy--now back in vogue today--caused.

I can't help but make that distinction----but war begets war---and I hope I advocate the thinking of understanding and world peace.

But every time we listen to anyone who later earns the judgment of history as a warmonger---they always say they are not war mongers and that the war was forced on them
by the evil thinking of their enemy---and rather than wait to be actually attacked---they use any provocation as an excuse to invade.
holy rambling incoherent nonsense Batman!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
As Palehorse74---ignores pearls of wisdom cast before swine---with the comment of---"holy rambling incoherent nonsense Batman!"

It kinda sound a wee mite insincere coming from someone who is stuck in holy incoherent quagmire Iraq.---as you dig yourself deeper into a hole with my tax dollars.

And worse yet---you have no idea how you are going to get out.----because you never can win with the stinking thinking you and your GWB buddies have.

Which is precisely why the American people are going to pull the plug on you JOKERS.----because you just can't understand why you fail---even when you are told---you reject and ridicule.


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: Lemon law
The whole central idea of this thread is totally bogus---the whole idea of violence and terrorism being the face of Islam is a total myth only neocons need to shout from the rooftops. The vast bulk of the world's 1.4 billion Moslem's manage to live even more peacefully than their Christian counterparts.

And a major Islamic shakeup is now as likely as a Christian shakeup because Christians have a few bad apples like Pat Robertson. No matter what religion you want to talk about, you always find a few nuts totally misusing that religion for their own ends. And by ascribing all the legitimate, semi legitimate, and bogus grievances of some violent sorts to just the teachings of their religion is a very deceptive way to ignore the fact that some of their grievances are legitimate---and if we did something to reduce these offenses---we would have less violence.----but if you can convince everyone its just 100% Islamic religious insanity driving it---we can avoid confronting our own behavior.

Once a modern international Christian organization receives funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of killing other people of other religion you can compare the two. Yes, it is a small percentage of the Muslim community, but alas that is all it takes. Comparing the two is apples and oranges.

This is something that will have to be dealt with rather than the typical 'its not happening" we get so often from those in power. Sadly, due to that mindset, when it is dealt with, we will likely see the deterioration of what we had that we though made us civilized. That is a price we will have to pay though if we continue to allow our future leaders to take the mindset of nothing is happening.

Whoa whoa, what group exists exists whose sole purpose is to kill those of the other religion - and is NOT tied to some kind of political struggle ? (I know you want to say Hamas or Hizbollah, but I'm pretty sure they are out for "Jew Blood" because they are Jews and nothing else). You really have twisted that statement

Though, I won't say those two, since they are a typical answer, they would be included. Muslim groups can come together and use Islam as a reason to kill others and bind together under an umbrella organization to further there means (Much as the PLO use to be (not as much anymore). The point is, it is multiple religious groups of one religion who bind together under the umbrellas of a single organization who received funding from multiple states for the sole purpose of furthering there cause which is to kill infidels, invaders, westerners, or simply, Christians and Jews. These group of people belong to a single religion and that is Islam. So yes, Muslims must be dealt with, and they must deal with it themselves. Now, that will require time, I am not someone who expects things to change overnight, and I truly believe that it will happen, but sticking your head in the sand and denying there is a problem will only further cause the rift between Muslims and the rest of the world to widen.

Can you give some actual examples? You reference these "groups"...but you actually come up with nothing.

Even the PLO does not fall into this defintion of " the sole purpose of furthering there cause which is to kill infidels, invaders, westerners, or simply, Christians and Jews The PLO is a DIRECT result of the political and social events that took place with the creation of Israel, and that they have social and political goals themselves that are not tied to SOLEY killing Jews just for the PURPOSE of killing them. As far as I can see - there is killing of Jews (and likewise many more Palestinians) but that is in what they percieve to be a struggle for their homeland~ not because they are simply "Juden".

Actually re reading your post I noticed you put , "Muslim groups can come together and use Islam as a reason to kill others and bind together under an umbrella organize..."
Any group can bind together and use anything as a rason to kill others And its occured a bajillion times in history...and Muslims have bound together to kill non muslims, as well as other muslims in history just like christians have bound together to kill non christians as well as countless christians. And this isn't just to religion either- many races have done it as well. The chinese did a great job slaughtering eachother in the past even though they professed a belief system made of buddhism/daoism/chinese ancestral worship which we would look at as "peaceful".

btw - I made a mistake in my post
I know you want to say Hamas or Hizbollah, but I'm pretty sure they areNOT out for "Jew Blood" because they are Jews and nothing else
the bolded part is correct- sorry about that

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Lemon law
even when you are told---you reject and ridicule.
that's because you are wrong.

As someone who just called what I said incoherent nonsense---its time to ask exactly what part of the facts I presented do you deny---and what parts of the fact that the USA, and its former enemies of Japan, Germany, and Italy are now allies do you call incoherent nonsense?
And wrong.

But I am somewhat confident that if you had been around just after ww2 was won---you would have vigorously opposed the policy of letting our former enemies up gently.

And have said that's because that policy is wrong!


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Lemon law
even when you are told---you reject and ridicule.
that's because you are wrong.

As someone who just called what I said incoherent nonsense---its time to ask exactly what part of the facts I presented do you deny---and what parts of the fact that the USA, and its former enemies of Japan, Germany, and Italy are now allies do you call incoherent nonsense?
And wrong.

But I am somewhat confident that if you had been around just after ww2 was won---you would have vigorously opposed the policy of letting our former enemies up gently.

And have said that's because that policy is wrong!
Turning Iraq into a democratic US ally is exactly our current objective, and my personal mission, in Iraq.

imagine that!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
palehorse74--- For someone who states--Turning Iraq into a democratic US ally is exactly our current objective, and my personal mission, in Iraq.

imagine that!

I have no quarrel with your current objective---and I in fact endorse that objective----but I am just asking you to imagine that clear reality check---that your current set of thinking and closed mind set is exactly why you are failing to reach that objective we both share.

You have to work with the Iraqis---and in fact try to force the Iraqis to work with you---and when its all about you and your thinking---its why you fail.---and then you reject the thinking that could work as something that is totally incoherent---and I guess it might be that to you---when you can produce positive results---I might consider you more credible---until then---you ought to be open to trying things with a better proven historical track record of success.

I might remind you the Brits tried an Iraqi occcupation during the 1920's and well into the 1930's----and did exactly as well as we are now doing---and after 17 years they threw in the towel after their government in London fell over public protests resulting partly from that fools errand. And at the time---they too were the numero uno 800 Lb. military Gorilla in the region.---for all the good it did them.

Put that imagine that in your pipe and smoke it for all I care---flat out---your thinking makes problems worse---and not better---what part of you being counterproductive do you not understand.-----if you can't be part of the solution---don't be part of the problem.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Lemon law
even when you are told---you reject and ridicule.
that's because you are wrong.

As someone who just called what I said incoherent nonsense---its time to ask exactly what part of the facts I presented do you deny---and what parts of the fact that the USA, and its former enemies of Japan, Germany, and Italy are now allies do you call incoherent nonsense?
And wrong.

But I am somewhat confident that if you had been around just after ww2 was won---you would have vigorously opposed the policy of letting our former enemies up gently.

And have said that's because that policy is wrong!
Turning Iraq into a democratic US ally is exactly our current objective, and my personal mission, in Iraq.

imagine that!

This country doesn't revolve around what you and the Neocons want.

Imagine that!


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Lemon law
The whole central idea of this thread is totally bogus---the whole idea of violence and terrorism being the face of Islam is a total myth only neocons need to shout from the rooftops. The vast bulk of the world's 1.4 billion Moslem's manage to live even more peacefully than their Christian counterparts.
true enough, but "reputations" are a funny thing. In this case, if more Muslims spoke as this man does in this editorial, then Islam's reputation would most certainly improve.

And a major Islamic shakeup is now as likely as a Christian shakeup because Christians have a few bad apples like Pat Robertson. No matter what religion you want to talk about, you always find a few nuts totally misusing that religion for their own ends. And by ascribing all the legitimate, semi legitimate, and bogus grievances of some violent sorts to just the teachings of their religion is a very deceptive way to ignore the fact that some of their grievances are legitimate---and if we did something to reduce these offenses---we would have less violence.----but if you can convince everyone its just 100% Islamic religious insanity driving it---we can avoid confronting our own behavior.
I don't recall Pat Robertson encouraging his followers to blow anything up.

How can you sit there, with a straight face, and equate modern Christianity with modern Islam!? Fact is, it has taken the world hundreds of years to clean up Christianity and have it result in a much more civilized religion. Islam must go through the same changes and reform itself and conform with modern civilized standards.

There are far more than "a few bad apples" in Islam at the moment. While it's true that the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving decent citizens, it is also true that members of their religion are the focal point of modern global terrorism - and the number of bad apples is growing, exponentially, every day!

Ignoring that fact, or downplaying the problem to one of mere annoyance, is about the most fatal mistake the civilized world could make during the 21st century.

You can continue to bury your head in the sand all you like, but the rest of us will be out here actually paying attention and trying to effect positive change in the world. Islam needs to undergo a few hundred years of reform in the next few decades, or the problem of fanatical Islamic terror will only get worse. We absolutely must come up with a solution to the spreading virus before it infects the entire host - and authors such the man in the OP are the key to the entire mess.

both of you make good points here in this last argument, but what you're missing in Lemon Law's statement is that the violent extremists who use Islam don't use it because of their religion. They use the religion to rile up impoverished, disenfranchised, uneducated outcasts to sacrifice themselves against what they see as an invading, and increasingly tyranical culture (the West). It is not religion that spurns them to terrorize, but what they see as a final, desperate attempt to preserve their identity. That, is the cold-hard truth.

I'm NOT painting the US and it's allies out to be the boogey men in this global movement, but that it is our continuous practice of ignoring our impact on other countries and their indigenous cultures that is pissing off a lot of people. With this many angry people, it's not too tough to pull them with a religious promise (something deeply-rooted in their conscience) that brings justice to their people. (and hell, you'll find plenty of Iraqi citizens that adore the US, and welcomed the removal of Saddam--no question. But those very same citizens are easily turned against their saviors when no stability is broght, promises aren't kept, and the security of their family is threatened)

It's true that we do have to protect our own interests, and that sometimes our best interests lay outside of our own borders--but this shouldn't validate us to invade, occupy, and dictate culture to extremely foreign nations (historically, culturally, geographically).

We make Iraq and the rest of the Middle East insecure because of a repeated failure to address the roots of this historically recent paradigm of global terror (late 60s-mid 70s). Any analyst with half a mind warned at the onset of this War on Terror that taking out leadership and taking out soldiers in the traditional way was the guaranteed path to failure. Why would any Iraqi choose to fight with us now, when it is Al Qaeda and their ilk, who at the very least understand the cultural fears, desires, and abject needs of the indigineous population. And they know how best to exploit that. The only thing the US can do to win this war is to prove to those whom we claim to liberate that we will offer them a better life--and that it is a life for them, not one living under our own cultural value structures. This war will not be won through pure military objectives.

Lesson to the future: before we allow someone who claims to be our leader to take us into an invasion of a foreign country, we damn well make sure that those in power know as much about that land as do our enemies. (And give us a tangible reason for invasion, not something pulled out of the ethereal asshole of Paul Wolfowitz)


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Lemon law
JD50 is somewhat correct to state---Funny thing is, Corbett did exactly what you said, he stated his opinion and then defended his position.

But I think also largely wrong----in five very long posts in the past two pages consisting of little more than a personal feud with another poster---and his opponent lack of willingness to post their academic credentials---only a tiny tiny percentage of the total verbiage had a single thing to do with the topic at hand.---and everything to do with crying personal attack in a running feud with another poster all too typical in these forums.

At a certain point--its childish---when the real other implied question of this thread is---how do you logically and in an unbiased fashion compare the Christian and Islamic faith to obtain some sort of peacefulness index.

And sadly---someone like the pope--who might be the best qualified catholic source authority---is almost certain to be biased on the subject---as will be an Islamic cleric. So I for one say religious scholarship may well be the last criteria we should look for in getting a logical and unbiased answer.

As if you have offered anything important to this thread. Saying "Christians are worse" is hardly debating the subject. Let alone butting into an argument you have nothing to do with.

I hope you both realize how childish you look arguing about this BS...


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: zinfamous
I hope you both realize how childish you look arguing about this BS...


I guess I missed the part where I was being childish.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: zinfamous
what you're missing in Lemon Law's statement is that the violent extremists who use Islam don't use it because of their religion. They use the religion to rile up impoverished, disenfranchised, uneducated outcasts to sacrifice themselves against what they see as an invading, and increasingly tyranical culture (the West). It is not religion that spurns them to terrorize, but what they see as a final, desperate attempt to preserve their identity. That, is the cold-hard truth.

Please explain the recent attempted bombings in the UK then. Thank you.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Lets try the following thought experiment----if we want to examine the hypothesis that Islam is the new face of world violence.

And lets also realize that Christianity and Islam have somewhat an similar percentage of world wide population. And between the two religions---we are talking somewhere around 50% of the world's population.

And I live in the Good ole USA----and I can recite some huge numbers of not so wholesome Christian jerks if I am only limited to recent years---well where to start---Jim Jones and his Koolaide, David Korseh, Tim Mc Veigh , Ted Kazinski, Spiro Agnew, Pat Robertson, Ted Bundy, GWB&co., and the list we could all recite from our own memory could be damn near endless---and end up with many thousands of names at the tip of the tongue.

Yet when we deal with Islamic scum---how many names can we in the US recite at the tip of the tongue.---well certainly ole Ossama---ole Saddam is dead---chemical Ali is dead, and the ole Rumsfeld that urged they buy poison gas is still alive.

And as some what of a poll---how many Islamic NAMES---out of 1.4 billion---can anyone recite---10?---20?----50?

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