***Israel Planning Tactical Nuclear Attack***

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: tealk
Stealth planes is like an AMD K6 CPU in compared to what they have, remember they are very patient people.....
and I beleive in the near future you will see these things come to past and be used.

Do they have some "secret" aircraft that can match the F-22 Raptor and B-2 Stealth bomber's capabilities?
Please discuss.

Or is this classified information you don't want to discuss?
Did you sign an NDA with Israel?


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
F-22 and the Stealth like I said, don't even compare. Lets put it this way....the aircrafts dont use anything remotely like jet fuel. Which if you start thinking, means....very very quiet planes. Like I said best in the world, and yet to ever be seen in action. Yet that is.



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
so..... when you and your buddies are pinned from gunfire coming from an apartment bulding do you

A) call for an airstrike and kill everyone in there
B) retreat back and try another day

& those buildings were not hit as a result of rocket launches. Many sites in Beiruit were hit ... there were no rocket launchers there

By the way I would call for A .. cause I am a selfish individual who values my life more than others when I am being shot at.
every single situation is different, but you might be surprised by the number of channels such a decision must go through before actions are taken. That is where JAG comes in with their role as advisers. Commanders often turn to their legal experts to assist them in such decisions.

I have first-hand experience in situations that took hours to sort out for this very reason. Yes, of course the Joes such as myself want to level the place and end the fight, but quite often we were asked to come up with alternative solutions to the problem that placed soldiers at more risk than necessary simply to prevent the death of innocent civilians.

I have taken courses in the US Army that required thorough knowledge and understanding of the Laws of Warfare. When JAG is unavailable, commanders on the ground will turn to "experts," such as myself, for advice. It is up to us to help them weigh the options and decide how much force is necessary to eliminate threats originating from sensitive targets.

Another example occurs during mission planning. One of the most important pieces of information for the ground-pounders is a description of civilians in the area of a target. That information is used to decide the best possible course of action; one that limits the number of civilians exposed to danger. (Time of day, foot traffic, religious or historic buildings, etc).

The irony is that all of our enemies know all of this and exploit it as a weakness. They know that staging their operations next to schools or mosques will limit our response capabilities, so they use those locations against us! This is a SOP for insurgents and terrorists everywhere, including Hezbollah!

That's the reality of modern combat, and the Israeli's operate in a very similar fashion. Believing otherwise is just plain ignorant.

Once again, go study the Laws of Warfare instead of assuming that you know anything about modern combat.
I'm still waiting for Aimster's response to the post above... even though we know his posts are completely lacking in facts and details, they are filled with emotion which is always interesting to read...

Aimster? Ever going to respond? Please try to respond to it intelligently, and in depth... as in, more than one sentence of emotional fluff please. If you can, break it down and respond to each section appropriately...



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
F-22 and the Stealth like I said, don't even compare. Lets put it this way....the aircrafts dont use anything remotely like jet fuel. Which if you start thinking, means....very very quiet planes. Like I said best in the world, and yet to ever be seen in action. Yet that is.
Didn't Wonder-Woman have a plane like that?


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
Fighting....Russia/China gets involved(go against Isreal)....Rapture(Awsome-bye bye for beleivers).....AntiChrist comes to power, and calms things down(beginning of 7 year reign-first 3 are peaceful)....Isreal signs peace process(they have no choice but to sign, since US will be to weak at this point)......Things get waaaaaaaay worse.....AntiChrist shows his true Nature.

Any beleivers see the pattern the Lord has written for these last days?

If any of you don't know what I'm talking about......our world is currently in the fighting stage of this comment. Also if you don't beleive what I'm saying.....just take this for furture note....One Man WILL bring peace to this world for a short period of time. For it is written, that will be the start of the end. Also remember my timeline.....it will happen in this sequence. Then you will know what Revolations has written to happen, has. Hopfully it will not be to late for the people left here on earth.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
Fighting....Russia/China gets involved(go against Isreal)....Rapture(Awsome-bye bye for beleivers).....AntiChrist comes to power, and calms things down(beginning of 7 year reign-first 3 are peaceful)....Isreal signs peace process(they have no choice but to sign, since US will be to weak at this point)......Things get waaaaaaaay worse.....AntiChrist shows his true Nature.

Any beleivers see the pattern the Lord has written for these last days?

If any of you don't know what I'm talking about......our world is currently in the fighting stage of this comment. Also if you don't beleive what I'm saying.....just take this for furture note....One Man WILL bring peace to this world for a short period of time. For it is written, that will be the start of the end. Also remember my timeline.....it will happen in this sequence. Then you will know what Revolations has written to happen, has. Hopfully it will not be to late for the people left here on earth.
Bah, the only thing that bothers me about organized religion is the nonsense they set out each day to bring about in order to make their book appear true... the self-fulfilling prophecy folks all wrapped up in the end of the world and therefore willing it to happen. The craziest amongst them are actually looking forward to hell on earth and chaos! They're sick!

I put them in the same tinfoil-wearing category as the far Left lunatics around here who blame GWB for their own bloody stool... they all suffer from a missing link in their brains....all of them!


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
Just remember what was said.....you will live it. Only up to you to have Jesus as your personal savior.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
Just remember what was said.....you will live it. Only up to you to have Jesus as your personal savior.

What about every other person on the planet that doesnt beileive in Jesus.

I mean Christians are about 2.1 billion of the Earths Population

Other religions make up 4.567 Billion


So because 2.1 Billion think so the other 4.56 Billion are going to hell.

So 66% of the World population is going to hell because they dont believe in Jesus


Anandtech Moderator

So moderator, Me questioning the issue above is not on topic but telling us that 66% of the world population is going to suffer Eternal Damnation, thats on topic?

Im sorry if your singling me out confuses me somewhat and I am open to any further explanation you are willing to give as to why you would tell me to stay on topic but leave the other religous banter without comment.

I have been posting on the boards for years now and appreciate them as a great technical resource. However if you are going to start trying to Censor what I type, yet leave the posts in tact that I am responding to, I may have to go to Toms hardware, Or OC forums from here on out.

If I am mistaken in any way please let me know


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
Fighting....Russia/China gets involved(go against Isreal)....Rapture(Awsome-bye bye for beleivers).....AntiChrist comes to power, and calms things down(beginning of 7 year reign-first 3 are peaceful)....Isreal signs peace process(they have no choice but to sign, since US will be to weak at this point)......Things get waaaaaaaay worse.....AntiChrist shows his true Nature.

Any beleivers see the pattern the Lord has written for these last days?

If any of you don't know what I'm talking about......our world is currently in the fighting stage of this comment. Also if you don't beleive what I'm saying.....just take this for furture note....One Man WILL bring peace to this world for a short period of time. For it is written, that will be the start of the end. Also remember my timeline.....it will happen in this sequence. Then you will know what Revolations has written to happen, has. Hopfully it will not be to late for the people left here on earth.

Thanks for bringing total nonsense into the thread. There are plenty of other topics where discussion of these fairy tales is more appropriate.


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
"So because 2.1 Billion think so the other 4.56 Billion are going to hell. So 66% of the World population is going to hell because they dont believe in Jesus"

I'm sorry Solstice - but Yes that's exactly what the Bible tells us. Only way to enter the Kingdom of heaven for eternity, is through Jesus. There is alot of confusion, and tolerence in the world today. Some things are the way they are, if you want to beleive them or not. Everyone will be judged before him someday, what matters is if your name is in the book of Life when your seated before him. Bless You!
John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Which means - No one can enter heaven without excepting Jesus as your person Lord and savior.

Daniel 12:1-3 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people?everyone whose name is found written in the book?will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise [a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever."


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
"So because 2.1 Billion think so the other 4.56 Billion are going to hell. So 66% of the World population is going to hell because they dont believe in Jesus"

I'm sorry Solstice - but Yes that's exactly what the Bible tells us. Only way to enter the Kingdom of heaven for eternity, is through Jesus. There is alot of confusion, and tolerence in the world today. Some things are the way they are, if you want to beleive them or not. Everyone will be judged before him someday, what matters is if your name is in the book of Life when your seated before him. Bless You!
John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Which means - No one can enter heaven without excepting Jesus as your person Lord and savior.

Im sorry I just dont buy it and to me defines one of the largest issues I have with religion.

Some tribesman in some remote part of the world who has never seen or heard of the bible is going to hell because he happend to be born in a part of the world not pervy to Christianity.

The logical side of me finds a huge problem with that.



Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
His Glory is shown weather when they were not told the turth. He is a just God. Same goes for children, when young and not aware enough to understand. God's Glory will be shown if not understood, and in never told. That is without any doubt in me. God is just, will do what is right.



Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: Aimster
so..... when you and your buddies are pinned from gunfire coming from an apartment bulding do you

A) call for an airstrike and kill everyone in there
B) retreat back and try another day

& those buildings were not hit as a result of rocket launches. Many sites in Beiruit were hit ... there were no rocket launchers there

By the way I would call for A .. cause I am a selfish individual who values my life more than others when I am being shot at.
every single situation is different, but you might be surprised by the number of channels such a decision must go through before actions are taken. That is where JAG comes in with their role as advisers. Commanders often turn to their legal experts to assist them in such decisions.

I have first-hand experience in situations that took hours to sort out for this very reason. Yes, of course the Joes such as myself want to level the place and end the fight, but quite often we were asked to come up with alternative solutions to the problem that placed soldiers at more risk than necessary simply to prevent the death of innocent civilians.

I have taken courses in the US Army that required thorough knowledge and understanding of the Laws of Warfare. When JAG is unavailable, commanders on the ground will turn to "experts," such as myself, for advice. It is up to us to help them weigh the options and decide how much force is necessary to eliminate threats originating from sensitive targets.

Another example occurs during mission planning. One of the most important pieces of information for the ground-pounders is a description of civilians in the area of a target. That information is used to decide the best possible course of action; one that limits the number of civilians exposed to danger. (Time of day, foot traffic, religious or historic buildings, etc).

The irony is that all of our enemies know all of this and exploit it as a weakness. They know that staging their operations next to schools or mosques will limit our response capabilities, so they use those locations against us! This is a SOP for insurgents and terrorists everywhere, including Hezbollah!

That's the reality of modern combat, and the Israeli's operate in a very similar fashion. Believing otherwise is just plain ignorant.

Once again, go study the Laws of Warfare instead of assuming that you know anything about modern combat.
Aimster, do everyone here a favor and please lead us away from the land of Fairy Tales and Lollipops and back to the topic in the OP. You can do so by addressing my post above...


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
His Glory is shown weather when they were not told the turth. He is a just God. Same goes for children, when young and not aware enough to understand. God's Glory will be shown if not understood, and in never told. That is without any doubt in me. God is just, will do what is right.

Can you answer a couple of things for me

1. How is his Glory shown?
2. How exactly does the word of god Reach Native son an Island in say the year 200ad.

The truth is those billion fellow humans know of nothing but a story. Either the story is true, partially true, or totally fictitious. But it is their "faith" in that story that impacts and influences their lives.

If you can successfully demonstrate that Jesus and his teachings are anything but a story then I'll be the first in line to drop to my knees in worship. But I won't hold my breath.

This post isn't meant to piss you off either . As an atheist you have to expect me to take offense, or at least notice of, any post purporting to be a discussion of Jesus. I see absolutely no difference between this thread and one asking the community to have an open and honest discussion of the political views of leprechauns.

One week - Ignoring hijacking warning

Anandtech Moderator



Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
1)His Glory is shown in many ways, the way you are asking for is shown through Faith. Since it will not be shown on earth, but when you get to heaven. I can give you so many first hand accounts of personal miracles in my life that were brought to me directly from God shown in only a way he could have answered them. But the truth is, it is Faith 100%. Faith is what Jesus is all about. When you have him living in your heart, you know of nothing else, and want to tell everyone. That can only be described, by having the holly spirit living within you.
I'm sorry your an antheist, I pray that before the judgement day comes, you will have your heart right with your Lord Jesus.

2)And the word of God reaches far places thorugh many of thousands of missionaries around the world dedicating there whole lives to do just that, reaching people that have not heard the truth.

And the believers know more then just a story, Jesus tomb where he was put and he was crusified, is still in Isreal. You can go and see it. Want more.....the Ark of the Covenant that Moses described in the bible has been found. The jews will not release it yet, but that is over 2000 years old, in tact and in Isreal. They are waiting to show to the public, I think most in fear of what the Muslims will do when they find out the Jews can provide proof the land they occupy in Isreal is actually 100% there own, when they show a peace of history that can be technologically proven to be over 2000 years old. But that is yet to be shown, but widely known among the jewish population in isreal. (Like I said before very patient people)


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: tealk
1)His Glory is shown in many ways, the way you are asking for is shown through Faith. Since it will not be shown on earth, but when you get to heaven. I can give you so many first hand accounts of personal miracles in my life that were brought to me directly from God shown in only a way he could have answered them. But the truth is, it is Faith 100%. Faith is what Jesus is all about. When you have him living in your heart, you know of nothing else, and want to tell everyone. That can only be described, by having the holly spirit living within you.
I'm sorry your an antheist, I pray that before the judgement day comes, you will have your heart right with your Lord Jesus.

2)And the word of God reaches far places thorugh many of thousands of missionaries around the world dedicating there whole lives to do just that, reaching people that have not heard the truth.
That kinda makes me laugh at the poor shmuck who goes out of town the day the missionary visits his village... his whole family gets a free trip to Heaven, but he'll be stuck watching them drive away because he didnt get to hear "the truth"!

what utter nonsense...
Originally posted by: tealk
And the believers know more then just a story, Jesus tomb where he was put and he was crusified, is still in Isreal. You can go and see it. Want more.....the Ark of the Covenant that Moses described in the bible has been found. The jews will not release it yet, but that is over 2000 years old, in tact and in Isreal. They are waiting to show to the public, I think most in fear of what the Muslims will do when they find out the Jews can provide proof the land they occupy in Isreal is actually 100% there own, when they show a peace of history that can be technologically proven to be over 2000 years old. But that is yet to be shown, but widely known among the jewish population is isreal.
The plot thickens... the Ark has been found?

Is it widely "known" among Jews in Israel; or is it just "believed" or "hoped for"??

I didnt think so...

CAN WE PLEASE GET BACK ON TOPIC?! I really want to see Aimster's response to my posts above!


Diamond Member
May 27, 2005
Everyone will be judged not upon what there family heard, and is, or didnt see. You will each be judged seperately, and by your own actions. Simple as that. Just God.

One week - Ignoring hijacking warning

Anandtech Moderator

AnandTech Moderator

Staff member
Oct 12, 1999
People were warned to not hijack this thread.

Some refused to pay attention.

The people that continued the hijacking are on vacation for a week.
This way they have all the time they need for religious indoctrination.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
The most amazing part of all of this is the acceptance of the idea that iran's nuclear program is geared towards weapons development, when there is no proof whatsoever in the accusation. According to the IAEA, they're in full compliance with the NPT that they signed, if not with the "additional protocols" which they never agreed to...

That's from IAEA inspectors onsite at the Iranian facilities.

And it's a bit disingenuous coming from a country that's had its own clandestine weapons program for decades, something they only recently admitted...

Hope all you young neocons are ready to be drafted, because any unprovoked attack on Iran, by either the US or the Israelis, will unleash an incredible shitstorm. Y'all ready for WW3, with the US and Israelis as the aggressors?

QFT. WW3 where the enemy doesn't wear a uniform or surrender when they've suffered too many losses to sustain the fight. This fight is permanently sustainable... at least by them. The very capitalism+military marriage that created this world order with the US at the top seeks to eventually destroy it... and soon.


Dec 10, 2004
I'd be surprised if Israel didn't bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. Not like they haven't done it before. The way things are going, Iran will have nuclear capability in a few years, so someone is bound to bomb Iran before then. It's going to get worse over there before it get's better.


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2006
Squandered?? We have lost just over 3,000 soldiers! We lost more men than that in single battles in the World Wars, Vietnam etc... We are hardly crippled, and though you may not agree with his plan of action, the military certainly hasn't been squandered.


I'm sure somebody already responded to this, but I can't resist. somehow you think that our ability to wage war has to do with troop numbers... but it actually has to do with the money and equipment available to the military, but more importantly the ability of that military to deploy and fight. How can we possibly deploy and fight when our all-volunteer army is 100% committed to Iraq? It's mind boggling to comprehend the sh!t-storm that we're in the middle of... shiites vs. sunnis, where saudi arabia (your president's bosom buddy) is sunni and iran (our ally in the region's sworn enemy) is predominantly shiite. Hooray for religion - I'll let you fill in the rest of what is most likely in our future.


Jul 28, 2006
Ok Bush talked about Iran in tonight?s speech.
This begins with addressing Iran and Syria. These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.
He is moving another aircraft carrier to the area. And he is deploying Patriot missile systems to the area.
Plus we are putting another 20,000 troops into Iraq.

Could this all be the run up to allowing Israel to go in and take out the Iranian nuke program?
And we will work with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating the region.
All the things I mentioned above could certainly be seen as steps in preparing for such action.
Why do we need another carrier group in the gulf area when air power is not used very often in Iraq and when local based jets can do it so much quicker?

I would not be surprised to see part of the Israeli plan go into action in another month or two.
It would serve two purposes:
1.Halt Iran?s plans to build nuclear weapons
2. Sent a strong message to Iran to stop messing around with Iraq


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: tealk
F-22 and the Stealth like I said, don't even compare. Lets put it this way....the aircrafts dont use anything remotely like jet fuel. Which if you start thinking, means....very very quiet planes. Like I said best in the world, and yet to ever be seen in action. Yet that is.
Am curious, does anyone believe anything this guy is saying with these super planes?

Or is he talking about them taking the Ark out of its storage box and flying it over Iran?


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Lothar
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Lothar
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Lothar
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: Lothar
Originally posted by: Aimster
urban warfare means fighting in cities ...

so tell me the advantage a tank has over another tank when fighting an army hiddden in a city.


Google it.

yes because Israel's tank have proven to be great against roadside bombs and Russian post-1989 RPGs.

Wait, no they haven't.
No tank is unstoppable as we saw in the Israel-Lebanon conflict.

You can go ahead and blame Russian tech.

And what does that have to do with your original statement?
Nice attempt at back pedaling.

Because tanks are useless fighting masses of people, especially people hidden in apartment buildings.

Put a fleet of tanks in the middle of a city filled with an anti-tank teams and it will be easy target practice for them.

Insurgents are known for roadside bombs. They will fill the place up with them knocking out tank after tank.

Lucky for the U.S, the insurgency has ****** weapons. Not lucky for Israel that the insurgency/Hezbollah has weapons and stockpiles of them to take out their tanks.

Israel's tank is made to go against other tanks. It has a thick armor plate, but that isnt going to stop it from an rpg or a bomb. It is made to stop rpgs that groups such as the Palestinians have. Hezbollah was armed with weapons they were not supposed to have.
Israel's tank force is also perfect against an army of soldiers carrying the basic M16/A-47.

As far as where Hezbollah was firing their rockets from, all over. They were mostly firing them from inside the woods and then running away back into the cities. Sometimes they put the launchers on top of a hill so the rockets could go further.
Yes Hezbollah was hiding in the cities and this is why Israel surrounded the cities instead of entering them.
Israel occupied villages that were easy to grab. Israel did not enter the main cities because if you look at what I said above it would have been deadly.
Exactly why Israel bombed the living ****** out of the buildings I showed you.

Now the moral question is, did Israel do the right thing in bombing those cities to save the lives of their soldiers while risking/killing civilians in the process?

The main deaths for both Hezbollah and Israeli forces happened at the frontline. The frontline is mostly green areas. If you look at Hezbollah training videos you will see exactly what the front looks like. Filled with hills, grass, and trees. The areas that don't have the green have a lot of dirt.

I said Merkava tank is more adept at urban warfare than an M1 Abrams tank.
I never said tanks in general are effective in urban warfare.

Learn how to read plz.
k thx.

Reading Wiki (for basic knowledge) and Jane's Defense Weekly on how much more effective a Merkava is over an Abrams would certainly be a good start for you since it appears your knowledge on this area is limited.

It appears you lack common sense.

There is ZERO advantage a Merkava tank has in a city filled with anti-tank teams over a M1 Abram tank.

What the Merkava is invisible? Amazing.

If you want to share what advantage it has then share it. Otherwise stop rambling on without posting a single fact or scenario.

Where did I say the Merkava tank is invincible?
Did you fail english in Primary/elementary school?
It appears you lack any sort of reading comprehension.

Like I said, it only takes a few seconds to dig Wiki on the advantage of a Merkava Mark IV vs an Abrams.
If you don't know how to use google, I can't teach you that one.

Hey look more insults and no facts.

I am not going to dig up your BS for you.
If you cannot post why then you sir do not know.

Are you too lazy to type why the tank has a better advantage in the city than U.S tanks?
You obviously claim you know why so post.

Why do I have to dig anything up if you already have the answer?


Jan 5, 2003
Israel admits they didnt accomplish their misssion inside Lebanon:

Gen Halutz : Israel failed to achieve all its objectives in its war against Hezbollah.
Gen Halutz : short- and mid-range Hezbollah missiles had not been disabled
Gen Halutz : it would be a mistake to try now to use the military to try to free two Israeli soldiers
Gen Halutz: War hurt Israeli deterrent ability.

This is the same guy who said "There is never going to be a cease fire until we get back our soldiers"


So dont sit here and think Israel has some unstoppable army. Like I said if the U.S is having a hell of a time inside Iraq with a much more better army than Israel then why the **** is Israel going to do any better?
Nothing more than Fanboys talking.

There is nothing more to debate with this issue. Israel has spoken and they spoke like a true nation. A nation that understands they are not GODs or robots and that men fighting men has consequences. They seem to be in check with reality.
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