***Israel Planning Tactical Nuclear Attack***

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Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Aimster
Originally posted by: dna
You're just a little know-it-all, aren't you?

A simple example would be the AT-14 missile which has a range of up to 5.5km.

And again, with Beirut.... tell me, where do you get your intel from?

EDIT: here you go, so you'll shut up about Beirut already: IDF: Hezbollah leaders' bunker hit

Hezbollah said via its Al-Manar television station that none of its leaders was in the bunker at the time of the huge Israeli airstrike. Hezbollah earlier said Israel hit a religious center with the attack.

Ain't that funny how they first said that it was a religious center.....

uhm... Christian neighborhoods were hit in Beirut. Hundreds of targets were hit.

Power was knocked out. Water was knocked out.

War with Hezbollah or Lebanon?

Lebanon was letting Hezbollah/syria be in control. Sleeping in the same bed.
It was not until the bed caught on fire did Lebanon complain.



Golden Member
Aug 14, 2006
Originally posted by: Aimster
uhm... Christian neighborhoods were hit in Beirut. Hundreds of targets were hit.

Power was knocked out. Water was knocked out.

War with Hezbollah or Lebanon?

You speak as if all Christians absolutely abhor Hezbollah, when in the recent demonstrations some Christians groups joined Hezbollah.

As for the targets that were bombed, all I have to say is this (yet again): what is the source of your intel? Or are you merely using religion as a criteria for determining the suitability of a target?

And by the way, from what I remember, the IAF bombed a Lebanese army radar station after an Israeli ship was struck by a missile -- I guess they used the radar facility to lock in on the ship. So, you see, it's not so simple as you're trying to make it look.

BTW, I noticed you tiptoed around the issue of responsibility; did you finally figured out that Hezbollah's tactics are not defensible?


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2001
Originally posted by: fubar569
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
how do you people continue with this warmungering while our troop contine to die in iraq for all the wrong reasons!

further, it's totally f'd up that some of you will jump right behind isreals hypocrisy, as they plan to attack this country with the very same technology they are basing their reason for attack on.

some of you never fail to amaze me!

so you would let iran arm themselves, and kill millions...i liken the responsibility of posessing nukes to that of having a CCW permit...you gotta know when and where to use it...in this case iran just wants them to kill anyone not aligning with them and thier way of life. they are a threat and a danger to us and our allies wherever we may be. if they are allowed to get the bomb, who knows where they might use it...or god forbid they let someone else use it...if one or two well placed underground weapons saves my ass 20 years down the road then so be it...

better yet lets pose it this way...if YOU were the leader of Israel...and on your doorstep you had a radical islamic government publicly on a world stage denonce your existance and pledge to wipe you off the face of the planet...and this country was actively pursuing atomic weaponry...wouldnt you have reason to believe they just might use it to accomplish that goal? how would you react? would you sit down to a dinner table and let them mock you over and over while blowing smoke in the worlds eyes...or stand up and tell them to stuff it up thier ass and STOP them before they even got that far?

EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.

there are just as many EXTREMIST in and around the isreali government as there are in iran yet we obviously weren't that worried about them wiping out everything within nukes reach. isreal is out of control... i can't believe they are actually considering nuclear warfare on any level.

our govenment continues to over step our bounds around the world. instead of exercising diplomacy and spreading democracy, we have gotten into the habit of threatening with sanctions and/or force. the us is slowly becoming the totalitarian leader our global society. i mean, if other countries don't want our democracy, we sure shouldn't force feed it to them.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!
and everything you write here is the same.. so what's your point?

Our President said that Iran is supporting sectarian violence and continues towards their goal of building nuclear bombs. That should be good enough for you. It's sad that our government has lost all credibility with its own citizens...

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.
I'd rather err on the side of caution and see their program destroyed. When I gamble, I like to stack the deck in my favor...

there are just as many EXTREMIST in and around the isreali government as there are in iran
that's funny! I've never seen any Israeli suicide units...

yet we obviously weren't that worried about them wiping out everything within nukes reach. isreal is out of control... i can't believe they are actually considering nuclear warfare on any level.
All responsible militaries wargame every possible option. Nuclear bunker-busting bombs are very low-yield bombs equivalent to five or six MOABs. They are also just one of the options Israeli has at their disposal.

our govenment continues to over step our bounds around the world. instead of exercising diplomacy and spreading democracy, we have gotten into the habit of threatening with sanctions and/or force.
what other form of "negotiating" is there when the enemy absolutely refuses to stop their programs?! Our enemies are not rational people -- they think that the oil they have at their disposal is enough to blackmail the rest of the world into allowing them to do whatever they wish.

the us is slowly becoming the totalitarian leader our global society. i mean, if other countries don't want our democracy, we sure shouldn't force feed it to them.
That's where you're wrong though. Quite often it's not the people of a country that don't want democracy, it's the religious leaders or government officials in that country that do not want democracy. In other words, those who have power now are afraid that democracy will lead to the end of their power. The actual citizens on the streets want democracy -- I'm sure you recall the incredible turnouts at all of the elections thus far in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The voter turnout in both countries negates your entire "they dont want democracy" argument.


Senior member
Mar 20, 2005
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.


so now im a government puppet i suppose...considering i'm the only staunch opponent of the republican administration in this town...oh wait thats because i happen to have chosen to read and educate MYSELF instead of letting bush force feed me bullshit...

you cannot sit here and DENY THE FACT that:

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

if i had this idiot on my doorstep and I was the leader of israel or any other self-sustaining nation, the threat would've been ERASED A LONG TIME AGO. iran's current leadership is a menace and a danger to the world...

also, answer me this...

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

would you trust him telling you he was gonna go to the grocery store and bring back dinner? hell i wouldnt trust the guy for 2 minutes alone on the toilet...

you can continue to live in your happy little world...meanwhile i'll be out here in the real one hoping somebody will stand up and do what we need to do...


Senior member
Mar 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
Iran's leader is not akmadahskadhsakjda

technically you're right...there is the supreme council and then the "elected president" which is that idiot...then the rest of the screwballs running the country


Senior member
Mar 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Aimster
anyone who rules Iran is an idiot and needs to be wiped off the map.

now you're starting to catch on!

personally i dont care about islam, or how they choose to run thier country...it could be aherd of goats making the decisions over there...

but when they start funnelling equipment and resources at groups who's sole goal is the destruction of western society then i tend to get a little peeved off...

if they were keeping to themselves and developing nuclear technology in open view for all to see that it was peaceful...and quit sponsoring and harboring terrorists, etc...they would have my respect back...

till then...yes they need to be eliminated...plain and simple...


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: KurskKnyaz

... long meaningless advertisement deleted...

Hope that clears things up for you aimster

You're not serious, are you? You quote some sales brochures and that in your mind proves that it's the greatest tank ever? It's like me showing this video (which is an advertisement movie about how good the updated Su-35 is) in some argument about military aviation and consider the argument closed. I mean, just see how easily it shoots down our fighters and bombers! It must be true! It's the greatest fighter ever!

We all saw how well the Merkava did last July -- not well at all. The proof is in the pudding as our British brethren would say.


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2001
Originally posted by: fubar569
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.


so now im a government puppet i suppose...considering i'm the only staunch opponent of the republican administration in this town...oh wait thats because i happen to have chosen to read and educate MYSELF instead of letting bush force feed me bullshit...

you cannot sit here and DENY THE FACT that:

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

if i had this idiot on my doorstep and I was the leader of israel or any other self-sustaining nation, the threat would've been ERASED A LONG TIME AGO. iran's current leadership is a menace and a danger to the world...

also, answer me this...

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

would you trust him telling you he was gonna go to the grocery store and bring back dinner? hell i wouldnt trust the guy for 2 minutes alone on the toilet...

you can continue to live in your happy little world...meanwhile i'll be out here in the real one hoping somebody will stand up and do what we need to do...

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

1 - 3) What is your source of information? George Bush? Sharon? You?
4) And the US, UK, and many others have voiced their disapproval with Iran's leader - SO WHAT! Until you show me proof that he's done ANYTHING but talk like everyone else talks about whatever they'd like to then this is nothing!
5) Umm, everyone else has nuclear power - who are we to stop other countries from attaining nuclear advancements just b/c we THINK they MIGHT allow the technology to fall into the wrong hands, or as some of you seem to think, that they'd be stupid enough to point a weapon at the Isreal or the US.
6) iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced... so has he denounced the US's existance or kinda, pretty much, almost, denounced the US?
7) LOL

we know by your messages that if you were president you'd have invaded iraq and iran and afghanistan and cuba and africa all at the same time huh? well, that's whats wrong with the us... just because we think some people might or could or would possibly do something against our policies is no reason to invade their country.

Now that's the problem... these people don't owe the US or any other country a damn thing! When the US and Russia started their nuclear programs do you think they called and got clearance from Saddam or whoever the Saudi leader is?

Hell no, so why in the hell are we expecting anyone else around the world to do anything similar? We have absolutely no business interferring with Iran, Iraq, or any other country's business because we sure as hell don't accept anyone dictating to us! This double standard BS is just that - BS!

Just because we fear other countries having weapons like we have isn't a reason to impede the progress these people are making. Just because we don't agree with other countries policies don't give us a right to make changes for these people.

We wouldn't accept these same restrictions we are imposing - this is unacceptable!


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2001
Wait a minute! I am JUST NOW realizing something... what do the following countries have in common...

and now AFRICA

...I don't think it's just policy issues the US has with SOME countries! Because if it was just policy issues IRELAND and RUSSIA should certainly be on the list but their not as they continue to be some of the largest terror supporting countries in the world!

You figure it out!


Senior member
Mar 20, 2005
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
Originally posted by: fubar569
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.


so now im a government puppet i suppose...considering i'm the only staunch opponent of the republican administration in this town...oh wait thats because i happen to have chosen to read and educate MYSELF instead of letting bush force feed me bullshit...

you cannot sit here and DENY THE FACT that:

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

if i had this idiot on my doorstep and I was the leader of israel or any other self-sustaining nation, the threat would've been ERASED A LONG TIME AGO. iran's current leadership is a menace and a danger to the world...

also, answer me this...

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

would you trust him telling you he was gonna go to the grocery store and bring back dinner? hell i wouldnt trust the guy for 2 minutes alone on the toilet...

you can continue to live in your happy little world...meanwhile i'll be out here in the real one hoping somebody will stand up and do what we need to do...

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

1 - 3) What is your source of information? George Bush? Sharon? You?
4) And the US, UK, and many others have voiced their disapproval with Iran's leader - SO WHAT! Until you show me proof that he's done ANYTHING but talk like everyone else talks about whatever they'd like to then this is nothing!
5) Umm, everyone else has nuclear power - who are we to stop other countries from attaining nuclear advancements just b/c we THINK they MIGHT allow the technology to fall into the wrong hands, or as some of you seem to think, that they'd be stupid enough to point a weapon at the Isreal or the US.
6) iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced... so has he denounced the US's existance or kinda, pretty much, almost, denounced the US?
7) LOL

we know by your messages that if you were president you'd have invaded iraq and iran and afghanistan and cuba and africa all at the same time huh? well, that's whats wrong with the us... just because we think some people might or could or would possibly do something against our policies is no reason to invade their country.

Now that's the problem... these people don't owe the US or any other country a damn thing! When the US and Russia started their nuclear programs do you think they called and got clearance from Saddam or whoever the Saudi leader is?

Hell no, so why in the hell are we expecting anyone else around the world to do anything similar? We have absolutely no business interferring with Iran, Iraq, or any other country's business because we sure as hell don't accept anyone dictating to us! This double standard BS is just that - BS!

Just because we fear other countries having weapons like we have isn't a reason to impede the progress these people are making. Just because we don't agree with other countries policies don't give us a right to make changes for these people.

We wouldn't accept these same restrictions we are imposing - this is unacceptable!

ok...we'll do it your way then...

and as a few hundred thousand israelis or americans or whoever lose thier lives cause some whackjob decided to sell a bomb to mohanmmad al'weutvhbsliutbhai i will be staring you right in the face saying i told you so...

you also didn't bother to answer any of my other points...most notably this one:

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

since you're so damn smart...explain that one!

aside from that, did i say i would invade them? no i said wipe the ****** out...and i clearly pointed out my reasoning....to which you basically said yeah whatever and again failed to acknowledge some basic and well-known facts...everything i have said has been the general well and world-wide accepted TRUTH!!! - also i said if they stick to themselves and leave us alone we would have no reason to act, but they blow up airplanes, sponsor terrorism, funnel arms to terrorist groups, and pledged death to one of our closest allies then disclosed the nuclear program might not exactly be peaceful.....the nutjob has lashed out more than once and killed more than one person more than once...yet you turn a blind eye to all of that and you practically wanna hand them the power of god on a ****** silver platter? ARE YOU INSANE?

like i said, if they did it peacefully and kept to themselves, i'd have no issues with them...but it's been proven TIME AND TIME AGAIN his words are not idle threats. they have killed people of many ethnicities in the name of "jihad" or whatever the hell they think is a good reason at the time...you name it they've done it...the burden of proof is now on them to rectify those ways...and if they do not, then ****** THEM and GET RID OF THEM before they do it again...


Senior member
Dec 1, 2003
Originally posted by: fornax
Originally posted by: KurskKnyaz

... long meaningless advertisement deleted...

Hope that clears things up for you aimster

You're not serious, are you? You quote some sales brochures and that in your mind proves that it's the greatest tank ever? It's like me showing this video (which is an advertisement movie about how good the updated Su-35 is) in some argument about military aviation and consider the argument closed. I mean, just see how easily it shoots down our fighters and bombers! It must be true! It's the greatest fighter ever!

We all saw how well the Merkava did last July -- not well at all. The proof is in the pudding as our British brethren would say.

That was there to point out to aimster that the Merkava has certain advantages in urban warefare over other tanks, and it clearly does.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: fornax
Originally posted by: KurskKnyaz

... long meaningless advertisement deleted...

Hope that clears things up for you aimster

You're not serious, are you? You quote some sales brochures and that in your mind proves that it's the greatest tank ever? It's like me showing this video (which is an advertisement movie about how good the updated Su-35 is) in some argument about military aviation and consider the argument closed. I mean, just see how easily it shoots down our fighters and bombers! It must be true! It's the greatest fighter ever!

We all saw how well the Merkava did last July -- not well at all. The proof is in the pudding as our British brethren would say.

He didn't say it's the "best tank" ever.
An M1A2 Abrams *should* win vs. a Merkava in a deathmatch contest, no question.

However, the Merkava has certain advantages and capabilities in urban warfare that an Abrams doesn't.


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2001
Originally posted by: fubar569
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
Originally posted by: fubar569
Originally posted by: tbrooks40
EVERYTHING you just said was straight off the 6 o'clock (or should i say 6 o'shock) news and has absolutely no factual basis whatsoever!

me nor you have the slightest idea why iran is seeking nuclear technology. they say it to enjoy the same technological and economic advances nuclear power provides the us, uk, and even isreal.


so now im a government puppet i suppose...considering i'm the only staunch opponent of the republican administration in this town...oh wait thats because i happen to have chosen to read and educate MYSELF instead of letting bush force feed me bullshit...

you cannot sit here and DENY THE FACT that:

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

if i had this idiot on my doorstep and I was the leader of israel or any other self-sustaining nation, the threat would've been ERASED A LONG TIME AGO. iran's current leadership is a menace and a danger to the world...

also, answer me this...

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

would you trust him telling you he was gonna go to the grocery store and bring back dinner? hell i wouldnt trust the guy for 2 minutes alone on the toilet...

you can continue to live in your happy little world...meanwhile i'll be out here in the real one hoping somebody will stand up and do what we need to do...

1. iran has been and continues to be a sponsor of GLOBAL TERRORISM
2. iran has been meddling in iraqi affairs
3. who has been arming hezbollah? the US?
4. iran has publically denounced Israel's existance and pledged to wipe it off the face of the planet
5. iran continues to defy the will of the world in the pursuit of nuclear technology
6. iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced the existance of the united states of america and given our opponents a means to strike us wether it be actual equipment or monetary funding to do so
7. and on and on and on...

1 - 3) What is your source of information? George Bush? Sharon? You?
4) And the US, UK, and many others have voiced their disapproval with Iran's leader - SO WHAT! Until you show me proof that he's done ANYTHING but talk like everyone else talks about whatever they'd like to then this is nothing!
5) Umm, everyone else has nuclear power - who are we to stop other countries from attaining nuclear advancements just b/c we THINK they MIGHT allow the technology to fall into the wrong hands, or as some of you seem to think, that they'd be stupid enough to point a weapon at the Isreal or the US.
6) iran's leader himself has also pretty much denounced... so has he denounced the US's existance or kinda, pretty much, almost, denounced the US?
7) LOL

we know by your messages that if you were president you'd have invaded iraq and iran and afghanistan and cuba and africa all at the same time huh? well, that's whats wrong with the us... just because we think some people might or could or would possibly do something against our policies is no reason to invade their country.

Now that's the problem... these people don't owe the US or any other country a damn thing! When the US and Russia started their nuclear programs do you think they called and got clearance from Saddam or whoever the Saudi leader is?

Hell no, so why in the hell are we expecting anyone else around the world to do anything similar? We have absolutely no business interferring with Iran, Iraq, or any other country's business because we sure as hell don't accept anyone dictating to us! This double standard BS is just that - BS!

Just because we fear other countries having weapons like we have isn't a reason to impede the progress these people are making. Just because we don't agree with other countries policies don't give us a right to make changes for these people.

We wouldn't accept these same restrictions we are imposing - this is unacceptable!

ok...we'll do it your way then...

and as a few hundred thousand israelis or americans or whoever lose thier lives cause some whackjob decided to sell a bomb to mohanmmad al'weutvhbsliutbhai i will be staring you right in the face saying i told you so...

you also didn't bother to answer any of my other points...most notably this one:

if thier nuclear program was solely for the purpose of providing nuclear power and had no potiental weapons capability whatsoever...why do they have hardened underground facilities? why the secrecy? why won't they simply comply with western demands or accept some sort of compromise?....conversely, if the program is for weapons production, gee that would seem to explain quite a few things now wouldnt it? the shroud of secrecy, the underground compounds, the public boasting of a irrational and borderline psycopathic leader...etc...you don't compile a peaceful program in a total shroud of secrecy in underground hardened compounds and then not mention a word to anyone until the cat is out of the bag...

since you're so damn smart...explain that one!

aside from that, did i say i would invade them? no i said wipe the ****** out...and i clearly pointed out my reasoning....to which you basically said yeah whatever and again failed to acknowledge some basic and well-known facts...everything i have said has been the general well and world-wide accepted TRUTH!!! - also i said if they stick to themselves and leave us alone we would have no reason to act, but they blow up airplanes, sponsor terrorism, funnel arms to terrorist groups, and pledged death to one of our closest allies then disclosed the nuclear program might not exactly be peaceful.....the nutjob has lashed out more than once and killed more than one person more than once...yet you turn a blind eye to all of that and you practically wanna hand them the power of god on a ****** silver platter? ARE YOU INSANE?

like i said, if they did it peacefully and kept to themselves, i'd have no issues with them...but it's been proven TIME AND TIME AGAIN his words are not idle threats. they have killed people of many ethnicities in the name of "jihad" or whatever the hell they think is a good reason at the time...you name it they've done it...the burden of proof is now on them to rectify those ways...and if they do not, then ****** THEM and GET RID OF THEM before they do it again...

Don't get so bent out of shape son. What you view as "the widely accepted truth" I view as total BS is all.

Just like the Bush administration, you continue to talk about "what could happen". The fact is that none of these countries have done anything close to what OUR govenment and their allies continues to do 365 days a year.

They have killed and mamed more people (the vast majority of whom are innocent citizens) in the last 8 years than Korea, Iran, Cuba, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, and India combined in this so-called war on terror.

Yet, the main reason this so-called war on terror even began continues to evade us. Hell, if they could find Sadaam Hussein in a freakin hole a million miles away in his own country no less - they sure as hell could have found Bin Laden. Instead, we invade a totally different country to overthrow, capture, and eventually kill a man that had absolutely NOTHING to do with 911.

When our government took the majority of our troops out of the hills of Afghanistan to go start a war with Iraq AND after Bush okay'd the government plane to fly Bin Laden's family back to Saudia Arabia I knew there was WAY more to this so-called war on terror than we were led to believe.

We are now actually performing airstrikes in parts of Africa - destroying yet another countries land, resources, infrastructure under this same guise of suspected al-queda operatives as the target and no one has said a thing.

Wake Up - the second largest oil reserve in the world is in Africa - second only to the middle east.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2001

"I would hope that if Israel did attack Iran unprovoked, the rest of the world would tell Israel it's alone on this one."

Since when has Israel not been alone in whatever it did to defend itself?


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Originally posted by: tvarad

"I would hope that if Israel did attack Iran unprovoked, the rest of the world would tell Israel it's alone on this one."

Since when has Israel not been alone in whatever it did to defend itself?

Since maybe the late 1940s when it became America's 51st Welfare State?


Senior member
Dec 1, 2003
conspiracy after conspiracy....

"When our government took the majority of our troops out of the hills of Afghanistan to go start a war with Iraq AND after Bush okay'd the government plane to fly Bin Laden's family back to Saudia Arabia I knew there was WAY more to this so-called war on terror than we were led to believe. "

Bin Ladens family has nothing to do with Bin Laden. They are normal people who were removed for security reasons. 60 Minutes actually interview Bin Ladens brother. Bin Laden also has a really hot sister.

I agree Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but Bush wanted to go after Iraq from the very beginning and he had good reasons to (although I I think he did it too early). He just used 9/11 to gain the publics support, we didn't attack Iraq because of 9/11..

"We are now actually performing airstrikes in parts of Africa - destroying yet another countries land, resources, infrastructure under this same guise of suspected al-queda operatives as the target and no one has said a thing.

Wake Up - the second largest oil reserve in the world is in Africa - second only to the middle east.


By that logic we should be bombing Venezuela.


Senior member
Dec 1, 2003
Originally posted by: Gigantopithecus
Originally posted by: tvarad

"I would hope that if Israel did attack Iran unprovoked, the rest of the world would tell Israel it's alone on this one."

Since when has Israel not been alone in whatever it did to defend itself?

Since maybe the late 1940s when it became America's 51st Welfare State?

He means in terms of actual fighting. BTW the US does not just give hard money to Israel. It's more like store credit at the US arsenal. Well-fare state? Give me a break, Israel sustains it's economy just fine without the U.S's help.

Arabs use these kinds of ridiculous terms in describing Israel or its actions in a more dramatic way, even though the terms don't apply. We've all heard that Israel commits genocide against Palestinians but only attacks a specific few, it is an apartheid state but all ethnic groups have equal legal rights, a welfare state with a sustained economy, a nuclear threat that never threatened anyone, a Jewish aggressor that has never started a war, ...etc

...but then again to an Arab, anyone who is dies is a martyr. ...heart attack - martyr ...auto collision - martyr ...chokes on food - martyr..Allah bless him

you get the idea, just cut the BS


Senior member
Dec 1, 2003
However, the Merkava has certain advantages and capabilities in urban warfare that an Abrams doesn't.

The cannons on the Merkava and Abrams are the same and are made by the Germans.
also, the Merkava doesn't eat fuel as if there was a hole in the gas tank.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: tvarad

"I would hope that if Israel did attack Iran unprovoked, the rest of the world would tell Israel it's alone on this one."

Since when has Israel not been alone in whatever it did to defend itself?

You underestimate the Israeli resolve...


Senior member
Mar 20, 2005
no harm no foul...

however i still think we need to reach out and touch a few cultures...tell them to BTFU...

i read a story about how there was a presumably islamic terrorist attack somewhere in the pacific theater. the person in command rounded up 50 locals, slaughtered some pigs, tied the 50 people up, dipped the bullets in pigs blood, shot 49 of them and buried them along with the pig remains and such, and let the 50th go....and for the longest time there was never another attack in the region...

i WISH I HAD A LINK FOR THAT....i think i got the general ponts of the story down however...

point being...we need to start growing some balls and taking care of business...


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2006
Originally posted by: KurskKnyaz
However, the Merkava has certain advantages and capabilities in urban warfare that an Abrams doesn't.

The cannons on the Merkava and Abrams are the same and are made by the Germans.
also, the Merkava doesn't eat fuel as if there was a hole in the gas tank.

I know


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
If Israel convinces itself of starting a nuclear war in the Middle East, then I see no problem with Iran buying some nukes from Pakistan and giving it to their proxies to blow up in Tel Aviv. It'll be good for the Arabs in Middle East in particular and the world in general. The Arabs will get rid of their two hated enemies and the world won't have to worry about these two headaches anymore.
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