Israel warns: free soldier or PM dies

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smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: DrPizzaWhat do you suppose turns someone into a terrorist? Do you suppose they go to their guidance counselor who says "well, with grades like yours, you'd make an ideal terrorist."
Or, do you suppose genetics play a role in becoming a terrorist?

Consider this: An unemployed male, 20 years old. His father is killed after an attack to take out some known terrorist. Later, another close relative is killed senselessly by the Israelis. (senselessly in his opinion; in the Israeli's opinion, it was justified, because the person standing 20 feet from him was a terrorist.) Do you not suppose that this might cause enough anger in this young man to convince him to commit acts of terrorism against Israel?

Every time you kill more Palestinians, you create more people out to avenge their deaths. Well, if the count is correct, there are a lot of people on the Palestinian side who don't feel that their brother's/sister's/mother's/father's/cousin's/etc. death has been avenged yet.

First of all, hate is what makes someone into a terrorist. And the hate was there before and without anybody dying on the Palestinian side (See Hebron massacre in 1929 before Israel had any land and before there was a state).

Secondly, I certainly don't buy that everyone Israel killed was an innocent civillian. That's a freaking important point that you overlooked. And even from those who are claimed to be innocents that were killed through Israeli actions, I doubt many of them are. The terrorists intentionally blur the line between civillians and not, it helps them to win the PR war which they certainly do. It's their fault civillians get killed. Israel has to respond to terror, and they terrorists hide among, and pretend to be civillians. If they cared so much about Palestinians they wouldn't do what they do. THEY bring it upon themselves and their people they profess to care about.

But what you say is true, civillians do die, and more hate is thereby created. And that's the obvious problem with fighting a group who hide among civillians. However, Israel is out of options, they have no choice in the matter. They cannot sit back and let their citizens be attacked. They must strike back each time or the murder will just go on unchecked.

You want to know what the palestines say after every israelly attacks?

They cannot sit back and let their citizens be attacked. They must strike back each time or the murder will just go on unchecked.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

It is not logic. It is always proceeded by the inane assumption or demonic intention to pretend the enemy is a monster and not a human identical to you. Every killer of man is a good person because he kills scum. He can't allow himself to see that makes him the same kind of scum. "It is always the other who is the monster and never ever me." He who hates himself needs a monster on which to dump that hate. There is no hate where self hate isn't the source. Man is in denial because what he first sees of the truth is that he himself IS the scum that he hates. Imagine the job required to reach truth then. One has to learn to love scum. Crucifixion and resurrection are actually forgiveness. Gods love falls on you as your love falls on scum.

Quoted for Mother ****** truth.

Israel invented terrorism. It's kinda funny that they are getting hit back with it.

Either way though it's not ending soon. One side needs to die or both sides need something so severe for them to realize it. And I can think of something in mind... We nuke it all. I know I know call me an idiot. But really this ****** is so pathetic. Will they miss it more when it's gone and realize it was that useless to fight for it? lol well hey it's my kinda solution.
Early Israelis attacked the British military. Call it what you want, but I define terrorism as attacking innocent civillians for a politcal end. BLowing up busses, resturants, wanton murder of completely innocent civillians. If you cannot see the difference you are being willfully blind.

So there was nothing wrong with kidnap that solder?
Normally I would not say this attack was a terror attack. However, the people that did it are terrorists, they belong to a terrorist organization, making it a terrorist attack. Looking through the lens of the history of Hamas and PRC, I can't take one attack and decide that they are not terrorists.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Israel invented terrorism.
The ignorance on these forums never ceases to amaze me.
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
It's kinda funny that they are getting hit back with it.
Well, if it's funny, then I hope you die from laughter.


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Israel invented terrorism.
The ignorance on these forums never ceases to amaze me.
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
It's kinda funny that they are getting hit back with it.
Well, if it's funny, then I hope you die from laughter.

I hope you die from sucking bong but hey I'm good.

When I say israel invented terrorism I mean just look at israel. They still actively employ terorism. I mean look at the thread title. The "terrorists" or arabs are classified under UN Sanctions as freedom fighters and Israel as an occupying force. Therefore they are fighting for what they rightfully have and israel is using terrorism and force to subdue them as when they first invaded.

It goes both ways and with Israel being the one to invade they were the first to use it. Happy? Don't think so but take what you can get


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Praxis1452
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

It is not logic. It is always proceeded by the inane assumption or demonic intention to pretend the enemy is a monster and not a human identical to you. Every killer of man is a good person because he kills scum. He can't allow himself to see that makes him the same kind of scum. "It is always the other who is the monster and never ever me." He who hates himself needs a monster on which to dump that hate. There is no hate where self hate isn't the source. Man is in denial because what he first sees of the truth is that he himself IS the scum that he hates. Imagine the job required to reach truth then. One has to learn to love scum. Crucifixion and resurrection are actually forgiveness. Gods love falls on you as your love falls on scum.

Quoted for Mother ****** truth.

Israel invented terrorism. It's kinda funny that they are getting hit back with it.

Either way though it's not ending soon. One side needs to die or both sides need something so severe for them to realize it. And I can think of something in mind... We nuke it all. I know I know call me an idiot. But really this ****** is so pathetic. Will they miss it more when it's gone and realize it was that useless to fight for it? lol well hey it's my kinda solution.

Wow, thanks for proving Moonbeam right. Not that it was needed.


Golden Member
Apr 19, 2003
Palestinian terrorists issued an ultimatum regarding the release of Shalit until 6:00 A.M. tomorrow. Quite a coincidence that exactly 30 years ago, another Palestinian terrorists' ultimatum was about to reach an end on the very same 4th of July; only that back then the crisis was brough to an end with what had become known as one of the most legendary, most successful and daring hostage rescue operations the world has even seen.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: Meuge
Originally posted by: dahunan
WE THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA will have to pay possibly $48,000,000 to rebuild the power plant that Israel bombed.. :roll:

God LOVES Violence.. at least the God known as Jesus's Dad does (the God of the Jewish people).. Jesus's would be a little homo by todays standards
"We the people of America?"

The plant is commercially insured. How the ****** are you making that link?


In July 2004, a subsidiary of Morganti Group Inc., a Connecticut-based construction company, received $48 million in political risk insurance for the 140 megawatt plant from the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC), an arm of the U.S. government that backs American business deals abroad.

You can discount the source if you like, but...

"The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is a self-sustaining federal agency that sells investment services to small, medium and large American businesses expanding into approximately 150 developing nations and emerging markets around the world. Charging user-fees for its services, OPIC operates at no net cost to the American taxpayer."


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2006
LOOK LOOK, I found more people who believe the net worth of 1 israeli > hundreds of palestinian civilians. Also consider this scenario, Israeli planes fly over PM Syria house, Syria has auto defense pact with Iran, Israel has defense pact with US; Iran, Russia, and China has mutual defense pact. Situation is definately ill. WWIII anyone?


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Goalitalia
LOOK LOOK, I found more people who believe the net worth of 1 israeli > hundreds of palestinian civilians. Also consider this scenario, Israeli planes fly over PM Syria house, Syria has auto defense pact with Iran, Israel has defense pact with US; Iran, Russia, and China has mutual defense pact. Situation is definately ill. WWIII anyone?
LOOK LOOK, I found another secondary profile used to troll!


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2006
Are you serious....I just signed up a couple days ago..Talk to purplehippo if you have questions. But in the mean time, try to keep your posts at a above rural- Arkansas intelligence level.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Goalitalia
Are you serious....I just signed up a couple days ago..Talk to purplehippo if you have questions. But in the mean time, try to keep your posts at a above rural- Arkansas intelligence level.


Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
No matter who we are it seems we think we're better than every body else. It couldn't be more obvious than that this arises out of the fact that we actually feel inferior. There is no other possible explanation for arrogant self flattery than as a cover for inferiority.

Given that and a bit of realistic imagination, it matters little whether the Palestinians or the Israelis win because they will both be wiped off the face of the earth by the Chinese.

This is why i :heart: and support China!
Go China Go.


Platinum Member
Dec 27, 2003
Originally posted by: GrGr
Originally posted by: dexvx
Originally posted by: daniel49
there is no government in the world that has been dealing with arab terrorists as long as Isreal.

They simply understand what it takes to deal with these people.
Something the United States and Europe have no stomach for.
You can see how well our ideas of appeasement have worked In Palestine.


And how successful has Isreal been? Despite an extreme hardline approach, they have failed to stop the underlying problem of Terrorism. While it may solve the issue in the short term, it does nothing in the long-term.

How can a nation that was founded by terrorists condemn terrorism. The enemy is using the same tool the Zionist terrorists did when they carved out the borderless nation known as Israel. The IDF knew some kind of kidnapping operation was under way using tunnels before the kidnapping took place and used that time to mobilize and build up and prepare for an invasion. The last few weeks before the invasion Israel killed some 20 civilians. Fact is that Israel is much better at killing Palestinian civilians than the terrorists are at killng Israelis.

Umm...nations other than Israel (Read: England, U.S.) designed Israel's borders.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Horus
Originally posted by: GrGr
Originally posted by: dexvx
Originally posted by: daniel49
there is no government in the world that has been dealing with arab terrorists as long as Isreal.

They simply understand what it takes to deal with these people.
Something the United States and Europe have no stomach for.
You can see how well our ideas of appeasement have worked In Palestine.


And how successful has Isreal been? Despite an extreme hardline approach, they have failed to stop the underlying problem of Terrorism. While it may solve the issue in the short term, it does nothing in the long-term.

How can a nation that was founded by terrorists condemn terrorism. The enemy is using the same tool the Zionist terrorists did when they carved out the borderless nation known as Israel. The IDF knew some kind of kidnapping operation was under way using tunnels before the kidnapping took place and used that time to mobilize and build up and prepare for an invasion. The last few weeks before the invasion Israel killed some 20 civilians. Fact is that Israel is much better at killing Palestinian civilians than the terrorists are at killng Israelis.
Umm...nations other than Israel (Read: England, U.S.) designed Israel's borders.
Shhh... don't damage the crust on this pile of ******.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2003

Aha so Israel isn't satisfied with that but wants more "Lebensraum"?


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: GrGr

Aha so Israel isn't satisfied with that but wants more "Lebensraum"?
Why don't you provide some evidence for that, instead of worthless trolling.

Let's see - since 1967 what has happened to Israel's territory. OMFGorZ - it has been shrinking! But how's that possible, when they are evil jews who clearly intend to conquer everything, and impregnate every woman with their evil seed!? Despite their overwhelming military superiority, they've been giving away land continuously! Oh, but it must all be a cunning plan by the Elders of Zion... and when everyone thinks that peace has come, they will strike!

^ Right?


Sep 15, 2000
Originally posted by: daniel49
there is no government in the world that has been dealing with arab terrorists as long as Isreal.

They simply understand what it takes to deal with these people.
Something the United States and Europe have no stomach for.
You can see how well our ideas of appeasement have worked In Palestine.

Not that what Israel is doing has been terribly effective.


Nov 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Kenazo
Originally posted by: daniel49
there is no government in the world that has been dealing with arab terrorists as long as Isreal.

They simply understand what it takes to deal with these people.
Something the United States and Europe have no stomach for.
You can see how well our ideas of appeasement have worked In Palestine.

Not that what Israel is doing has been terribly effective.

Let me use an example from a very interesting recent film to counter that:

- When you cut your nails, don't you understand that they're going to grow back? So then, why do you cut them?


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: daniel49
there is no government in the world that has been dealing with arab terrorists as long as Isreal.

They simply understand what it takes to deal with these people.
Something the United States and Europe have no stomach for.
You can see how well our ideas of appeasement have worked In Palestine.

I think that Europe has the stomach to go more extreme than Israel. They had a genocide just last decade on their own continent and organized others elsewhere. The stereotype is that Europeans are weak, and they are weak compared to some, but not to the poor and those they consider undesirable.


Golden Member
Aug 23, 2000
I don't understand why can people just have a blanket blame on Palestinians for all the deaths and attacks.

Both sides have their own f***ing faults, and both sides are getting what they deserves.

One of my Asian co-worker, who used to station in Israel, told me that when he was in Israel, he saw the suffering of Palestinian first hand. He literally saw a family of 10 packed in a 2 bedroom apartments. Frequently if a Palestinian family left for a few weeks, some Jewish hardliner will come and throw all their furnitures out of the house, and claim the house as their own. Then they have to get the soldiers there to get the house back. The Israel side get the vast majority of the resources: schools, hospitals, housing, water for agriculture, and the Palestinians have to wait for insufficient humanitarian aids in long lines. Kids grew up with parents who lost their home when Israel won the 6 day wars, and their family lost everything when they get kicked out of their home. All it took was a 7 year old girl to throw a stone at the Israeli tank to have them shut down the entire town's electricity. If you don't believe me, you can look at the San Francisco Chronicle's series from a couple years ago. They covered the struggles on both sides and did a very good job.

They kidnapped a SOLDIER, a freaking SOLDIER. When you join the army you are suppose to sacrafice for the greater good. Why is the government attacking university, politicians' office, and POWER PLANT to make a big deal out of it? What they are doing is harrassing the other side to create a pressure, or held the residents hostage, in exchange for a soldier.

Killing terrorists along with 10x the civilians ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE is never a smart move. What you are doing is a blanket killing that the Nazi and Japanese did in WWII. I don't care what people say about Palestinian's count include combatants, if you look at the children's death on both side you get the message that IDF just blow everything along the way including kids. It's not their kids, so they don't care.

Now, the Palestinians. They are not doing what they can in terms of getting more social services and corruption problems taken care of. They blame everything on Israel but Arafat did nothing but corruption along the way. You cannot win a war and get back your land if you are not self-controlling enough to do so. Where are the spokespersons and lobby groups to get international aids? Where are the Arab neighbors' fund for higher education and better health care, housing, etc? (I guess that's why Bin Laden is attacking the root cause of the problems, the Arab corruption in general, not that I support him, but he did see what many educated people see and agree with). All they did is blame, blame, and blame, and they want everything, the entire Israel should go away and the land back to them. This won't happen even if they have moral ground. What can you do with the rest of the Jews who grew up their and lived there for 2, 3, or 4 generations by now? It is their home too.

I think we (US, and the rest of the world) should just let them keep kicking themselves in the balls until they are both tired of it, then we can start the peace talk. That usually take a few generations to happen, or may never happen (i.e. Taiwan and China, Segregation in US and S. Africa, etc).


Junior Member
Jun 30, 2006
Originally posted by: PandaBear
I don't understand why can people just have a blanket blame on Palestinians for all the deaths and attacks.

Both sides have their own f***ing faults, and both sides are getting what they deserves.

One of my Asian co-worker, who used to station in Israel, told me that when he was in Israel, he saw the suffering of Palestinian first hand. He literally saw a family of 10 packed in a 2 bedroom apartments. Frequently if a Palestinian family left for a few weeks, some Jewish hardliner will come and throw all their furnitures out of the house, and claim the house as their own. Then they have to get the soldiers there to get the house back. The Israel side get the vast majority of the resources: schools, hospitals, housing, water for agriculture, and the Palestinians have to wait for insufficient humanitarian aids in long lines. Kids grew up with parents who lost their home when Israel won the 6 day wars, and their family lost everything when they get kicked out of their home. All it took was a 7 year old girl to throw a stone at the Israeli tank to have them shut down the entire town's electricity. If you don't believe me, you can look at the San Francisco Chronicle's series from a couple years ago. They covered the struggles on both sides and did a very good job.

They kidnapped a SOLDIER, a freaking SOLDIER. When you join the army you are suppose to sacrafice for the greater good. Why is the government attacking university, politicians' office, and POWER PLANT to make a big deal out of it? What they are doing is harrassing the other side to create a pressure, or held the residents hostage, in exchange for a soldier.

Killing terrorists along with 10x the civilians ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE is never a smart move. What you are doing is a blanket killing that the Nazi and Japanese did in WWII. I don't care what people say about Palestinian's count include combatants, if you look at the children's death on both side you get the message that IDF just blow everything along the way including kids. It's not their kids, so they don't care.

Now, the Palestinians. They are not doing what they can in terms of getting more social services and corruption problems taken care of. They blame everything on Israel but Arafat did nothing but corruption along the way. You cannot win a war and get back your land if you are not self-controlling enough to do so. Where are the spokespersons and lobby groups to get international aids? Where are the Arab neighbors' fund for higher education and better health care, housing, etc? (I guess that's why Bin Laden is attacking the root cause of the problems, the Arab corruption in general, not that I support him, but he did see what many educated people see and agree with). All they did is blame, blame, and blame, and they want everything, the entire Israel should go away and the land back to them. This won't happen even if they have moral ground. What can you do with the rest of the Jews who grew up their and lived there for 2, 3, or 4 generations by now? It is their home too.

I think we (US, and the rest of the world) should just let them keep kicking themselves in the balls until they are both tired of it, then we can start the peace talk. That usually take a few generations to happen, or may never happen (i.e. Taiwan and China, Segregation in US and S. Africa, etc).

Well f*ckin put. You took the words right outta my mouth. PandaBear FTW in Overtime, 2-0.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2005
Originally posted by: PandaBear
I don't understand why can people just have a blanket blame on Palestinians for all the deaths and attacks.

Both sides have their own f***ing faults, and both sides are getting what they deserves.

One of my Asian co-worker, who used to station in Israel, told me that when he was in Israel, he saw the suffering of Palestinian first hand. He literally saw a family of 10 packed in a 2 bedroom apartments. Frequently if a Palestinian family left for a few weeks, some Jewish hardliner will come and throw all their furnitures out of the house, and claim the house as their own. Then they have to get the soldiers there to get the house back. The Israel side get the vast majority of the resources: schools, hospitals, housing, water for agriculture, and the Palestinians have to wait for insufficient humanitarian aids in long lines. Kids grew up with parents who lost their home when Israel won the 6 day wars, and their family lost everything when they get kicked out of their home. All it took was a 7 year old girl to throw a stone at the Israeli tank to have them shut down the entire town's electricity. If you don't believe me, you can look at the San Francisco Chronicle's series from a couple years ago. They covered the struggles on both sides and did a very good job.

They kidnapped a SOLDIER, a freaking SOLDIER. When you join the army you are suppose to sacrafice for the greater good. Why is the government attacking university, politicians' office, and POWER PLANT to make a big deal out of it? What they are doing is harrassing the other side to create a pressure, or held the residents hostage, in exchange for a soldier.

Killing terrorists along with 10x the civilians ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE is never a smart move. What you are doing is a blanket killing that the Nazi and Japanese did in WWII. I don't care what people say about Palestinian's count include combatants, if you look at the children's death on both side you get the message that IDF just blow everything along the way including kids. It's not their kids, so they don't care.

Now, the Palestinians. They are not doing what they can in terms of getting more social services and corruption problems taken care of. They blame everything on Israel but Arafat did nothing but corruption along the way. You cannot win a war and get back your land if you are not self-controlling enough to do so. Where are the spokespersons and lobby groups to get international aids? Where are the Arab neighbors' fund for higher education and better health care, housing, etc? (I guess that's why Bin Laden is attacking the root cause of the problems, the Arab corruption in general, not that I support him, but he did see what many educated people see and agree with). All they did is blame, blame, and blame, and they want everything, the entire Israel should go away and the land back to them. This won't happen even if they have moral ground. What can you do with the rest of the Jews who grew up their and lived there for 2, 3, or 4 generations by now? It is their home too.

I think we (US, and the rest of the world) should just let them keep kicking themselves in the balls until they are both tired of it, then we can start the peace talk. That usually take a few generations to happen, or may never happen (i.e. Taiwan and China, Segregation in US and S. Africa, etc).

Very well-put, for both sides. And if I were Israel, even if all the Palestinian combatants hide among the populace, I would go out of my way not to bomb them when they are there. By doing this, Israel is playing right into their hands. Israel never targets civilians like the Palestinian terrorists do, but they kill an unjustified number of them in their indiscriminate bombings of combatants in crowded areas. This gives the Palestinian crazies all the more fuel on the fire, and Israel is not dealing with this issue well at all.

Israel IS dealing with the issue of their soldier, as well they should. Hamas kidnapped him just to get Israel to acquiesce, and they predictably haven't. All of that is a positive. The negative comes, again, with inane, sloppy bombings (although this time they haven't killed any Palestinian civilians in the process). They captured elected officials and threatened to off them which kind of isn't smart, as they were elected by the people of Palestine. What Israel should do, I guess, is to make their threats and pretty much say they have the prime minister in crosshairs at all times. They've done this, but also done more, which is too much.

Of course Hamas is very seldom in the right. Having 'destruction of a vastly militarily superior nation' as your MO isn't exactly in the interest of the people they are supposedly serving. Talk all you want about how it's unfair Israel is not giving tax money to Hamas, and Israel shutting down electricity, and Israel doing this, and Israel doing that, but if Hamas just STOPPED their inane drivel of the destruction of Israel, they'd get their money back, Israel would not shut down electricity, Israel would not bomb crowded areas. Israel can't just "STOP", because if they did, Hamas would still do everything in its power to wipe it off the map. Israel's MO is not the destruction of Palestine. Sure, they aren't handling it as well as they could, but if the issue was reversed, you can bet the Jews would have been completely wiped out by now.

But Israel will still have more collateral damage than is necessary because they don't really care about Palestinian civilians, and Hamas will never back down on the destruction talk because that is a big part of why they were elected.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: PandaBear
I don't understand why can people just have a blanket blame on Palestinians for all the deaths and attacks.

Both sides have their own f***ing faults, and both sides are getting what they deserves.
Simple. If The Palestinians laid down their arms today, they'd live in peace. If the Israelis did they'd be destroyed.
The Israelis do not intentionally target civillians. The Palestinians do.
One of my Asian co-worker, who used to station in Israel, told me that when he was in Israel, he saw the suffering of Palestinian first hand. He literally saw a family of 10 packed in a 2 bedroom apartments. Frequently if a Palestinian family left for a few weeks, some Jewish hardliner will come and throw all their furnitures out of the house, and claim the house as their own. Then they have to get the soldiers there to get the house back.
Both sides have their extremists. The difference is the vast majority of Israelis dislike Israeli extremists, the vast majority of Palestinians fully support the extremists.
That being said, the picture you just painted is entirely innacurate. It may have happened in a few isolated incidents, but that is certainly not the norm.
The Israel side get the vast majority of the resources: schools, hospitals, housing, water for agriculture, and the Palestinians have to wait for insufficient humanitarian aids in long lines. Kids grew up with parents who lost their home when Israel won the 6 day wars, and their family lost everything when they get kicked out of their home. All it took was a 7 year old girl to throw a stone at the Israeli tank to have them shut down the entire town's electricity. If you don't believe me, you can look at the San Francisco Chronicle's series from a couple years ago. They covered the struggles on both sides and did a very good job.
I highly doubt they did a good job. Just saying firsthand from when I've seen the media completely skew things.
They kidnapped a SOLDIER, a freaking SOLDIER. When you join the army you are suppose to sacrafice for the greater good. Why is the government attacking university, politicians' office, and POWER PLANT to make a big deal out of it? What they are doing is harrassing the other side to create a pressure, or held the residents hostage, in exchange for a soldier.
Normally you'd be correct. But the people who kidnapped the soldier belong to a terrorist organization that shoots missles into towns and cities at random, sends suicide bombers into cities to kill as many civillians as possible. So it's very different in this conflict. They hit the university building which is a Hamas stronghold. They're not sitting there studying phsyics. You say "politicians" like they're harmless normal public servants. They are members of Hamas, which is dedicated to the destruction of Israel. Their hands are dripping innocent blood.
Killing terrorists along with 10x the civilians ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE is never a smart move. What you are doing is a blanket killing that the Nazi and Japanese did in WWII. I don't care what people say about Palestinian's count include combatants, if you look at the children's death on both side you get the message that IDF just blow everything along the way including kids. It's not their kids, so they don't care.
There is no other way to fight a group who intentionally blurs the line between terrorist and civillians. They bring death to the same people they claim to be concerned about. Israel cannot sit back, they have to respond. Why are Palestinian civillians more important than Israeli civillans? And Israel does not intentionally target them.
Now, the Palestinians. They are not doing what they can in terms of getting more social services and corruption problems taken care of. They blame everything on Israel but Arafat did nothing but corruption along the way. You cannot win a war and get back your land if you are not self-controlling enough to do so. Where are the spokespersons and lobby groups to get international aids? Where are the Arab neighbors' fund for higher education and better health care, housing, etc? (I guess that's why Bin Laden is attacking the root cause of the problems, the Arab corruption in general, not that I support him, but he did see what many educated people see and agree with). All they did is blame, blame, and blame, and they want everything, the entire Israel should go away and the land back to them. This won't happen even if they have moral ground. What can you do with the rest of the Jews who grew up their and lived there for 2, 3, or 4 generations by now? It is their home too.
Hear, hear (aside from the ridiculous 'moral ground' comment).
I think we (US, and the rest of the world) should just let them keep kicking themselves in the balls until they are both tired of it, then we can start the peace talk. That usually take a few generations to happen, or may never happen (i.e. Taiwan and China, Segregation in US and S. Africa, etc).
Israel would like nothing better than to have their hands untied by the US and world opinion.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Does anyone remember how this all began? The U.S. MSM isn't reminding anyone. They're blaming the Palestinians. But I remember some Israeli missiles wiping out several civilians enjoying a day at the beach in Gaza.
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