I highly doubt that Israel will be OK with it. Israel's desire to eliminate Palestine is at least primarily based on Zionist beliefs, and you can't have a Law of Return work indefinitely without sufficient land. The Israeli people are happy with genocide being committed in the name of their beliefs, expecting a change in long-term strategy from people like that is like expecting MAGA fanatics to start adopting common sense and reason.
I'm no Israel expert, but I'm not aware that Israel's official state policy is to eliminate Palestine. We should draw a distinction between the Israeli people (many of whom don't support Bibi), and the Zionists/far right. If Bibi falls, perhaps a more sane ruling coalition comes to power.
The Gaza strip is a pretty small piece of land. The point I and others made is that if 2M Gazans were forcibly expelled by DJT, they have no right to return. It's flagrantly illegal, so of course Trump proposed it. In our opinion, the U.S. does all the dirty work and even pays for it, so why would Bibi object? Bibi had showed over many years that he viscerally hated Presidents Obama and Biden; while he has a very strong relationship with Trump, why would Bibi go along with an insane idea that he doesn't even like? (At the least, he'd complain to Trump privately.)
The Israeli defense minister was gung ho about the proposal, even demanding Western countries take in refugees from Gaza.
OTOH over decades, Israel has been illegally building settlements in the West Bank, making it all but impossible for there to be a mutually agreeable two state solution (as intended during the Clinton administration). So it seems like that's the land that Israel wants to steal the most.
Like I said, if there's already a secret pact between Trump and Bibi to partition Gaza, the Zionists would be even happier. But IMHO they'd settle for just expelling all 2M Gazans into other nations if that rids them of their Hamas problem. I'm not saying this is a practical idea in any way, shape or form. A new Nakba would just create more resistance, and terrorists.
LOL Marco Rubio is saying resettling 2M Palestinians would only be temporary. 🤣 Who are these mofos trying to fool. No idea what Trump's goal is, but we should never accuse him of playing 4D chess. Stealing Gaza or Greenland appear to be very low probability options, at least compared to a "special military operation" at the Panama Canal.