Israel: We Are At War

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Mar 9, 2005
Hamas leadership and membership should be terminated with extreme prejudice. This time there should be watchdogs and oversight inside gaza that actively look for signs of radicalism so it can be dealt with at its earliest stages to prevent a repeat. Civilians should be encouraged to report it if they see it to prevent harm to their communities.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Biden successfully leaned on Netanyahu to turn the water back on and let in supplies. This was totally indefensible anyway if you want people to believe you when claiming Hamas is the enemy not the general population of Gaza.

as much as I want to believe, any chance of a real news source on that?

edit, here we go:
A US lawmaker told The Times of Israel yesterday that a senior Israeli official had indicated to them that Jerusalem will allow food, water and medicine into Gaza after imposing a siege on the enclave, as it appears to be gearing up for a ground operation to destroy Hamas.

The US lawmaker clarified that Israel has not committed to letting in electricity and fuel supplies into Gaza, which they say are not covered by the same rules under laws of armed conflict.

Still Biden, you did real good here. Did what nobody else could.
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Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
Hamas leadership and membership should be terminated with extreme prejudice. This time there should be watchdogs and oversight inside gaza that actively look for signs of radicalism so it can be dealt with at its earliest stages to prevent a repeat. Civilians should be encouraged to report it if they see it to prevent harm to their communities.

I do agree that Hamas, its leadership and membership, should be rooted out and dealt with.

Maybe you didn't mean to word it that way, but watchdogs and oversight committees sounds strongly of an authoritarian regime. It just smacks a little too much like how China has dealt with dissenters in places like Xinjiang. A secret police force that monitors and records the citizens, reeducation camps. That sort of stuff.

It was also interesting to see China speak out recently against Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. I know it's hypocrisy, considering China's treatment of dissenters, and China is only speaking out as a dissenting voice, so it can speak out against the US by proxy.

As always, I'm just saddened by the loss of life. In my youth I paid less attention to such things, but as I grew older and had children of my own, I now pay much more attention to the world my children will inherit. I see a lot of parallels in how China has treated dissenters in regions like Xinjiang and how Israel has treated Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

As someone of Chinese descent, I hope that others remember that the government or those in charge do not always represent the feelings of the general populace. There are a lot of innocent victims in Israel, the Gaza strip, as well as China. Condemn those in charge who commit or help further atrocities, but remember those who are innocent and the true victims, the general populace. I'd wager the overwhelming majority of people living in Israel, the Gaza strip, and places like China just want to just live in peace, among family and friends.

Until Palestinians living in the Gaza strip can live with dignity, I do not believe there ever will be peace in that region.
Reactions: soulcougher73


Jan 14, 2013
Hamas leadership and membership should be terminated with extreme prejudice. This time there should be watchdogs and oversight inside gaza that actively look for signs of radicalism so it can be dealt with at its earliest stages to prevent a repeat. Civilians should be encouraged to report it if they see it to prevent harm to their communities.
So should netanyahu and his cronies if you want to be fair
Nov 29, 2006
The US could always withdraw any support for Israel as a bargaining chip to get them to act better. well as long as we have a Dem potus. Trump would probably agree with genocide on Gaza from Israel.
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Jul 17, 2003
Hamas leadership and membership should be terminated with extreme prejudice. This time there should be watchdogs and oversight inside gaza that actively look for signs of radicalism so it can be dealt with at its earliest stages to prevent a repeat. Civilians should be encouraged to report it if they see it to prevent harm to their communities.

Oh that's the case for sure. I just saw a first person video of an Israeli boat crew blowing up Hamas boats, then driving around shooting the bobbing survivors. They tossed grenades on the ones that tried to dive away from the gunfire. IDF has no interest in taking Hamas prisoners far as I can tell.

I hope Israelis terminate Bibi's career with extreme prejudice. I think they will. Right wing nuts get away with dereliction of duty and worse in America because we're accustomed to safety and afforded the luxury of arguing. Neither of those apply to Israel. Their public is shaking with rage.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Oh that's the case for sure. I just saw a first person video of an Israeli boat crew blowing up Hamas boats, then driving around shooting the bobbing survivors. They tossed grenades on the ones that tried to dive away from the gunfire. IDF has no interest in taking Hamas prisoners far as I can tell.

I hope Israelis terminate Bibi's career with extreme prejudice. I think they will. Right wing nuts get away with dereliction of duty and worse in America because we're accustomed to safety and afforded the luxury of arguing. Neither of those apply to Israel. Their public is shaking with rage.
that was on Oct 7th, off the shore of an Israeli town. They didn't have much choice with that. Have to get them before they get to shore, and if they try to pull them into the boat that is a good way to get a grenade or suicide vest in the boat.

As infiltrators on an unflagged unmarked vessel, they have no legal protections. In short, a rock has more legal protection then they do in that situation.
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Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
The US could always withdraw any support for Israel as a bargaining chip to get them to act better. well as long as we have a Dem potus. Trump would probably agree with genocide on Gaza from Israel.
That would be a mistake.

The US would not have been able to get Israeli to restore water and food to Gaza if the US had not made Israel partly dependent on the US.

Remove our leverage and we remove any ability to restrain Netanyahu's genocidal ambitions.

Israel is staring at a 3 front war. Israel needs us. We have a lot of influence right now. You can see it, the evacuation of civilians is no longer a 24 hour deal. Water and food restored. Laws of war are starting to get restored. Biden pushed laws of war in his speech not that long ago, and we are seeing it happen now.

Hamas is still going to get wiped out. But sanity is starting to return.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I do agree that Hamas, its leadership and membership, should be rooted out and dealt with.

Maybe you didn't mean to word it that way, but watchdogs and oversight committees sounds strongly of an authoritarian regime. It just smacks a little too much like how China has dealt with dissenters in places like Xinjiang. A secret police force that monitors and records the citizens, reeducation camps. That sort of stuff.

It was also interesting to see China speak out recently against Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza strip. I know it's hypocrisy, considering China's treatment of dissenters, and China is only speaking out as a dissenting voice, so it can speak out against the US by proxy.

As always, I'm just saddened by the loss of life. In my youth I paid less attention to such things, but as I grew older and had children of my own, I now pay much more attention to the world my children will inherit. I see a lot of parallels in how China has treated dissenters in regions like Xinjiang and how Israel has treated Palestinians in the Gaza strip.

As someone of Chinese descent, I hope that others remember that the government or those in charge do not always represent the feelings of the general populace. There are a lot of innocent victims in Israel, the Gaza strip, as well as China. Condemn those in charge who commit or help further atrocities, but remember those who are innocent and the true victims, the general populace. I'd wager the overwhelming majority of people living in Israel, the Gaza strip, and places like China just want to just live in peace, among family and friends.

Until Palestinians living in the Gaza strip can live with dignity, I do not believe there ever will be peace in that region.
The guiding aim of self hate is to keep the fact that we were conditioned to conform to local social norms by force of humiliation and that to avoid remembering that and all the pain that we felt we adopted a protective ego. That ego seeks to recover self respect by comparison with others, a comparison that is facilitated the mythical creation of the inferior other. At least we can feel we are better than them. This means, sadly, that the last thing we will ever do is see others as equals because if everybody is equal then we must all be pieces of shit. And thus we become what we fear, a world full of Zombies seeking status power and fame to fill the emptiness within. This is why the meek, the ego defeated, those lacking is self-pretension are the only ones likely to get free from that prison.

I share your sorrow but am happy to know that you feel it. The empathy we can feel for our brothers and sisters transcends race. I don't hear Chinese; I hear human love speaking.


Apr 2, 2011
Biden successfully leaned on Netanyahu to turn the water back on and let in supplies. This was totally indefensible anyway if you want people to believe you when claiming Hamas is the enemy not the general population of Gaza.

That s just propaganda, a palestinian responsible for water supply said that shut off pumps do not work without energy, besides so much water pipes have been destroyed that water would flow directly to those massive leakages and this cant be repared that easily given the circumstances, and actually not at all as long as bombardments keep going on.

I'm watching a multicamera live stream and gaza is being hit super hard right now.

That s what you re watching being hit hard, enjoy yourself :

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Reactions: amenx


Senior member
Dec 16, 2013
That s just propaganda, a palestinian responsible for water supply said that shut off pumps do not work without energy, besides so much water pipes have been destroyed that water would flow directly to those massive leakages and this cant be repared that easily given the circumstances, and actually not at all as long as bombardments keep going on.

That s what you re watching being hit hard, enjoy yourself :

Enjoy yourself? what a self righteous ass you are being.your self righteousness using the apparent death of a child that itself could be propaganda. How about you watch the slaughter of women and children by Hamas and “enjoy yourself” you sicko
Reactions: Muse


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You know Moonbeam, it seems to me we once had this exact same argument on this very discussion board, where I made the same points, you made the same points in response, I then responded again the same way, after which you ignored all my factual points and instead went off on one of your familiar philosophical rants. It's not lost on me that when certain historical facts are mentioned on this particular topic, that the anti-Israel peanut gallery has nothing whatsoever to say. It's a strong pattern I've noticed over 20 years of posting on this topic, here and elsewhere. But hey, I'll give it to you, you have your own unique way of ignoring arguments you cannot refute. You do it in style.

July 31 2006: Moonbeam: "In recent news on the study of bias it has been shown that pro Arab and pro Israeli folk shown news items on the conflict that are balanced each felt the news pointed out too many good things about the opposite party. In other words partisans do not see the same thing when they look at the same news and each fears that neutral people will be biased by this seemingly prejudiced news. But the facts are that the unbiased were not persuaded one way or the other by such news but saw good and bad in each side. In other words, the biased are truly the ones who are actually blind and the neutral the ones who can maintain some sense of objectivity. The implication is clear that if you have taken a side you cannot see. In fact the biased mind, in analyzing the good and bad of any particular situation arrives at a conclusion rapidly and spends all its time and effort not on an analysis of the validity of the judgment but on defending it tooth and nail against all comers."

I do not know where I read that and regrettably can't provide a link as I didn't give one back in 2006. But I believe that if I have any style at all it lies in the fact that I have no dog in this race. I used to identify as a Christian. I used to be be a proud, in all the wrong ways, American. I used to be a somebody with a bright future in science. But something bothered me and I wanted to find out what. The result was that I wound up seeing only that everything I held sacred and believed to be true was nothing more than an ego dream and that led me to deep despair and eventual release through the acceptance of surrender. I gave up and died to awake empty of sacred beliefs.

I believe that you are probably Jewish and I am a nobody. I have no interest in defending anything but what the truth looks like to me. I believe if you have ego attachment to anything it blinds you to reality. I am neither for or against Palestinian or Jew. I believe that anybody who believes he is one or the others is insane, a sleeping programmed rationalization machine. My style is that you want to put me in a box and I am detached from the label you wish to put on it. I will always be able to escape being pegged as this or that because I am a nobody and have no name.

My objection to Israel has always been that as a nation, not as individuals, it put land and religion above the equality we all deserve as just human beings. There are no Jews and there are no Palestinians. Those are just programmed scripts people make real by belief. There is an invisible state of consciousness that exists when there is no such thing as certainty and experiencing it removes all doubt. I only saw that once long ago. I think some may live it minute to minute in a place where time stops as a result. My teacher was Jewish by blood and all of my greatest childhood idles were too. It was a Jew who said he was 99.999 percent certain there was nothing wrong with him having rooted out the source of his own self hate reliving those negative feelings back to the age of 6 mo. that looked me in the eye and said he could help me. But I do not believe it beyond in my head. I do not fully remember my past. I am afraid.


Apr 2, 2011
Enjoy yourself? what a self righteous ass you are being.your self righteousness using the apparent death of a child that itself could be propaganda. How about you watch the slaughter of women and children by Hamas and “enjoy yourself” you sicko

That s documented, his remaining family posted other photos where we see those two sisters with their father, indeed at this hour there s more than 724 children killed and about 300 that are not accounted since there s about 1000 people that are under the rubbles of destroyed house and whose fate is unknown, either dead or injured...

Looking bombardments provide generaly no info, personaly i switch to another channel within seconds because watching extensively is just blood lust, hence my comment, that someone who look extensively at those scenes is somewhat sadistic...

Edit : since you re talking of eventual propaganda here she was with her father who was enginer, you can google translate the comments directly if you have a X account :

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Reactions: KMFJD and amenx


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
what a dotard, that guy. clearly has no influence anywhere, eh?
One person can't stop the Wheel of Karma, the reciprocal laws of programmed sleeping machines. One can only with great self confrontation and perhaps with guidance personally step off.


Jan 14, 2013
The Israeli government is showing it's true colors, like they have for a while now. The zionists and their supporters are enjoying the slaughter of civilians by an overwhelming superior military over a third world open air prison.

They are all disgusting.
Reactions: Young Grasshopper


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Ryan Macbeth as always does an excellent analysis, this time on Hamas's operational order of attack on October 7th:

He goes into detail on the level of professionalism and organization shown by Hamas.

Hamas is a terrorist organization, but they are also a professional regular army.

Ryan doesn't say this, but we all know the IDF is not a professional regular army. I have a feeling the IDF is in for a vicious surprise. The one thing we have seen over and over is professionalism and training matter more then all the toys in the world.

Be prepared for the possibly the IDF loses round 1.

I wonder if the IDF knows this? It would explain the evacuate all the civilians from the north plan. If they cannot beat Hamas in a combined arms fight then all they have left is airstrikes.

Not sure what you’re talking about.

IDF has a professional core, and their average reservist has more training than any Hamas fighter.

Hamas has some good commanders and planners. They have no heavy weapons and probably not a lot of light weapons.

IDF wants the civilians out to minimise casualties and to say whoever is left near the contact line is Hamas.

If IDF has resolve, goes slow, and is willing to push everyone out of the north block by block it’s hard to see what Hamas can do to change the trajectory.
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