Israel: We Are At War

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Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
OK, you're a different poster, but I will pick it up from here. This definition seems awfully broad, does it not? I mean, how many countries have "killed members of a group" or "caused serious bodily injury or mental harm to a group"? According to that definition, it's just about every country in the world. With that definition, sure Israel is guilty of genocide, and so is every other country. That definition renders the word meaningless.
Pretty sure it implies large numbers of a group, but is left unstated to give flexibility as to how it can be addressed by courts or nations and intents of those involved in committing 'acts of genocide' towards whichever targeted groups they may be. Israel has not been charged with genocide yet, but with Gaza I think they may be close to fitting the criteria.


Apr 8, 2013
Tell me, what/who am I bigoted toward? How are you defining that word that you think it is appropriate to be used here? And while you are at it, could you please tell me what the appropriate way to criticize Israel would be, a country Americans spent billions of dollars on yearly.

What ia an appropriate way to criticize Israel? By using the truth. When you make serious accusations against any nation, group of people, or even an individual, you need sufficient evidence to back up your allegations. You provided none. An accusation without evidence is a lie, worst than most kinds of lies, I might add. In the law, we call it defamation.

Another poster thinks I was too harsh on you, so I'll take a breath and try it this way. I have two simple questions.

First, in what way did the incident at Harvard prove that the State of Israel lies more than other countries?

Second, since your Harvard example was off point to the topic and didn't seem to relate much to your original comment, are you trying to imply that the 5 fold increase in anti-semitic incidents these past two weeks is not something to be concerned about because all our most have been faked by the Jews? If that is not what you think, fine., I'm just trying to figure out why you thought it was important.
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Apr 8, 2013
Pretty sure it implies large numbers of a group, but is left unstated to give flexibility as to how it can be addressed by courts or nations and intents of those involved in committing 'acts of genocide' towards whichever targeted groups they may be. Israel has not been charged with genocide yet, but with Gaza I think they may be close to fitting the criteria.

Yeah, I looked over the full definition as you clipped out a lot, and needless to say, it's not a model of clarity. Based on what you quoted, it sounded overbroad to me. But most scholars find it too narrow. Why? Because this definition only results in identifying three occurrences as genocide: Turkish slaughter of Armenians from 1915-1920, the Holocaust, and Rwanda. It leaves out a bunch that scholars think are genocide, including Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, Darfur, and ISIS's attempt to exterminate all Christians and Yazidis in Iraq and Syria. No one but anti-Israel activists seriously characterizes what is happening between Israel and the Palestinians as genocide. Such people are operating under a politicized definition that was created specially for Israel.

DId you have a reply regarding my citation of unusually fast, and very even and steady, population growth among the Palestinians?
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Reactions: Leeea


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yeah, I looked over the full definition as you clipped out a lot, and needless to say, it's not a model of clarity. Based on what you quoted, it sounded overbroad to me. But most scholars find it too narrow. Why? Because this definition only results in identifying three occurrences as genocide: Turkish slaughter of Armenians from 1915-1920, the Holocaust, and Rwanda. It leaves out a bunch that scholars think are genocide, including Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, Darfur, and ISIS's attempt to exterminate all Christians and Yazidis in Iraq and Syria. No one but anti-Israel activists seriously characterizes what is happening between Israel and the Palestinians as genocide. Such people are operating under a politicized definition that was created specially for Israel.

DId you have a reply regarding my citation of unusually fast, and very even and steady, population growth among the Palestinians?
Not sure what your point is. How does the fact that a population might be increasing say they are not having their children killed. And if these Palestinians are really animals like some Israelis and others say they are, perhaps like coyotes the more you wipe them out the faster they multiply and spread. They are even moving into where I live.


Apr 8, 2013
Not sure what your point is. How does the fact that a population might be increasing say they are not having their children killed. And if these Palestinians are really animals like some Israelis and others say they are, perhaps like coyotes the more you wipe them out the faster they multiply and spread. They are even moving into where I live.

What we're discussing is whether it is a "genocide." "Having your children killed" is terrible, but it isn't genocide.

As to the rest of your comment, it is a straw man. Show me one place in this thread where I've de-humanized Palestinians as you claim.

You want an example of de-humanization? There is a narrative going on in this thread and elsewhere that Israel was founded by a bunch of judeo-supremacists hellbent on "stealing" the land of a people they thought were inferior. And ignoring their moral claim to a homeland based on them being victims of multiple recent genocides, as if it doesn't matter at all. That's called de-humanization.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
What we're discussing is whether it is a "genocide." "Having your children killed" is terrible, but it isn't genocide.

As to the rest of your comment, it is a straw man. Show me one place in this thread where I've de-humanized Palestinians as you claim.

You want an example of de-humanization? There is a narrative going on in this thread and elsewhere that Israel was founded by a bunch of judeo-supremacists hellbent on "stealing" the land of a people they thought were inferior. And ignoring their moral claim to a homeland based on them being victims of multiple recent genocides, as if it doesn't matter at all. That's called de-humanization.
But my point was not that genocide was being committed. My point was that if what is happening is genocide that arguing population growth as a form of denial is not any kind of moral excuse. It could just be brutal murder at below population growth numbers which would still be monsterous.

The only points I have made is that Israel looks to be running an apartheid state with the aim of creating such misery on the Palestinian side that it can create enough misery to break their will to live. That’s not a smart thing to try on Muslims. Their religion is uniquely designed to resist that I think.


Apr 8, 2013
But my point was not that genocide was being committed. My point was that if what is happening is genocide that arguing population growth as a form of denial is not any kind of moral excuse. It could just be brutal murder at below population growth numbers which would still be monsterous.

The only points I have made is that Israel looks to be running an apartheid state with the aim of creating such misery on the Palestinian side that it can create enough misery to break their will to live. That’s not a smart thing to try on Muslims. Their religion is uniquely designed to resist that I think.

I wasn't trying to make a "moral excuse." I was arguing whether what is going constitutes genocide, because multiple people have repeatedly claimed that it is. It's a false characterization and a false narrative, so why aren't you taking issue with what they said?

Just to be clear, no, you cannot conclude that because someone said this isn't x, but rather y, that they are justifying y. Understand?


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
Their religion is uniquely designed to resist that I think.
Resist yes, but not effectively.

Back in the day of the sword faith would carry a long way.

Mortar fragments care not what deity you worship. Logistics care not about how you worship. Digging a fox hole is more an exercise of discipline then of faith.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I wasn't trying to make a "moral excuse." I was arguing whether what is going constitutes genocide, because multiple people have repeatedly claimed that it is. It's a false characterization and a false narrative, so why aren't you taking issue with what they said?

Just to be clear, no, you cannot conclude that because someone said this isn't x, but rather y, that they are justifying y. Understand?
But I would just turn that around. Why are you arguing that what is going on isn’t genocide when what it appears to be is a conscious effort to create intolerable misery for the Palestinian people. X and Y are hideous. ‘If not X’is a red herring if Y is the case. What I see looks like apartheid. What I hear from you is that, what is, is justified. To me then, what I hear from you is a denial of what appears to be a substantive reality on the ground, rationalization based on ego identification. I believe that I can see this because I am not ego identifies with my nation, a religion, or my race.

Having grown up as a reasonably privileged white American male I never had any emotionally damaging experiences of bigotry toward my person, identified as I was without realizing it, as a pure top of the line model human being. I got called a Haole a few times with intended malice, I suppose, but to no effect.

You can then, I guess, call me naive rather that a person who has experienced victimization over identity others inflict on us. I just don’t understand the victim mentality state. But then I might counter that having no obvious reasons by way of ego identifications to blame on others for any self dissatisfaction I felt, it was easier for me to realize that it is really self hate that is the source of the problem not because others hated me for bigoted reasons. Hate is everywhere and no child can avoid it.

If you hate others they will hate you for it. If you love others they will say you are insane and distrust you because in a mirror full of love we see our own hatred reflected back at us. Cure this in the only place you can to find peace.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I wasn't trying to make a "moral excuse." I was arguing whether what is going constitutes genocide, because multiple people have repeatedly claimed that it is. It's a false characterization and a false narrative, so why aren't you taking issue with what they said?

Just to be clear, no, you cannot conclude that because someone said this isn't x, but rather y, that they are justifying y. Understand?
I don't think there's value in arguing over the specific definition of genocide and whether it applies in this case. I do think we can agree that if Israel specifically was just trying to eliminate just Hamas, they'd be approaching this war very differently. The cutting off of food, power, freedom of movement etc to the general palestinian population isn't really something you need to do if you're trying to kill leaders or eliminate military targets, even if targets are interspersed in the population. Whatever definition of genocide you want to use, what's happening is a stone or two throws away from it. If someone's response to accusations of genocide are "well, define genocide", they're probably gonna be in the wrong at the end of the day. Allegations of war crimes are rampant as it is, even from Western countries.


May 19, 2011
OK, you're a different poster, but I will pick it up from here. This definition seems awfully broad, does it not? I mean, how many countries have "killed members of a group" or "caused serious bodily injury or mental harm to a group"? According to that definition, it's just about every country in the world. With that definition, sure Israel is guilty of genocide, and so is every other country. That definition renders the word meaningless.

Let me point out one unassailable fact here, Palestinian population has grown from 1.5 million in 1990 to 5 million in 2023. Furthermore, it's annual growth rate has been pretty stable at 2.5%, and it's population has grown at an even incline for over 20 years. There aren't even any blips on the graph for years they had wars in Gaza. Because the number of deaths was too small to even register on a population wide scale.

By contrast, the current population growth in the United States is .38%.

So tell me how a genocide, or even a so-called "slow genocide" can be in progress when the targeted population is growing by leaps and bounds. I suppose you think Israel is attempting genocide but they're just really bad at it, eh?

Should I mention that the Nazis killed 5.5-6 million Jews in 4 years, and that this was one third of the world's entire Jewish population? Or we could talk about other genocides, like in Rwanda, where the Hutu's killed over 500,000 Tutsi's in just 100 days.

I think genocide comes down to intent, while actions on the ground are evidence of the intent or lack thereof. Israel is well capable of causing a genocide, whether fast or slow, but the facts say they have no intent to do so.

Given that an increasing population is not a sign of improving conditions (it often denotes the opposite), your metric isn't a very good one. Populations of desperate people often grow significantly until conditions become so poor that what little resources are available to counteract the side-effects of the conditions are no longer capable of doing so.

I agree that it comes down to intent. If organisation X intends to eradicate group Y by killing say 100 people per week, they're still intentionally committing genocide even if the figures aren't as dramatic as you feel they ought to be to meet your personal definition of genocide. You suggested talking about other genocides. Check out the figures:

One of those constitutes "only" 2100 people killed.

What do you think >7000 air strikes on Gaza in less than a month will do to the population figure of Gaza? When Israel achieves its stated aim of reducing the Gazans to "living in tents", how sanitary do you think the living conditions will be? What do you think that will do to the population figure?
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Apr 8, 2013
I don't think there's value in arguing over the specific definition of genocide and whether it applies in this case. I do think we can agree that if Israel specifically was just trying to eliminate just Hamas, they'd be approaching this war very differently. The cutting off of food, power, freedom of movement etc to the general palestinian population isn't really something you need to do if you're trying to kill leaders or eliminate military targets, even if targets are interspersed in the population. Whatever definition of genocide you want to use, what's happening is a stone or two throws away from it. If someone's response to accusations of genocide are "well, define genocide", they're probably gonna be in the wrong at the end of the day. Allegations of war crimes are rampant as it is, even from Western countries.

Oooh nice mental gymnastics there, arguing that we jettison definitions when no definition gives you the conclusion you desire. So hey, let's just make up our own Israel specific definitions!

It's not a stone's throw away from anything. The population of Gaza City, where the vast majority of these deaths are taking place, has been mostly evacuated after having been given now 6 warnings to do so, and is now being given another 4 hour pause to GTFO. What remains isn't likely more than 1% of the existing Palestinian population, and a huge chunk of them are combatants. And there's no evidence Israel is purposefully targeting civilians.

Was the United States purposely targeting civilians with all the drone strikes we did in Afghanistan and Pakistan? I think civi casualties for those alone are 15,000+ but that is IIRC. So it's an atrocity or a "stone's throw from genocide" when it's Israel, but not when it's another country, eh? Sorry, but I have to keep pointing out these double standards like a broken record, because the double standard itself is a broken record. Maybe the lightbulb will go on for one of you guys some time, that you are condemning Israel for doing things other nations are doing, calling it "genocide" when Israel does it but not when the US does it. Then really think about why you're doing it.

Tell me now, what ought Israel to do right now? You clearly don't want them attacking the terrorists who murdered 1400 of their citizens, so what alternative course of action would you suggest?
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Reactions: pcgeek11


Apr 8, 2013
But I would just turn that around. Why are you arguing that what is going on isn’t genocide when what it appears to be is a conscious effort to create intolerable misery for the Palestinian people. X and Y are hideous. ‘If not X’is a red herring if Y is the case. What I see looks like apartheid. What I hear from you is that, what is, is justified. To me then, what I hear from you is a denial of what appears to be a substantive reality on the ground, rationalization based on ego identification. I believe that I can see this because I am not ego identifies with my nation, a religion, or my race.

Having grown up as a reasonably privileged white American male I never had any emotionally damaging experiences of bigotry toward my person, identified as I was without realizing it, as a pure top of the line model human being. I got called a Haole a few times with intended malice, I suppose, but to no effect.

You can then, I guess, call me naive rather that a person who has experienced victimization over identity others inflict on us. I just don’t understand the victim mentality state. But then I might counter that having no obvious reasons by way of ego identifications to blame on others for any self dissatisfaction I felt, it was easier for me to realize that it is really self hate that is the source of the problem not because others hated me for bigoted reasons. Hate is everywhere and no child can avoid it.

If you hate others they will hate you for it. If you love others they will say you are insane and distrust you because in a mirror full of love we see our own hatred reflected back at us. Cure this in the only place you can to find peace.

Oh yes, now that it's Israel, there is a new definition of genocide. Now it's "a conscious effort to create intolerable misery." I wonder how many nations would qualify under that standard? BTW, is there a particular quantum of "misery" which must be inflicted, or do you just know it when you see it? But wait, it gets better, It just "looks like" apartheid to you. No need to justify any comparison with historical facts! Because, Moonbeam, on this topic, you don't need no steenking facts.,

See, the problem is that these words you use are loaded words with powerful emotional connotations which to the vast majority of people, have a far more extreme definition than the watered down definition you employ. When you use that word, you know well what it means to the people who hear it. It means an attempt to physically exterminate a population. Period. So when you use it with a broadened definition knowing that people think it means a lot more, you are in fact being dishonest. You are defaming the state of Israel. You're telling a lie. No, you don't just get to redefine words at your whim and not even disclose it to the listener.

You know what's weird about you here. You say you're this great humanitarian, yet your sympathies for humans don't seem to extend to the Jews. When the topic of Jews and either historic oppression including actual, real genocide(s) as part of the moral case of the state of Israel, you have no comment. Also, you don't seem to have much comment on Palestinians killing Jews in the first place, which is what is provoking these responses. Selective sympathy is highly suspect. You better check your "self-hate" meter. I don't think you've quite reached nirvana yet.

You don't know the historical facts here and are not interested in learning them, so this discussion is at a close.
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Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Oh yes, now that it's Israel, there is a new definition of genocide. Now it's "a conscious effort to create intolerable misery." I wonder how many nations would qualify under that standard? BTW, is there a particular quantum of "misery" which must be inflicted, or do you just know it when you see it? But wait, it gets better, It just :"looks like" apartheid to you. No need to justify any comparison with historical facts! Because, Moonbeam, on this topic, you don't need no steenking facts.,

See, the problem is that these words you use are loaded words with powerful emotional connotations which to the vast majority of people, have a far more extreme definition than the watered down definition you employ. When you use that word, you know well what it means to the people who hear it. It means an attempt to physically exterminate a population. Period. So when you use it with a broadened definition knowing that people think it means a lot more, you are in fact being dishonest. You are defaming the state of Israel. You're telling a lie. No, you don't just get to redefine words at your whim and not even disclose it to the listener.

You know what's weird about you here. You say you're this great humanitarian, yet your sympathies for humans don't seem to extend to the Jews. When the topic of Jews and either historic oppression including actual, real genocide(s) as part of the moral case of the state of Israel, you have no comment. Also, don't seem to have much comment on Palestinians killing Jews in the first place, which is what is provoking these responses. Selective sympathy is highly suspect. You better check your "self-hate" meter. I don't think you're quite reached nirvana yet.

You don't know the historical facts here and are not interested in learning them, so this discussion is at a close.
I don’t see that the discussion was ever open. I expressed my opinion that I have no interest in definitions of words or historical justifications. I said only that looking at the situation from my point of view I see the imposition by the Israeli government of an apartheid state and what would be the motive. That fact strikes me as so visibly obvious yet you don’t seem to see it or if you do you justify it somehow.

If I may add it seems to me that I care more for the people of Israel than you do. The path you favor will, in my opinion lead to the destruction of Israel as its people, so frightened by antisemitism unconsciously act out in ways that will generate more and more of it.


Jan 14, 2013
Yes, yes, "the Jews" are just like the Nazis now. Hey Perknose, you see what people are saying in this thread and why I'm reacting this way?

OK, I've been avoiding the vile swill you've posted in this thread. So let's start out this way: please supply me with the definition of "genocide" you are employing in this thread.
I never said the jews are just like the Nazis. Your Zionist personality did that.

You seemed like a reasonable poster for a while. Temperament as well. But turns out you are a sick sick dude when it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian condition. Like disgustingly sick.
Apparently temperament doesn't mean everything, mine isn't the best, but I don't support this disgusting shit you do.

It's funny how you said that Israel has more free press and thinkers than Russia, which is true. But then continued right on to disqualify any of those thinkers and free press who have found Israel to be at fault for so many things, because they disagree with your fucked up worldview, with the statement, 'well others disagree with them so there, they are all wrong, and I can continue to be an unfettered Zionist'

You are a goner when it comes to this issue. Even keeled temperament is not worth shit if you support an apartheid state, horrific oppression, and genocide.
Reactions: Oyeve


Jan 14, 2013
Let's stop using the word genocide and let's just stick to war crimes, mass killings of civilians, cutting off essential things like water/electricity to civilians, a disregard for human life completely, flaunting any rule of war they want, mostly full of lies about all this. Whatever. It doesn't matter. This Zionist supports all those things against those people. He can argue about a word's textual definition all day and distract us with that.

The fact is this guy supports nasty inhumane, immoral, indecent and horrific things, along with revisionist history and spouting nothing but Zionist propaganda. Nothing is going to change his mind. Just know the disgusting enemy and move on.
Reactions: emperus
Mar 11, 2004
If you're struggling to determine if acts qualify as genocide or not, you're really wasting your time. You're never gonna be like "They built schools is that genocide?" (Ok, well fuck, Canada did build schools to genocide. Yeah, making analogies here is gonna be pointless, which is my point.) If there's things happening that look close enough to genocide that you are even asking if it meets the technical definition, even if it doesn't, the stuff is gonna be so awful that its going to accomplish the same thing that genocide would. So wasting any time on if its technically genocide is just pointless. And you're falling right into the hands of the group committing such acts. The worst assholes the world over have used that as cover for the indefensible behaviors. Stop enabling it. You can in fact just go "I don't like this." and leave it at that.
Reactions: GodisanAtheist


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
This surprised me. At first didnt think the Iranians would supply the Houthis with ballisitc missiles, but they may very well have. Israels Arrow missile defense systems appear to have shot one down.



Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
Always funny how there are these billion page super passionate threads for Israel/Palestine, while a stones throw away Saudi Arabia and The US are doing basically the same thing to Yemen, where some estimates show 85,000 children have starved to death as a result of Saudi Airstrikes and a US naval blockade and whatchuget are crickets.



Jul 17, 2003
This surprised me. At first didnt think the Iranians would supply the Houthis with ballisitc missiles, but they may very well have. Israels Arrow missile defense systems appear to have shot one down.

I wouldn't doubt it. Iran has been sending their Shiite cousins down there big stuff since 2015 or so, about when they took Sanaa. They've come a long way from just dhows full of AKs and RPGs. Sa'udi and UAE vessels both have been taken out of the fight by Houthi rockets and missiles IIRC, and they certainly embarrassed Riyadh (and it's money) on land, repeatedly.

As probably the most combat effective affiliate Tehran has, it would appear they've deemed the Houthi worthy of The Really Big Stuff. Now we wait to see if it was actually Houthi that fired it, or was it Iranian "advisors"? Gird your loins people. IDF and Mossad aren't going to just shrug and move on with their day.

Way to go Arrow btw, very cool. Not an easy task.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2006
I wouldn't doubt it. Iran has been sending their Shiite cousins down there big stuff since 2015 or so, about when they took Sanaa. They've come a long way from just dhows full of AKs and RPGs. Sa'udi and UAE vessels both have been taken out of the fight by Houthi rockets and missiles IIRC, and they certainly embarrassed Riyadh (and it's money) on land, repeatedly.

As probably the most combat effective affiliate Tehran has, it would appear they've deemed the Houthi worthy of The Really Big Stuff. Now we wait to see if it was actually Houthi that fired it, or was it Iranian "advisors"? Gird your loins people. IDF and Mossad aren't going to just shrug and move on with their day.

Way to go Arrow btw, very cool. Not an easy task.

-Now, if only the civilians in Yemen weren't getting so rawdogged by regional power politics.
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