Israel: We Are At War

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Dec 15, 2015
-Far and away the most clear eyed take here.

99.99% chance Israel fucks this up and the problem continues into perpetuity, but here is the chance for Israel to go into Gaza, Kill or Jail anyone with a Hamas affiliation, carry out extrajudicial killings of Hamas leaders on foreign soil... and then actually work to unfuck the lives of the remaining Palestinians.

Give them more room, build basic but clean and functional places for them to live outside of Gaza (even as second class citizens), build some fucking schools and show Palestinian kids a future outside of Hamas or dying for your Great Granddad's beef. It would be ugly, bleeding hearts would condemn it, there would still be blood. But it would be probably the most humane end to the conflict that is left open now.

I think it's patently absurd that people expect some Gazan dirt farmer to deal with Hamas when one of the world's most advanced, tested, and capable militaries hasn't been able to exterminate them.
Unfortunately, all I see is a Hamas 2.0 being birthed from all the 10-15 year old's that lose a brother/father in this conflict, and we're back to ground zero in 5-10 years. Genocide is probably the only real way to end the conflict, which is insane. At any rate, my point from way earlier in the thread still stands, nature will take care of this region via climate change. When it becomes unlivable, everyone will simply leave or die out.


Aug 11, 2005

this is the best article i have found so far, all the Washington post tweets just go to a number of stories

CNN also

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Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Cant believe HuffPo carrying this story...

KIBBUTZ BE’ERI, Israel (AP) — Trudging down a cul-de-sac turned to rubble, an Israeli army commander stopped in front of one scorched home, its front wall blown wide open. Look at what Hamas militants have done, he said, to this close-knit community that only days ago brimmed with life.
“Children in the same room and someone came and killed them all. Fifteen girls and teenagers, they put (them) in the same room, threw in a hand grenade and it’s over,” Maj. Gen. Itai Veruv said.
’This is a massacre. It’s a pogrom,” he said, recalling the brutal attacks on Jews in Eastern Europe in the 19th and early 20th century....

Then this at the end of the story...

By the time reporters were brought in a little before sunset Wednesday, rescue crews had removed the bodies of most of the residents who were killed. But the corpses of several militants remained and the odor of death was overpowering...

Wtf? No way to verify other than an Israeli soldiers word of mouth?! If true, the IDF would have made sure the bodies were there or would have timed the reporters arrival to see them to VERIFY it to the world.

Anyone not grasping the huge potential for propaganda (whether true or false) for advantage in wars is plain and simple an idiot.



May 19, 2011

this is the best article i have found so far, all the Washington post tweets just go to a number of stories

CNN also

That is a colossal WH cock-up.


Jan 8, 2001
Give them more room, build basic but clean and functional places for them to live outside of Gaza (even as second class citizens), build some fucking schools and show Palestinian kids a future outside of Hamas or dying for your Great Granddad's beef.
I don't understand why they would have to be 'second class' citizens. Why the hell can't anyone get Israel to stick to the founding principles of their country and share it with the Palestinians. <Refreshing my memory here from a HS history class and putting it down here for anyone else who's memory has faded like mine**> I guess, it's because the British bugged out of Palestine and withdrew without any accord whatsoever in place. The UN, on the recommendation of the UK created a partition map (left on map). After the Arab-Israeli war, the negotiated armistice was supposed have the regions in green (the Green Line) within the boundaries of Israel as demilitarized zones. (right on map). Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, parties to the agreement, didn't accept the boundaries laid out by Israel as legitimate International boundaries (Egypt did later with the peace accord between them and Israel mediated by US Pres. Jimmy Carter). Also, ~750K Palestinians left Israel or were driven out by the IDF. I always though that this Green Line created two separate states - instead it created ambiguity, one held in place by Israeli military power. So, now the Arabs in Israel are at the mercy of the Israeli government and it's laws.

Now the main protagonist in the region is Iran, who supports both Hezbollah in Lebanon and HAMAS in Gaza - and Iran really never had a dog in the fight (no border). I remember watching, via late night news, Israelites bulldozing Arab homes with soldiers/police there to prevent the owners from taking any action to prevent that from happening. I also watched a story a couple years ago (Vice News??) where Arabs were being tossed out of their apartments in Jerusalem (in the Arab quarter!) and having those apartments given to Jewish families. Why can't the Israelis be decent human beings? Seems to me that their battle is with outside forces (HAMAS and Hezbollah, supported by Iran). Sorry for the long response, but I need to inform myself more completely and I'm glad for the help from you, @VRAMdemon and others here who have posted useful information.

** Some Folks should really read up on this a bit; given some of the comments posted in this thread. I haven't posted all that I've re-read (mostly from Wikipedia) because I do not want to be strung up by ATPN posters.


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Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
That is why the X video is fake, the questions and the cuts.

The real video does not cut to the reporters at all. You can hear them ask their questions, but the camera never cuts to them.

They are inserting their own propaganda content into real content. The X video cuts to reporters making dramatic statements gestures etc. The real video never does. In fact, the room lighting in the room doesn't even look like the X video cuts to the reporters.

Its a fake video. A well done fake, but fake. They inserted their own content into real content, with carefully done cuts. He is responding to questions, just not to what is being presented in the video as to what he is responding to.

I told you I verified each word that was in the X video. The questions are on the transcript I gave you. There are a few words of the questions missing due to crosstalk. There could have been multiple cameras in that newsroom not just the one that the state department is showing. By calling it fake you are actually pushing the disinformation that you are accusing Twitter of doing (I'm not fan of X). And disinformation is disinformation no matter who pushes it. I gave you the full video. I gave you the full transcript. All it takes is time. So, if you can't verify the video at this point it's because you don't want to.

Here is the transcript of the first question in the video before the 1st jump-cut. Listen to the video and read the transcript. It is almost word for word (outside of the few the transcript doesn't pick up). The do the rest of the video, search the transcript for every question asked in the video. If you read the transcript it is pretty dramatic. The only semi dishonest thing I could tell is the transcript not catching some of words of the heated questions (but I'll chalk that up to the crosstalk vs an intentional act by the State dept.). But 99% of the wording of the questioning is captured by the transcript. AND this transcript was put out by the US State department.

Edit: And when you accuse someone of doctoring a video, you should really have proof. If the X video has inserted propaganda and is doctored, you should have posted those parts with the doctored propaganda and a comparison from the full video or transcript. But you won't be able to because it's not there.

Edit 2: And it makes me wonder why you can't believe this video is real.

Edit 3: Of course the video has a bias. It is showing the most contentious parts of the briefing only. But I think just focusing on those to me was important as those questions and answers were important.
QUESTION: Although the President did not call for restraint, for the Israelis to exercise restraint in the upcoming or the speculated-to-be-upcoming ground invasion, the President did mention that Israel ought to abide by international law. Does that, in your view, mean that Israel must end its cutoff of water, electricity, food, and medicine to the people in Gaza?
MR MILLER: I will say that, as the President made clear, Israel has suffered from a brutal terrorist attack. Israel has the right to defend itself. It has the right to take action against the terrorists who launched this brutal attack and killed Israeli civilians and killed American civilians, killed mothers and children and babies, and kidnapped children. And so they are —
QUESTION: What’s (inaudible)?
MR MILLER: And so they are going to – they are going to take action to respond to this terrorist attack and take action to secure their country, and we support them. As the President made clear, we always encourage all of our allies and partners to act in strict accordance with international law. That is what democracies do. And I would just point out that of course is not what Hamas did – let me just —
QUESTION: (Off-mike.)
MR MILLER: Said, let me just finish – that is not —
QUESTION: So they —
MR MILLER: Said, let – that is not what Hamas did in coming into Israel and kidnapping and murdering innocent civilians.
QUESTION: Okay. I understand. I mean, Hamas – you have Hamas listed as a terrorist organization. They don’t get $4 billion a year from you. They don’t have military aid and support and so on. So that is established. You’re saying that Israel is a democracy, it’s a country that abides by international law. I am asking you: the cutoff of water, electricity, food, and medicine is considered a war crime. Do you call on Israel to cease its – its effort now in cutting so medicine, water, humanitarian aid —
MR MILLER: So let me start by saying that we are in the early days of Israel’s response. Israel has a right to conduct an aggressive response to respond to the terrorism that’s been committed against its citizens. We expect them to follow international law, we believe that they will, and we will remain in close contact with them about it.
QUESTION: You believe they should not intentionally target civilians. That’s one. Second, do you have any idea on the number of Palestinians killed by Israel in the last four days?
MR MILLER: I have seen public reports.
QUESTION: What are these reports?
MR MILLER: I am not going to speak to the —
QUESTION: Are they in the hundreds, in the thousands?
MR MILLER: So I – Said, I’m going to speak to what the U.S. Government can verify, which I’ve done with the number of U.S. citizens. I will let Israel speak to the number of Israeli citizens they have killed as well as the number of Palestinians they have killed.
QUESTION: Do you know if the 14 that the President spoke about are Palestinian Americans?
MR MILLER: I don’t – I don’t have any degree whether they are Palestinian Americans, whether they are dual citizens. It ultimately doesn’t matter to us. American citizens are American citizens.
QUESTION: And my – and my last question to you, Matt, I mean, the President has said that Hamas is motivated – and I’m paraphrasing – motivated solely by the quest to kill Jews. Do you believe that is to be the case? Is it the assessment of this government that Hamas sole motivation is to go out and kill Jews? There’s no context; there’s no siege that has gone on for 16 years.
QUESTION: There is no raid after raid by the Israelis?
MR MILLER: Said, I am just going to say that is a bit of a surprising question after what we saw a Hamas carry out this weekend, when we saw Hamas go in and deliberately target Israeli citizens —
QUESTION: No. I’m just saying —
MR MILLER: — and not just soldiers in the IDF but women, children, kidnapped them. We all saw the images that — across our television screens —
QUESTION: That’s true. And you state that —
MR MILLER: — of Hamas behaving in the most inhumane way possible. So I won’t speak to their motivations, and I think they’re pretty clear.
QUESTION: No, no, I am saying – I am saying to you —
MR MILLER: Let me – let me move on. Go ahead.
QUESTION: Is there another context? Is there another context?
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Feb 6, 2002
Props to @amenx first person here that spotted reporter did not have first hand information but regurgitated what Israeli soldier said. I have no reason to believe the reporter did that intentionally. If it were a fox News reporter, definite intent.

Fog of war will remain until this thing is over. Disinformation will run overtime. My guess, Biden heard too many times about beheaded babies and repeated it. A mistake. Won't be the last one.


Feb 6, 2002
Fox News doing their usual let's find a boogeyman for their lemmings to attack. Reporter badgering Talib with an unconfirmed story about beheaded babies. Also asking her about displaying the Palestinian flag. In case you didn't know her family is Palestinian and she has always displayed that flag.

Congresswoman, why do you have the Palestinian flag outside your office if you do not condone what Hamas terrorists have done to Israel? Do Israeli lives not matter to you?" she asked before the Democrat exited the hallway.

Steny Hoyer came to the defense of Talib when Fox went hunting for more red meat.
"She's Palestinian," Hoyer said. "That doesn't mean she's a terrorist, that doesn't mean she condones this... I fly a Danish flag at my house."

Fox News is a cancer on society. I know Talib didn't want to give that heinous network a sound bite but She should have been ready for that question. Members of the squad know they will be attack for nothing so they should be ready.

Fox gotta keep their zombies frothing at the mouth.
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Roger Wilco

Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2017
The Jerusalem Post is now saying they have verified photos of the babies.

The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct.

May their memory be a blessing.”



Mar 31, 2003
The Jerusalem Post is now saying they have verified photos of the babies.

The Jerusalem Post can now confirm based on verified photos of the bodies that the reports of babies being burnt and decapitated in Hamas's assault on Kfar Aza are correct.

May their memory be a blessing.”

How long until we see posts saying they are fake?

So it would be okay to kill the babies just as long as you don't behead them??


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Jerusalem Post is a propaganda piece of the govt. The Israelis have taken too long to provide verification and unless an independent investigation by a recognized body like the Red Cross or HRW to is allowed to investigate and verify it, it will remain untrustworthy. Israel has a well established history of twisting the truth and blatantly lying about everything related to the IP conflict since its establishment in 1948.

Reactions: Leeea


Jun 23, 2004
The Jerusalem Post is now saying they have verified photos of the babies.
It was a massacre, 1,500+ terrorists invading homes, going door to door. Killing almost everyone they encounter.
What the freaking hell was the motive for people here to try and deny it?
This forum wanted to argue over one inane detail. We know children died, and they want to argue over how they died. A disgusting display of group-think and circling the wagons. To what end?

No one is immune from alt-facts and living in their own reality. Not a single person. Religion, make believe, is the basic human operating system. And those posters just displayed their biases here. Preferring some random fiction over fact. But to what end, because they identify with Hamas?


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
It was a massacre, 1,500+ terrorists invading homes, going door to door. Killing almost everyone they encounter.
What the freaking hell was the motive for people here to try and deny it?
This forum wanted to argue over one inane detail. We know children died, and they want to argue over how they died. A disgusting display of group-think and circling the wagons. To what end?

No one is immune from alt-facts and living in their own reality. Not a single person. Religion, make believe, is the basic human operating system. And those posters just displayed their biases here. Preferring some random fiction over fact. But to what end, because they identify with Hamas?
You know fuck all about the tremendous value of propaganda in wars.
Reactions: dank69


Apr 2, 2011
It was a massacre, 1,500+ terrorists invading homes, going door to door. Killing almost everyone they encounter.
What the freaking hell was the motive for people here to try and deny it?
This forum wanted to argue over one inane detail. We know children died, and they want to argue over how they died. A disgusting display of group-think and circling the wagons. To what end?

No one is immune from alt-facts and living in their own reality. Not a single person. Religion, make believe, is the basic human operating system. And those posters just displayed their biases here. Preferring some random fiction over fact. But to what end, because they identify with Hamas?

It could be damage control in fear of the condemnation of an eventual propaganda that could backfire.

Meanwhile israeli army stated that they launched 6000 bombs for a total of 4000 tonnes of explosive and taht they managed to kill about 100 fighters with these bombings, out of a total of 1350 killed, that s hardly a war to kill palestinians factions fighters.

On an article in Haaretz a palestinian representative claimed that they didnt target civilians nor do they committed crimes against humanity but the things turned different because of armed civilians entering the fight.

We ll have to wait for UNO inquiries to sort the claims of both sides...



Jun 23, 2004
Props to @amenx first person here that spotted reporter did not have first hand information but regurgitated what Israeli soldier said.
Why are you falling for the propagandist?
They are the worst one here.

Nicole Zedeck, of international news channel i24NEWS, addressed skepticism over her reporting that quickly spread Tuesday while on “The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.”
“I witnessed some of those scenes with my own eyes"

She was there, on the ground, before recovery teams went in. Only the soldiers who cleared the homes of terrorists would know better.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2020
There could have been multiple cameras in that newsroom not just the one that the state department is showing.
ok, so reputable link to the source of those other cameras?

They do match at the start.

As you point out yourself, as the questions drag on they don't match the transcript. You blame it on cross talk.

The X footage clearly has the reporter ridiculing the spokesman as a parody, but the official footage is a continuous uncut stream.

It is definitely possible I am missing the minute markers.
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