Israeli air raid struck UN Observation Post

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Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BrownTown
He said they deliberately targeted the post which based on news reports seems to be correct. The question is whether or not they though it was being used by Hezbollah, or knew UN people were still inside.

That is the point I made earlier. It is more likely Hez misfeed information to Israeli innformants to get them to attack. This would benefit Hez immensely obviously, and as we can see would create more distate for Israel. I have no doubt the majority of these attacks that Israel is doing, which seem to be in extremly bad judgement are the result of misinformationg being fed to them.

You seem bright enough.. but you can make all kinds of excuses for ONE side and not the other?

When Israel was first created there were hardcore zionists who murdered many UN peacekeepers and even murdered the diplomats who came to try and make peace... history always repeats itself.

Major difference. Israwl was a nation under constant attack and in danger of being destroyed. Now they are not at risk from being destroyed (Save perhaps Iran and Nuclear weapons). They have no benefit to attacking a UN outpost on purpose.

If it is found to be an attack on purpose I will personally make a thread apologizing, but until than I see now benefit they can gain from this.

wow.. you will accept anything these people do and claim their innocence you will claim that laws do not apply to them in regards to TV stations beinb bombed and bombing un outposts because they thought Hez was there.. what next.. bombing hospitals because the boogeyman is there too?

BTW, the incident I brought up at their inception was when all kinds of fighting was going on and they killed peacekeepers back then .. P.S. They HAD NO RIGHT TO THE LAND ANYWAYS Maybe we should move somolians and sunni's to your neighborhood and YOUR HOME and kick your ass out

Maybe they are taking a page from the US book?

Honestly, people tried to make war too "nice and rosey", it has never been, and never will be. Hez was part of the Lebannon government, they did border attacks on Israel. Combine this with the constant attacking of Israel from the military wing of a government and you still expect Israel to sit back and do nothing?

Arguing the fact of the state of Israel is a mute point. Again, how far back in history do you want to go to return land? The Arabs at the time refused the two state offer, Israel accepted it.

If Israel put there weapons down they would be destroyed, if the arabs put there weapons down there would be peace.

Why are there not more civilian deaths if Israel was targeting civilians?

Why do we have not Israel killing journalist and reporters if they were targetting them?

You guys jump on any bad news like it is gossip without sitting back and going "wait, why would Israel do something this stupid? It servers no purpose"


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.
I didn't watch the video, because I'm fairly sure what it is. An obviously biased anti-israel so called "documentary" using small clips of actual footage with no context whatsoever. Look, I'm not stupid and I won't deny that there are times when Palestinians have been abused. But I can tell you that that is not Israeli policy by any stretch of the imagination, and there are bad apples in every group.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Zebo
Darwin in Action....because the UN has this notion that warfare is like a fiqure skating competition which can be "observed" by a referee they pay frequently.

This is exactly the "excues ANYTHING" attitude towards Israel that emboldens these murderers to carry out just such heinous acts. The USA created the Israeli military monster and Israel is just simply out of control. Attacking a clearly marked UN installation is proof.

Is there ANYTHING these animals won't stoop to?

They will protect there people.

The UN observers were threatening the Israeli people???

Don't be ridiculous. This was a callous, calculated, deliberate attack on UN observers because Israel doesn't want anyone observing the war crimes and crimes against humanity they are conducting against the Lebanese people. It's the same reason Israel attacked Lebanon's TV and communication towers.

Israel wants to complete their war crimes in the dark, without observers or reporters to tell the world the truth about them.

That was in response to your pathetic "Is there nothing these animals won't do"

As I stated, I seriously doubt it was an attack on purpose, the only information you have is a UN official with a track record of attacking Israel.

How about I ask you this? Why are there no reports of mass deaths of reporters who are in Lebannon? I mean they do not want people to observe...

No reports of mass deaths? No reports of mass destruction either?

You must not be watching the same news I'm watching. :roll:

How can you even suggest the attack wasn't done on purpose? You people who are defending these animals always claim that Israel is using "precision" munitions and they are conducting "surgical" strikes.

Wasn't this a "precision" "surgical" strike too???


Hypocrites. You change like the wind to defend anything these animals do.
I served in the Israeli military and I don't appreciate you calling me an animal. You have no idea what you're talking about. Israel bends over backwards to avoid civillian casulties, regardless of what mass media outlets will have you believe. Yes, they have precision munitions, but guess what, shite happens in war. I don't know what happened and neither do you, not Kofi for that matter. People find it so easy to jump to conclusions when it's at Israel's expense.

It isn't some insane conculusion that when somebody drops bombs on your head they are trying to kill you.

Smack Down, still waiting for the answer on which history matters, you avoid it every time I ask.

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: ThePresence
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Zebo
Darwin in Action....because the UN has this notion that warfare is like a fiqure skating competition which can be "observed" by a referee they pay frequently.

This is exactly the "excues ANYTHING" attitude towards Israel that emboldens these murderers to carry out just such heinous acts. The USA created the Israeli military monster and Israel is just simply out of control. Attacking a clearly marked UN installation is proof.

Is there ANYTHING these animals won't stoop to?

They will protect there people.

The UN observers were threatening the Israeli people???

Don't be ridiculous. This was a callous, calculated, deliberate attack on UN observers because Israel doesn't want anyone observing the war crimes and crimes against humanity they are conducting against the Lebanese people. It's the same reason Israel attacked Lebanon's TV and communication towers.

Israel wants to complete their war crimes in the dark, without observers or reporters to tell the world the truth about them.

That was in response to your pathetic "Is there nothing these animals won't do"

As I stated, I seriously doubt it was an attack on purpose, the only information you have is a UN official with a track record of attacking Israel.

How about I ask you this? Why are there no reports of mass deaths of reporters who are in Lebannon? I mean they do not want people to observe...

No reports of mass deaths? No reports of mass destruction either?

You must not be watching the same news I'm watching. :roll:

How can you even suggest the attack wasn't done on purpose? You people who are defending these animals always claim that Israel is using "precision" munitions and they are conducting "surgical" strikes.

Wasn't this a "precision" "surgical" strike too???


Hypocrites. You change like the wind to defend anything these animals do.
I served in the Israeli military and I don't appreciate you calling me an animal. You have no idea what you're talking about. Israel bends over backwards to avoid civillian casulties, regardless of what mass media outlets will have you believe. Yes, they have precision munitions, but guess what, shite happens in war. I don't know what happened and neither do you, not Kofi for that matter. People find it so easy to jump to conclusions when it's at Israel's expense.

It isn't some insane conculusion that when somebody drops bombs on your head they are trying to kill you.
Right, because it's that simple here. :roll:

Oh yeah it must be Kofi hates jews and has nothing to with Israel killing UN people.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: smack Down
Oh yeah it must be Kofi hates jews and has nothing to with Israel killing UN people.

I never said anything remotely like that. I never said they bombed the UN people because Kofi hates Jews. Is that just your own conclusion?

smack Down

Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
Originally posted by: RichardE

Smack Down, still waiting for the answer on which history matters, you avoid it every time I ask.

It sure has nothing to with this thread.

But keep on trolling


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE

Ah look, more avoiding the question...

Why are we not seeying mass killings of reporters or attacks on reporters (like we saw in Iraq with the shelling of the reporter hotel).

So commo Bbond...why are these animals not killing reporters left right and center to stop the observation of the war?

You're avoiding the question. Why the attacks against the TV and communication towers? Why the attacks against reporters? Why the attack against UN observers? What about the "precision" "surgical" strikes you people love to mention as Israel obliterates an entire nation and targets fleeing civilians?

TV and communications are simple to anyone with half a brain. Stop the easy communication for Hez to move troops. Television to stop the propoghanda.

UN observers are not confirmed, they were attacked, no one knows why. Of course this doesn't matter as it might mean Israel did something wrong and you must jump all over it before knowing the answer.

Targets fleeing civilians? Are you an idiot? Over 10k missiles launched...if they wanted to target civilians purposely as a nation there would be many many many dead more civilians.

So answer my question now, if they wanted to get rid of the observers why are they not going after each journalist in the country?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: smack Down
Originally posted by: RichardE

Smack Down, still waiting for the answer on which history matters, you avoid it every time I ask.

It sure has nothing to with this thread.

But keep on trolling

It does, you refuse to accept any history of the area, yet feel you know enough to be able to comment properly. So still waiting, seems you run everytime I ask. I mean, you are the one who said history didn't matter, than brough up alot of history here. Just trying to understand your mindset.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
I doubt Israel was intentionally targetting the UN Outpost (yes an immobile outpost). However, you'd have some pretty big intelligence failures to target an open UN Observer Post. All it affirms, IMO, is that Israel doesnt really care what it targets. If they think theres a 10% chance that some site is a Hezbollah stronghold, they will fire, regardless of consequence.

Regardless, if Israel can fvck up hitting a marked UN target. I would have no doubts that they can hit unmarked civliian Lebanon targets as "Hezbollah". IMO, this is just an excuse to shell Lebanon over the mystical "Hezbollah". Its easy to justify killing civilians under the guise that your enemy hides amoung the civilians. While I'm sure they DO hide to a certain degree, the amount of civilian damage in Lebanon far exceeds it IMO.

Israel can't hit Hezbollah militants, so they hit civilians. Terrorists can't hit the Israeli army, so they do the same. Ironic.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?


Feb 5, 2006
Didn't Israel once bomb an American ship? And America brushed it under the rug. Who is going to care about some UN observers if they didn't even care about American sailors, or Americans in Lebanon for that matter. Notice, US didn't ask Israel to hold fire until Americans in Lebanon had a chance to evacuate. That is our government giving up it's #1 responsibility of protecting Americans in order to do Israel's bidding.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

You sound like the U.S. military in Iraq. "We don't intentionally target civilians."

Tell that to the tens of thousands of dead civilians. :roll:

Same goes for Lebanon. Those ARE Israeli planes dropping Israeli bombs, aren't they? (Well, to be perfectly accurate they are American planes and American bombs but our surrogate is dropping them, right?)

And you people love to gush about how "accurate" the Israeli "precision" munitions are, don't you? Now, what doesn't add up here??? Hmmm....



Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: RichardE
Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

And when Israel does hit civilians, its always... they play the "Terrorists were hiding there" card. While I'm sure the terrorists do that to a certain extend, the amount of times Israel has pulled that card is getting rediculous. You'd have intelligence failure on an astronomical scale to mistake a marked UN target for Hezbollah.

And as for your latter comment, I'll play devil's advocate and say that every Male Israeli is either ex-military, in the military, or gonna be in the military.


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

That's like me punching you in the face and saying I wasn't targeting you, just a mosquito that was sitting on your nose.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

You sound like the U.S. military in Iraq. "We don't intentionally target civilians."

Tell that to the tens of thousands of dead civilians. :roll:

Same goes for Lebanon. Those ARE Israeli planes dropping Israeli bombs, aren't they? (Well, to be perfectly accurate they are American planes and American bombs but our surrogate is dropping them, right?)

And you people love to gush about how "accurate" the Israeli "precision" munitions are, don't you? Now, what doesn't add up here??? Hmmm....

So why if they are targetting civilians is there such a low death rate? :roll:

I am still waiting for you to answer my previous question..

If they are trying to get rid of observers why not kill/attack the reporters/journalists?

BTW, want those videos? Or might they actually make you realise that the people you defend are barbarians?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: senseamp
Didn't Israel once bomb an American ship? And America brushed it under the rug. Who is going to care about some UN observers if they didn't even care about American sailors, or Americans in Lebanon for that matter. Notice, US didn't ask Israel to hold fire until Americans in Lebanon had a chance to evacuate. That is our government giving up it's #1 responsibility of protecting Americans in order to do Israel's bidding.


Our government cowtowing to Israel and AIPAC again!


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

That's like me punching you in the face and saying I wasn't targeting you, just a mosquito that was sitting on your nose.

Again, with 10k+ missiles launched in Lebannon why is the civilian casulties so low if they were targetting civilians? You guys are pathetic, keep avoiding the questions that matter.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

You sound like the U.S. military in Iraq. "We don't intentionally target civilians."

Tell that to the tens of thousands of dead civilians. :roll:

Same goes for Lebanon. Those ARE Israeli planes dropping Israeli bombs, aren't they? (Well, to be perfectly accurate they are American planes and American bombs but our surrogate is dropping them, right?)

And you people love to gush about how "accurate" the Israeli "precision" munitions are, don't you? Now, what doesn't add up here??? Hmmm....

So why if they are targetting civilians is there such a low death rate? :roll:

I am still waiting for you to answer my previous question..

If they are trying to get rid of observers why not kill/attack the reporters/journalists?


Can you just IMAGINE what people would be saying if 400 Israeli civilians were killed by Hezbollah, another couple thousand were wounded, and 750,000 were displaced???

My GOD, can you just imagine the rhetoric we'd be hearing from Israel???


But hey, I understand, these are just Lebanese. They don't count for much. RIGHT?


You are so twisted toward Israel and you don't even recognize it.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
The UN is about as useful as blind deaf mute american idol contestant...

Lead, Follow or get the Fck out of the way.... I feel sorry for the families of the dead observers.... but reality is, in war, sht happens...



Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

That's like me punching you in the face and saying I wasn't targeting you, just a mosquito that was sitting on your nose.

Again, with 10k+ missiles launched in Lebannon why is the civilian casulties so low if they were targetting civilians? You guys are pathetic, keep avoiding the questions that matter.

I am not avoiding that at all.
What do you mean they are low? What is percentage of civilian casualties to military ones?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: senseamp

That's like me punching you in the face and saying I wasn't targeting you, just a mosquito that was sitting on your nose.


As long as that nose is on an Arab face, not an Israeli face, it's OK to punch away!

These people and their ridiculous excuses are pathetic. They are as transparent as Saran Wrap.


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

You sound like the U.S. military in Iraq. "We don't intentionally target civilians."

Tell that to the tens of thousands of dead civilians. :roll:

Same goes for Lebanon. Those ARE Israeli planes dropping Israeli bombs, aren't they? (Well, to be perfectly accurate they are American planes and American bombs but our surrogate is dropping them, right?)

And you people love to gush about how "accurate" the Israeli "precision" munitions are, don't you? Now, what doesn't add up here??? Hmmm....

So why if they are targetting civilians is there such a low death rate? :roll:

I am still waiting for you to answer my previous question..

If they are trying to get rid of observers why not kill/attack the reporters/journalists?


Can you just IMAGINE what people would be saying if 400 Israeli civilians were killed by Hezbollah, another couple thousand were wounded, and 750,000 were displaced???

My GOD, can you just imagine the rhetoric we'd be hearing from Israel???


But hey, I understand, these are just Lebanese. They don't count for much. RIGHT?


You are so twisted toward Israel and you don't even recognize it.

Umm..they attacked a nation with a much stronger military, of course the death numbers are going to be lopsided that is just common sense.

Here are two questions you love to keep avoiding...try to answer them.

If Israel is targetting civilians, why is there such a small number of deaths with 10k+ missiles launched and groundforces moved in?

If Israel is trying to get rid of observers, why are we not seeying reports of journalists/reporters being killed continuesly?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: RichardE
Originally posted by: BBond
Here, check out this video. I like the parts where the Israeli soldiers are abusing defenseless Palestinians. Bashing a guy's head with a rock. Kicking him in the face. Insulting old women whose only crime is wanting to go home. Etc., etc., etc., -- just like animals.

You want some videos of the aftermath of suicide bombers and rocket attacks? I have some pretty graphic ones I can send you when I get home. I mean it is always best to have the story from both sides right?

Both sides make mistakes, Israel as a policy does not target civilians. Hamas and Hez as a policy do. What more do you need to know?

That's like me punching you in the face and saying I wasn't targeting you, just a mosquito that was sitting on your nose.

Again, with 10k+ missiles launched in Lebannon why is the civilian casulties so low if they were targetting civilians? You guys are pathetic, keep avoiding the questions that matter.

I am not avoiding that at all.
What do you mean they are low? What is percentage of civilian casualties to military ones?

Here ya go...

25 missiles are launched (assuming only 10k missiles) for every civilian killed (assuming 400).

These are precision missiles, Is Israel really that bad of a shot? I mean, they are targetting civilians and all, it should take them less than 25 missiles to kill one person.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: RichardE

Umm..they attacked a nation with a much stronger military, of course the death numbers are going to be lopsided that is just common sense.

Here are two questions you love to keep avoiding...try to answer them.

If Israel is targetting civilians, why is there such a small number of deaths with 10k+ missiles launched and groundforces moved in?

If Israel is trying to get rid of observers, why are we not seeying reports of journalists/reporters being killed continuesly?

Lebanon did NOT attack Israel. Israel attacked Lebanon. And if you think the deaths, injuries, destruction, and nearly a million people displaced isn't catastrophic then there really is NO hope for you. You have and will continue to excuse ANYTHING Israel does.

Are you and Israeli? Have you served in the Israeli military too?




Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
It's also nice that you want to change the subject from Israel intentionally targeting UN observers. I understand why you would -- completely.
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