israeli navy fires on Gaza aid flotilla

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Jul 9, 2005
Do you think the citizens of a country should be blamed for the actions of their government?

if those citizens democratically elected said government, yes.

america is punished by obama's policies. gazans are punished by hamas' policies. europe is punished by the policies of its leaders, etc..etc...

muslims have a long history of assigning blame to the joos, and the leftists will goose-step right next to em'.


Aug 4, 2007
even i agree that this thread sucks. it will eventually die a slow death. LIKE THE PALESTINIANS ARE DOING NOW DUE TO THE BLOCKADE AND ILLEGAL ATTACK IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS.

heh. i'z be tired.


Jul 9, 2005
even i agree that this thread sucks. it will eventually die a slow death. LIKE THE PALESTINIANS ARE DOING NOW DUE TO THE BLOCKADE AND ILLEGAL ATTACK IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS.

heh. i'z be tired.

"slow death"

Average life expectancy: 72.68

average Gazan age: 17

fertility rate: 4.9 children PER WOMAN

Gazans are a lot of things, but starving isn't one of them. Perhaps if Palestinians didn't have so many fucking kids, then perhaps more money could be used to support a self-sustaining economy then continuing the welfare state.

first thing palestinians do when their born is register as a refugee, get free money from the UN, free housing, healthcare...and then be another victim to israel's existence.

this youth bulge is gonna be bad for israel and gaza. look at lebanon, liberia, somalia.

stupid and young pop, vote in stupid and violent leadership, etc...etc...

unless hamas is removed soon gaza will eventually evolve into a fiery put of civil war and death, just as lebanon did in the 70s and 80s.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Your foolishness is exposed yet again. What ever happened to the Nazis, flavio? what happened to the Jews? lol. Don't answer, we all know.

Nazis were stronger than the Jews for quite sometime and killed a shit ton of them. I presume you were like "Cool, strength in action".


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
if those citizens democratically elected said government, yes.

america is punished by obama's policies. gazans are punished by hamas' policies. europe is punished by the policies of its leaders, etc..etc...

And no Israel is being punished for the policies of it's leaders.

Gazans are a lot of things, but starving isn't one of them.

I like that you think some unsourced picture of food proves they aren't starving. It's funny.

It's not rational though. Israel is starving Gaza. They even said they were putting them on a diet.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006

"Israel's policy was summed up by Dov Weisglass, an adviser to Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, earlier this year. 'The idea is to put the Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger,' he said. The hunger pangs are supposed to encourage the Palestinians to force Hamas to change its attitude towards Israel or force Hamas out of government."

so collective punishment on an entire population is okay to you? what if they had decided to punish all of Detroit because of Kwame? pffffffft.

they voted hamas into power? they should technically be able to take them out.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001

A Palestinian vendor sells food supplies in a market during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, on 31 August 2009.

A Palestinian vendor sells food supplies in a market as Muslims prepare for the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, in Gaza City. Aug 21, 2009

Palestinians stand in a supermarket aisle in Gaza City, Friday, May 28, 2010.

Canned fish and beans are offered for sale at a supermarket in Gaza City, Friday, May 28, 2010.

Products are offered for sale at a supermarket in Gaza City, Friday, May 28, 2010.

Gaza market photos.

These photos taken within the last 10 months come from a variety of WWW sites that were found in a simple Google search of "Gaza food market photos."

Claims of starvation and deprivation in Gaza seem wildly exaggerated for propaganda purposes. Please note, I do not see any coriander or chocolate Easter bunnies in these photos.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
They were looking to deliver aid or draw attention to an illegal blockade that is starving the people of Gaza. Very humanitarian.

Anyone could be expected to defend themselves from an armed group attacking their vessel in the middle of the night in international waters.

Anyone could be expected to defend themselves from an armed group attacking their vessel in the middle of the night in international waters.

Ignoring an illegal blockade to deliver aid.

There aren't. They contradict your viewpoint.

I'm not. You are. They were looking to deliver aid or draw attention to an illegal blockade that is starving the people of Gaza. Very humanitarian.

Nope, groups and governments all over have recognized Israel's fuckup.

I'm going to do this once more, then it's done. It's pretty clear you have absolutely no wish to actually address the reality of the situation.

#1. Humanitarians DO NOT SET OUT TO MARTYR THEMSELVES. Period.
#2. Humanitarians DO NOT ATTACK individuals peacefully boarding their ships. This blockade has been in existence for 3 years. They were warned exactly what would happen. So they proceded to try to run the blockade. They knew who these people were. They knew why they were being boarded. They physically attacked them. This was not some 'OMG Somalian Pirate attack!' deal. This was a warned - in advance event they knew was coming. They responded by attacking. Indeed - they didn't even let the military hit the deck before they were attacking them with weapons.
#3. Humanitarians DO NOT RESORT TO WEAPONS FIRE as a response to a peaceful boarding.

Sorry, but your points lack any semblance of rational thought. You're spinning them faster than a politician about to be voted out.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to give aid, there are ways to do it that would have not resulted in bloodshed.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to protest the blockade, there are ways to do it that would not have resulted in bloodshed.

Instead, they chose the most confrontational method they could find, and the end result could be foreseen, and even expected. Just as they expected it when claiming they wanted to Martyr themselves before leaving for the trip.


Feb 5, 2006
I'm going to do this once more, then it's done. It's pretty clear you have absolutely no wish to actually address the reality of the situation.

#1. Humanitarians DO NOT SET OUT TO MARTYR THEMSELVES. Period.
#2. Humanitarians DO NOT ATTACK individuals peacefully boarding their ships. This blockade has been in existence for 3 years. They were warned exactly what would happen. So they proceded to try to run the blockade. They knew who these people were. They knew why they were being boarded. They physically attacked them. This was not some 'OMG Somalian Pirate attack!' deal. This was a warned - in advance event they knew was coming. They responded by attacking. Indeed - they didn't even let the military hit the deck before they were attacking them with weapons.
#3. Humanitarians DO NOT RESORT TO WEAPONS FIRE as a response to a peaceful boarding.

Sorry, but your points lack any semblance of rational thought. You're spinning them faster than a politician about to be voted out.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to give aid, there are ways to do it that would have not resulted in bloodshed.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to protest the blockade, there are ways to do it that would not have resulted in bloodshed.

Instead, they chose the most confrontational method they could find, and the end result could be foreseen, and even expected. Just as they expected it when claiming they wanted to Martyr themselves before leaving for the trip.

Is this joke post, or are you completely out of touch with reality? Armed soldiers from a helicopter are "peacefully boarding their ship?"


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Gaza market photos.

These photos taken within the last 10 months come from a variety of WWW sites that were found in a simple Google search of "Gaza food market photos."

Sorry your pictures prove nothing. Their unsourced, undated, we have no idea if their even in Gaza, or if this is typical.

If we use actual facts you can see that Gaza is being starved. Israel even announced their intention to put them on a diet. These pictures seem to be the standard propaganda for the hasbara megaphone peeps though.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
#1. Humanitarians DO NOT SET OUT TO MARTYR THEMSELVES. Period.

They didn't intend to martyr themselves. They intended to deliver aid or bring attention to the illegal blockade. But your logic that humanitarians can't be martyrs was flawed anyway.

#2. Humanitarians DO NOT ATTACK individuals peacefully boarding their ships. This blockade has been in existence for 3 years. They were warned exactly what would happen. So they proceded to try to run the blockade. They knew who these people were. They knew why they were being boarded. They physically attacked them. This was not some 'OMG Somalian Pirate attack!' deal. This was a warned - in advance event they knew was coming. They responded by attacking. Indeed - they didn't even let the military hit the deck before they were attacking them with weapons.

Wrong they started shooting before they boarded and tried to drop a bunch of armed guys on the deck in the middle of the night in international waters. Anyone, humanitarian or otherwise, could be expected to defend their ship from this attack.

#3. Humanitarians DO NOT RESORT TO WEAPONS FIRE as a response to a peaceful boarding.

It wasn't a peaceful boarding, it was an attack. Anyone could be expected to defend themselves by whatever means necessary. Especially if you can take a gun from an attacker.

Sorry, but your points lack any semblance of rational thought. You're spinning them faster than a politician about to be voted out.

Funny, I was thinking the same about you.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to give aid, there are ways to do it that would have not resulted in bloodshed.

Yes, Israel could have given up on their illegal blockade.

Had these Humanitarians wanted to protest the blockade, there are ways to do it that would not have resulted in bloodshed.

yes, Israel could have not attacked the ship.

Instead, they chose the most confrontational method they could find, and the end result could be foreseen, and even expected.

They chose a direct method. Ignore the illegal blockade.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Never confuse internal popular support for long term national survival or viability. In Both Germany and Japan, internal popular support peaked in 1944-45, even though it was apparent to both nations leadership, long before, that they would end up losing the war.

And in Nazi Germany the end reached comic opera proportions, as Hitler spent his final fun filled day inside his Berlin bunker on the radio, ordering around German military forces long since kaput, and then he poisoned his dogs, his mistress, and shot himself. But it did not end there, Dr . Gobbels then self appointed himself as the new glorious German leader, and in so doing achieved 15 second of fame and achieving his life time ambition at the same time.

Now let us ask, who will be Bozo Netanyuhu's successor? But Israeli fan clubber or not, we can all hope the next Israeli PM will be smarter. For the benefit of everyone.

A just mid-east peace is always possible.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Sorry your pictures prove nothing. Their unsourced, undated, we have no idea if their even in Gaza, or if this is typical.

Actually they are dated in the sub-captions which came from the reference websites. I wanted to provide photos from the most recent months.

I am curious as to why you don't actually do a Google search yourself and look at the hundreds and hundreds of photos that are available and then identify the sources for yourself.

Here is a professional photographer's site that I have already set up to screen in photos of Gaza markets. Click on any one of them and it will identify place, photographer and date. Check out that gold market on the first page!

Photoshelter - Gaza + Market

I see you have probably the largest set of blinders on of anyone on this site (and that is saying something!), you refuse to review information which does not meet your preconceived biases, and you are pretty much just a mouthpiece for Hamas as you cannot break free of these biases. But a simple independent Google search should not be outside the scope of your skill set, even if using your God given thinking powers definitely seems a stretch.

One source of information that is not very politically biased comes from the tourism sites. There you can get actual commentary from people traveling in these not typically touristy destinations. They always talk about food and what they see.

Some particularly good information can be found on the sites that cover what is called "adventure travel."

Yeah, consider that. You can be a tourist in the Gaza Strip, but it is not easy to get in and harder to get out! Being a Hamas fan you should have minimal trouble, hehehe.

If the Egyptians don't keep the door open for you, I suggest the tunnel route if you go, to avoid hassling with the Israeli border controls and talking to rude IDF types through loudspeakers in the walls and CCTVs. Take a gas mask that has war filters or a self contained air supply just in case should you decide on the authentic Gaza smuggling tunnel experience.

For some piece of cake practice head down to the Mexico/Arizona border and go back and forth a few times to get into the feel of things. The U.S. Border Patrol usually doesn't shoot so it is really safe, considering.

I really like this pithy description of places best avoided tourism in the region and highlighted the Gaza comment. LOL :awe:

Aden (a rather fascinating town, just not for history buffs or secularists who search for traces of British colonialism, PDRY heritage or liberated women – all signs of these three have long disappeared)

Amman (relatively dull)

Aqaba’s city centre beaches (wait, have I been magically transported to a slum built on a rubbish dump along Calcutta’s seafront?)

Beirut (the rebuilt, posh city centre only – nauseating density of MREs=morally repugnant elites)

Baghdad (and Kirkuk, Mosul, all of Diyala, much of Anbar & Babil: still too unsafe for the casual visitor)

Baptism Site/Jordanian side (you must be in a religious delirium to find this place interesting, though for cynics the sorry toxic creek previously known as the majestic Jordan is good for a nasty laugh)

Basra (Iraq’s second city, but neglected and dilapidated – a sorry shadow of its former glory, if it ever existed)

Damascus, main bazaar (no match with bazaars in Cairo, Istanbul or Iran)

Dubai (relatively speaking, over-hyped and overrated)

Eilat (tacky and expensive – hard to say if the town or its tourists are more tasteless)

Gaza (an ugly town with pockets of wealth near the beach where the local parasitic elite gives the finger to its own population then whimpers about oppression of the Palestinian people and screams for international solidarity)

Jerusalem (full of religious nutcases, both domestic and foreign, you begin to feel guilty if you don’t spend half of your day in prayer)

Kuwait (the whole damned country – dull & expensive)

Masada (somehow doesn’t quite live up to its romantic fame when you stand on top and wonder under-whelmed “okay, that’s it…?&#8221

Pella (disappointing even when it modestly labels itself as the country’s 5th or 6th-best archaeological site)

Qatar (not been there yet – but I would imagine – over-hyped like Dubai but with none of the objective attractions that Dubai has to offer?)

Salt (three nice buildings, but that’s it)

Sharm el-Sheikh (expensive and overdeveloped)

Taiz (ugly, polluted, not one bit more intellectually enlightened than the rest of the country)

…and thousands of grey, sandy, hot, fly-blown, ugly, no-name towns consisting entirely of cinder-block shacks (did architects become extinct in the Middle East 500 years ago???).

There is a reason why “books are full of the best places to visit”!

Those NOT mentioned are better avoided.
Do you speak or read any languages other than English? Like Arabic, Hebrew or Farsi? I could point you to some sites that give you real insight instead of the crap you keep linking.

EDIT: Reflecting on this for a moment, I find that flavio posts are a waste of effort and time to read, much less respond to. The constant repetition he indulges in contributes absolutely nothing to the discussions at hand. I am going to grant flavio the singular honor of being the first person ever on my Ignore list!
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
They didn't intend to martyr themselves. They intended to deliver aid or bring attention to the illegal blockade. But your logic that humanitarians can't be martyrs was flawed anyway.
You are lieing. Completely and utterly lieing. Not spinning. Not twisting. Lieing.
The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the UK Telegraph, the BBC, the San Franciso Chronicle, and nearly every other respected newspaper in this country has had articles quoting friends and relatives of the members of the crew stating they wanted to be martyrs.

Wrong they started shooting before they boarded and tried to drop a bunch of armed guys on the deck in the middle of the night in international waters. Anyone, humanitarian or otherwise, could be expected to defend their ship from this attack.
There is NO proof that the Israeli's began shooting first with live bullets. They have already admitted to shooting rubber bullets and using concussion grenades to try to protect their landing people. If your claim is that they began shooting live/deadly bullets first, I would LOVE to here you explain why they didn't kill the people on the deck who were beating their soldiers heads in with pipes and chains. Go ahead. Convince us.

It wasn't a peaceful boarding, it was an attack. Anyone could be expected to defend themselves by whatever means necessary. Especially if you can take a gun from an attacker.
An attack. Repeated radio messages for them to stop. Warnings that they would be stopped. Then attempted non-lethal force. 9 dead out of how many?

Sorry, but if this had been a serious attack, those ships would have been at the bottom of the ocean.

The rest of your repetitious "illegal blockade" crap is just that. There are hundreds of legal scholars debating whether it's really illegal or not. The fact that is has gone on for 3 years should suggest just how tenous and unsound your line of reasoning is.

So that's it. As I said, you have no real interest in trying to search out the truth. You've taken a couple reports and pieced together something you wanted to believe, rather than using the preponderance of the evidence to form a rational view based in fact.

Confirmation bias at its worst.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Actually they are dated in the sub-captions which came from the reference websites. I wanted to provide photos from the most recent months.

I see no verification of the location or date. Did you expect me to take your word for it?

I am curious as to why you don't actually do a Google search yourself and look at the hundreds and hundreds of photos that are available and then identify the sources for yourself.

Because a bunch of random pics doesn't prove anything. When you look at the overall picture though it's clear.

Here is a professional photographer's site that I have already set up to screen in photos of Gaza markets. Click on any one of them and it will identify place, photographer and date.

Sorry, as I said individual pics doesn't prove anything. Even if I did believe where and when they were taken it doesn't prove a damn thing.

I see you have probably the largest set of blinders on of anyone on this site

No, that title would go to one of the Israeli apologists.

even if using your God given thinking powers definitely seems a stretch.

I see you're resorting to personal attacks when you have no rational debate. I'll be about done responding to you if you can't act like a rational adult.

Being a Hamas fan you should have minimal trouble, hehehe.

There you go again. Fuck off you child.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You are lieing. Completely and utterly lieing. Not spinning. Not twisting. Lieing.

It's spelled lying.

The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the UK Telegraph, the BBC, the San Franciso Chronicle, and nearly every other respected newspaper in this country has had articles quoting friends and relatives of the members of the crew stating they wanted to be martyrs.

Link them up. I want to see the relatives of all these hundreds of people lie.

There is NO proof that the Israeli's began shooting first with live bullets. They have already admitted to shooting rubber bullets and using concussion grenades to try to protect their landing people.

So you admit that they attacked first. Glad we got that settled.

I'll copy this and copy the link to this post for future apologists.

Thank you.

An attack. Repeated radio messages for them to stop. Warnings that they would be stopped. Then attempted non-lethal force. 9 dead out of how many?

They had no right to commander that ship in international waters. Israel was warned that their blockade was illegal. They attacked anyway and the passengers defended their ship. Then they killed people.

Sorry, but if this had been a serious attack, those ships would have been at the bottom of the ocean.

The Israelis aren't quite that stupid. Damn they'd be in way more shit than they already are.

The rest of your repetitious "illegal blockade" crap is just that. There are hundreds of legal scholars debating whether it's really illegal or not. The fact that is has gone on for 3 years should suggest just how tenous and unsound your line of reasoning is.

Israel was warned by the UN that is was illegal. They ignored it and now will pay the price.

So that's it. As I said, you have no real interest in trying to search out the truth. You've taken a couple reports and pieced together something you wanted to believe, rather than using the preponderance of the evidence to form a rational view based in fact.

Confirmation bias at its worst.

You refuse to look at any of the facts of the matter. You probably refuse to find fault with Israel over anything they ever do. You look for things that tenuously support you're ill conceived notions.

That is confirmation bias at its worst. Are you one of those hasbara megaphone fuckers? Every time I ask one of the apologists they avoid the question. The guy with 30 something posts that were all pro-Israel anti-muslim on a tech forum just ran off when I asked him.


Jul 9, 2005
They had no right to commander that ship in international waters. Israel was warned that their blockade was illegal. They attacked anyway and the passengers defended their ship. Then they killed people.

You keep repeating yourself even after being owned in a humiliating fashion.

Israel's blockade of Gaza is perfectly legal. In fact, the UN, Cyprus, Egypt, EU, USA, and even a few quiet Arab states don't challenge its legality.

Assuming so, boarding in international waters is legal as well.

Would you prefer IDF seals board the ship in Gaza's immediate waters, where the ship, its crew, and israeli soldiers are in range of hamas rockets?

It is perfectly lawful to enforce a blockade in international law. If ship Y states its intention to break a blockade in spite of repeated warnings, then blockade should be enforced before the ship crosses into domestic water.

US, British, French, Russian, Chinese, South Korean and hell even Canada have boarded ships in international waters to assure their security.

Being in international waters does not somehow make you immune to the law.

In the world of Flavio and Sandeagle, Muslims aren't really expected to behave like human beings and any attempt to enforce the rule of law is izareli terrrizosm111!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You keep repeating yourself even after being owned in a humiliating fashion.

Sorry no, you've been pnwed so hard it's got to physically hurt at this point.

Israel's blockade of Gaza is perfectly legal. In fact, the UN, Cyprus, Egypt, EU, USA, and even a few quiet Arab states don't challenge its legality.

No sorry, Israel was warned that the blockade was illegal by the UN.

Assuming so, boarding in international waters is legal as well.

Nope. Illegal blockade mean attacking a humanitarian ship in international waters was illegal as well.

Would you prefer IDF seals board the ship in Gaza's immediate waters, where the ship, its crew, and israeli soldiers are in range of hamas rockets?

No, I like how it now with the illegal Israeli blockade being challenged on all fronts.

It is perfectly lawful to enforce a blockade in international law. If ship Y states its intention to break a blockade in spite of repeated warnings, then blockade should be enforced before the ship crosses into domestic water.

No illegal blockades give Israel no authority to attack humanitarian ships in the night in international waters.

US, British, French, Russian, Chinese, South Korean and hell even Canada have boarded ships in international waters to assure their security.

The "hey, look over there instead of at us" defense. Fuck that. Israel fucked up.

Being in international waters does not somehow make you immune to the law.

Right, Israel should quit acting like it's immune to the law. It bit them in the ass big time.

In the world of Flavio and Sandeagle, Muslims aren't really expected to behave like human beings and any attempt to enforce the rule of law is izareli terrrizosm111!!!

Making straw men arguments again. If the Israelis had behaved like human beings and respected the law we wouldn't be here. Not sure where you were going with the muslim thing.


Jul 9, 2005
No sorry, Israel was warned that the blockade was illegal by the UN.

You keep saying this but it isn't true, and several users here have proven this.

This "blockade" has been on-going for 3 years. 3 YEARS.

hundreds of legal scholars continue to debate the legality of it, but there is no law that says one nation cannot place a trade embargo on another.

No illegal blockades give Israel no authority to attack humanitarian ships in the night in international waters.

again, repetition is not an argument. You have been caught in a web of lies and exposed without mercy, and yet you do not accept defeat.

"Humanitarian ships" do not carry Turkish mercenaries:

Nor do humanitarian ships store firearms, munitions, bullet proof vests, and gas masks:

humanitarian ships also do not accept volunteers who are the off-spring of al-qaeda leaders:

Today Hamas storm troopers actually attacked NGO "rights" groups in Gaza and stripped them their documents and hardware:

id like you to spin this for me. i bet if israel only gave MORE aid to Gaza, on top of the millions of lbs it delivers every day, hamas wouldn't be such an evil islamist jihadist group that it is.

if hamas was so in need of aid, why did it reject the aid carried on by flotilla? perhaps, because - the "aid" was in the form of weapons and turkish militants. the actual supplies on the ship were equal to about 1/4 of gaza's daily take, and most of the supplies aren't experiencing shortages in gaza.

I think at this point Flavio, sandeagle, fallout, and the rest of the taliban gang are grasping for air.
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