israeli navy fires on Gaza aid flotilla

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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
more like:

in this corner ... reason
and in this corder ... giyus
Or maybe we can better describe it as.

In one corner are a fairly small number of totally pro Israeli fan clubbers whose main facts are based on the assumption that Israel can do no wrong.

In the other corner are a comparatively small number of people somewhat oppositely convinced Israel has been wrong in the past and is wrong again this time.

Standing on the sidelines are billions of other less opinionated people half way watching subsequent events unfold. And its that group that really matters, and if Israel is not damn careful, world opinion could turn decidedly against Israel. And if it does, Israel is going to be toast. Or alternately world opinion could stay with Israel.

But that is the battlefield right now and on such battlefields, the most thuggish loses.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
This thread can be summed up thusly:

In this corner...facts.

And in this corner...DAMMIT, ISRAEL IS AT FAULT.

That is pretty much it. It is obvious that facts contrary to the propaganda agenda of the "Destroy Israel Now" movement will never be considered or accepted.

I have been uninterested in the Gaza situation for the past couple of years, but I watched the Hamas takeover when it happened.

I saw Hamas act out the worst kind of human rights abuses against Palestinians in their violent takeover and in their unending rocket attacks and suicide bombing forays against the Israeli civilian population. Where was the world outrage then?

Both Israel and Egypt, the immediate proximate neighbors, tried a diplomatic and a shared interest economic approach. The offers for peace were spurned as Hamas has a singular fixation on the destruction of the State of Israel and killing of all non-Muslims. Jews may be targeted first but no non-Muslim should consider themselves immune from their hatred.

Hamas has no interest in accommodation or peace that does not include laying waste to Israel. That is an indisputable fact.

Israel and Egypt reacted to Hamas violence and hatred in the most humane way possible in an attempt to avoid hardships for the Gaza population. Instead of sending in a massive military response to defeat this uncompromising enemy they put up walls and isolated them, stopped the flow of weapons that inevitably turned against Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, Israelis and Egyptians.

The Hamas hatred and agenda of destruction has not stopped. They have made alliance with the lefties and the peacenicks that act out of pure stupidity without considering whom they are advocating for.

The IHH types and Islamic jihadists have always been clear that they want Hamas untied so that the attacks on Israel and Egypt will resume with full force. They were the ones who brutalized the Israeli soldiers this time.

But it is the fools of the left and the "humanitarians" that provide a cover for the radicals. Of course, the radicals would kill the stupid lefties as corrupt unbelievers as well, given a chance, but for the moment they are useful pawns.

The useful idiots want to break a blockade meant to stop the flow of weapons to one of the most violent Islamic jihad factions in the Middle East. All in the name of "humanitarianism." All because they blindfully believe the jihad propaganda that it is just about chocolate and coriander. What fools.

How humane is it when the heavy weapons flow through uninterrupted and hundreds start dying? The blood will pour over the hands of the peacenicks who will be celebrating in their pubs in Europe and in their Starbucks sucking down soy lattes.

The Israelis have been entirely too humane. The propaganda machines have already condemned them. They have few choices left.

The most humane option is to continue the blockade and continue to stop the weapons flow. This is not viable when the targeted enemy will not compromise for the sake of the population they control and their ideology is one that values death over life.

The second option is to attempt another limited military attack against Hamas. Start missile strikes and take the offensive. Keep them on the run and pick off the leadership long enough that the population may choose a different path. This is also not viable as too many of the population wants the destruction of Israel and elected Hamas to act. And it just keeps the world's attention focused against Israel to the distraction of a greater danger from Iran.

The third option is a full on attack against Hamas and the Gaza infrastructures that keep them in power. It must be a full bore attack, not a limited incursion. This will cause the most civilian casualties but it will likely result in the destruction of Hamas as a viable enemy for the foreseeable future. Hamas are roaches and will survive but without the key leadership and military infrastructure they have built they will be relatively ineffective.

The third option must include the complete disarmament of Gaza. Once the major fighting is done, it can be a U.N. contingent that goes in and insures that all military armament is taken away and destroyed. Possession of military grade firearms should be punishable by imprisonment. Once this is in place, the Israelis can withdraw and the U.N. or some other surrogate can run Gaza for a year or two of supervised reconstruction hand in hand with Fatah. Gaza should remain a de-militarized zone for the sake of all.

There are no great options, all have significant risks. But only a total war against Hamas will secure the peace and the chance for a lasting one.

One risk that must be recognized is that Hamas is simply an agent of Iran. As is Hizballoh in Lebanon. Israel may face a two front war, while Iran grinds away at getting the nuclear weapons they will hold the Middle East hostage with.

There is no courting world opinion on this one, that has not and never will be with Israel. The best option is to do what is necessary quickly and without delay, and that should probably be strikes against Hamas and Iran concurrently while anticipating the third front with Hizballoh.
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Feb 5, 2006
Fact is the blockade has not deposed Hamas, but has left Israel more isolated internationally. Why? Because targeting civilian goods instead of focusing on weapons has left the people of Gaza more dependent on Hamas, and more supportive of it's policies. And it turned this blockade from a legitimate security measure to prevent weapon imports to an act of collective punishment on civilian population, something no longer accepted from a country that expects to be accepted as a civilized nation.


May 24, 2004
now you're just being selectively ignorant and have dropped to a new low of pathetic. You have your temporary talking point and are trying to milk it for all it's worth.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
now you're just being selectively ignorant and have dropped to a new low of pathetic. You have your temporary talking point and are trying to milk it for all it's worth.

The insults from the Israeli fan club when they have no pointhave been a regular feature of this thread.

Hey, are you one of those hasbara megaphone peeps?


Apr 23, 2000
Israel should sink the next ship the same way North Korea sank the South Korean vessel. The "international community" for sure will wait and demand 100% proof of what happened before coming to any action!

But you all know what's absolutely fucking hilarious? I'm relatively new here to AT P&N, I was searching around, reading some of the old threads in here - you all have had the same argument on the same topic with the same opponent users for years on end!

Oh, but this time for sure the words will make a difference! Now is surely the time my opponent will see the errors in his ways! This incident has made large strides in bringing the world to resolution!

I like to see them try that against a Turkish ship ,they already have Turkey pissed and 90% of the world against them, remember it was not a warship they boarded(not to meantion the killings) in international waters,Israeli only have themselves to blame.


Jul 9, 2005
Fact is the blockade has not deposed Hamas, but has left Israel more isolated internationally. Why? Because targeting civilian goods instead of focusing on weapons has left the people of Gaza more dependent on Hamas, and more supportive of it's policies. And it turned this blockade from a legitimate security measure to prevent weapon imports to an act of collective punishment on civilian population, something no longer accepted from a country that expects to be accepted as a civilized nation.

you think israel gives a flying shit about the international community if its desires conflict with israel's right to live in peace?

israel hasn't been targeting civilian goods, or else it wouldn't be the principal supporter of Gaza, while the arab states do absolutely nothing.

the "blockade" is solely about preventing weapons smuggling and keeping hamas operatives from kidnapping israeli soldiers.

many countries place blockades on their enemies - north korea, iran, cuba, iraq, etc.

it's not against the rules.

And no international body has managed to come up with a compelling argument other than gazans are starving (not true) and they need more aid (not true again).

palestinians have more than enough aid to last them centuries, and a very young capable population that could be part of a future economy independent of israel.

but endless handouts and eternal victimhood is far more lucrative. why should palestinians make peace when their homicidal actions are minimized, and israel's reactions are portrayed to be acts of random aggression against innocent civilians?

we have video, eye-witness testimony, interviews, and sound-video footage showing exactly what the passangers did.

of course BBC and the rest of the world media refuse to print anything critical of the hamas narrative, and continue to quote the passengers who were deported from the flotilla.

they still believe more people were killed and israel covered it up.

people accuse israel of handling this wrong, no they didn't. they put an extradionary amount of energy into showing their side, including bringing cameras and video along with them.

no other military does this. US and british forces bar military from accessing their operations until after the fight is over, and mainstream presses never question NATO spokesperson.

turkey bars the media and kurdistan, and pakistan bars media from their war in the north.

i especially love turkey's outrage here, considering their ugly oppression of the kurdish people.

hundreds of kurdish children die every day in south east turkey of starvation.

the international community continues to say nothing about turkey's disgusting apartheid-like policies towards their kurds.

when will we see their military tried for war crimes? when will the UN issue an emergency session to attend to the rights and needs of defenseless kurds?

for now they're on their own, as the UN, the left, and EU are too busy up israel's ass.

every time turkey has ruthlessly responded to kurdish terrorism, the EU has commended turkey and recognized their right to self-defense, never using words like "disproportionate use of force."

and just so every knows, nearly 3x as many people have died since the 1970s in turkey's war than the last 100 years of conflict between israel and palestinians.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Since when has Hummus been a threat to Israel? I thought Israelis loved Hummus:sneaky:


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Fact is the blockade has not deposed Hamas, but has left Israel more isolated internationally. Why? Because targeting civilian goods instead of focusing on weapons has left the people of Gaza more dependent on Hamas, and more supportive of it's policies. And it turned this blockade from a legitimate security measure to prevent weapon imports to an act of collective punishment on civilian population, something no longer accepted from a country that expects to be accepted as a civilized nation.

You are being disingenuous in saying that the blockade has only targeted civilian goods. Multiple shipments of Iranian weapons have been intercepted and Egypt's smuggling interdiction also has had significant success in stopping the flow of arms.

While you may think Israel is not a civilized nation, it has actually pursued the path of least impact on the "civilian" population of Gaza, a population that empowered Hamas, a Hamas that then shot thousands and thousands of missiles against the Israeli civilian population (the reason for a blockade in the first place.)

Hamas = Gazan will for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.

As we agree that a blockade is at best only a temporary solution, would you also agree that the best approach will be a military attack against Hamas and the disarmament and de-miltarization of Gaza?

Let the Gazans be governed by the U.N. for a few years for a re-building period, then by a Fatah led government, should that government agree to end all hostilities with Israel. Hey, peace in our time!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
israel hasn't been targeting civilian goods, or else it wouldn't be the principal supporter of Gaza, while the arab states do absolutely nothing.

the "blockade" is solely about preventing weapons smuggling and keeping hamas operatives from kidnapping israeli soldiers.

Lie. They target lots of non-weapon items. Chocolate, fishing supplies, potato chips, meat.

it's not against the rules.

It is in this case.

And no international body has managed to come up with a compelling argument other than gazans are starving (not true) and they need more aid (not true again).

In reality they have come up with an argument, the people of Gaza are starving (you've been proved wrong on this several times) and they do need more aid.

we have video, eye-witness testimony, interviews, and sound-video footage showing exactly what the passangers did.

Yep, Israel shot at the ship, then attacked it from helicopter, passengers defended themselves.

Hey are you one of those hasbara/megaphone peeps?


May 24, 2004
Hamas = Gazan will for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews.

No no no you have it all wrong!

They only want to exterminate the current population of Jews. Once they have been destroyed, Hamas will then agree to humanely govern over any new converts to the Jewish faith!

It's not the religion they seek to destroy, only those who currently believe in it!


May 24, 2004
Or maybe we can better describe it as.

In one corner are a fairly small number of totally pro Israeli fan clubbers whose main facts are based on the assumption that Israel can do no wrong.

I'm doubting you will ever understand anyone's viewpoint other than your own. There are no "fan clubbers" and the assumption is that Israel is not wrong in this current situation.

You see what is convenient.


Feb 5, 2006
You are being disingenuous in saying that the blockade has only targeted civilian goods.

I didn't say that at all, and you are being disingenuous in claiming I did. I will leave you with rest of your strawman argument.


Apr 23, 2000
you think israel gives a flying shit about the international community if its desires conflict with israel's right to live in peace?

israel hasn't been targeting civilian goods, or else it wouldn't be the principal supporter of Gaza, while the arab states do absolutely nothing.

the "blockade" is solely about preventing weapons smuggling and keeping hamas operatives from kidnapping israeli soldiers.

many countries place blockades on their enemies - north korea, iran, cuba, iraq, etc.

it's not against the rules.

And no international body has managed to come up with a compelling argument other than gazans are starving (not true) and they need more aid (not true again).

palestinians have more than enough aid to last them centuries, and a very young capable population that could be part of a future economy independent of israel.

but endless handouts and eternal victimhood is far more lucrative. why should palestinians make peace when their homicidal actions are minimized, and israel's reactions are portrayed to be acts of random aggression against innocent civilians?

we have video, eye-witness testimony, interviews, and sound-video footage showing exactly what the passangers did.

of course BBC and the rest of the world media refuse to print anything critical of the hamas narrative, and continue to quote the passengers who were deported from the flotilla.

they still believe more people were killed and israel covered it up.

people accuse israel of handling this wrong, no they didn't. they put an extradionary amount of energy into showing their side, including bringing cameras and video along with them.

no other military does this. US and british forces bar military from accessing their operations until after the fight is over, and mainstream presses never question NATO spokesperson.

turkey bars the media and kurdistan, and pakistan bars media from their war in the north.

i especially love turkey's outrage here, considering their ugly oppression of the kurdish people.

hundreds of kurdish children die every day in south east turkey of starvation.

the international community continues to say nothing about turkey's disgusting apartheid-like policies towards their kurds.

when will we see their military tried for war crimes? when will the UN issue an emergency session to attend to the rights and needs of defenseless kurds?

for now they're on their own, as the UN, the left, and EU are too busy up israel's ass.

every time turkey has ruthlessly responded to kurdish terrorism, the EU has commended turkey and recognized their right to self-defense, never using words like "disproportionate use of force."

and just so every knows, nearly 3x as many people have died since the 1970s in turkey's war than the last 100 years of conflict between israel and palestinians.

Get real!!!! know what the did was wrong,don't know how you can defend them for what they did,I guess you think Israel has been perfect over the years with their wars and killing and never done anything wrong,get real will you.

You attack every other country but Israel with your posts and statements, I suggest you read up on what Israeli government has done over the years or do you think they are all goodie two shoes where butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.

As for Israel wanting peace,thats a joke ,how long have they been fighting now?


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
No no no you have it all wrong!

They only want to exterminate the current population of Jews. Once they have been destroyed, Hamas will then agree to humanely govern over any new converts to the Jewish faith!

It's not the religion they seek to destroy, only those who currently believe in it!

LOL! Last I read anything from Hamas, they just view the extermination of the Jews as a first step. If you are an unbeliever, your time will come, just you wait!

Myself, I actually believe they will kill the atheists and the progressives first as the greatest violators of Islamic mores. But I have also read they would like to keep them around as willing slaves.

Diana West asked Andrew C. McCarthy about this phenomenon of lefties loving jihadists and the answer is enlightening...

Q: Why are Islam and the Left, as you demonstrate in "The Grand Jihad," not such strange bedfellows?

A: "For all their disagreements on matters like women's rights, gay rights and abortion, Islam and the Left are in harmony on big-picture matters: They are authoritarian, totalitarian in the sense of wanting to control all aspects of human existence, virulently anti-capitalist, and regard the individual as existing merely to serve the collective.

Consequently, they have the same obstacle in common: our freedom culture - i.e., Western liberalism, U.S. constitutional republicanism, and their foundation, individual liberty.

Historically, Islam and the Left ally when there is a common enemy.

But I'd stress that what I am talking about here is an alliance, not a merger.

...our policy-makers obsess over "one tactic, terrorism" while ignoring terrorism's goal: Islamization through the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law)."

I asked him to explain.

He replied: "From the beginning of my involvement in counterterrorism in the early nineties, I've been struck by the government's portrayal of terrorists as beasts who kill for no better reason than to kill - as if the fact that they are brutal means that they are insane.

Government does this as part of its narrative that terrorists couldn't possibly be accurately representing a well-grounded interpretation of Islam, and therefore must be `perverting' or `hijacking' Islam, or must be traitors against the `true Islam.'

"There is a logic to terrorism. It is jihad, the purpose of which is to implement, spread, defend or vindicate Sharia, the Muslim legal code. Sharia is deemed in Islamist ideology to be the necessary precondition to Islamicizing a society.

Once you realize that, you quickly realize that the same Sharia-driven campaign can be waged, and is being waged, by non-violent means, and that the violent and non-violent methods are inextricably linked."
I do believe that the path of jihad is expressed in many ways and there are innumerable dupes that subscribe to propaganda that validates their own hatred for a "freedom culture."

It is amazing how those of the "progressive" left, like many who post here, have allied with those who would destroy them without mercy, right after they take care of the rest of us.
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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I didn't say that at all, and you are being disingenuous in claiming I did. I will leave you with rest of your strawman argument.

Do you support Hamas, their goals and their methods or do you believe they should be removed from power?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
LOL! Last I read anything from Hamas, they just view the extermination of the Jews as a first step. If you are an unbeliever, your time will come, just you wait!

Myself, I actually believe they will kill the atheists and the progressives first as the greatest violators of Islamic mores. But I have also read they would like to keep them around as willing slaves.

OMG, you have me so scared! I will gladly look the other way now concerning Israeli human rights violations.

It is amazing is how those of the "progressive" left, like many who post here, have allied with those who would destroy them without mercy, right after they take care of the rest of us.

OMG, you have me so scared! I will gladly look the other way now concerning Israeli human rights violations.


Jul 9, 2005
Lie. They target lots of non-weapon items. Chocolate, fishing supplies, potato chips, meat.

LOL oh noes potato chips!!111 What will gazans ever do without them?

It is in this case.

NO IT ISN'T. You can't keep repeating yourself without providing sources. You say the UN has called the blockade illegal, and you have yet to provide sources proving this.

In reality they have come up with an argument, the people of Gaza are starving (you've been proved wrong on this several times) and they do need more aid.

Please tell me how people are starving. 73 life expectancy, 4 kids per woman, special refugee organization just for them, world-record holders in humanitarian aid.

please, show me some starvation. i dare ya.

Yep, Israel shot at the ship, then attacked it from helicopter, passengers defended themselves.

Hey are you one of those hasbara/megaphone peeps?

LOL!. IDF navy seals boarded the ships, al jazeera cameraman reported turkish commanders trying to kidnap 4 israeli soldiers, passengers "defending themselves" start attacking the soldiers and then a fire-fight breaks out.

at this point you have become a lobbyist for jihadist. even when detailed facts coming from historically pro-palestinian sources conflict with the hamas narrative, you refuse to accept it.

the IDF soldiers acted in self-defense. they had every right to board the ship, and if they didn't the legitimacy of the blockade would be reduced and would set the stage for more challenges and potential conflicts.

though i imagine you want that.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
LOL oh noes potato chips!!111 What will gazans ever do without them?

NO IT ISN'T. You can't keep repeating yourself without providing sources. You say the UN has called the blockade illegal, and you have yet to provide sources proving this.

Please tell me how people are starving. 73 life expectancy, 4 kids per woman, special refugee organization just for them, world-record holders in humanitarian aid.

please, show me some starvation. i dare ya.

LOL!. IDF navy seals boarded the ships, al jazeera cameraman reported turkish commanders trying to kidnap 4 israeli soldiers, passengers "defending themselves" start attacking the soldiers and then a fire-fight breaks out.

at this point you have become a lobbyist for jihadist. even when detailed facts coming from historically pro-palestinian sources conflict with the hamas narrative, you refuse to accept it.

the IDF soldiers acted in self-defense. they had every right to board the ship, and if they didn't the legitimacy of the blockade would be reduced and would set the stage for more challenges and potential conflicts.

though i imagine you want that.

The Gazans are starving metaphorically. True, they can still build their own rockets and launch them into Israel, but without potato chips and chocolate it's hardly worth watching them be launched.

Seriously, Israel needs to explain why some of these things are on the prohibited list. I have no problem with them prohibiting anything they wish, but if they have justification they should make it as public as possible. It's just good politics.


Feb 5, 2006
Do you support Hamas, their goals and their methods or do you believe they should be removed from power?

I don't support any government that targets civilians for collective punishment, as Hamas has done with their rocket attacks. I apply that same standard to Israeli government.


Nov 9, 2004
The Gazans are starving metaphorically. True, they can still build their own rockets and launch them into Israel, but without potato chips and chocolate it's hardly worth watching them be launched.

Seriously, Israel needs to explain why some of these things are on the prohibited list. I have no problem with them prohibiting anything they wish, but if they have justification they should make it as public as possible. It's just good politics.

When looking at the unofficial lists that have been published it seems pretty selft explanitory.

The prohibited items include anything that could be used to make a weapon or fortification, and anything perceived as a luxury/entertainment or non-necessity type item.


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
I don't support any government that targets civilians for collective punishment, as Hamas has done with their rocket attacks. I apply that same standard to Israeli government.

It took a while, but we are finally in agreement.
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