israeli navy fires on Gaza aid flotilla

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Sep 9, 2009
You're not in charge you're an ordinary guy - what do you do?

Not vote for Hamas or take part in pointless terrorist attacks that accomplish nothing and hope I don't get killed. Pretty much the same thing people in 3rd world countries do everywhere.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Isreal supporters: What would you do if you were a Palestinian? Simply accept that you will never be free? Flee your own country?

It always amazes me that Americans of all the people of the world, whose entire culture is based on revolution and independence, believe the Palestinians should be denied their freedom.

And you - so you would have no problem with some other nation controling your import of luxury goods? This wouldn't be worth fighting over? Wasn't there some small arguement about tea in the 18th century...
WTF? IF my countrymen were lobbing rockets and mortar rounds into Mexico, IF my countrymen were sneaking over the border and kidnapping Mexicans (and often torturing them to death), IF my countrymen were donning suicide belts and detonating themselves in Mexican markets, IF my countrymen were sneaking into Mexican villages to shoot school children, and IF my countrymen freely elected the primary organization doing these things as our government, and IF Mexico had the military might to kill us all if they so chose, then you can damn sure make bank that I'd be thanking G-d that Mexico voluntarily limited themselves to blockading my luxury goods and the occasional reprisal attack rather than just wiping our troublesome asses off the globe, you betcha. This is true even if Mexico had won the war and controlled most of the USA. I'd be singing the praises of Mexico and its most excellent restraint even as I made my way into Canada. (Note: Canada will be playing the part of Transjordan in this allegory.)


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Not vote for Hamas or take part in pointless terrorist attacks that accomplish nothing and hope I don't get killed. Pretty much the same thing people in 3rd world countries do everywhere.

So that's +1 for "accept you'll never be free" - glad the true American spirit lives on.

Any other takers?


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
WTF? IF my countrymen were lobbing rockets and mortar rounds into Mexico, IF my countrymen were sneaking over the border and kidnapping Mexicans (and often torturing them to death), IF my countrymen were donning suicide belts and detonating themselves in Mexican markets, IF my countrymen were sneaking into Mexican villages to shoot school children, and IF my countrymen freely elected the primary organization doing these things as our government, and IF Mexico had the military might to kill us all if they so chose, then you can damn sure make bank that I'd be thanking G-d that Mexico voluntarily limited themselves to blockading my luxury goods and the occasional reprisal attack rather than just wiping our troublesome asses off the globe, you betcha. This is true even if Mexico had won the war and controlled most of the USA. I'd be singing the praises of Mexico and its most excellent restraint even as I made my way into Canada. (Note: Canada will be playing the part of Transjordan in this allegory.)

And +1 for "give up and flee your own country".

Why am I finding these answers so difficult to believe...


Nov 9, 2004
Isreal supporters: What would you do if you were a Palestinian? Simply accept that you will never be free? Flee your own country?

It always amazes me that Americans of all the people of the world, whose entire culture is based on revolution and independence, believe the Palestinians should be denied their freedom.

And you - so you would have no problem with some other nation controling your import of luxury goods? This wouldn't be worth fighting over? Wasn't there some small arguement about tea in the 18th century...

I certainly believe Palestinians should have their freedom, and I also believe in an autonomous nation of Palestine, but I don't believe it can be acheived through violence.

I don't have any problem with peaceful protests as these aid flotillas should be, hopefully this next one will be. And they do shine a spotlight on Isreals policy of punishing the civil population.

I firmly believe that the Palestinians and specifically Hamas could bring about the peace and freedom for Palestines people and statehood/nationhood if they would change tactics and denounce violence, recognize Isreals right to exsist and capture the moral highground. If the violence and threats against Isreal truly stopped and stayed stopped and the peaceful demonstrations continued it wouldn't take very long before the International support for a Palestinian state would become overwhelming and it would provide enormous leverage for the Palestinians in the inevitable negotiations over boundries.

The Palestinians must understand that trying to enforce their mighty will through gravely outmatched military means is unsustainable and counter productive to their goals and international standing, just as the Isrealis must realize that maintaining a forced military style superiority and overlording of an entire subordinate population to protect itself from attack is also not sustainable and is counter productive.
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Jul 28, 2006
I firmly believe that the Palestinians and specifically Hamas could bring about the peace and freedom for Palestines people and statehood/nationhood if they would change tactics and denounce violence, recognize Isreals right to exsist and capture the moral highground.
And a fish would be a bird if it could fly.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
And +1 for "give up and flee your own country".

Why am I finding these answers so difficult to believe...
Perhaps you forget that the British Mandate of Palestine was carved into two states, tiny Jewish Israel and much larger Arab Transjordan, by UN decree. On that day the Arab minority within Israel rose up and attempted to overthrow the Jewish majority, with predictably poor results. One day before the pro-Arab Brits were to pull out, Israel declared its independence and five Arab armies attacked. The so-called displaced Palestinians fled Israel until the Arabs crushed the Jews. Unfortunately for them, that never happened. Those Arabs who stayed and cast their lot with the Jews became Israelis. But for those who fled, Jordan is every bit as much their "own country" as is Israel - or Gaza, or the West Bank - being carved for the Arabs from the same leftover remnant of the Ottoman Empire. Had the Palestinians not attempted to overthrow Jordan's royal family they would be successfully integrated in Jordan by now.


Nov 9, 2004
And a fish would be a bird if it could fly.

Spoken like an Isreali who has no trust left for his Palestinian fellow man, or visa vera.

But foretunately the International community has a much shorter memory, if the Palestinians could demonstrate peace and peaceful resistence for any sustained length of time 6mos, a year, the international pressure would become so great on Isreal that even the US would be forced to take a stand in support of the Palestinians


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Revisionist history.
Dang, I meant to say the Jews swept in riding their flying wolverines and attacked the peace-loving Palestinian people in their prosperous homeland while they were helping Mother Teresa bathe lepers. I don't know what happened. I blame those baby eating well poisoning Jews and their heinous mind control machines!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Dang, I meant to say the Jews swept in riding their flying wolverines and attacked the peace-loving Palestinian people in their prosperous homeland while they were helping Mother Teresa bathe lepers. I don't know what happened. I blame those baby eating well poisoning Jews and their heinous mind control machines!

Should have just went with the truth.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
And a fish would be a bird if it could fly.
Maybe non Professor John has unwittingly nailed it, we are trying to compare apples to oranges, some of us may think apples are good and oranges are worthless, other may think oranges are great and apples are worthless, and in the whole Palestinian Israeli debate miss the fact we do not have to make any such stupid either or choices. And we can all in fact enjoy both apples and oranges as preferable win win win situation.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Must reads:

Israel deploys cyber team to spread positive spin.

The passionate support for Israel expressed on talkback sections of websites, internet chat forums, blogs, Twitters and Facebook may not be all that it seems.

Israel’s foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel.

How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
So that's +1 for "accept you'll never be free" - glad the true American spirit lives on.

Any other takers?

Wrong analogy.

Consider that Israel left Gaza, forcibly removed it's own settlers, abandoned its farms and businesses, left the settlements it's people had built. All for a chance at peaceful co-existence.

This would be like the U.S. forcibly removing all American citizens from Puerto Rico, abandoning all of the investment and all of the businesses that the U.S. has there. Just to give the Puerto Ricans a country of their own without the taint of America.

Let's change the names of the characters to reflect the reality of what it would be like here if this happened off our shores.

The Puerto Rican Party, the PRP, that got this chance to make PR an independent country rather than a commonwealth with the US has a long history of violence against Americans. But they now have a chance to build their own country and they are willing to go along to get along.

The Puerto Ricans throw a street party in Old San Juan and then commence to elect a nihilistic theocratic party, lets call them Puerto Rico Hamas, or PRH, into some government responsibilities. Americans want them to be friends as well and give money to PRH as well as trade opportunities.

PRH isn't buying this at all. They decide the old terrorists, now the PRP government that negotiated this new opportunity to be independent is not doing enough to continue to kill Americans, even though the Americans have left the island and aren't bothering them at all.

They believe that Florida is Puerto Rican territory because a bunch of Puerto Ricans live there.

After killing the government officials of the transition PRP government that got them independence, killing their supporters and their families, the new Puerto Rican Hamas government and its supporters, financed and supplied by Castro (Iran) get down to the business of killing Americans, cause they hate them so much and are told to do so by their cult religious leaders.

They send suicide bombers and lob hundreds of rockets into Miami and South Florida. Castro (Iran) loves this and sends them more and more money and weapons.

The Americans respond with some air attacks and a limited invasion but as Obama is so concerned about his Nobel Peace Prize and how the world sees him, they pull out after a short while without doing anything about the theocratic government and their fanatical followers.

The attacks continue and Puerto Rico Hamas says they are going to attack Miami and kill off all the PRP Puerto Ricans that live in central Florida that don't join them in killing Americans. They wage limited war against the Puerto Ricans living in Florida and continue to attack Americans. The world community rejoices.

The Americans and the Dominican Republic decide to set up a blockade against supply ships from Cuba and Venezuela that are attempting to deliver missiles and heavy weapons to the PRH. The world community wants to feed and send toys to Puerto Rico as a reward for being hateful against Americans.

The interdiction is mostly done without violence and many weapons fail to reach the Puerto Rican Hamas. Fewer Americans and PRP die as a result.

But the blockade prohibits the passage of Nintendo Wii and Baby Ruth Bars, too, as the Americans are getting the point that treating the PRH and supporters with treats isn't the point of what they are doing. And the world condemns America.

Castro is building a nuclear weapon. He figures that if the US is tied up with Puerto Rico it won't attack Cuba preemptively. Once he has the bomb he can dominate the whole Caribbean and the U.S. won't do squat.

So he pays Brazil (Turkey) to set up a blockade run. He promises that the guns he wants to sell will first pass through Brazilian hands and they can get some profit off it. The Brazilian government, also fervent adherents to the same violent theocratic movement that has corrupted PR, is ecstatic at the chance.

Now the world loves the underdog and they love that America is being attacked for all of the injustices it has done in settling North America, but mostly they want to punish America for playing nice as that is not what they imagine America is. So, lots of libtards and peacenicks and about 50-100 Cuban Revolutionary Guard wearing peace symbols and singing Kumbya are recruited to break the blockade.

US Seals board the boats but what they expected to be a peaceful protest is a confrontation with Cuban revolutionaries. After being stabbed and beaten by four foot long iron bars, the SEALS respond with pistol fire and kill ten of the fifty Cubans that attacked them.

The boats are diverted to Miami, the Cubans and peacenicks are offloaded and sent back to Brazil wailing about how tough the cruise was, and the toys are shipped to PR, where they are promptly refused as being tainted by American contact.

Now, this has been a long story, but the point is still, what are you going to do with Puerto Rico? Nothing has changed, they still want to kill Americans and other Puerto Ricans and Castro is still building his bombs and sending more boats from Brazil to do it all over again.

How long would the U.S., even under Obama, continue to let PR shoot missiles, kill Americans and terrorize the neighborhood? Even if the world community sings praises of PRH thugs and condemns the Americans for daring to try to stop them.

Sometimes it is not a matter of freedom but responsibility. If Gaza cannot rule itself responsibly, if it cannot be a good neighbor, it does not deserve to be treated as one.

It must be treated as a rogue state and a rogue people and suppressed by force of arms. The only issue is, how much aggravation and how many deaths will Israel take before they act the way any nation must.
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Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006

While the credibility of the charge that Israel sabotaged the communication equipment is not in any way established, is the first thing to point out.

But if Israeli agents can assassinate people in other countries, its not hard to imagine Israeli agents sneaking aboard such a merchant vessel in port and committing acts of sabotage. There would be many easy ways to short out a radio with a small time delay device. No noisy explosives needed, just some nice sticky electrically conductive liquid, and as soon as they turn on the radio, it goes snap crackle pop as various electrical components are ruined beyond any repair.

In short Duca, your defense is not as iron clad as you think.

sure and I could be a mossad agent ready to kill anyone I please, or maybe im a CIA agent out to get you.

Sure israel COULD have done something if it wanted, but this IS a case of retards chanting whatever gets on the news


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
They ran a fucking blockade.
Rather, they were intending to run a blockade against humanitarian aid, but came under attack in international waters by the lunatic state which enforces that flagrantly immoral and equally illegal blockade.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
I firmly believe that the Palestinians and specifically Hamas could bring about the peace and freedom for Palestines people and statehood/nationhood if they would change tactics and denounce violence, recognize Isreals right to exsist and capture the moral highground. If the violence and threats against Isreal truly stopped and stayed stopped and the peaceful demonstrations continued it wouldn't take very long before the International support for a Palestinian state would become overwhelming and it would provide enormous leverage for the Palestinians in the inevitable negotiations over boundries.

Never forget that while other Palestinian groups accept Israel as a future state, Hamas has not and will never accept an Israeli state and given sovereignty of even Gaza (worse if given the West Bank), the attacks against Israel will increase as other states that share this view tacitly support Hamas as they do Hizballah, who also rejects Israel's right to exist. The PLO was every Middle Eastern States non-attribution excuse until the Fatah decided to moderate. Hamas has not shown signs of moderation.

I do agree that if the people of Gaza took the moral highground and engaged in serious non-violent civil disobedience there would be massive, unstoppable change. The British Empire crumbled before it, the US fundamentally changed because of it, and I believe Israel would rather willingly become eager partners for peace. All this rocket firing, suicide bombing, no-right-to-exist shit just doesn't fly with civilized societies.


Aug 28, 2001
Rather, they were intending to run a blockade against humanitarian aid, but came under attack in international waters by the lunatic state which enforces that flagrantly immoral and equally illegal blockade.

Except that when you intend to run a blockade, you can be raided from when you leave port anywhere on earth, according to international law.

In other words, don't run blockades. You might die.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
So MUCH angry heat, so little light. Do NONE of you want to take a little time and try to flesh out that totality of what happened here in this sad, unfortunate clusterfuck, which, rightly or wrongly, will probably not turn out entirely to Israel's benefit?

Or do you ALL just want to seize one little shard of the truth and wave it around like angry monkeys at your perceived partisan opponents, as if that shard were the whole fucking story, the whole fucking truth?

Here's at least an attempt to piece together the story, flawed though it may be.

ISTANBUL — It was just getting light when the Turkish boat, packed with 546 activists, descended into chaos, and Mahmut Koskun, a Turkish doctor on board, was in the middle of it.

The crack of an Israeli sound grenade and a hail of rubber bullets from above were supposed to disperse activists, but instead set them in motion. And when three Israeli commandos slid down ropes out of helicopters to take over the ship, a crowd set upon them.

“They ran at them without pause or hesitation,” Dr. Koskun recalled.
One soldier was stabbed and two were beaten. From that moment on, the attempted takeover turned into an armed assault, with angry Israeli commandos opening fire. Within an hour, the commandos had taken control of the ship, and nine Turks, including one who also had American citizenship, were dead.

Dozens of interviews in Israel and Turkey suggest that Israel’s decision to stop the flotilla at all costs collided with the intention of a small group of Islamic activists from Turkey, turning a raid on a ship of protesters in international waters into a bloodbath — and a major international event.
The activists had set sail precisely in hopes of forcing the world to focus on Israel’s blockade of Gaza, something they had sought in vain in the past. This time they succeeded.

The deaths at sea on Monday have created a diplomatic fiasco for Israel. Its assault has been fiercely condemned around the world and ruptured relations with its closest Muslim ally, Turkey. The Obama administration has watched as the ties between its two closest regional allies have unraveled. Meanwhile, the Palestinians of Gaza, often neglected in Middle East peace talks, have taken on new importance.

In truth, the chaos and deaths on the ship, known as the Mavi Marmara, the largest of a six-boat fleet, were not a result of lack of planning. It was clear for at least a month to both the Israeli government and the pro-Palestinian activists behind the flotilla that they were on a collision course. But both severely miscalculated.

Israel, increasingly on the defensive over its policy toward the Palestinians, understood that it faced a public relations battle it could not win: its military could easily stop the boats, but if civilians were harmed, it would be blamed. The Israelis believed that letting the flotilla through would open a new military corridor to Gaza, run by Hamas, that would include weapons and militants.

“We knew they were looking for a confrontation,” a senior military official said, speaking under military rules of anonymity. “We tried to make sure force was the last option. But we were not going to let them pass.”
For the past three years, in an effort to squeeze Hamas, which seeks Israel’s destruction, Israel has banned all but basic humanitarian aid and food from entering Gaza.

Israeli diplomats tried to persuade Turkish and other governments to stop the flotilla, while the military planned an operation if necessary.
Maj. Gen. Eitan Dangot, the Israeli who oversees civilian Palestinian issues in the West Bank and Gaza, met with the Turkish ambassador in Tel Aviv. But he was told the Turkish government could do nothing because the boat was sailing under the auspices of a private group.

A Turkish official said a discussion of the issue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was expected in Washington this week, but the raid occurred before the meeting could take place. Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has been one of the world’s most vocal opponents of the blockade of Gaza, and though he did not support the flotilla directly, he did not work very hard to stop it.

In Israel, ideas on how to halt the boats — sabotage of propellers or engines, the use of ropes or chains — were examined, military officials say, but all were rejected as dangerous or impractical. Disabling a huge boat like the Mavi Marmara could lead to its sinking or to days of towing it to shore.

The best option, they asserted, was a takeover of the command of the boats, something Israel had done a year ago during an attempt by a smaller vessel. This time, though, because the lead boat was so large, the Israelis would have to descend by helicopter rather than approaching only by sea, costing them the element of surprise. Some American naval experts interviewed agreed that as long as Israel insisted on stopping the Mavi Marmara, its best option was a takeover.

But Israel, committed to enforcing a blockade, did not consider alternatives like searching the cargo before unloading it in Gaza — a decision that has prompted criticism that Israel was too quick to choose confrontation and fell into a trap set by the activists.

Israel’s inner cabinet of seven ministers approved the plan and the Israeli Navy Seal units began training for what they expected to be passive resistance. “We had in mind a sit-down, a linking of arms,” a military spokesman said.

That the military was expecting mainly passive resistance is being seen in Israel as an intelligence failure. It could be viewed as a strange assumption given that Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, later characterized the Turkish group as a dangerous Islamic organization with terrorist links — a charge the organization rejects.

As the flotilla approached, the commandos were briefed not to react to spitting and curses and were trained to go on board carrying large paintball guns, instead of their usual automatic weapons, and pistols, to be used only as a last resort.

Plastic Bullets and Crisis

On the morning of the raid, confusion ruled. The first soldiers who rappelled down the ropes appeared disoriented and frightened, Dr. Koskun, the Turkish witness, said, slipping a bit on the dewy deck and calling out in English, which Dr. Koskun said few Turks understood.

Of the two ropes that were dropped simultaneously from the helicopter, one was grabbed by men on board the boat and tied to an antenna, Israeli officials said. The pilot released it to avoid being tethered to the boat, and the commandos then slid down only one rope, slowing the incursion and leaving them vulnerable.

Some of the activists, hearing the pop of the plastic bullets and the sound bomb, believed they were being shot, according to witnesses, including some wounded now in an Ankara hospital.

It was a small group of aggressive activists on the upper deck who overwhelmed the first soldiers, wrenching away their weapons and, according to Dr. Koskun and video images supplied by the Israeli military, beating them with wooden poles and metal rods that they had ripped or sawed off the side of the boat.

The confrontation pitted the powerful Israeli military, determined to have its way by enforcing its controversial blockade of Gaza, against a group of activists from a Turkish Islamic charity intent on breaking it. The group, Insani Yardim Vakfi, is known by its Turkish initials, I.H.H.

Around the same time, the five other boats in the flotilla were taken over by commandos with relatively little resistance, though some activists from those boats were later treated for wounds.

On the main boat, live gunfire began when reinforcements descended — Israel says when the fourth commando saw an activist pointing his comrade’s gun — and terrifying scenes of panicked chaos unfolded on all levels of the Mavi Marmara for nearly an hour. Video taken from its surveillance cameras reveals jerky images of passengers dragging the wounded down staircases. A woman in a head scarf carried a stretcher soaked in blood.

“They are using live ammunition,” said a man standing in front of a camera. “We cannot protect ourselves.”

Yesil Dal, who was shot in the back as he stood on the lower deck away from the fighting, said doctors were overwhelmed with the wounded. By the end of the confrontation — around 5:08 a.m., according to the surveillance video — two dozen people were hurt.

“I saw wounded people everywhere,” he said. “People were panicked. There was helplessness in their faces.”

Diplomatic Aftermath

A week earlier, assuming everything was under control in stopping the flotilla heading to Gaza, Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel left for what he expected to be a very satisfying overseas trip.

He started in Paris to take part in celebrations of Israel’s acceptance to the club of rich countries, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a significant triumph for Israel.

From Paris, Mr. Netanyahu was off to Canada and ultimately to Washington for a meeting with President Obama that a top Israeli official said was expected to be a “hug fest.”

Mr. Netanyahu was sleeping in the government guesthouse in Ottawa early Monday when he was awakened with news of the raid.
His aides joined him at 3 a.m. to discuss how to save the crucial Obama meeting. In Washington, Mr. Netanyahu was also due to meet the Turkish foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, in a bid to steady that relationship as well.

But the crisis deepened, and Mr. Netanyahu flew home, while Mr. Davutoglu seethed over the raid. He flew to New York to push for a strong condemnation of Israel in the United Nations Security Council, but was thwarted by the United States, which watered down the language. By the time he reached Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s office on Tuesday morning, Turkey was in danger of breaking off diplomatic relations with Israel.

“We’ve had bad times with Russia, we’ve had bad times with Greece, but no state in Turkey’s history has ever killed our citizens with their army intentionally,” said a Turkish official who asked not to be named because of diplomatic protocol.

According to the Turkish official, Mrs. Clinton asked how the United States could help, and Mr. Davutoglu demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all the activists, most of whom were then still in Israeli custody. Several hours later, Israel announced just that, and Turkey sent six planes to Tel Aviv, declining Israel’s offer to send the activists back. A Turkish doctor was also sent to monitor the wounded.

“You just killed our people, how can I trust you?” Mr. Davutoglu asked Mr. Barak by phone, according to the Turkish official.

In Istanbul, the activists had come home and Dr. Koskun was remembering the raid. He was bitter that commandos had not let him help a bleeding man, instead delivering occasional kicks, he said, and forcing the passengers to lie face down on the deck, handcuffed, for hours.

He was also angry at the young men who fought the commandos. He rebuked one of them for bragging about having beaten an Israeli.

“I told him, just because you wanted to flex your muscles and drag three soldiers down, nine people ended up dead.”

But most of all he was stunned that the Israelis had used their guns on the activists.

“We expected them to come on board the ship, and to take us hostage, but we never thought they would use live bullets to do it,” he said.
I thought it worth our collective while to quote the whole damn thing.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Never forget that while other Palestinian groups accept Israel as a future state, Hamas has not and will never accept an Israeli state...
I recall seeing various comments from Hamas suggesting they could accept a two-state solution, a few seconds on Google brings up this example.

...Hamas as they do Hizballah, who also rejects Israel's right to exist.
Much like the Likud platform rejects Palestine's right to exist. Why do you only harp on one side of the problem?

Except that when you intend to run a blockade, you can be raided from when you leave port anywhere on earth, according to international law.
Nonsense, which is why you can't quote any actual laws to support that ridiculous claim.


Jun 12, 2005
Well what they should do is just torpedo the dumb@sses and put them on the bottom.

North Korea torpedoes a South Korean ship and it makes a little news...

Israel enforces its blockade of a terrorist Gaza and all hell is breaking loose all over the world.

Sink the bastards and soon they will run out of ships and dumb people.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
I recall seeing various comments from Hamas suggesting they could accept a two-state solution, a few seconds on Google brings up this example.

HAHAH 2006!!! thats before hamas took over gaza. you think they havent changed their mind?

Much like the Likud platform rejects Palestine's right to exist. Why do you only harp on one side of the problem?

where? lets see proof.

Every Israeli political party has wanted peace. some want it by giving up land, others by maintaining the land they have.

israel is not making peace unless secure boarded can be guaranteed

Nonsense, which is why you can't quote any actual laws to support that ridiculous claim.

while you were jacking off to the turkish people trying to raid the israeli embassy in turkey, all of the international laws were stated in this thread. if you are not going to take your time to read up on it, which i beleive is page 1-3, because of your extreme biased which would stop you from reading anything that proves israel is correct, then dont waste our time

dont try coming in here stating bullshit and expect us to listen to your sorry ass
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Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Here is the Likud platform denying Palestine's right to exist:

The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.

As FGD's other arguments are noting more than handwaving, I won't bother to address them.
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