Israeli Tourist Bus Bombed In Bulgaria; Suicide Bomber Is Ex. Gitmo Swede


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006

Report: Burgas bomber an Algerian-Swedish Islamist
News outlets in Bulgaria name suspected terrorist who blew up Israeli tour bus as Mehdi Ghezali, who spent two years in Guantanamo Bay; security camera footage shows suspected bomber wandering in and out of terminal,7340,L-4257492,00.html

7 killed, dozens injured.

After having several publicized terrorist plots - and many more unknown plots - foiled, Iranian operatives finally got one through the Israeli intelligence net and managed to blow up a bus full of Israeli families that went on a vacation in Bulgaria.

This comes at exactly the 18th anniversary of the AMIA bombings in Buenos Aires, Argentina, an act of terror which led back to Hizballah and Iran.

7 killed in terror attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria
Explosion tears through Israeli tour bus at Sarafovo Airport in Burgas; some 30 injured. Israeli mission en route to Bulgaria; Shin Bet suspends flights to region. Bulgarian president: No Mossad warning
Attila Somfalvi
Latest Update: 07.19.12, 01:56 / Israel News

At least seven people were killed and some 30 others were injured Wednesday in a terror attack on a bus carrying Israelis in Burgas, some 400 kilometers east of the Bulgarian capital of Sofia. Bulgarian media reported that the explosion took place while the bus was still in the terminal of Sarafovo Airport.

Bulgarian Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said police were investigating two possible causes of the blast - that an explosive device was put in the bus before the tourists boarded or that the explosives were in the tourists' luggage.

The explosion occurred at around 5 pm, as Israeli tourists who arrived in Burgas on a charter flight boarded buses that were supposed to transport them to a local hotel. The blast took place on only one of the buses.

According to media reports, an 11-year-old child and two pregnant women were among the injured. Fortunately, the pregnant women were lightly injured. The evacuation of the injured has been completed.

According to the Magen David Adom emergency services, some 30 Israelis were injured in the attack - three are in serious to critical condition.

The Foreign Ministry said six people were killed when the blast went off, and another person died at the hospital. Bulgarian news agencies said a tour guide and the driver of the bus were among those killed.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has called for a situation assessment following the attack. He was also briefed on the available details by Bulgarian FM Nikolay Mladenov.

Following the attack, the Shin Ben has suspended all flights bound for Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Greece, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said that during a meeting held about a month ago, Mossad representatives did not warn Bulgarian officials of the possibility of a terror attack, the Sofia News Agency reported.

Plevneliev stressed that Bulgarian authorities took all the appropriate measures to protect the terror attack victims.

However, Ynet's military analyst Ron Ben-Yishai said a warning regarding a similar attack in Burgas was lifted some two months ago.

Security sources said that there was no intelligence indicating that Israelis traveling in the area may fall prey to terror attacks.

"An explosion occurred in a passenger bus with Israeli citizens at the Burgas Airport," Burgas Mayor Dimitar Nikoliv confirmed. Bulgarian security forces and emergency medical teams have blocked off the area. The airport has been closed as well.

The blast took place at 5.30 pm, on one of three buses shuttling Israeli tourists across the terminal. Bulgarian media aired conflicting reports on the nature of the explosion – whether it was perpetrated by a suicide bomber or by an explosive device, detonated remotely.

'Bus next to ours just exploded.' Scene of terror attack

The Foreign Ministry has formed a team of experts that will fly to Burgas and assist local authorities in the investigation.

The Israeli Embassy in Sofia has been mobilized and is ready to assist the team, which includes ZAKA disaster recovery officials, in identifying the victims and ensuring that the injured and other Israelis that were unharmed return to Israel as soon as possible.

Bus explosion in Burgas

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that, "All the signs are pointing to Iran. Only in the past few months we've seen Iran try to target Israelis in Thailand, Indian, Georgia, Cyprus and more.

"The murderous Iranian terror continues to target innocent people. Iranian terror is spreading worldwide... Israel will react to it with force," he said.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak added that the Israeli defense establishment will not rest until the perpetrators are apprehended.

Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz has opened the ministry's situation room at Ben Gurion International Airport following the massive change in incoming and outgoing flights schedule.

As a precautionary measure, the Aviation Authority has ordered to delay 11 Europe-bound flights after a terror threat was made against flights heading to the continent. In Bulgaria, flights headed to Israel have been delayed as well.

An eyewitness told Channel 2 News that Bulgarian authorities were slow to respond to the event, adding that search and rescue teams and paramedics "didn’t seem to care too much. They took a while getting these two small fire-extinguishers to fight a burning bus, and the airport's fire truck took over 15 minutes to get there."

Shosh Eyler, who was on one of the buses that escaped the blast, told Ynet that the blast took place seconds after the groups boarded the buses. "The bus next to ours just exploded. There was smoke everywhere and people were running hysterically. We got off the bus and local security officers got everyone into the terminal immediately."

Burgas is the second-largest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and a favorite summer destination for Israeli tourists.

The explosion comes on the 18th anniversary of a 1994 bomb attack on the headquarters of Argentina's main Jewish organisation by an Iranian-backed Hezbollah suicide bomber, which killed 85 people.

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon on Israel's Channel 2 TV said there was no advance intelligence on an attack in Bulgaria.

But counterterrorism expert Boaz Ganor said Iran and Hezbollah were the most likely culprits. He told The Associated Press that all the indications pointed toward them. He also cited the arrest of a Hezbollah operative in Cyprus in recent days who was suspected of preparing a similar attack.

"This is probably a parallel operation and likely not the last in a series," he said. "All this looks like Hezbollah, Iran or a combination of the two."
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Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well, Sammy. I will be glad to join you in condemning what amounts to a vicious and unjustified anti-Semitic attack on Israeli tourists visiting a foreign nation.

But still I see no condemnation if Israeli PM Netanyuhu, who minutes after the attack, and shooting totally from the hip said it had to be Iran behind the attack. Later on, maybe more responsible and equally clueless Israeli officials are now sating, wait maybe its Syria, maybe its Hezzbollah, and who knows who else. As some Israelis now blame the Omnipotent Israeli Mosaud who failed to detect the threat in time.

Yet when Israel and the Mossaud murders foreign national in other countries, Israeli officials scream in indignation prove it or else.

But that is just the problem SamurAchzar, When the State of Israel behaves so viciously, they attract hatred from all over the Muslim world and may I add from perhaps most of the nations of the world.

So point granted, two wrongs never adding up to a single right, but Israelis and Muslims catch the hate, no matter where in the world they live. And worse than that, we are not just talking one right or one wrong, we are talking millions of wrongs on all sides never adding up to one right.

As the larger question becomes, how do we defuse that hate and bury the hatchet. As I can site too recent examples. The Irish Catholic v English Protestant problem that lasted some 400 years, finally being solved. And the collapse of South African Apartheid
not turning into a blood bath thanks to the Wisdom of Nelson Mandella and Desmond Tutu.

Does the present or even the past Israeli government have leaders with the vision of a Nelson Mandella or a Desmond Tutu? Sadly I think not.

The ground hog has seen its shadow, and we can predict many more years of unjustified tit for tat violence and misery on all sides for the foreseeable future.


Diamond Member
Apr 26, 2011
Middle east normal. No big deal.

Anyone want to take odds that this was just another example of the religion of love and peace?


Oct 14, 1999
Well, Sammy. I will be glad to join you in condemning what amounts to a vicious and unjustified anti-Semitic attack on Israeli tourists visiting a foreign nation.

But still I see no condemnation if Israeli PM Netanyuhu, who minutes after the attack, and shooting totally from the hip said it had to be Iran behind the attack. Later on, maybe more responsible and equally clueless Israeli officials are now sating, wait maybe its Syria, maybe its Hezzbollah, and who knows who else. As some Israelis now blame the Omnipotent Israeli Mosaud who failed to detect the threat in time.

Yet when Israel and the Mossaud murders foreign national in other countries, Israeli officials scream in indignation prove it or else.

But that is just the problem SamurAchzar, When the State of Israel behaves so viciously, they attract hatred from all over the Muslim world and may I add from perhaps most of the nations of the world.

So point granted, two wrongs never adding up to a single right, but Israelis and Muslims catch the hate, no matter where in the world they live. And worse than that, we are not just talking one right or one wrong, we are talking millions of wrongs on all sides never adding up to one right.

As the larger question becomes, how do we defuse that hate and bury the hatchet. As I can site too recent examples. The Irish Catholic v English Protestant problem that lasted some 400 years, finally being solved. And the collapse of South African Apartheid
not turning into a blood bath thanks to the Wisdom of Nelson Mandella and Desmond Tutu.

Does the present or even the past Israeli government have leaders with the vision of a Nelson Mandella or a Desmond Tutu? Sadly I think not.

The ground hog has seen its shadow, and we can predict many more years of unjustified tit for tat violence and misery on all sides for the foreseeable future.
always a fucking wall of text

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
always a fucking wall of text
Before you get up on your high horse Howard, and just complain about a wall of text, there is simply something missing, IMHO, Howard if you are are unwilling to responsibly rebut my post.

After all, how do we compare walls of text, is your mini wall of text any better than my larger wall off text?

In short Howard, and in all due respects, man up and responsibly rebut my posts rather than embracing the last refuges of scoundrels reasoning.


Jun 24, 2003
always a fucking wall of text

Please don't quote him, it causes me to see his posts. They're just copy pastas from radical Islamist\anti-Semite blogs all over the internet. That's why they never have anything to do with the topic being discussed. He just types out his weird version of a quote, "As Howard's stinking thinking so wrong supposes: " and then hit's CTRL+V and he's good to go.


Nov 11, 1999

7 killed, dozens injured.

After having several publicized terrorist plots - and many more unknown plots - foiled, Iranian operatives finally got one through the Israeli intelligence net and managed to blow up a bus full of Israeli families that went on a vacation in Bulgaria.

This comes at exactly the 18th anniversary of the AMIA bombings in Buenos Aires, Argentina, an act of terror which led back to Hizballah and Iran.

Try as they might, anti-Israel zealots will never equal the atrocities & loss of innocent life perpetrated by Israeli zealots in Gaza, Lebanon, and in Iran as well.

Sammy will return every so often to propagandize this forum & likely many others in the usual hasbara attack, and some of us are dumb enough to fall for it, every time.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
False Flag.

Who thinks terrorists would do this on an anniversery? Like they give a shit? It's only done to gain sympathy for the victim state, more than likely from the victim state itself.

Do you think terrorists actually plan attacks on certain dates or do they plan attacks at times that gives them the best opportunity for success? I'd say when things are quiet and their target is off guard. And look who is so quick to place blame as a duhversion? "Lookie, it's Iran! I say that after 5 minutes of non investigation! Oh look, we found this dropped passport near the scene of the crime and it says Allah Akbar with an Iranian stamp!"

I'm not falling for it.


Nov 18, 2007
False Flag.

Who thinks terrorists would do this on an anniversery? Like they give a shit? It's only done to gain sympathy for the victim state, more than likely from the victim state itself.

Do you think terrorists actually plan attacks on certain dates or do they plan attacks at times that gives them the best opportunity for success? I'd say when things are quiet and their target is off guard. And look who is so quick to place blame as a duhversion? "Lookie, it's Iran! I say that after 5 minutes of non investigation! Oh look, we found this dropped passport near the scene of the crime and it says Allah Akbar with an Iranian stamp!"

I'm not falling for it.

Of course terrorist look to have the most impact as possible. That's the whole point of a terrorist act.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
Sammy will return every so often to propagandize this forum & likely many others in the usual hasbara attack, and some of us are dumb enough to fall for it, every time.

Fall for what, a bus full of bombed Jewish families? Do you feel like you're being manipulated?


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
False Flag.

Who thinks terrorists would do this on an anniversery? Like they give a shit? It's only done to gain sympathy for the victim state, more than likely from the victim state itself.

Do you think terrorists actually plan attacks on certain dates or do they plan attacks at times that gives them the best opportunity for success? I'd say when things are quiet and their target is off guard. And look who is so quick to place blame as a duhversion? "Lookie, it's Iran! I say that after 5 minutes of non investigation! Oh look, we found this dropped passport near the scene of the crime and it says Allah Akbar with an Iranian stamp!"

I'm not falling for it.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Try as they might, anti-Israel zealots will never equal the atrocities & loss of innocent life perpetrated by Israeli zealots in Gaza, Lebanon, and in Iran as well.

Sammy will return every so often to propagandize this forum & likely many others in the usual hasbara attack, and some of us are dumb enough to fall for it, every time.

Yet it is the anti-Israelis that have brought all the extra misery on the local populations by their actions of trying to continue a losing war started out of egos rather than accept Israel and living in peace.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
False Flag.

Who thinks terrorists would do this on an anniversery? Like they give a shit? It's only done to gain sympathy for the victim state, more than likely from the victim state itself.

Do you think terrorists actually plan attacks on certain dates or do they plan attacks at times that gives them the best opportunity for success? I'd say when things are quiet and their target is off guard. And look who is so quick to place blame as a duhversion? "Lookie, it's Iran! I say that after 5 minutes of non investigation! Oh look, we found this dropped passport near the scene of the crime and it says Allah Akbar with an Iranian stamp!"

I'm not falling for it.

Anniversaries and symbolism play a large part in terror planning.
You think that the September 11, 2001 was a random selection.
The date was chosen to be a deliberate demonstration on the failure of security/emergency preparedness/response

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Yet it is the anti-Israelis that have brought all the extra misery on the local populations by their actions of trying to continue a losing war started out of egos rather than accept Israel and living in peace.
EK, in all due respects, it all well and fine to be pro-Israeli biased, but your bias is in ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people. EK, you just can't seem to accept, that the Israelis stole both the land and liberty of the Palestinian people, and now hold them in large concentration camps.

But this thread is just the sad part about it, because anti Israel terrorists have a hard time directly attacking Israel itself, those terrorists often target innocent Israel tourists. Of course Israel uses the same tactics too, when Israel could not find the rockets Hezbollah was stockpiling during the recent rape of Lebanon, Israel took out their anger and frustration on civilian and military alike. They even bombed the homes of Lebanese Christians.

But that is the box score now EK, as unjustified tit for tat violence has and will continue to rule the day My guess EK, is there will be no hope of an end until Israel returns the land it unjustly retains in the West Bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem. And Palestinians will get an Palestinian State.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
EK, in all due respects, it all well and fine to be pro-Israeli biased, but your bias is in ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people. EK, you just can't seem to accept, that the Israelis stole both the land and liberty of the Palestinian people, and now hold them in large concentration camps.

But this thread is just the sad part about it, because anti Israel terrorists have a hard time directly attacking Israel itself, those terrorists often target innocent Israel tourists. Of course Israel uses the same tactics too, when Israel could not find the rockets Hezbollah was stockpiling during the recent rape of Lebanon, Israel took out their anger and frustration on civilian and military alike. They even bombed the homes of Lebanese Christians.

But that is the box score now EK, as unjustified tit for tat violence has and will continue to rule the day My guess EK, is there will be no hope of an end until Israel returns the land it unjustly retains in the West Bank, Gaza, and east Jerusalem. And Palestinians will get an Palestinian State.

The Palestinian people brought the suffering upon themselves and continue to do so by their choices.

Maybe if they were willing to agree to live in peace; they would have peace.

But they dance to their puppet masters and suffer because of it.

You are right - attacking tourists is unjustified.

The Palestinians had a chance for a Palestinian state; the Arabs rejected it and the Palestinians rejected it. Now they want all of Palestine.

Is not going to happen.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2006
Anniversaries and symbolism play a large part in terror planning.
You think that the September 11, 2001 was a random selection.
The date was chosen to be a deliberate demonstration on the failure of security/emergency preparedness/response

Really? Is there some publication from OBL on why he picked the date? Or are we jumping to conclusions? Could be just a coincidence? I suppose I could pick the date if I was a terrorist of April 11th to make it symbolism for "I have information for you." Or I just wouldn't care. I'm guessing the 2nd.
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