Israeli tourists in Sinai area attacked

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Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
Zionazi sammy suddenly waking from his bed , at a late hour
of the day , and already spreading his zio brainwashing medics
inspired rethoric...

You were defeated militarly speaking , so much that you did
bomb urban civilian areas as a vengence like the cowards
you are and always were.

Nassrallah didnt expect the israeli to use murder of civilians as
a retaliatory mean in this war.

Indeed, he was too much gullible, he should know that this is israel
favourite tactic to kill innocents as an exemple , just look at Gaza..

One thing more since you say that you re an advanced people :
Kapparot is slowly approaching , have you built your roosters s cages ?..

Isreal needs to make an example out of your enter and z keys...


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
You were defeated militarly speaking , so much that you did
bomb urban civilian areas as a vengence like the cowards
you are and always were.

Nassrallah didnt expect the israeli to use murder of civilians as
a retaliatory mean in this war.

Indeed, he was too much gullible, he should know that this is israel
favourite tactic to kill innocents as an exemple , just look at Gaza..

Gaza was a very good example on how to conduct a successful military campaign against terrorists in very densely populated area with minimal civilian casualties.

I hope next time Israel would not restrict its use of force so you and your beloved patriot friends could not question the outcome of the battle. Annexing and burning down Southern Lebanon while driving all the local population north appears like the only solution to the problem of Hizballah.

Tell me, do you support Taliban as well, or is it just Hizballah?


Apr 2, 2011
Gaza was a very good example on how to conduct a successful military campaign against terrorists in very densely populated area with minimal civilian casualties.

A collective punishment , as practiced usualy by zionazis.

I hope next time Israel would not restrict its use of force so you and your beloved patriot friends could not question the outcome of the battle. Annexing and burning down Southern Lebanon while driving all the local population north appears like the only solution to the problem of Hizballah.

Such "precisions" are unnecessary, we already know that you re
in full support of the most hateful racist thoughts..

Tell me, do you support Taliban as well, or is it just Hizballah?

The 0.01 cts rethorical question of simply nazi sammy who want
to induce the biaised equation Hizballah = Taliban , ( although both
are fighting foreign troops) , with the always present thought
to engage the US people in the usual zionist falsehood that consist
of making them trust that they have a common enemies, i.e, the muslims.

That said , what about a good 'ole Kol Nidre prayer to be washed
of all yours coming crimes ?...


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
I hope next time Israel would not restrict its use of force so you and your beloved patriot friends could not question the outcome of the battle.

As must be repeated, Stormfront is where you ought to go.

This forum doesn't need such violent and racist rants upon Muslims, Arabs, Jews, blacks, or whoever.

Extreme radicalism such as you and others espouse always quickly bring discussions into the gutter.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
If Israel was slapped in 2006; why did Hezbollah go running to the UN asking for help to stop Israel.

History has aptly demonstrated that the Arab ('48,'53,'67,'73) & Palestinians aka Arafat/PLO (Gaza & Lebanon), Hamas (Gaza) and Hezbollah(Lebanon) go crying to the UN for help to stop Israel whenever they are on the losing end of a conflict that they start/trigger. They also state that they will obey UN treaties and neutral zones.
It took four conflicts for the Arab nations to finally realize that and try to work within their agreements. How many conflicts will it take each of the Palestinian groups? How cheap is a Palestinian life to their egotistical leadership?


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
A collective punishment , as practiced usualy by zionazis.

Just as the Allies "collectively punished" Germany in WWII. When someone wages a war on you, it's your right and duty to fight back - as Israel did very nicely in Gaza. If you are not familiar with the reports of Hamas operatives - the proud Muslim jihadists - running from their posts in fear of the Israeli army, I'll gather some later.

Such "precisions" are unnecessary, we already know that you re
in full support of the most hateful racist thoughts..

Well, Hizballah always has an option of not provoking Israel, in which case nothing would happen. Do you support this?

The 0.01 cts rethorical question of simply nazi sammy who want
to induce the biaised equation Hizballah = Taliban , ( although both
are fighting foreign troops) , with the always present thought
to engage the US people in the usual zionist falsehood that consist
of making them trust that they have a common enemies, i.e, the muslims.

Hizballah is made of the same people who bombed US embassy and the Marine headquarters in Lebanon in the early 80's. There is no difference between Taliban's and Hizballah's ideology - none. Both are looking to establish Muslim theocracies and both aspire to kill infidels.

That said , what about a good 'ole Kol Nidre prayer to be washed
of all yours coming crimes ?...

I am not religious myself, hence I don't pray.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2006
As must be repeated, Stormfront is where you ought to go.

This forum doesn't need such violent and racist rants upon Muslims, Arabs, Jews, blacks, or whoever.

Extreme radicalism such as you and others espouse always quickly bring discussions into the gutter.

Anyone who likes to see the Jewish state defending itself and hurting its attackers is a radical in your eyes, is he not? Just as your Muslim friends, you'd like to see Israel harassed and attacked but cry foul when it retaliates.

Personally, I have an issue with no one. I feel sorry for most Arabs for not being able to progress past the 13th century and deny concepts such as separation of church and state, secularism, democracy and tolerance to the other, but I don't hate them. I wish them only well, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. Unfortunately that's not the case.

Likewise I don't think Israel is anywhere near perfect, although it does seem so when compared with its neighbors. And perhaps this is a fair comparison, and not comparing it to Norway for example.

Me, I even support a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders, and I don't give a fuck whether the Palestinians receive eastern Jerusalem. They can have it. However, I don't support their right to wage violence at Israel, and I know that their state would be just another stepping stone in their armed conflict against Israel and not the conclusion of it. So while ideologically I support the foundation of a Palestinian state, practically, under these conditions I am opposed to it.

As for Hizballah, there's absolutely zero excuse for them to keep attacking and threatening Israel. If Lebanese are unable to restrain them, Israel will. An attack by Hizballah should be considered an act of war committed by Lebanon itself and Israel should respond with extreme violence that would shock the Muslims. Conquering all Lebanese territory until the Litani river, driving the population out and destroying all property would be an appropriate measure that will both provide a good buffer zone between Hizballah and Israel, and will give Israel a bargaining chip in future peace talks.

Of course, Hizballah can always choose NOT to provoke Israel but thanks to people like you, that support their cause of destroying Israel, there is no chance of this ever happening.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
As must be repeated, Stormfront is where you ought to go.

This forum doesn't need such violent and racist rants upon Muslims, Arabs, Jews, blacks, or whoever.

Extreme radicalism such as you and others espouse always quickly bring discussions into the gutter.

Much of the responses that bother you comes as a result of gutter snipes joining the discussions.

There are people that side with the Palestinians on the forum that can keep the discussions civil without being idiots.

And there are people that side with Israel that can act the same.

Then there are the gutter mouths that are unable to form a logical decent discussion. When these show up, the level of discussion if brought down; because it seems if those gutter rats are unable to operated at the coherency level that you and most expect.

A777Pilot is one of the offenders.
Abwx is another.

One is on vacation for his attitudes. within his posts
Another may be close to being shown the door because of his types of posts.


Apr 2, 2011
Just as the Allies "collectively punished" Germany in WWII.

That they were the victors and hence escaped porsecution
doesnt exonerate them from being war criminal.

Also , you should remember, wich is difficult for a zionist supremacist,
that your shitty entity is not the Allied forces..
In a a few decades years perspective , surely that the zionist state
will have to either enter the ranks of right or risk being wiped out
of the earth surface politically speaking.

Well, Hizballah always has an option of not provoking Israel, in which case nothing would happen. Do you support this?

Skirmishes that in other times would have not been a reason for escalation were used as a pretense by Olmert s unpopular government as a wild card to regain momentum in an announced electoral defeat.

In a few words , war and the subsequent crimes as an electoral
campaign tool , that is, making some human sacrifices to please
an electorate wich is nazified since infancy , as you visibly are.

Hizballah is made of the same people who bombed US embassy and the Marine headquarters in Lebanon in the early 80's. There is no difference between Taliban's and Hizballah's ideology - none. Both are looking to establish Muslim theocracies and both aspire to kill infidels.

As already said , that is deshumanisation and diabolization as a mean to justify your crimes.
Really, you think it still work ?..

I am not religious myself, hence I don't pray.

As all cowards, you might change your views once death
will be approaching...


Apr 2, 2011
A777Pilot is one of the offenders.
Abwx is another.

You are blatantly lying..:thumbsdown:

Find a post where i m advocating for killing of people, woever they are,
contrary to the poster you are cowardly comparing me with..

Find someting like this about me , if you dare to support
your biaised opinions :

I hope this killing goes on for a very long time. All that are being killed are muslims. I would call that a win-win.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Abyx - selective quoting and ignoring what is actually posted seems to be your MO.


Apr 2, 2011
Let s do an analysis :

First , sammy try to appear as civilized...
Personally, I have an issue with no one. I feel sorry for most Arabs for not being able to progress past the 13th century and deny concepts such as separation of church and state, secularism, democracy and tolerance to the other, but I don't hate them. I wish them only well, as long as they don't hurt anyone else. Unfortunately that's not the case.

Then, you must understand that it s not exactly "civilized" :
Likewise I don't think Israel is anywhere near perfect, although it does seem so when compared with its neighbors. And perhaps this is a fair comparison, and not comparing it to Norway for example.

Using this logic , sammy then explain that he s agree that palestinians
should have rights :
Me, I even support a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders, and I don't give a fuck whether the Palestinians receive eastern Jerusalem. They can have it.

Using the second "theorem" of his tortuous ideology that consist to
deny what was previously granted as right , sammy goes on to say :
However, I don't support their right to wage violence at Israel, and I know that their state would be just another stepping stone in their armed conflict against Israel and not the conclusion of it. So while ideologically I support the foundation of a Palestinian state, practically, under these conditions I am opposed to it.

Off course, all this end with promoting his usual zionist terrorism :
Israel should respond with extreme violence that would shock the Muslims.

And of course, since a land stealer cant change himself, he goes for
proposing to invade and steal even more lands :

Conquering all Lebanese territory until the Litani river, driving the population out and destroying all property would be an appropriate measure that will both provide a good buffer zone between Hizballah and Israel, and will give Israel a bargaining chip in future peace talks.

No doubt that those zio brainwashing medics allow any equation
to be granted truthness...


Apr 2, 2011
Abyx - selective quoting and ignoring what is actually posted seems to be your MO.

Do you really think that the hatefull post are worth being
fully quoted while the sentences meanings are redundant ?..

The "skilled" in double standard manipulation that are hanging
by there are no intellectual genius , and all their limited vision
of the world and of humans other than themselves can be summarized
in a few words of theirs.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The problem is that there is no difference between Hezbollah, the Taliban, and the Israeli army. They all use the tactics of terrorism and random killing of civilians to enforce their way.

And the other thing to say is that sad result was not built in a day, its been a long process of driving the moderates out of the political process, leaving only extremists to drive each sides agenda.

The only way I can see Israel long term remaining viable where its located is to form some sort of Palestinian State so the tensions can be gradually reduced. And even then, all nations in the region will still have to compete on water rights. Which is why mid-east growth cannot really occur without regional co-operation and engineering projects.


Mar 12, 2008
When Nassarallah goes on TV and said publicly that if he knew the outcome, he would not have initiated any violence again Israel, I'd hardly say Israel was "defeated". You Arabs are still sure you won the war of 1973

You see, this denial is not gonna help you learn from your mistakes, nor is it gonna change the fact that you were defeated. You are taking Nasrallah's words out of context, and Nasrallah has refuted this claim. He said that he was answering a hypothetical question, because Hizbullah knew Israel had been preparing a military incursion on Lebanon to uproot hizbullah. It was planned to be on October 2006. This plan was mentioned in Israeli press. Nasrallah said that he was actually thankful that Israel chose to launch its planned military incursion earlier using the capturing of the two Israeli soldiers as a pretext.

Israel declared from day one that the goal of that military incursion was to obliterate Hizbullah. You failed to do that and had to retreat after suffering heavy tank losses and casualties in your soldiers, despite the fuel and munitions supply that you recived from the US. Hizbulla is still there and has become much stronger, and Lebanon was able to free all its prisoners in Israel.

Moshe Arens, who served as Israel's Minister of Defense three times and also served as Minister of Foreign Affairs once, believes Israel was defeated in 2006 :

On 12 September, former defense minister Moshe Arens spoke of "the defeat of Israel" in calling for a state committee of inquiry. He said that Israel had lost "to a very small group of people, 5000 Hezbollah fighters, which should have been no match at all for the IDF", and stated that the conflict could have "some very fateful consequences for the future."

Also Ilan Harari, IDF's chief education officer back then admitted Israel's defeat.

Disclosing his intent to shortly resign, Ilan Harari, the IDF's chief education officer, stated at a conference of senior IDF officers that Israel lost the war, becoming the first senior active duty officer to publicly state such an opinion.

You should be thankful US was kind enough to resupply IDF instead of letting them nuke your country:

From your own qoute :

On October 8, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir authorized the assembly of thirteen 20-kiloton nuclear warheads on Jericho missiles and F-4s, which were prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets;[3] their preparation was made easily detectable, likely as a signal to the United States.

Israel preferred US help to using nukes because that action would have been met with use of unconventional weapons.

1973: Egypt reportedly imports nine Soviet launchers and approximately 18 Scud-B missiles; launches three at Israeli positions in the Sinai during the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war. The Soviet Union reportedly prepares to send nuclear warheads for the Scud-B to Egypt during the war in response to Israel's deployment of nuclear weapons.
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2011
I don't even understand what Abwx is saying. I feel like you're on another planet or something. Stop with the drivel. Are you using google translator? If so, then I highly suggest you try to use much smaller words and simpler sentences to convey your point in the hopes that it will translate better. Also, stop using zionazi and other slurs since rational people will not take you seriously when you use them.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
LL : Israel could/would not show a good neighbour stand (unlike your story) because their leaders believe they have the right to expand their borders as much as possible.

because Turkey plays nice with the Kurds, amirite...

hypocrisy, thy name is Oric.
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Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
because Turkey plays nice with Kurds, amirite...

hypocrisy, thy name is Oric.

If Israel does 1/4th of what Turkey has achieved in more human rights/democracy to its Kurdish citizens in the last 10 years the Palestenian problem would be solved.

What crimes is your country commiting Broheim, if you dare declare your nationality ? (because you are trying to change the subject on my country which publicly displayed)

anonimity, thy name is Broheim


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2011
If Israel does 1/4th of what Turkey has achieved in more human rights/democracy to its Kurdish citizens in the last 10 years the Palestenian problem would be solved.

What crimes is your country commiting Broheim, if you dare declare your nationality ? (because you are trying to change the subject on my country which publicly displayed)

anonimity, thy name is Broheim

I'm Danish, human rights is my middle name biatch...

The European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) reports that (as of April 2010): "The public use by officials of the Kurdish language lays them open to prosecution, and public defence by individuals of Kurdish or minority interests also frequently leads to prosecutions under the Criminal Code."[29]
The conflict claimed more than 30,000 lives, depopulated swathes of the southeast and displaced millions. Torture was common and thousands were killed or disappeared at the hands of the army and pro-government death squads, according to Human Rights Watch.
human rights, fuck yeah!

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The other thing to point out is that a militarily occupied people have a right to strike back at their oppressors. When the Jews inside the Nazi ghetto of Warsaw struck back at the Nazi's trying to exterminate them, they were regarded as hero's, yet when the Palestinians do so in Gaza, Israel regards them as sub-human monsters.

But still I think the UN did the right thing in 3/1948 to solve a large Jewish refugee crisis, the problem is that it created what is now an even bigger Palestinian refugee crisis that must be addressed as it grows more explosive every day. It did not have to be that way, after the Israeli state promised to treat Palestinians and Israeli Jews equally in 1948, and instead forced all Palestinians out at the point of a gun by 1953. Thus creating a right of return that will never go away. Then repeated the process in the 1967&73, as Palestinian refugees who fled to the West Bank, East Jerusalem,and the West Bank were once again under Israeli hegemony and control.

Well, we can't change a rotten past, we can only change the future. So what is the way forward?

I believe the best way is in the formation of a Palestinian State. And the following link is a good read.

But wait, the US says they will veto a Palestinian State on 9/20/2011. But there is that alternate path through the General assembly if the Pales can get 2/3'rd of the member state to vote for it. And that is a basic slam dunk already, not just in the Arab world, but in the larger world too. And since Lebanon will have the UN gavel, Lebanon can fast track any general assembly votes.

And once we gave a Palestinian State, Israel will no longer be able to collect taxes Palestinian taxes and the with hold them, and then comes the big one, The Pals will be able to control their own water. Those Israeli farms and settlements will no longer be able to get all the water they want while the Pales get little or nothing, and suddenly the Pales will be able grow their own food too. And build an economy and have the same economic freedoms of export and imports to put their people to work. Nor will the Pals have to wade through endless Israeli checkpoints. Thereby cutting down Palestinian terrorists motivation, and at the same time Israel can take the peace dividends as guns do nothing for an economy and butter does. Meanwhile the ideas of the Arab spring can help rebuild the Arab economies the thieving Arab dictators delimited.
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