Israelis shot an Armenian Monk, attack Christians in Bethlehem

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Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< The only people I ever see denying this are either biased, or have little to no understanding of the history of the situation. Which one are you? >>

Niether, I believe two wrongs don't make a right. I believe that the Occupied territories should be handed over to the Palestineans for their own homeland...including the illegal settlements and the whole of Jeruselem. One of the conditions being that all terrorist activities cease. You will then see the Palestineans do something about these terrorists.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< I agree, Carbony. That's a damn fine anology. >>

No it's not. It's an ok analogy if you are biased.


Mar 17, 2002
Israel has a major security problem with suicide bombers etc.a terrorist situation sure but i don't think it's a 'war' .They are not at war with palestine but conveniently use the term war i feel to justify thrashing up the west bank and make everybody there suffer


Oct 9, 1999
"conveniently use the term war..."

Yeah, getting suicide bombed all the time is hella convenient I'm sure!


Sep 22, 2001

<< Niether, I believe two wrongs don't make a right. I believe that the Occupied territories should be handed over to the Palestineans for their own homeland...including the illegal settlements and the whole of Jeruselem. One of the conditions being that all terrorist activities cease. You will then see the Palestineans do something about these terrorists >>

I don't agree. I think as long as Israel exists there will be some terrorist ready to walk into a bat mitzvah and kill children. I also think that Israel is willing to co-exist with the Palestinians as long as they feel secure. I don't get the same feeling from the Palestinians, Arafat or Hamas. I honestly think they would gleefully kill every Jew and American they came across.

<< No it's not. It's an ok analogy if you are biased. >>

Then color me biased. Do you really think that if terrorists were constantly coming into San Diego from Tijuana and setting off bombs that we wouldn't occupy or level Tijuana, international borders be damned? Or would we rely on the most corrupt police force in the world to find the terrorists? I think we would take care of the problem ourselves. JMO

BTW why do you keep changing your avatar? You're driving me nuts.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001


<< The only people I ever see denying this are either biased, or have little to no understanding of the history of the situation. Which one are you? >>

Niether, I believe two wrongs don't make a right. I believe that the Occupied territories should be handed over to the Palestineans for their own homeland...including the illegal settlements and the whole of Jeruselem. One of the conditions being that all terrorist activities cease. You will then see the Palestineans do something about these terrorists.

Nice ideal but impossible due to the hatred on both sides. I think a more practical approach is for Israel to take Palestine kill any terrorists and give those Arabs who want peace citizenship and ship the rest to Jordan or wherever thier from. Then institute a 30 mile perimeter DMZ around Israel. This will give lasting peace in the region and allow Palestinians a choice.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
A better analogy woud be if we annexed the Province of Quebec and the Canadians Frogs started blowing themselves up in order to kill Americans. Of course we would be on Alert for exploding Frogs in Quebec but in New York we probably would not be on as high an alert so they would concentrate on New York. Of course innocent civilians would die making the Frogs terrorists(and wrong) but we would be wrong because we were an occupying force. Two Wrongs don't make a right.


Oct 9, 1999
"Israel has a major security problem with suicide bombers etc.a terrorist situation sure but i don't think it's a 'war' .They are not at war with palestine but conveniently use the term war i feel to justify thrashing up the west bank and make everybody there suffer "

What do you call the suicide bombers in Israel, an inconvenience?

There are Arabs that live in Israel, why shouldn't Jews live in Palestine? The settlement issue is just another issue for the Palestinians to make war, not peace.

Why did Arafat turn down the Barak peace plan?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< The settlement issue is just another issue for the Palestinians to make war, not peace. >>

It's actually a valid reason.


Sep 22, 2001

<< A better analogy woud be if we annexed the Province of Quebec and the Canadians Frogs started blowing themselves up in order to kill Americans. Of course we would be on Alert for exploding Frogs in Quebec but in New York we probably would not be on as high an alert so they would concentrate on New York. Of course innocent civilians would die making the Frogs terrorists(and wrong) but we would be wrong because we were an occupying force. Two Wrongs don't make a right >>

What you have left out is why we annexed it in the first place and could the frogs guarantee that those circumstances would not arise again?
Aug 10, 2001
The United Nations Security Council recognized in Resolution 242 that Israel couldn't return to its pre-1967 borders because those borders made Israel extremely vulnerable to attacks from Egypt, Joran, and Syria. So all this talk about returning to the pre-1967 borders is really a nonstarter. Nevertheless, the settlements have really gotten out of hand. They (the settlements) make the West Bank look like a piece of Swiss cheese.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< What you have left out is why we annexed it in the first place and could the frogs guarantee that those circumstances would not arise again? >>

We wanted to give Left Handed Americans a place of their own after being persecuted for 150 years by right handed Americans


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< The only people I ever see denying this are either biased, or have little to no understanding of the history of the situation. Which one are you? >>

Niether, I believe two wrongs don't make a right. I believe that the Occupied territories should be handed over to the Palestineans for their own homeland...including the illegal settlements and the whole of Jeruselem. One of the conditions being that all terrorist activities cease. You will then see the Palestineans do something about these terrorists.

Red, they HAD that, and threw it away not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR freakin' times. AND, since Israel has occupied them, Arafat has refused any and all peace accord which gave them that very thing.

A home land is NOT what they want. They seek nothing less than the total annihilation of Israel.

There is no "two wrongs" here. There is an aggressor and a defender. It's not the defender's fault the aggressor runs on irrational religious extremism and racism and can't tell when it's been beaten.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< I agree, Carbony. That's a damn fine anology. >>

No it's not. It's an ok analogy if you are biased.

Hardly. It only seems biased to one ignorant of history.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< The settlement issue is just another issue for the Palestinians to make war, not peace. >>

It's actually a valid reason.

Really? Than is it a valid reason for Israel to attack Arab-Israel citizens living in Israel?

Can I attack foreigners too? There's a Swiss couple living down the street. Can I attack them for moving here?

Can we bomb China town?

The Arab's are blatantly bigotted and seek to expell any foreign influence in their "holy lands." It's the reason why Bin Laden attacked the US and it's the reason why the Arabs have waged this pathetic 50+ year war against Israel.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999

Stop being such a blatent racist. Your extreme anger against all arabs is just as bad the extremist suicide bombers' is against Israel. It's really sad.

You run your mouth off like you know what you're talking about when the fact is you have NO idea. You claim you know the "history" and what "all arabs" want. All it is is stereotyping and racism. Sorry buddy, but you're ignorant, you're wrong, and you're just a mindless fool. Why don't you do us all a favor?



Jun 26, 2001


<< Israel's occupation is NOT illegal. It comes after THREE full scale wars of aggression by these Arabs and 50+ years of terrorism. Is our military action in afghanistan illegal? Was our occupation of Japan and Germany illegal? >>

This is so retarded, this mentality only comes from right wing extermists who are destroying the US and the World with them with their sick mentality of war.

The US did not move Texans to throw Germans out of Frankfrut to build a new home for them there. If it had done that, it would be illegal occupation. A military action is not an occupation Mr. Military Guy.

Plus, on what cases you call the wars between the Arabs and Israelis "Terrorism", or you like to stick terrorism where ever you find fit?

<< The Israelis have been doing everything they can to respect holy places and people >>

Loool, you haven't watched the video I posted in the first post did you? That little video that showed how the Israelis stormed a church and destroyed the city of bethlehem ?


though I am drunk .....think again !!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The double standard here is AMAZING. You folks want to remove all of Israel's right to defend itself effectively.

There's no doublestandard, you are misconstruing what has been said. Some people believe that what the Israelis are doing does not constitute self-defense being that most of the "terrorists" are operating underground and know better than to get in the way of the military. I can't see the large collateral damage as justifying the weak results they're getting in stopping the terrorist attacks.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
>>>Israel has a major security problem with suicide bombers etc.a terrorist situation sure but i don't think it's a 'war' .They are not at war with palestine but conveniently use the term war i feel to justify thrashing up the west bank and make everybody there suffer <<<

Hmmmm. Lets see. Israel is using soldiers in battlefield garb and arrive in tanks,and APC's and has air cover with missles and grenade launchers and a whole host of "military " hardware. Generally, "military" hardware is used when a country is at war.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, maybe it's a friggen WAR , MORON!!

Palestininans suffer because they call for the extermination of Israelis. And all thier actions show it for the last 50 years. They made their bed,they can lay in it.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

<< AmusedOne,

Stop being such a blatent racist. Your extreme anger against all arabs is just as bad the extremist suicide bombers' is against Israel. It's really sad.

You run your mouth off like you know what you're talking about when the fact is you have NO idea. You claim you know the "history" and what "all arabs" want. All it is is stereotyping and racism. Sorry buddy, but you're ignorant, you're wrong, and you're just a mindless fool. Why don't you do us all a favor?


Funny. Point out one racist thing I've said about Arabs. Just one. I may have attacked their culture, but not their race.

Look, just because you don't like the FACT that the Arabs have been the aggressor in every war with Israel does not make ME racist.

I hate aggressors and would speak the same way of Nazis. Would that make me racist against Germans? Hardly.

Grow up and stop pulling the race card when you have no argument. You only serve to cheapen the true dangers of racism by crying wolf when your argument holds no water.

Be proud, you have now joined the ranks of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson: "When all else fails, pull the race card!"


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001

<< The double standard here is AMAZING. You folks want to remove all of Israel's right to defend itself effectively.

There's no doublestandard, you are misconstruing what has been said. Some people believe that what the Israelis are doing does not constitute self-defense being that most of the "terrorists" are operating underground and know better than to get in the way of the military. I can't see the large collateral damage as justifying the weak results they're getting in stopping the terrorist attacks.

The terrorists could not survive, nay thrive to the extent that they do without the popular support of the people. The Palestinians refuse to oust or imprison the terrorists, therefore Israel must do it for them, or continue to have innocent civilians die.

Of course, your stance would be to have them sit idly by while they are slaughtered. Thankfully, they're a bit smarter than that.


Apr 25, 2000

<< I can't see the large collateral damage as justifying the weak results they're getting in stopping the terrorist attacks. >>

And how would you suggest that they go about stopping the terrorist attacks?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001

<< Really? Than is it a valid reason for Israel to attack Arab-Israel citizens living in Israel? >>

No, there is no valid reason for that. Just like there is no defensable argument for Israel keeping the Settlements. Israel should pull back to the Boundry's designated for it by the UN when that nation was created.

<< It only seems biased to one ignorant of history. >>

That's your opinion Amusedone.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 1999

<< Funny. Point out one racist thing I've said about Arabs. Just one.

Look, just because you don't like the FACT that the Arabs have been the aggressor in every war with Israel does not make ME racist.

I hate aggressors and would speak the same way of Nazis. Would that make me racist against Germans? Hardly.

Grow up and stop pulling the race card when you have no argument. You only serve to cheapen the true dangers of racism by crying wolf when your argument holds no water.

Point out one thing? I don't have to point out one thing. It's in several of your posts. "arabs this" "arabs that" "palestinians this" "palestinians that".. to judge and generalize arabs where you have NO place to. Your bias and how you blame the arabs for everything. Do I REALLY have to point things out? C'mon man, just admit it.

No, you didn't call them sand awesome people, but you don't have to to show your true colors.

Don't talk to me about war with Israel. You obviously don't know your history, and your OPINIONS are all biased. You want to speak your mind about the shooters and fighers and suicide bombers fine. But your generalizations are what make it obvious.

Don't compare "nazis" and "germans" because you aren't being specific, remember? Tell me to grow up? You show up in every thread about the crisis to rip on arabs. DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE NOT either. You don't have to look too far..

"The Arab's are blatantly bigotted and seek to expell any foreign influence in their "holy lands." It's the reason why Bin Laden attacked the US and it's the reason why the Arabs have waged this pathetic 50+ year war against Israel. "

Heh. Once again.. now all arabs are terrorists who side with bin laden.. you are a fool. Can't hide behind your 'hide behind your racism' sh~t either, cause that only works when you're not being racist.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001


<< Funny. Point out one racist thing I've said about Arabs. Just one.

Look, just because you don't like the FACT that the Arabs have been the aggressor in every war with Israel does not make ME racist.

I hate aggressors and would speak the same way of Nazis. Would that make me racist against Germans? Hardly.

Grow up and stop pulling the race card when you have no argument. You only serve to cheapen the true dangers of racism by crying wolf when your argument holds no water.

Point out one thing? I don't have to point out one thing. It's in several of your posts. "arabs this" "arabs that" "palestinians this" "palestinians that".. to judge and generalize arabs where you have NO place to. Your bias and how you blame the arabs for everything. Do I REALLY have to point things out? C'mon man, just admit it.

No, you didn't call them sand awesome people, but you don't have to to show your true colors.

Don't talk to me about war with Israel. You obviously don't know your history, and your OPINIONS are all biased. You want to speak your mind about the shooters and fighers and suicide bombers fine. But your generalizations are what make it obvious.

Don't compare "nazis" and "germans" because you aren't being specific, remember? Tell me to grow up? You show up in every thread about the crisis to rip on arabs. DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE NOT either. You don't have to look too far..

"The Arab's are blatantly bigotted and seek to expell any foreign influence in their "holy lands." It's the reason why Bin Laden attacked the US and it's the reason why the Arabs have waged this pathetic 50+ year war against Israel. "

Heh. Once again.. now all arabs are terrorists who side with bin laden.. you are a fool. Can't hide behind your 'hide behind your racism' sh~t either, cause that only works when you're not being racist.

To deny this is the popular opinion in the Arab nations is to deny reality. To deny that the terrorist have popular support among Arab citizens is to deny reality.

No, Mr Cide, I'm not racist. You can scream it all day, but just because you cannot accept reality does not make me racist.

It's exactly as I figured. You HAVE no argument, you can't counter any historical point I've made so you've fallen back on the only thing you have left; Ad hominems and the race card.

Come back when you actually have a point to make besides baseless accusations.
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