It is official : Al Gore shares Nobel Peace Prize

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Jul 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Also he pays a fee to get his power from green sources. It cost extra on top of the regular bill. I guess you and Jawo missed that as well. :roll: Keep on trolling, yall are doing a great job.

sorry, I have to call you on this. This is nothing more than a papal indulgence for the 21st century rich.

The very same people celebrating this will villify any corporation playing the pollution credits game and its the same damn thing.

paying to you can pollute and use excessive resources has got to me the most arrogant thing ever conceived.

so, what the libs are saying, its okay if your rich and pollute? As long as you contribute to Tommy's Iron Lung fund you can burn all the resources you want?

He is paying so that his power is from wind, solar, etc... so it cost more. Since then he has installed solar panels and a host of other items.
Some corps want to polute more and pay for credits and such which is BS. Gore pays for green energy and also has taken steps to use less with his new ac/heat system, solar panels, etc... something some companies are fighting.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
He is paying so that his power is from wind, solar, etc... so it cost more. Since then he has installed solar panels and a host of other items.
Some corps want to polute more and pay for credits and such which is BS. Gore pays for green energy and also has taken steps to use less with his new ac/heat system, solar panels, etc... something some companies are fighting.
Consumption ain't conservation.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
The Nobel committee cited them "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change."

What of efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about the naturally occurring 1,500 year cycle of climate change? This smells of special treatment, but that is expected.

I consider this achievement no greater than winning a prize 500 years ago for telling us the world is flat.

I have been trying to stress this point all along. Science wants an answer to everything, and they don't have a definitive answer to this situation. In 1,000 years we can see if we were right or not....


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Good for Gore - he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mayby someone will award Bush the 'WAR' prize.

He will have to settle for 'the greatest disaster in American history'.

Maybe he'll get a saying like America piddled while God talked to burning Bush, the ash from Crawford Texas.

You say these hateful things b/c you hate yourself. When you see the evil in this man, you are merely holding up a mirror.

That is a CROCK OF SHIT! George W. Bush is pure, unadulterated EVIL all by himself for the horrendous damage and pain he has inflicted on the American people and the world. Neither Moonbeam[/i] nor CaptnKirk, nor anyone else who speaks out against your TRAITOR IN CHIEF and his criminal cabal have done has committed such egregious crimes.

As of 10/12/07 11:34 am EDT 3,823 American troops have died in their criminal war of LIES in Iraq, and tens of thousands more are wounded, disabled and scarred for life.

Death is a foreseeable consequence of war, and their war was based entirely on lies in callous and reckless disregard for the safety and the very lives of those who died. Those who participated in that crime should be tried for MURDER for every one of those deaths and for FELONY ASSAULT against every troop wounded in that war.

They have systematically shredded the rights guaranteed to every American citizen under the U.S. Constitution. Those who participated in those crimes should be tried for TREASON.

They have squandered TRILLIONS of dollars of American taxpayers' treasure that could have, and SHOULD have been spent on improving health care, education, environmental protection, infrastructure and REAL security measures. Our great greatgrandchildren will still be paying that debt long after we're gone from this planet.

And all of that is before we get to the GROSS INCOMPETENCE they've shown in everything they actually tried to do.

That's not hateful. IT'S FACT! Trying to diminish the value of posts by those who speak that truth merely makes you appear to be the one who is either extremely ignorant, extremely self-deluded or extremely self-hating. :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Some people seem to miss the prize was awarded, not for the quality of the science, but for raising global awareness of global warming. And a nobel peace prize nomination means little, a win means a great deal.

What remains to be seen is will this go to Al Gores head. At least IMHO, Al Gore needs to go back, revise much of his earlier work, and get his message more based on more recent science. I for one hope he does not run for President in 08.

But going back, in terms of raising awareness of global warming, AL Gore does deserve the credit for the hard work he has done. And the Nobel committee that awards that prize happens to agree. Who are we to second guess them? If you are upset over that decision, I guess you are just going to have to get over it.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Lemon law
Some people seem to miss the prize was awarded, not for the quality of the science, but for raising global awareness of global warming. And a nobel peace prize nomination means little, a win means a great deal.

It's called intelligence, ethics and leadership... Things our country has been sorely lacking for the last six years. I hope Gore does run for President.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: spittledip
Seriously, if Gore can win the Nobel Peace Prize for this, Michael Moore should win one for the work he has done as it is in the same league with Gore's stuff, except it is a bit more relevant as Moore's work is about social issues which is what the Peace Prize is supposed to be about. However, Moore could never win b/c of his status. Really ridiculous stuff.

Don't worry I wouldn't be surprised if I am in the running next year for my posts here. :thumbsup:
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Lemon law
If you are upset over that decision, I guess you are just going to have to get over it.

This seems to be the left/right debate now...that somehow conservatives are going to be tweaked by this whole thing. I don't think that's the case. There's definitely some gloating on the part of Gore fans... But I don't see the right as being 'upset' by this. Personally I've seen the NPP as a complete joke since Arafat won it so I don't see it as a huge honor to him or anyone else who wins it.

I think the bigger question is, what does his work on MMGW have to do with the NPP? He hasn't changed anything. The debate was raging long before he came on the scene. It wasn't like his movie somehow brought a whole new generation to the realization that the climate is changing. His movie did more for his position on the world stage than it did for promoting awareness of GW. The reasons that have been handed out seem like a fairly big reach, even for the Nobel committee. It's their award, they can give it to whoever they want (obviously) but I honestly fail to see how his work (specifically the things he has done) is relevant to world peace.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Al Gore winning the Nobel is like manna from heaven, a fresh new corpse for the maggots to feed on.

Full yet?

Always. I eat maggots.

Cannibal, are ya?

In a manner of speaking, yes. I eat Cannibals too. My favorite is Hormel Beef Stew.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Also he pays a fee to get his power from green sources. It cost extra on top of the regular bill. I guess you and Jawo missed that as well. :roll: Keep on trolling, yall are doing a great job.

sorry, I have to call you on this. This is nothing more than a papal indulgence for the 21st century rich.

The very same people celebrating this will villify any corporation playing the pollution credits game and its the same damn thing.

paying to you can pollute and use excessive resources has got to me the most arrogant thing ever conceived.

so, what the libs are saying, its okay if your rich and pollute? As long as you contribute to Tommy's Iron Lung fund you can burn all the resources you want?

He is paying so that his power is from wind, solar, etc... so it cost more. Since then he has installed solar panels and a host of other items.
Some corps want to polute more and pay for credits and such which is BS. Gore pays for green energy and also has taken steps to use less with his new ac/heat system, solar panels, etc... something some companies are fighting.


If people like him did not consume the resources of TWENTY AVERAGE families we might not have the pollution problem or energy production problems that he is claiming to fight.

He is a pathetic hypocrit.


Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Good for Gore - he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mayby someone will award Bush the 'WAR' prize.

He will have to settle for 'the greatest disaster in American history'.

Maybe he'll get a saying like America piddled while God talked to burning Bush, the ash from Crawford Texas.

You say these hateful things b/c you hate yourself. When you see the evil in this man, you are merely holding up a mirror.

That is a CROCK OF SHIT! George W. Bush is pure, unadulterated EVIL all by himself for the horrendous damage and pain he has inflicted on the American people and the world. Neither Moonbeam[/i] nor CaptnKirk, nor anyone else who speaks out against your TRAITOR IN CHIEF and his criminal cabal have done has committed such egregious crimes.n;

Better than being a bucket of shit which is what your type is.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
I very much disagree with the notion that the NPP has nothing to do with global warming. In many way the various Viking raids into Europe was precipitated by global cooling, causing the largely agrarian societies of the far north to collapse. Any climate changes resulting from global warming may end up causing mass movements of populations and ignite new tensions over resources. Many of the changes that global warming may bring may be in future regarded as direct assaults and acts of wars as the science matures.

If nothing else Gore has raised the awareness required to get world leaders working together. All that bears directly on world peace and its very hard now to judge what future repercussions may be over a very long time.

I also disagree with that contention that Arafat does not deserve the peace prize. Short term and during his lifetime, both he and the State of Israel did much to start and then frustrate a more final and lasting peace over very contentious issues. At some future date when these ideals may finally be realized, I think Arafat will get some better credit as being one of the first to take the needed first steps.


Golden Member
May 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Jawo
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: BigRig04
Well, it's official. The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. That's really too bad because it used to mean something.

This is a guy who people have sympathy for because of the 2000 election, and as others have said profits off of global warming and does nothing himself to help the cause other than tell people that THEY have to fight the good fight, is going to be running around saying "listen to me!! I have a peace prize!!"

Yes, Climate Change is a fact. No, no one has proven that it's man made. I challenge anyone here (even Al Gore himself) to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that humans are causing it.

Ok I will play your game.
Prove "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that humans are not causing any of it.

I find it interesting that no one was crying chicken little in the 1970's when Time, et al, were complaining about Global Cooling. Not to mention the fact that there was a scientifically proven "Little Ice Age" in the 19th century. PBS site about the Little Ice Age You can talk ice cores all you want, but the past 50-100 years is nothing but a blink of the eye in the total duration of the Earth! The Earth could just be warming up to "normal" levels from the most recent ice age.

Global cooling was a media scare, not a scientific scare. There are hundreds of peer reviewed articles on global warming. I would be surprised if there were even 50 published in support of global cooling (even 50 is probably an overestimate).

Also, the earth isn't warming up to "normal" levels. We have reconstructed temperature graphs for the past 600,000 years (read: over multiple ice ages) which you can easily find on the web.

Originally posted by: BigRig04
I challenge anyone here (even Al Gore himself) to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that humans are causing it.

This isn't about proving it beyond a shadow of doubt. This is about showing that man-made global warming has a high probability of being correct. If it has a high probability of being correct then I think it's obvious that we should try to do something about it.


Golden Member
Jan 19, 2007
As much of a fan as I am of Al Gore, Sunner's right. If Arafat can get one, it loses its prestige.

With that being said, Congrats to Al.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: Jawo
Originally posted by: TheSlamma
Originally posted by: Marlin1975
Originally posted by: TheSlamma
I think he should spend the money on hybrids and solar panels for his place so he can stop being a hypocrite.

And maybe if you knew any real facts you would know that he can not put panels on his house, he tried and found out it is against zoning rules. "his contractors ran into a legal barrier last summer when they sought to apply for a permit to install solar panels on the roof."

Also he pays a fee to get his power from green sources. It cost extra on top of the regular bill. I guess you and Jawo missed that as well. :roll: Keep on trolling, yall are doing a great job.


Looks like they changed the zoning rules and Gore does now have solar panles along with...

"but it seems to me that Gore is a man who practices what he preaches. After his neighborhood council passed new zoning laws - ones that previously prohibited the installation of solar panels - Gore said that he'd be able to take the following additional steps

* install a geothermal system that will, among other things, drastically reduce the cost of heating his pool.
* upgrade windows and ductwork.
* install more energy-efficient light bulbs.
* create a rainwater collection system for irrigation and water management."
He had to wait for zoning to install windows and bulbs? Hmmmm just sounds fishey

I was thinking that as well....I would find it hilarious if the zoning rules specifically prevented energy efficient windows and light bulbs. He could always have lived elsewhere if he truly wanted to be green from the start. Marlin1975, I think the "Carbon offset" credits is a good idea, but it does not directly remove what you put in the atmosphere....its kinda like malpractice suits..."Sorry we cut off your leg, when we meant to take out your appendix, so heres a free prostetic leg."

lol. the inept attempts you guys come up with to try and defend the duplicitous snopes article. "zoning laws? sounds fishy." "he could just move elswhere"

you do realize that zoning laws include the types of structures you can build on your property, esp concerning the type of foundation you have, etc. Have you any idea what kind of structural undertaking placing solar panels on your roof are?
lol, you do realize that Windows and Bulbs are not under zoning laws?

Please learn to read. You are like the 4th person to totally botch the whole "reading" thing.



Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2002
Al Gore has done a wonderful job bringing efficiency back into the public eye. People can contest the validity of his claims, but he's attempting to present a positive message. I think he deserves the award. I'd also vote for him if he ran for president.

Al Gore, despite having a seemingly un-green lifestyle, would still make for a better candidate than ALL that are currently running: Democrat/Republican alike.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: Evan Lieb
He's not going to run because he can't beat the Hillary machine. Unless he wants to be VP, I suppose.

Btw, I find it mildly amusing that those on here that are so critical of Gore can't see their ass from a hole in the ground, and now the hole in the ground is a Nobel Peach Prize. Never did understand how global warming, a fact, and man-made global warning, another fact, could become a partisan issue to some. That's so 1980's.

I think it should have fallen under the Science category... Peace prize seems to be a popularity contest now.

Agreed, it used to be you fought for the right cause while imprisoned for 20 years to finally emerge victorious, or went into a war zone and negotiated a treaty to receive a peace prize.
Nowadays it seems all you have to do is produce a straight to dvd-quality movie. How prey tell is the world a more peaceful place because of this?


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Shivetya
He is so damn biased its amazing the let him keep his duties here.

... said the putz who called me a "bucket of shit." :laugh:


Jul 3, 2001
Has he actually accomplished anything other than promote a movie? Everyone is already aware of the idea of climate change. It's an insult to the scientists to share it with him.


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: AAjax
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Originally posted by: Evan Lieb
He's not going to run because he can't beat the Hillary machine. Unless he wants to be VP, I suppose.

Btw, I find it mildly amusing that those on here that are so critical of Gore can't see their ass from a hole in the ground, and now the hole in the ground is a Nobel Peach Prize. Never did understand how global warming, a fact, and man-made global warning, another fact, could become a partisan issue to some. That's so 1980's.

I think it should have fallen under the Science category... Peace prize seems to be a popularity contest now.

Agreed, it used to be you fought for the right cause while imprisoned for 20 years to finally emerge victorious, or went into a war zone and negotiated a treaty to receive a peace prize.
Nowadays it seems all you have to do is produce a straight to dvd-quality movie. How prey tell is the world a more peaceful place because of this?

It seems you don't really know much about your former vice precident. If the only thing he did was giving out that movie he would newer have got the peace price. However, he has done more than that. Stolen from Wikipedia:

According to a February 27, 2007 article in The Concord Monitor, "Gore was one of the first politicians to grasp the seriousness of climate change and to call for a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouses gases. He held the first congressional hearings on the subject in the late 1970s."[61] During his tenure in Congress, Gore co-sponsored hearings on toxic waste in 1978?79, and hearings on global warming in the 1980s.[62] On 14 May 1989 while still a Senator, Gore published an editorial in the Washington Post which argued that, "Humankind has suddenly entered into a brand new relationship with the planet Earth. The world's forests are being destroyed; an enormous hole is opening in the ozone layer. Living species are dying at an unprecedented rate." [63]

On Earth Day 1994, Gore launched the GLOBE program, an education and science activity that, according to Forbes magazine, "made extensive use of the Internet to increase student awareness of their environment".[64]

In the late 1990s, Gore strongly pushed for the passage of the Kyoto Treaty, which called for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.[65][66] He was opposed by the Senate, which passed unanimously (95-0) the Byrd-Hagel Resolution (S. Res. 98),[67] which stated the sense of the Senate was that the United States should not be a signatory to any protocol that did not include binding targets and timetables for developing as well as industrialized nations or "would result in serious harm to the economy of the United States".[68] On November 12, 1998, Gore symbolically signed the protocol. Both Gore and Senator Joseph Lieberman indicated that the protocol would not be acted upon in the Senate until there was participation by the developing nations.[69] The Clinton Administration never submitted the protocol to the Senate for ratification.

In recent years, Gore has remained busy traveling the world speaking and participating in events mainly aimed towards global warming awareness and prevention. His keynote presentation on global warming has received standing ovations, and he has presented it at least 1,000 times according to his monologue in An Inconvenient Truth. His speaking fee is $100,000.[70]

In 2004, he launched Generation Investment Management. This firm, which he chairs, seeks out companies which take a responsible view on global issues such as climate change. It was created to assist the growing demand for an investment style that can bring returns by blending traditional equity research with a focus on more intangible non-financial factors such as social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance.

Gore is a vocal proponent of carbon neutrality, buying a carbon offset each time he travels by aircraft.[71] Gore and his family drive hybrid vehicles.[72]

Interest in Al Gore's speeches reached such a point that a public lecture at University of Toronto on February 21, 2007, on the topic of global warming, led to a crash of the ticket sales website within minutes of opening.[73] A few weeks later, he spoke at another event in the same city and, for the first time, made the argument that employers have a significant role to play in mobilizing their employees to take action on climate change.[74]

During Global Warming Awareness Month, on February 9, 2007, Al Gore and Richard Branson announced the Virgin Earth Challenge, a competition offering a $25 million prize for the first person or organization to produce a viable design that results in the removal of atmospheric greenhouse gases.[75]

On July 7, 2007, Live Earth benefit concerts were held around the world in an effort to raise awareness about climate change. The event was the brainchild of both Gore and Kevin Wall of Save Our Selves.

Gore starred in the documentary film An Inconvenient Truth, which won the 2007 Academy Award for Documentary Feature.[76] The Oscar was awarded to director Davis Guggenheim, who asked Gore to join him and other members of the crew on stage. During this time, Gore gave a brief speech: "My fellow Americans, people all over the world, we need to solve the climate crisis. It's not a political issue; it's a moral issue. We have everything we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act. That's a renewable resource. Let's renew it."[77]

The film, released on May 24, 2006, documents the evidence for anthropogenic global warming and warns of the consequences of people not making immediate changes to their behavior. In late July, it surpassed Bowling for Columbine as the third-highest-grossing documentary in U.S. history.[78] Gore also published a book of the same title, which became a bestseller.

So, there you have it, Gore has actually worked on climate change since the 1970's, long before many of you where born if im not mistaken.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: spittledip
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: CaptnKirk
Good for Gore - he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Mayby someone will award Bush the 'WAR' prize.

He will have to settle for 'the greatest disaster in American history'.

Maybe he'll get a saying like America piddled while God talked to burning Bush, the ash from Crawford Texas.

You say these hateful things b/c you hate yourself. When you see the evil in this man, you are merely holding up a mirror.

That is a CROCK OF SHIT! George W. Bush is pure, unadulterated EVIL all by himself for the horrendous damage and pain he has inflicted on the American people and the world. Neither Moonbeam[/i] nor CaptnKirk, nor anyone else who speaks out against your TRAITOR IN CHIEF and his criminal cabal have done has committed such egregious crimes.

As of 10/12/07 11:34 am EDT 3,823 American troops have died in their criminal war of LIES in Iraq, and tens of thousands more are wounded, disabled and scarred for life.

Death is a foreseeable consequence of war, and their war was based entirely on lies in callous and reckless disregard for the safety and the very lives of those who died. Those who participated in that crime should be tried for MURDER for every one of those deaths and for FELONY ASSAULT against every troop wounded in that war.

They have systematically shredded the rights guaranteed to every American citizen under the U.S. Constitution. Those who participated in those crimes should be tried for TREASON.

They have squandered TRILLIONS of dollars of American taxpayers' treasure that could have, and SHOULD have been spent on improving health care, education, environmental protection, infrastructure and REAL security measures. Our great greatgrandchildren will still be paying that debt long after we're gone from this planet.

And all of that is before we get to the GROSS INCOMPETENCE they've shown in everything they actually tried to do.

That's not hateful. IT'S FACT! Trying to diminish the value of posts by those who speak that truth merely makes you appear to be the one who is either extremely ignorant, extremely self-deluded or extremely self-hating. :thumbsdown: :| :thumbsdown:

What the hell does this have to do with the topic at hand? Harvey, you are as insane as McOwen. You obviously missed the Moonbeam reference.
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