It it just me?


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
Or does Gary Johnson actually make the most sense? He combines the good *civil liberties* that democrats are known to like and the *budget sense, low tax* that republicans are known for. Of course, democrats aren't known for their civil liberties anymore, and republicans don't exactly cut spending and lower taxes anymore. But now we actually have a candidate who supports pro-choice and a balanced budget?! Don't get me wrong, but this guy could be the greatest thing that ever happened to America.

I can't believe no one is talking about him and he is on all the ballots except Michigan.


Platinum Member
Feb 3, 2003
i liked huntsman, and johnson. why can't republicans pick one of them instead of the flip flopping windbag romney?


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
Just you. You asked for it, you know.

Personally, I liked Jon Huntsman.

Yes I knew that was coming.

But lets be real here, after watching the debates, I am not satisfied with Romney or Obama. They both seem to want to do the same thing. And as much as I want a republican to win because they always are good with lowering taxes and balancing budget, to me, it seems like Romney wants to spend more money by not decreasing military spending and continuing to influence the middle east. And republicans consider Romney conservative!? Please.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
i liked huntsman, and johnson. why can't republicans pick one of them instead of the flip flopping windbag romney?

I was in support of Ron Paul. The RNC censored and kicked him off, even though he had the minimum delegates.

I don't know how people in their right mind would think Romney is the best choice. They had a real conservative, Ron Paul, and they blew. If Ron Paul hit a national audience, he would win. Will never happen though. Plus, Gary Johnson wasn't even allowed on the national presidential debates.


Nov 17, 2011
Ron Paul's biggest problem is Ron Paul. He has crazy ideas (crazy ideas might be needed, though) but does not bother to give any real info about them.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
Ron Paul's biggest problem is Ron Paul. He has crazy ideas (crazy ideas might be needed, though) but does not bother to give any real info about them.

They are needed. We are heading into a monetary collapse.

EDIT: So Romney is better? I thought democrats and republicans are supposed to have opposite views. Why don't they just unite and be called the demolicans?
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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
yep i would have voted paul on the gop ticket even over obama..

welp guess the gop fucked up there.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yes I knew that was coming.

But lets be real here, after watching the debates, I am not satisfied with Romney or Obama. They both seem to want to do the same thing. And as much as I want a republican to win because they always are good with lowering taxes and balancing budget, to me, it seems like Romney wants to spend more money by not decreasing military spending and continuing to influence the middle east. And republicans consider Romney conservative!? Please.

Doubtless a lot of your problem comes from the fact that you're brain dead. The Democrats have the best record on jobs and the economy. There are, however, large numbers of zombies wandering around who have been convinced otherwise. Additional facts are, however, that you like being a zombie so these facts will have no affect on you. Conservatives have the gift in spades, of fucking themselves in the ass.


Apr 25, 2001
The problem with third party candidates isn't their specific ideas, it's their (lack of) ability to effective lead and deliver on their ideas. As pretty much every adult should know, the world is absolutely full of people with good sounding ideas. There are plenty of people who couldn't come up with a decent idea on anything to save their life, but the problem with the world has never been a shortage of people able to come up with good sounding ideas. Many of those ideas might even be actually good, and workable, and just what a particular situation needs.

But as every adult should also know, the ratio of people able to deliver on their ideas to people able to come up with ideas isn't especially impressive. And that's just in normal situations like the guy at work with all the great ideas to totally change how your company does business but who never manages to actually take those ideas anywhere. Politics is a completely different ballgame, where even the experienced professionals with tons of influence with nearly half of our elected representatives are hardly ever able to get something done.

Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ron Paul, whoever, might even have good ideas, but they're ridiculous candidates because they think you should vote for them just because they showed up and voiced their ideas out loud. I get the impression they think being elected President makes you a dictator able to enforce your ideas by executive fiat. They have these incredibly radical (not in a bad way) ideas about changing how our political system works and I haven't heard a single one of them say anything about how they expect to accomplish their goals. Ron Paul has been in government for decades and has been incredibly ineffective at actually getting anything done. Gary Johnson has even less influence than that.

Obama and Romney might not have ideas you agree with 100%, but at least they have the experience and influence and connections to get SOMETHING done. Third parties would help our system, IMO, but starting from the top down is ridiculous.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
Doubtless a lot of your problem comes from the fact that you're brain dead. The Democrats have the best record on jobs and the economy. There are, however, large numbers of zombies wandering around who have been convinced otherwise. Additional facts are, however, that you like being a zombie so these facts will have no affect on you. Conservatives have the gift in spades, of fucking themselves in the ass.

You're just delusional. Thats what THEY want you to think. But if you do something called RESEARCH beyond one source, you will see the democrats are brain dead.

Strategically issuing layoff notices AFTER the election. That too me sounds like rigging the election.

The jobs don't account for everyone. Record number of Americans are no longer in the labor force at all, they either gone on social security disability, or started living off their welfare checks. Labor force participation is lowest since 1971, so the REAL reason why Obama was able to shrink the unemployment is because he has destroyed the incentives for people to even look for work. Even though they are not working, they are not counted as unemployed. How can the economy keep growing if we have millions of Americans who are no longer participating in growing the economy! They are just living off the rest of us.

Moonbeam, get your head out of your ass and open your eyes and you will see the REAL shit we are in. We are 16 Trillion dollars in debt and we have people continuing to live of the government. The government keeps printing money to pay for the debt while inflating the dollar. Soon, there will be a monetary collapse (as many economists predict) because we will over-inflate the dollar and all our money will be worthless. Then what will we do?

By cutting government spending now, we will increase the REAL unemployment rate. But this is the only long-term solution to fix the shit we are in. We cannot keep inflating the dollar, a monetary collapse is much worse than a bigger unemployment rate.
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Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
For a political party to have a chance at actually winning the presidential election they have got to go national and win state offices. Build a grass roots support network and get congressional seats. That doesn't mean voting for a third party is a waste because there are rules regarding getting on the ballot in the various states and having a percentage of the vote makes it easier.

What really annoys me however is when people say both Republicans and Democrats are equally bad, and equivalents. They are not.

Even worse is when people denounce our political system, do not vote, do not get personally involved in local politics and elections.
They are the problem, not us.

If everyone who felt the system was broken got involved they could help fix it, but it takes a lot of people working together to do that.
Being a political nihilist on the internet is just so much easier.
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Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
They have these incredibly radical (not in a bad way) ideas about changing how our political system works and I haven't heard a single one of them say anything about how they expect to accomplish their goals.

When I vote for someone, I vote for the person who I agree with most. They have veto power and even if they can't make those radical changes, they can stop the bad ones from happening (think SOPA/PIPA/CRAPA). If they are unconstitutional, they are out. Now we got so many things that get passed, which congressmen don't even read, that will boggle your mind how stupid and costly some bills are.

EDIT: And if you look at Gary Johnson's voting record as governor, he vetoed A LOT of bills.

I think this Meme is appropriate for this comment.
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Senior member
Sep 12, 2000
Obama and Romney might not have ideas you agree with 100%, but at least they have the experience and influence and connections to get SOMETHING done. Third parties would help our system, IMO, but starting from the top down is ridiculous.

Obama and Romney are in the position they are in because of their campaign money and the media, end of story. There are far better options out there that will never be revealed because the vested money interests won't have it. The entire political system has been co-opted and corrupted. To think that the candidates they put in place would have any desire to actually improve things is wishful thinking at best and delusional at worst. Until something drastic happens, nothing will change.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
For a political party to have a chance at actually winning the presidential election they have got to go national and win state offices. Build a grass roots support network and get congressional seats. That doesn't mean voting for a third party is a waste because there are rules regarding getting on the ballot in the various states and having a percentage of the vote makes it easier.

What really annoys me however is when people say both Republicans and Democrats are equally bad, and equivalents. They are not.

Even worse is when people denounce our political system, do not vote, do not get personally involved in local politics and elections.
They are the problem, not us.

If everyone who felt the system was broken got involved they could help fix it, but it takes a lot of people working together to do that.
Being a political nihilist on the internet is just so much easier.

I vote. My way of trying to get involved is spreading the message to you guys. I never said Reps and Dems are equally bad, what I ment is Romney and Obama are equally bad.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2004
Political scientists are smart. If enough people "waste" their vote on a third party candidate......they ultimately will instill change, at least during the campaigning portion of the thing.


Golden Member
Jul 10, 2008
Political scientists are smart. If enough people "waste" their vote on a third party candidate......they ultimately will instill change, at least during the campaigning portion of the thing.

In my opinion, wasting your vote is voting for someone you don't believe in.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
You're just delusional. Thats what THEY want you to think. But if you do something called RESEARCH beyond one source, you will see the democrats are brain dead.

Strategically issuing layoff notices AFTER the election. That too me sounds like rigging the election.

The jobs don't account for everyone. Record number of Americans are no longer in the labor force at all, they either gone on social security disability, or started living off their welfare checks. Labor force participation is lowest since 1971, so the REAL reason why Obama was able to shrink the unemployment is because he has destroyed the incentives for people to even look for work. Even though they are not working, they are not counted as unemployed. How can the economy keep growing if we have millions of Americans who are no longer participating in growing the economy! They are just living off the rest of us.

Moonbeam, get your head out of your ass and open your eyes and you will see the REAL shit we are in. We are 16 Trillion dollars in debt and we have people continuing to live of the government. The government keeps printing money to pay for the debt while inflating the dollar. Soon, there will be a monetary collapse (as many economists predict) because we will over-inflate the dollar and all our money will be worthless. Then what will we do?

By cutting government spending now, we will increase the REAL unemployment rate. But this is the only long-term solution to fix the shit we are in. We cannot keep inflating the dollar, a monetary collapse is much worse than a bigger unemployment rate.

Thanks for the confirmation.


Sep 10, 2001
The problem with third party candidates isn't their specific ideas, it's their (lack of) ability to effective lead and deliver on their ideas. As pretty much every adult should know, the world is absolutely full of people with good sounding ideas. There are plenty of people who couldn't come up with a decent idea on anything to save their life, but the problem with the world has never been a shortage of people able to come up with good sounding ideas. Many of those ideas might even be actually good, and workable, and just what a particular situation needs.

But as every adult should also know, the ratio of people able to deliver on their ideas to people able to come up with ideas isn't especially impressive. And that's just in normal situations like the guy at work with all the great ideas to totally change how your company does business but who never manages to actually take those ideas anywhere. Politics is a completely different ballgame, where even the experienced professionals with tons of influence with nearly half of our elected representatives are hardly ever able to get something done.

Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ron Paul, whoever, might even have good ideas, but they're ridiculous candidates because they think you should vote for them just because they showed up and voiced their ideas out loud. I get the impression they think being elected President makes you a dictator able to enforce your ideas by executive fiat. They have these incredibly radical (not in a bad way) ideas about changing how our political system works and I haven't heard a single one of them say anything about how they expect to accomplish their goals. Ron Paul has been in government for decades and has been incredibly ineffective at actually getting anything done. Gary Johnson has even less influence than that.

Obama and Romney might not have ideas you agree with 100%, but at least they have the experience and influence and connections to get SOMETHING done. Third parties would help our system, IMO, but starting from the top down is ridiculous.
Sometimes with our government, it's better when it is not getting things done. Usually the worst stuff happens when things are rolling right through congress and being rubber stamped by the president. This situation leads to ridiculous tax and spending policies without fail. I would much rather have someone principled gum up the works than have a well-connected, corrupt individual who gets stuff done. In other words, I'd rather have someone with good ideas get nothing done than someone with bad ideas accomplishing every one of them.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Personally I think the Libertarians and the Greens should join to form a new party. They wouldn't agree on everything, but that would make them a better party for having a bigger umbrella.

And then they *gasp* may actually be able to pick up some seats in congress!


Jun 23, 2004
Or does Gary Johnson actually make the most sense?


I can't believe no one is talking about him and he is on all the ballots except Michigan.
No one likes a loser. Everyone wants to be a winner, even if that means voting for Kim Jong-un to send them a mortar. At least they didn't pick a loser.

That's the herd mentality of human nature being played out. You'd think a majority would want civil liberties and a balanced budget, but they'd rather vote for the professional liars than allow a fellow human being to be their leader. They'd rather die in North Korea than live free in America. This is because life is comfortable for us, so no one really gives a !@#$, after all what is the worst that could happen?

We don't deserve this country until we start voting with our conscience. Until we stop voting like it's our favorite sports team. Until we're willing to stand on principle instead of running away like cowards towards the strong man who'll 'save' us.

!@#$ being a winner, I'd rather live free or die hard. I'm 'throwing' my vote away, I encourage everyone to do the same!
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