It's Back!!! AMD Extreme Performance Project '02! **Now Added Dallas**

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Senior member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Tecnic2001
Yeah and those guys up there doing the battle of the boxes were pretty much idiots I mean wouldn't you check to make sure the floppy cables were connnected directly and not do the same mistake like the other guy...

I do this all the time... and I'm sure everyone have done it as well. That is why my current box does not have a floppy. And being on stage, with everyone screaming at you makes it that much harder. But they did have plenty of time and should have double checked their work.


Jan 24, 2001
went to the MN one and I didn't get one tshirt No hat ethier

I did get 7 packs of mints and the processor though.

Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
Does anyone have a link that'll show me all of AMD's channel partners? I would very much like to get into VIP but I'm not sure if I qualify.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Just go to and click on the "sell AMD products" and register- it should let you know if you are qualified or not

IMO as far as the resellers go the VIP event was OK, but prefer the Tech Tours more. Better chance at a CPU IMO, though


Diamond Member
May 29, 2002
Hello, I havent read much of the thread....and i just caught on to what the AMD Extreme Performance Project 02 is... and jw has the Detroit One already passed?

and btw...could anyone provide me with info on other Conventions...Intel..& other companys..? i would greatly appricate



Senior member
May 17, 2001
I am going to the Boston event tonight, anyone in here going?

Just wondering, it is located at the Avalon right next to the Fenway Park and Jillian, right?



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2000
Can't speak about the location. Just remember these tips for getting stuff (hats, shirts, bags):

Get up to the front of the stage! They're not going to toss heavy bags back into the crowd. Either the front of the stage or way in the back. Being in the middle is the worst. Bags go to people in the front.


Senior member
Apr 1, 2000
With BMU, MIT, Harvard all within a few T-stops, I think the Boston one's gonna be SWAMPED!!! Oh well. if its lame, I'll just leave early, since I'm a 2 hr drive just to get there. But yeah, I can't resist the chance at getting free hardware.

All I got last year (after getting up at 4 a.m. and driving down from Salem, standing out in the cold for 3 hours, etc.), was a lousy Tshirt.



Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Driving to Seattle from Portland (Beaverton) tomorrow starting at 1PM. Who's with me?

No one. Stay home and enjoy a good movie.

From Anand and other places, we've got people coming up from Cali that have won processors, and folks who weren't able to take part from Idaho, Colorado and Oregon.

C'mon people! They're only giving away what, 35 processors? It's a long way to drive for a hat, and the chance to get a parking ticket.

So as I said, stay home and enjoy a good movie.


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2001
just got back form the AMD EPP2 at Avalon in Boston! Won a XP 2200+, 4tshirts, a bag and a hat
A M D!!!!


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2002
well that Matt in NYC was me, so I thought it might be fun to reply to some of the things I read about my "performance".

"...BOTH THE F*CKTARDS put the floppy cables in backwards so all they got was $100+pib. jeez, the second guy had like 5 minutes to double check everything just to make sure it would boot but no. what a joke, the people didn't belong on stage."
-thanks for the f*cktards part, but first of all, no one said that either of us belonged on stage. i got picked as one of the five, and even though i gave some pretty stupid answers, i still ended up building a box in front of a crowd.

"One of the builders was too funny...he started putting the cards in while the motherboard was still out of the case. People couldn't believe it. I guess it can be done, but why would you?"
-seriously, i got a lot of crap about that, but here's why i did it (and i never tried that approach before). one night late on techtv they were talkign about how if you put an agp card in its slot while the mobo is mounted theres a chance that the mobo will bend from the pressure and it wont seat right. i thought i wouldnt take my chances, but man did you guy yell at me.

"I think I might have overheard someone talking with Matt after the match, about him being colorblinded or something but can't be sure. But even so, colorblinded or not, he should still be able to see that red lined edge on one side of the floppy cable and all he had to really do was to make sure it was aligned with the pin 1 on the floppy connector. "
-color deficient, not colorblind. it's not black and white, but most everything looks like something else. ive only put together two computers before that night, and neither time have i ever noticed a red stripe/edge/whatever. worse than any stripe was the damn spotlight in my eyes that glared everything over.

"The other guy obivously never built a box as he was trying to put in the graphics card in before installing the MB. You should have seen as he was attempting to use his entire body wait to force the card in not realizing the tab for the AGP slot... I think he busted the tab. "
-that 4600 is huge. the problem was it was catching on the ram tab that i didnt see, and it overlapped the ide cables. i did that not once, but twice. the assistant guy seemed to think it was funny.

"and that T&L question, that's an easy 4 points out of 5 there You should have been the one putting that rig together, not that clown trying to force that GF4 card down the agp slot And what was that remark he made about someone's girlfriend? lol"
-yeah, the t&l question that i got wrong. i cant build a box well...fine. but getting t&l wrong was the worst part of the night. the girlfriend remark was that; in the middle of the contest i start getting a phone call, so as i went to hang up i noticed that it was the gf of a friend who i went to the show with. i figured i should let him know

"The "Battle of the Boxes" event should have more qualifications. Just answering questions --many of them memorized from internet postings from people who went to previous events-- does not qualify someone to actually build a pc. Some determination should be made that contestants actually have some hardware knowledge. Otherwise, it can easily turn into a lame half hour demonstration. Yes, no winner of these contests saves AMD money, but the idea is to show off winners, isn't it?"
-i didnt memorize group just didnt have Will in it. sorry it was lame, but i dont think amd was trying to save money since there really wasnt much to the building part. i just got a lot of the software questions right, and many wrong, but still came out on top.

"Yeah and those guys up there doing the battle of the boxes were pretty much idiots I mean wouldn't you check to make sure the floppy cables were connnected directly and not do the same mistake like the other guy... "
-yeah, usually i would have made a mental note of what happened to the other guy, but for some reason i didnt pay attention to when his boot failed and after that i kinda toned out because pacing myself was going a little too slowly.

"I do this all the time... and I'm sure everyone have done it as well. That is why my current box does not have a floppy. And being on stage, with everyone screaming at you makes it that much harder. But they did have plenty of time and should have double checked their work"
-honestly, when i build a cpu i dont care if it boots in one shot. the whole contest was kinda silly to me. i guess thats why im into software. but it was still real fun, and afterwards i got to be a local celebrity for a short time. one of you guys squeezed the crap out of my hand before getting on the uptown subway. next time maybe you will be up there, and hopefully you'll win.



Senior member
Apr 4, 2001
I won, I won, just come back from Boston AMD Event, scored an AMD 2400+ processor, time to upgrade. GO AMD !!!
Nov 25, 2002
I Saw the AMD RealityCheck van driving out of town

I think this means that the Seattle event is cancelled. I saw the van driving SOUTH OUT of Seattle on I5. That must mean the event was cancelled, so everbody stay home tomorrow and floss your teeth. Just to be sure, I'll show up and make sure.



Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: ChiliCOnCarnage
I Saw the AMD RealityCheck van driving out of town

I think this means that the Seattle event is cancelled. I saw the van driving SOUTH OUT of Seattle on I5. That must mean the event was cancelled, so everbody stay home tomorrow and floss your teeth. Just to be sure, I'll show up and make sure.

lol I have a feeling Seattle is going to be mega crowded. It will probably be the biggest event out of all of the cities. Anyways I'll be there at the VIP event. Woohoo at least I'll get a free meal for the long drive (for someone who said I would drive all the way up there for nothing )


Platinum Member
Sep 24, 2001
Ill be going to the Seattle event. If anybody in the Olympia area needs a ride, let me know


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2000
re: Matt's comments above about NYC

Matt, don't take it so hard. I know you said it was fun and all, but you did take the time to respond to everyone's comments above, so I'm thinking some of it might have stung a little. I guess most people who go to things like the AMD thing just assume that everyone else there is a "do it yourselfer" type who would most likely be one to build their own pc. Obviously, that's a false assumption. Additionally, I'll be the first to admit that building it in front of hootin' and jeering geeks has to add a little anxiety to the mix.

I think most of the people (myself included) were trying to rationalize that "if it were me, I'd ace that thing". Of course, that remains to be seen, and even so-called knowledgeable hardware people could easily overlook something. One of the easiest things to screw up is the case electrical connectors to the motherboard. I'm surprised you both got them on correctly. I've had motherboards where the connector side with the writing on it faces up or down, and not having it oriented correctly will prevent a boot up itself. The floppy cable, as I mentioned above, is usually oriented opposite of the hard drive cables where the red stripe is concerned, at least in my experience. Of course, if you don't know about the stripe...heheh.

You have to remember that everyone is just standing there for 30 minutes, doing nothing while you guys are on stage. I'm thinking, "It's getting late and I haven't won anything yet and I'm not happy!" Luckily, I did win a processor at the last drawing of the night. But people have nothing to do but snipe.

The girlfriend comment: Even the host dude said "that was so rude". Little did he or anyone else know that it was innocent. You had a devious look on your face when you gave your friend the message, though..heheh.

One more thing, and sorry, but I couldn't resist. You said above "when i build a cpu..." LOL...AMD and Intel will be unhappy to hear that they have more competition in the cpu arena.


Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by: ChiliCOnCarnage
I Saw the AMD RealityCheck van driving out of town

I think this means that the Seattle event is cancelled. I saw the van driving SOUTH OUT of Seattle on I5. That must mean the event was cancelled, so everbody stay home tomorrow and floss your teeth. Just to be sure, I'll show up and make sure.

Nice try buddy, I don't think they're going to buy it though. Besides, there weren't enough AT'ers in Boston to even improve the odds that much.

I picked up a 2400+ in Boston tonight -- I was one of the lucky ones, I saw that some other folks were getting 2200+ retail packages. Thanks again for the upgrade AMD, I think that's going to become my daily-use box now.

I did take a moment to check out their "Intel vs. AMD" display, just to see how the high-end of both chipmakers compare. (I haven't been able to do that in person since around this time last year.) I have to say, I was a bit disappointed -- they were running an XP 2600+ versus a P4 2600, and they were basically running identically in the benchmarks they had available. The reason I was disappointed is that the P4 2600 is only a 100mhz FSB, running on asynchronous DDR memory. They cost virtually the same at that price point, and the Intel chip still matched AMD's performance despite its asynchronous memory / low FSB disadvantages. I'd have liked to see a test of, say, 2800+ versus P4 2800 synchronous DDR (or RDRAM) -- the AMD chip is actually slightly more expensive at that point, and from my understanding it's still back & forth on the benchmarks with the 133mhz P4. To see that one holding its own would have been much more convincing to me.

Still, it was a good showing, and I feel a bit better about recommending AMD at higher price points these days, esp. with the great floating point performance. (My only reservation would be that the end of socket A is definitely upon us, so there's not really the chance of ever upgrading it much -- I do look forward to Hammer, though.) Guess these little outings actually work, eh?


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2000
I picked up a 2400+ in Boston tonight -- I was one of the lucky ones, I saw that some other folks were getting 2200+ retail packages. Thanks again for the upgrade AMD, I think that's going to become my daily-use box now.

Could you be more specific? Do you mean you saw others in Boston getting 2200's or do you mean you read other posts here about getting 2200's (like me)? How did it work out that you got a 2400? In NYC, all winners of the raffle had to go to a table on the side, fill out a form, and then they confirmed your number was picked. After that, they handed you a retail processor package. I didn't see anyone in NY get a 2400. Of course, I might have missed something.

How did they decide in Boston who got which processor? Luck of the draw? Just whatever someone handed you at the prize table?



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Regarding the Seattle event: anyone know exactly where it is? Is it inside Westlake, or outside, or what?


Senior member
Apr 1, 2002
I went to the Chicago event last monday. The location was a little hard to find, but it was awesome. I didn't win a CPU but i went on stage answered a simple question and i won a bag, T-shirt, Hat, and like 12 mint boxes (yummy).

I agree there should be a better/tougher way to pick the people who got up on stage for the battle of the box. On the first round, there were good people. But the second one, there was this one girl and this one retard... umm mentally chal-lll-lla-n-ged. The F*cking nerds kept feeding the girl the answers, she got the point after the host repeated "are you actually ready to build a pc", and she didn't asnwer any after that. The "special" guy i think got 1 right but it took him like 5 mins to answer.

The Food and drinks were free and yummy. I liked the fact that they setup the arcade style boxes to play some games, but the placement of the mouse was messed up.

Anyways, I went there on my own and i had a great time. Even though i didn't win a CPU i dont think i wasted my time. I'm glad AMD holds these events and im not gona start bitching about it. Anyways the goodies i have are just sitting in a corner, but the mints are in my pocket


Dec 26, 2001
More Q's (not verbatim):
1. What does Southbridge do?
2. Who's the head of development for the AthlonXP?
3. What's the fastest XP? 2800
4. What memory standard is used by KT333 chipsets? PC2700
5. Who partnered with AMD to come up with an integrated video solution? Nvidia Nforce
6. The Fujitsu flash memory question came up again.
7. What's hyperthreading?
8. When was AMD founded? 1969
9. How many pins in an XP? 462

Good luck to everybody going to the next events!

What were the answers.
I'll fill out some of my guesses. But there are still some unanswered.

1. Integration of chipsets
7. Multiple independent threads run on one CPU. The system sees two CPU's instead of one.

And how many pins were on the Opteron again?

1) about DB2 -------- IBM
2) about flash memory ------ Fujitsu
3) where is AMD XP cpu assembled? ---- Malaysia
4) the first generate amd cpu --------- 386
5) Opteron's pins --------- it likes 940
6) video interface's pins --------- 15 pins
7) What year did Hector Ruiz become CEO of AMD? ------ 2000
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