Its not getting any Easier for Israel

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Oct 9, 1999

Maybe an EK post that gets at the heart of the matter.

As we can ask the same exact question about Iran!

If Israel has the right to refuse to disclose they have actually have nukes, why should anyone give any credibility to the Israeli contention that the larger world should embargo and punish Iran, for "POSSIBLY" trying to develop a nuclear weapons program?

As I await the EK answer to the this question? As earth to EK, you can't have it both ways. Especially when the larger world community is sick of Israeli bullshit regarding a Palestinian State.

When the real issue of this thread, is will Israel leadership finally start to change and become a peace partner or will Israel leadership stay stuck on an a unsustainable stupidity that cannot last much longer?

Easy. The difference is that Iran signed the NPT and Israel didn't. Thanks for playing!


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000

Maybe an EK post that gets at the heart of the matter.

As we can ask the same exact question about Iran!

If Israel has the right to refuse to disclose they have actually have nukes, why should anyone give any credibility to the Israeli contention that the larger world should embargo and punish Iran, for "POSSIBLY" trying to develop a nuclear weapons program?

As I await the EK answer to the this question? As earth to EK, you can't have it both ways. Especially when the larger world community is sick of Israeli bullshit regarding a Palestinian State.

When the real issue of this thread, is will Israel leadership finally start to change and become a peace partner or will Israel leadership stay stuck on an a unsustainable stupidity that cannot last much longer?

See Terry's post above.

But do not let such bother anyone from there FUD march.

He chickened out, that jewboy israel state sympathizer!

Some no longer monitor this place all the time.

And I am proud to be a defender of Israel as a state. David vs the Arab goliath.

You apparently are one of the softy bleeding heart liberals that believe that do-overs are valid in real life and one should not be responsible for their actions. A person's word means nothing. You deserve such company. :thumbsdown:
Oct 30, 2004
Would you trust Iran with a nuke?

Do we have a choice (within reason)? Nuclear bomb technology is about 70 years old now. It's amazing that more nations don't have them. It isn't going to be possible to keep the ability to produce nuclear weapons bottled up forever, not without threats of invasion and actual invasions.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
If EK and other fan clubbers want to regard Israel and its behavior as a worldwide sacred cow, Israeli fan clubbers have not only been paying any attention to things like the 11/2012 general assembly vote that upgraded the Palestinian status, those same pro-Israeli fan clubbers are totally delusional to boot.

Maybe EK and his fellow fan clubbers can base their arguments on the 65 year past, when the bulk of the Western nations also supported Israel too. But any even superficial analysis of the 11/2012 UN vote clearly shows, ONLY THE USA NOW BACKS ISRAEL. And very likely because of the strong US AIPAC lobby, based on only public relations, and bribes, keeps Israel public support in tact only in the USA. Even if that too is slowly eroding.

As now Israeli fan clubbers somehow think Israeli will forever, in FUTURE get away with ignoring the UN human rights commission, not to mention the far stronger international criminal courts who now be asked to judge Israeli behavior in terms of its past and continued military occupation of disputed territories.

When IMHO, its not a matter of my inconsequential opinion, its a matter of the Israeli future. Its now still not too late for the Israeli electorate to grow a brain, change their policies, and become an asset and not a liability in the mid-east neighborhood. But if the Israeli electorate stays stuck on stupid, and thinks they will forever get away with what the got away with in the past, they may end up with nothing instead. As I also add that we can all take some hope, from the recent 1/22/2013 Israeli elections that may be the end of Netanyuhu stonewalling regarding the formation of a Palstinian State.

But I still defend my thread title that its is not getting any easier for Israel. But still a question that can only be answered in the future and not the past.

Only time will tell. But still, if Israel wants to get named a rouge nation by the UN human rights commission, it sure will not be an asset for Israel. My hard head or anyone else hard head can't prevent that possibility or even a far more likely probability.

As I will also point out, maybe its a little unfair to Israel to have a scheduled meeting with the UN human rights commission only a week after the 1/22/2013 Israeli elections. When Israel still can't form a new coalition government in time. Maybe the UN human rights commission should postpone their judgement of Israel for a month or so, but still, Israeli can now longer get away with kicking cans forever down the road.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Peace is a two way street.

I saw a video not long ago of a mob of Palestinians dragging other Palestinians they thought were Israeli sympathizers through the street behind motorcycles.

Does this sound like a fertile environment for peace to you? I do not think it is at all.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Peace is a two way street.

I saw a video not long ago of a mob of Palestinians dragging other Palestinians they thought were Israeli sympathizers through the street behind motorcycles.

Does this sound like a fertile environment for peace to you? I do not think it is at all.

Sadly agent11, I too have seen too much Israeli brutality towards Palestinians, Iranians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Syrians, not to mention the recent rapes of Lebanon and Gaza that still leave war crimes charges handing over Israel, to some how believe your bogus reasoning.

When the facts are and remains, all sides are the bad guys. We can't change a rotten past agent11, or expect either the Israelis or their opposition to win, we can only hope restoring a fairer justice in a acceptable compromise can lead to a win win compromise for most of the people of all sides.

As I can only sadly note, the only people winning big in the mid-east now are the Stateless terrorists of Al-Quida.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000

Sadly agent11, I too have seen too much Israeli brutality towards Palestinians, Iranians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Syrians, not to mention the recent rapes of Lebanon and Gaza that still leave war crimes charges handing over Israel, to some how believe your bogus reasoning.

When the facts are and remains, all sides are the bad guys. We can't change a rotten past agent11, or expect either the Israelis or their opposition to win, we can only hope restoring a fairer justice in a acceptable compromise can lead to a win win compromise for most of the people of all sides.

As I can only sadly note, the only people winning big in the mid-east now are the Stateless terrorists of Al-Quida.

If you state that all sides are bad guys, why pick on Israel to change and reward the bad guys for their behavior

Are the bad guys trying to work or eliminate.

You complain about your rape of Gaza and Lebanon, yet choose to ignore why it happened. And then you spout the PR of opponents that they stopped Israel. Those opponents were the ones that went crying to the UN asking for protection.

Poke a caged tiger with a stick, eventually it will swipe at you. Then you feel offended? Short term memory loss :-(

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Maybe the EK bogus reasoning on his last post, is contained in his last sentence, " Poke a caged tiger with a stick, eventually it will swipe at you. Then you feel offended? Short term memory loss :-( "

Maye a universal truism, but when we ask, who is the tiger and who is poking the stick, Israel and its opposition are both the Tiger and and stick poker. Leaving the EK contention only a pissing contest, that earth to EK, a pissing contest Israel is badly losing at this point in time in most of the world.

As I maintain, based on my own US based values, its really about a matter about human rights. I have no problem with supporting the human rights of Israelis, but when those Israeli human rights are only built on the the highly dubious foundation of violating all Palestinian human rights, I find it hard to support Israel. And thus I find it doubly hard to not speak out against that double human rights standard.

But the real deciding factor for me with my US values, Is the Israeli position that Palestinian human rights are hereditary, and only based on religious birth. And a religious birth that can never be redeemed if you are genetically inferior. And exactly the same position of Hitlers final solution against Jews.

When I as an American cannot understand why a Palestinian child should have far lesser human right than an Israel child born inside or outside the 1967 of borders of Israel at the same time.

As I invite you EK, to explain to this forum why a new born Israeli child, should have far superior human rights than a new born Palestinian child born at the exact same time and same location?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Your American values do not reflect with reality.

An Israeli child had the same opportunity that his parents provide to him.

If one set wants to waste their future of the child based on past grievances, let them. If a set of parents want to ensure their child can advance, they can plan for it. If Palestinian leaders and others can travel and splurge money that is intended on helping their "subjects", the parent needs to aspire to those privileges.

Life is not fair, nor supposed. Most times it goes to those that value it most. You have opportunities that others do not have. Are you giving those up and sacrificing the future of your children for some other family that is not ad well off.

Blaming Israel for the poor decisions of their opponents does not cut it. Had the shoe been on the other foot, the Arabs/Palestinians would be dancing with joy.
Last edited:
Sep 12, 2004
Peace is a two way street.

I saw a video not long ago of a mob of Palestinians dragging other Palestinians they thought were Israeli sympathizers through the street behind motorcycles.

Does this sound like a fertile environment for peace to you? I do not think it is at all.
Notice how LL plugs his fingers in his ears and does the equivalent of "La lalalalala, I can't hear you!" whenever someone brings up the brutality and atrocities of the Palestinians, and pretends that only Israel is the sole party at fault in the issue?

Yeah. You can't reason with that kind of fool. It's a comlete waste of time. You can only ridicule them for their blindered, one-sided pov which is why so many in here do just that.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
As I too have to love chicken man, who states, " Yeah. You can't reason with that kind of fool. It's a comlete waste of time. You can only ridicule them for their blindered, one-sided pov which is why so many in here do just that. "

Go right ahead chicken man, blame only ME, while you fail to observe, your POV is now in a distinct and a steadily shrinking minority in the larger world.

Earth to chicken man, do you really think if I drop dead of shame tomorrow, it will change anything?

Maybe you should look at the past 11/2012 UN general assembly findings instead? Or wonder about what will happen in future about what the UN Human rights council will do in the near future?

Or dare I hope, you chicken man will enter thee international debate, on the unassailable TLC thesis that if I, Lemon Law take a position, everyone in the world will agree I must be 100% wrong. Saving the world any further debate. Lots of luck on that one TLC.
Sep 12, 2004
As I too have to love chicken man, who states, " Yeah. You can't reason with that kind of fool. It's a comlete waste of time. You can only ridicule them for their blindered, one-sided pov which is why so many in here do just that. "

Go right ahead chicken man, blame only ME, while you fail to observe, your POV is now in a distinct and a steadily shrinking minority in the larger world.

Earth to chicken man, do you really think if I drop dead of shame tomorrow, it will change anything?

Maybe you should look at the past 11/2012 UN general assembly findings instead? Or wonder about what will happen in future about what the UN Human rights council will do in the near future?

Or dare I hope, you chicken man will enter thee international debate, on the unassailable TLC thesis that if I, Lemon Law take a position, everyone in the world will agree I must be 100% wrong. Saving the world any further debate. Lots of luck on that one TLC.
And you dodge again. Here was the real meat of my post, LL:

"Notice how LL plugs his fingers in his ears and does the equivalent of "La lalalalala, I can't hear you!" whenever someone brings up the brutality and atrocities of the Palestinians, and pretends that only Israel is the sole party at fault in the issue?"

Keep evading, LL. It's exactly what the useful idiots do. So long as the fools like you keep doing that and pretend that the Palestinians are faultless and that Israel is solely at fault nothing will ever change.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
And you dodge again. Here was the real meat of my post, LL:

"Notice how LL plugs his fingers in his ears and does the equivalent of "La lalalalala, I can't hear you!" whenever someone brings up the brutality and atrocities of the Palestinians, and pretends that only Israel is the sole party at fault in the issue?"

Keep evading, LL. It's exactly what the useful idiots do. So long as the fools like you keep doing that and pretend that the Palestinians are faultless and that Israel is solely at fault nothing will ever change.

Are you implying that LL ignores bad things that the Palestinians do and only blames Israel; ignoring that they are being provoked into attacking Gaza or chasing Hezbollah and the PLO through Lebanon.

I believe that LL ignored the statement that a Hezbollah representative stated that they did not expect Israel to respond to provocations.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
EK and TLC are birds of a feather, pretending only they understand Israeli Palestinian issues. And also pretending that somehow, that Israeli critics like me, don't understand that the Palestinians are not perfect either.

But I find it incredibly odd that EK and TLC attack only me and also pretend I am the cause of current and increasing Israeli negative international scrutiny. When the larger world pays no attention to me, and for that matter the larger world pays no attention to EK or TLC either.

But still we are talking about the future and not the past, which of us will be proved right in the end?

Or we can ask another question, if TLC and EK maintain I am wrong in saying the current Israeli strategy is untenable and my predictions are always wrong, maybe EK and TLC, can explain why Israeli came up on the losing end of the 11/2012 UN general assembly vote. And how it was a clear Israeli victory and a clear sign everyone in the world sides with Israel and its refusal to quit settling on land in disputed territories.

I eagerly await the EK and TLC answers to those questions?
Sep 12, 2004
EK and TLC are birds of a feather, pretending only they understand Israeli Palestinian issues. And also pretending that somehow, that Israeli critics like me, don't understand that the Palestinians are not perfect either.

But I find it incredibly odd that EK and TLC attack only me and also pretend I am the cause of current and increasing Israeli negative international scrutiny. When the larger world pays no attention to me, and for that matter the larger world pays no attention to EK or TLC either.

But still we are talking about the future and not the past, which of us will be proved right in the end?

Or we can ask another question, if TLC and EK maintain I am wrong in saying the current Israeli strategy is untenable and my predictions are always wrong, maybe EK and TLC, can explain why Israeli came up on the losing end of the 11/2012 UN general assembly vote. And how it was a clear Israeli victory and a clear sign everyone in the world sides with Israel and its refusal to quit settling on land in disputed territories.

I eagerly await the EK and TLC answers to those questions?
I'll ask you some simple questions, LL:

What has changed? Are we any closer to a lasting peace between the two? Are we any closer to having a Palestinian State?

I think you know the answer to those questions and those answers are "Nothing" and "No." If anything, the political manuevers in the UN by the Palestinians and their enablers have only served to drive a wedge further between any potential negotiations. No doubt you love seeing the Palestinians "stick it" to Israel. Awesome for you. Surely you are eagerly awaiting your prize to arrive in the mail for such a glorious victory.

At what price though?

Enjoy your prize, LL. Have fun playing with it.


Oct 9, 1999

Maybe an EK post that gets at the heart of the matter.

As we can ask the same exact question about Iran!

If Israel has the right to refuse to disclose they have actually have nukes, why should anyone give any credibility to the Israeli contention that the larger world should embargo and punish Iran, for "POSSIBLY" trying to develop a nuclear weapons program?

As I await the EK answer to the this question? As earth to EK, you can't have it both ways. Especially when the larger world community is sick of Israeli bullshit regarding a Palestinian State.

When the real issue of this thread, is will Israel leadership finally start to change and become a peace partner or will Israel leadership stay stuck on an a unsustainable stupidity that cannot last much longer?

He chickened out, that jewboy israel state sympathizer!

Easy. The difference is that Iran signed the NPT and Israel didn't. Thanks for playing!

Just wanted to bring this total ownage back to the top. Funny, LL never made another post on this particular point. :-D


Senior member
Jan 30, 2011
People seem to think the democratically elected leader in Iran sits with the authority. They are confused. Above the president is Iran's supreme leader, who has control over the military, judiciary and any critical policy matter, both domestic and foreign. So the power to use that nuclear bomb on anyone is in the hands of a potential madman who was not even democratically elected by anyone. There is no democratic in Iran. A dictator sits with all the power. The president is just there for show and speeches.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
EK and TLC are birds of a feather, pretending only they understand Israeli Palestinian issues. And also pretending that somehow, that Israeli critics like me, don't understand that the Palestinians are not perfect either.

But I find it incredibly odd that EK and TLC attack only me and also pretend I am the cause of current and increasing Israeli negative international scrutiny. When the larger world pays no attention to me, and for that matter the larger world pays no attention to EK or TLC either.

But still we are talking about the future and not the past, which of us will be proved right in the end?

Or we can ask another question, if TLC and EK maintain I am wrong in saying the current Israeli strategy is untenable and my predictions are always wrong, maybe EK and TLC, can explain why Israeli came up on the losing end of the 11/2012 UN general assembly vote. And how it was a clear Israeli victory and a clear sign everyone in the world sides with Israel and its refusal to quit settling on land in disputed territories.

I eagerly await the EK and TLC answers to those questions?

Does LL realize that given the current Palestinian attitude (all areas) that having statehood would be the worst thing that they can do.
It completely legitimizes any Israeli attack against any land that is part of the Palestinians state for the slightest transgression.

When the Palestinians actually want peace (leadership as well as population) then they deserve a state; not until.

The UN granting them statehood would be '48 all over again. What will the excuses be for their and the Arab actions at that time?

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Again, time will tell. The UN hrc does not meet until tomorrow. And after that, it while be a while until they have any specific findings. And only a fraction of the UN human rights commission findings will concern Israel.

And if Israel does not quit building in the E-1 area, Israel may soon be dealing with the International Criminal Court. As Israel inches closer and closer to rouge nations status.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
When Israel is treated the same as the rest of the Arab world, the HRC findings will have some bearing


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Does LL realize that given the current Palestinian attitude (all areas) that having statehood would be the worst thing that they can do.
No, no such Palestinian "attitude (all areas)" against what they have already achieved -- statehood. Fabricated fluff by you to retain a falsified argumentative basis.

The celebrations in the streets and the recent appeal and then statehood victory at the UN by the Palestinians absolutely refute your above fabrication.
It completely legitimizes any Israeli attack against any land that is part of the Palestinians state for the slightest transgression.
More disconnect from reality, as international law could place context into that of the aggressor and the rightful acts of defence. The nature of the crimes and actions against civilians certainly also come into play. At will, Israel already attacks, occupies, controls movement, arrests, detains, forcefully removes legal land holders, and colonises non-combatant civilians at will. All high international crimes. The recent Palestinian achievement to statehood makes such actions legally more challenging, as Israel is now the prime instigator and consistently acting in aggression upon a fellow state that now has the access and ability to appeal to a greater variety of international courts.

EagleKeeper, you are detached from reality in that your fluff from the above is clearly a lie as it regularly ignores the facts on the ground. You twist and turn to present an Orwellian 180 to negate any recognition that a Palestinian state now exists, and that it does provide strong legal recourse in both Israeli and international courts against the above Israeli extraterritorial crimes into another state. The former status of Israeli expansion and control beyond its borders is no longer as simple, as a non-Palestinian state was what Israel desired but has now lost.

Israel cannot dictate the terms for a settlement against a legally independent state. As it is increasingly becoming more isolated, it is quickly running out of time for how it may continue its state policy for expansion and colonisation -- lebensraum.

When the Palestinians actually want peace (leadership as well as population) then they deserve a state; not until.
Well, again you are wrong as statehood has already been achieved. Statehood is derived from the recognition of such by other states and notable international bodies. Never has this required the absolute concensus from every state on this globe. Legally, statehood has already been achieved and the rights for an external people's self determination most certainly do not require the assenting voice from the likes of a lonely and criminally aggressive state such as Israel.

EagleKeeper, long ago I've been over this subject with you many times. Over and over it ended with you facing concise corrections for your falsehoods and you running away from the thread at hand only for you to reappear in another Israeli-Palestinian thread to stubbornly repeat the same fantasies. Are you to change and recognise the reality on the ground or continue with futility to retain this expected argumentative fabrication?

As in the past, I challenge you to state where I error.

Start over, dude. By international law and conventions there are now two states and that two state reality are what Israel and you must recognise to change tact and become honest on this topic for discussion.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Ahh , hell...I've been stuck at home for days now with the flu, so I might as well use this time to coalesce and present a couple of well cited mega-posts of mine against the extraterritorial crimes of Israel:


With last years achievement to statehood, here is what legally changed for the now existing State of Palestine:

  • Upon joining the Rome Statute, Palestine, as territory of a member party, may pursue investigations against crimes committed upon its territory by any state or individual. Criminal acts may only be those henceforth from the Palestinian signatory date. The Palestinian Authority did not fail last Spring to bring an ICC investigation against Israel due to Israel no longer being a part to the Rome State, rather it failed as it was determined by the prosecutor that the PA did not meet the requirements as state per the Rome Statute. As voted by the United Nations General Assembly, that status will change tomorrow.
  • Israel, as the USA and Sudan, are no longer party to the Rome Statue, and thereby may not directly approach the International Criminal Court to pursue action for any crimes committed upon its territory. Israel's only recourse is to obtain third party referral from the United Nations Security Council, as was done a few years ago for domestic investigations against the government of Sudan.
Here is the Wiki synopsis of the ICCs Territorial Jurisdiction:

During the negotiations that led to the Rome Statute, a large number of states argued that the Court should be allowed to exercise universal jurisdiction. However, this proposal was defeated due in large part to opposition from the United States.[46] A compromise was reached, allowing the Court to exercise jurisdiction only under the following limited circumstances:
  • where the person accused of committing a crime is a national of a state party (or where the person's state has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court);
  • where the alleged crime was committed on the territory of a state party (or where the state on whose territory the crime was committed has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court); or
  • where a situation is referred to the Court by the UN Security Council.[21]

Israeli does not have immunity from the ICC for its actions upon Palestinian Territory. The domestic borders of Israel are well defined, internationally recognised, and reaffirmed in multiple past UN Resolutions, particularly UNSC Resulution 242 (1967):

Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,

Emphasizing further that all Member States in their acceptance of the Charter of the United Nations have undertaken a commitment to act in accordance with Article 2 of the Charter,

1. Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;

Summarising the legal realities:

  • Jurisdiction of the Rome Statute is clearly defined by that of territory of its member parties.
  • Legally, Israel is a state as defined by its 1967 borders, anything beyond that into Gaza and the West Bank is concisely recognised as external territory to that of Israel.
  • If a signatory to the Rome Statute, a Palestinian Authority may request the ICC to investigate crimes within its mandate against any entity enacting those crimes within its territory, as territory of a member party.
This is precisely why Israel has been scrambled before last years UN General Assembly vote with multiple states (Britain, France, Canada, the USA, etc.) to bring unjust pressure upon the Palestinian Authority to deny its ambition to join the Rome Statute.

It is not radical to define Israeli extraterritorial expansion as criminal. Even Israel's state love in from Canada's Harper government has yet to refute its Department of Foreign Affairs 2 year old declaration against Israeli:

In 2010 then foreign affairs minister Lawrence Cannon raised some eyebrows when he condemned Israel's announcement to build 1,600 apartments in east Jerusalem, saying that "we feel that this is contrary to international law and therefore condemn it.

Particularly with the pressing for the E-1 corridor land theft and colonisation and with the forthcoming moral and legal challenges that will soon increase against Israel for its well recorded and continuing extra-territorial actions, the lebensraum addicted Israel is rightfully running scared.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
A bit of background about me. I am of Jewish descent, particularly from a prominent family of notable lawyers and judges from Ottawa and Montreal. Much of that family fled what is now Eastern Poland just before the outbreak of WWI. From direct experiences with exhumations in Guatemala through to travels throughout Europe, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Japan, I developed a strong interest and empathy to how bigotry rises and genocides come to be plus the fallout from them. Genocide is the extreme end game of bigotry and supremacism.

A tad ironic in consideration to his nationalistic and unwavering defence for Israeli extraterritorial behaviour, is a decent book and accompanying documentary upon genocide and how it can be, by Daniel Goldhagen, Worse than War. Pains of witnessing the start of a genocide but deterred against its prevention was well detail in Lt-Gen. Roméo Dallaire's, Shake Hands with the Devil.

This is particularly why I have acted strongly against the rise of racism and brutal calls to violence upon targeted groups that have been presented on this forum. There is a common supremacist and derogatory path presented in history that enables societies to commit great crimes. As a Jew, I am deeply ashamed of assumed association with the State of Israel for its explicit crimes and paralleling policies and actions to states and religions that have many times throughout the millennia persecuted Jews. Let's be clear, the State of Israel was founded as a political entity with freedom for religion at its core and separated from religion, a homeland welcoming to Jews, not a religious Jewish state. This has become conflated and perversed both from within Israel and external parties. I am not alone as a Jew who can separate that of religion and religious sects from the State of Israel and recognise valid criticism of that state does not imply criticism of Judaism and Jews. Actions by the State of Israel in the former Palestinian territories (now the State of Palestine) are a sordid defamation against the painful history of the Jewish people and much a bloody repeat of the same crimes committed against ourselves. This drives me to achieve fairness for all peoples in this world and to never permit the bigotry and supremacism to again gain an upper hand.

Considering there was just a recent thread arguing in defence of the South African Apartheid state, let's examine how that path in history contributed to the evolution of international criminal law and how those laws may have a direct bearing against the State of Israel:

Race, as in the classic genetic/visible distinction for the a group, is most certainly not the only characteristic for defining racial/ethnic groups nor is that limit for scope of the well defined legal word of apartheid.

Wiki article concerning the crime of Apartheid:

Definition of racial discrimination
According to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,
the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[12]
This definition does not make any difference between discrimination based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the two remains debatable among anthropologists.[13] Similarly, in British law the phrase racial group means "any group of people who are defined by reference to their race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin".[14]

Article II of the ICSPCA defines the crime of apartheid as below:
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
Article II[1]

For the purpose of the present Convention, the term 'the crime of apartheid', which shall include similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination as practiced in southern Africa, shall apply to the following inhumane acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them:

  • Denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty of person
    • By murder of members of a racial group or groups;
    • By the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
    • By arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups;
  • Deliberate imposition on a racial group or groups of living conditions calculated to cause its or their physical destruction in whole or in part;
  • Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups, in particular by denying to members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work, the right to form recognised trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;
  • Any measures including legislative measures, designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups, the prohibition of mixed marriages among members of various racial groups, the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof;
  • Exploitation of the labour of the members of a racial group or groups, in particular by submitting them to forced labour;
  • Persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and freedoms, because they oppose apartheid.
and more, in direct relation to the ICC

ICC definition of the crime of apartheid
Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines crimes against humanity as:

Article 7Crimes against humanity
  1. For the purpose of this Statute, 'crime against humanity' means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
    • Murder;
    • Extermination;
    • Enslavement;
    • Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
    • Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
    • Torture;
    • Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
    • Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;
    • Enforced disappearance of persons;
    • The crime of apartheid;
    • Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.[15]
Later in Article 7, the crime of apartheid is defined as:
The 'crime of apartheid' means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.[15]

As presented, Apartheid is the perfectly applicable word for the Israeli occupation and supremacist extraterritorial expansion in the present State of Palestine. Sadly historically ironical of Israel taking to heart to enact the latter day Imperial and later Nazi Germany's expansionist lebensraum and from the Venice to Warsaw's ghettoization of Palestine.

History has set the precedent for multiple distasteful words. Unfortunately the bigotry and aggression of the state of Israel continuously act to warrant the labelling of such dirty truth, right on down to apartheid.

For its actions beyond its state borders and for its continued actions within the State of Palestine, now a likely jurisdictional territory and party to the Rome Statute, multiple Israeli actors do reasonably fear ICC action taken against them.

With the loud and recent pressure brought against the Palestinian Authority participating in the ICC, a now certifiably accepted state government of the territory of the Israeli occupied state of Palestine, there is a justifiably strong Israeli state fear of the ICC bringing action against Israeli state actors for their foreign and aggressively criminal actions on the ground of Palestine. Damning facts on the ground, if we will.
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Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
There may be two states politically

There is not a Palestinian state that has a seat as a UN member.

There is not a Palestinian state that is responsible for it's actions.

The Palestinians do not have control over that land that it claims to be it's state.

It is equivalent to a territory.
If it was a state, then it's leadership would have a legit government and not be hiding out in other countries directing attacks against Israel.

Their leadership would be traveling around the world trumpeting that they are now a state and looking for a way to dig themselves out of the hole they put themselves into.

They are a state on paper only; not in practice.

The day they actually become a state; there will be soon after attacks from both the West Bank and Gaza against Israel. And Israel should then respond with disproportional force.

Let this fledgling state know that sins of the past are not being forgotten and ignored.
Israel cannot dictate the terms for a settlement against a legally independent state. As it is increasingly becoming more isolated, it is quickly running out of time for how it may continue its state policy for expansion and colonisation
What Settlement. The loser of a conflict does not dictate the terms; it is the winner that dictates the terms and the loser has a choice of accepting it or not.

If the Palestinians want Israel out of the area; the Palestinians will have to come up with a solution that satisfies Israel, not the other way around.

The Palestinians chose to circumvent the peace process that they agreed to in Oslo; they will have to accept full consequences for their actions.

No coddling by Israel as a result of Palestinian PR
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