it's official, i'm a liberal now


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
So, back in August I left my job of 7 years with a software company and then we sold our vet clinic and moved to the beach in SC. We are patiently waiting for the end of march when we will start the 2007 thru hike of the a.t.
When I left the software company, I gave up my health insurance, which covered my wife as well with no pre-exisitng conditions. She is diabetic.
Since we are both unemployed right now, gainfully unemployed that is, we went to get individual insurance and we were told that my wife could not get covered under insurance unless she joined a ship, which was well over 500 bucks a month just for her. They said as a consellaion, it would be cheap to insure me.
Historically, I've always been fairly conservative when it comes to government, and liberal when it comes to personal issues such as abortion, drugs, and the such.
I almost dropped dead in the chair when they said this to us about my wife. I was amazed and sickened that our fat cow of an insurance system wouldn't take my money, and add to their bankroll. All we wanted was catastrophic. thats it, no rx, nothing...just in case.
when i left the agents office, i decided there and then that the policy of empowerment i had always preached was at an end, I have decided that now i live for entitlement. I now am looking foward to the chance of government sponsored health care, howevert slim. I want my part of this country, what i always gave year to year in taxes i want back.
so now i have decided i will support the liberal agenda, vote democratic from here out and fight for my hard earned benefits i deserve now we both have no jobs...

My wife pointed out something funny to me, she said " you notice when we were working and paying taxes (a lot of), we were conservative, now, we don't work, we're liberal."

I thought about it and ironically she was right.

The government has screwed the pooch with the insurance industry, and now i see that. Now i'll wait and hopefuly collect what i deserve, as does every other american.
until then, our catrostrophic insurance will be the same as south of the border. If we need something, we'll use the emergency room, i will be a ward of the state, whichever state i am in at the time.



Oct 31, 2000
Only until you've been disadvantaged can you see the need for state funded health care.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
i never said we were disadvantaged. We have been discriminated against by a system based on medical necessity. My wife is a diabetic, not by choice. She has juvenile diabetes, has been for nearly 22 years. The system that I supported when I was in a group plan has abandoned me as an individual.
now she has need, there is no provision.
Fayd, so since i wilingly left my job and we sold our clinic, I have to be punished for not keeping my job and my group plan? I don't plan on working for a few years, because once we finish the at thru hike we will be packing up our rv and heading across the nation to see all the US has to offer.
It shouldn't be too much to ask that if i want to purchase insurance and pay for it with my money, i should have that choice. you would think they would be happy to take my money.
But by wanting too much for too little, it tips the scale. their greed shows my ignorance in the past, and now i understand that what i believed worked was flawed, as i can now be part of the system.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: theblackbox
My wife pointed out something funny to me, she said " you notice when we were working and paying taxes (a lot of), we were conservative, now, we don't work, we're liberal."

I thought about it and ironically she was right.

Well at least you're honest about it.

It sucks to pay someone else's way but when someone else is paying your way... "gimmie gimmie gimmie..."



Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: theblackbox
My wife pointed out something funny to me, she said " you notice when we were working and paying taxes (a lot of), we were conservative, now, we don't work, we're liberal."

I thought about it and ironically she was right.

Well at least you're honest about it.

It sucks to pay someone else's way but when someone else is paying your way... "gimmie gimmie gimmie..."

funny, i think i even said gimmie gimmie gimmie, and in the back of my head i could hear the black flag lyrics...

i never minded paying all the taxes, i figured it was the cost of success. now i just see what i think should be "owed" to us. I hate to use that word, but i think it fair.
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: theblackbox
Originally posted by: Whoozyerdaddy
Originally posted by: theblackbox
My wife pointed out something funny to me, she said " you notice when we were working and paying taxes (a lot of), we were conservative, now, we don't work, we're liberal."

I thought about it and ironically she was right.

Well at least you're honest about it.

It sucks to pay someone else's way but when someone else is paying your way... "gimmie gimmie gimmie..."

funny, i think i even said gimmie gimmie gimmie, and in the back of my head i could hear the black flag lyrics...

i never minded paying all the taxes, i figured it was the cost of success. now i just see what i think should be "owed" to us. I hate to use that word, but i think it fair.

LOL... As someone who also pays a LOT of taxes and sees little in return I suppose it's only natural to expect some payback down the road.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
i want to think of it as equal treatment. "fair" treatment. a year ago if i read this i would have been like "you shouldn't have left your job" or " oh well, at least it is not me."
i look at it now as we offered to pay for continuing insurance and being part of the system (for good or bad) and they didn't want us. So...

i think i wised up, i learned from this.
i am now an indigent, and darnit, i don't mind.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
well after years and years of give give give, it's good to get get get.

i will add to that whole liberal agenda thing that i support it for those who cannot do for themselves through emotional, or physical illness, or some other oppression. if you are still able bodied and minded, i think you should still take care of yourself. educate those still in the system don't abuse them.


Golden Member
Oct 1, 2004
wow. how you can deduce i even remotely came to say that i don't know. i thought liberals, and the democrats previously pushed national healthcare. Several liberal nations offer it. I don't think i said it in a negative way.
i am now a backer of national healthcare, and unhappy with the way conservative approaches to health care have worked, fine in a group or corporate environment, but really poor in an individual aspect.
Are you saying liberals are leeches of society, because you typed those words first.
I have made a simple state of fact that i have changed my policies and idealogy to favor me.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: theblackbox
wow. how you can deduce i even remotely came to say that i don't know. i thought liberals, and the democrats previously pushed national healthcare. Several liberal nations offer it. I don't think i said it in a negative way.
i am now a backer of national healthcare, and unhappy with the way conservative approaches to health care have worked, fine in a group or corporate environment, but really poor in an individual aspect.
Are you saying liberals are leeches of society, because you typed those words first.
I have made a simple state of fact that i have changed my policies and idealogy to favor me.

Not only would it favour you, but it would favour Businesses as well. Except for the HMO's and the like.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Insurance companies are greedy bastards. Just take a look at Katrina, the wind people say that water caused the majority of the damage and refuse to pay and the water people vice versa.

I think conservatives are afraid that we will go full out socialized FED ran hospitals but that is not the case. Take a look at Sweden's HealthCare System

We are the last major western country to fix the social problem of health care. . There are plenty of different examples of different plans in Europe, one would think it would be simple to look at the pros/cons of each.. and learn from the experiences of our allies.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: theblackbox
My wife pointed out something funny to me, she said " you notice when we were working and paying taxes (a lot of), we were conservative, now, we don't work, we're liberal."

I thought about it and ironically she was right.

The government has screwed the pooch with the insurance industry, and now i see that. Now i'll wait and hopefuly collect what i deserve, as does every other american.
until then, our catrostrophic insurance will be the same as south of the border. If we need something, we'll use the emergency room, i will be a ward of the state, whichever state i am in at the time.

We are in the same club.

Let me guess, United No Health Care?

See my U.S. No Health Care thread.


Jun 2, 2000
I'm self employed and pay my own health insurance. Even when I was employed by others (30+ years) my wife and I always had lousy pension plans-over those 30+ years our vested portions came out to less than $10K (while the principals of the employer had seven figure personal nesteggs in the plan).

I've paid my way all my life and most people here would probably consider me a flaming liberal because I rank society's general interests as a very important concern. Oddly, in life I've found most "conservatives' are those employed by large corporations with gold plated benefits, tax free-but God forbid they pay any taxes at all.

Unfortunately far too many people think only of their own self interest.

PS-good luck with the AT-that has always been a dream of mine. Unfortunately at my stage of life, it would take a major lottery ticket and a huge fitness program to even be able to tackle it.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Ryan
Only until you've been disadvantaged can you see the need for state funded health care.

I think you mean only once your unwilling to go out every day and bust your ass do you see the need for state funded healthcare.

Personally, I like our system. I've NEVER EVER waited more then a week for any procedure. I've always had the option for a second opinion. I've always had the option to choose my specialist. None of these 6 month waiting lists to see a guy with a so-so record.

Government control works good in some sectors. When its my life on the line, I dont want government controlled half assed healthcare. I WANT to pay the best damned doctor in the world 9 bajillion dollars to fix me up, because I dont want average treatment for my body. My car? Sure, Jiffy Lube, the dealer, hey just get oil in it. My roof? Just get some shingles on it. My life? I'll find the highest paid best doctor in the country.


Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: Ryan
Only until you've been disadvantaged can you see the need for state funded health care.

I think you mean only once your unwilling to go out every day and bust your ass do you see the need for state funded healthcare.

Personally, I like our system. I've NEVER EVER waited more then a week for any procedure. I've always had the option for a second opinion. I've always had the option to choose my specialist. None of these 6 month waiting lists to see a guy with a so-so record.

Government control works good in some sectors. When its my life on the line, I dont want government controlled half assed healthcare. I WANT to pay the best damned doctor in the world 9 bajillion dollars to fix me up, because I dont want average treatment for my body. My car? Sure, Jiffy Lube, the dealer, hey just get oil in it. My roof? Just get some shingles on it. My life? I'll find the highest paid best doctor in the country.

What of the millions who cannot afford the best doctor - should they receive lesser treatment because they cannot afford it? Why should you receive better cancer treatment/preventative healthcare than an individual who can't afford it?

The economics of capitalism need not apply when we are dealing with the lives of people.

Specop 007

Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Ryan
What of the millions who cannot afford the best doctor - should they receive lesser treatment because they cannot afford it? Why should you receive better cancer treatment/preventative healthcare than an individual who can't afford it?

The economics of capitalism need not apply when we are dealing with the lives of people.

Your damn right they apply! Moreso with health care.
If you set limits you set quality. If the poor downtrodden lessers cant afford it, well tough for them. Know why i feel that way? Because the thought of me having to pay their healthcare AND me getting substandard healthcare as well is a damn hard pill to swallow.

If they want better healthcare they can get off their ass and get a job and pay for healthcare like the rest of us who want healthcare. Its not MY job to take care of you. Your a big boy now, you dont wear diapers. YOU need to be responsible for YOUR life. Your life is not my respnsiblity nor my concern.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
Originally posted by: Ryan
Originally posted by: Specop 007
Originally posted by: Ryan
Only until you've been disadvantaged can you see the need for state funded health care.

I think you mean only once your unwilling to go out every day and bust your ass do you see the need for state funded healthcare.

Personally, I like our system. I've NEVER EVER waited more then a week for any procedure. I've always had the option for a second opinion. I've always had the option to choose my specialist. None of these 6 month waiting lists to see a guy with a so-so record.

Government control works good in some sectors. When its my life on the line, I dont want government controlled half assed healthcare. I WANT to pay the best damned doctor in the world 9 bajillion dollars to fix me up, because I dont want average treatment for my body. My car? Sure, Jiffy Lube, the dealer, hey just get oil in it. My roof? Just get some shingles on it. My life? I'll find the highest paid best doctor in the country.

What of the millions who cannot afford the best doctor - should they receive lesser treatment because they cannot afford it? Why should you receive better cancer treatment/preventative healthcare than an individual who can't afford it?

The economics of capitalism need not apply when we are dealing with the lives of people.

So, let me guess, you're going to med school yourself, with the intention of opening a free clinic when you get out? I'd hate to think you're one of those types of people who insists others need to be more charitable with thier time and/or money, but aren't willing to carry that burden themselves.


Senior member
May 26, 2006
its f'in business as normal. They probably didnt think your wife would be profitable, why should they be forced to take her on? Why would a company take on 2 people that are unemployed? You wouldnt finance a car to someone with no job.

Since when was health care a right? Was that in the declaration of indepedence or something? Just like everything else, if you have enough money you can get it. Now get off of these forums, and go get a job, and you will have health insurance again.

And I can't believe something like this will change your political beliefs...sure you want something back in return, and when the dems raises taxes you'll be paying even more and getting the same amount in return.


Apr 8, 2002
It shouldn't be too much to ask that if i want to purchase insurance and pay for it with my money, i should have that choice. you would think they would be happy to take my money.
But by wanting too much for too little, it tips the scale. their greed shows my ignorance in the past, and now i understand that what i believed worked was flawed, as i can now be part of the system

This is going to sound harsh but when you were payng into the system before, chances are your wife gained more than what you paid in. Now you are off and expect them to willingly take a loss to insure her?



Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
Just wait until you get old. It becomes even more expensive.

Unfortunately, I see so people actually trying to understand the problem with high health care costs and only focusing on high insurance costs. Insurance just passes the buck and although they have a lot of overhead, they are not the fundamental reason for high health care costs.
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