Its so hard to get to the gym


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?
Mar 22, 2002
Going actually makes you feel better. You know it's something that's good for you and something you'll enjoy. Do it once and you will remember why you did it in the first place.


Senior member
Jul 28, 2005
Look at yourself in the mirror, shirtless. Do you like what you see? No. Do women like guys with toned bodies? Yes.

That should be motivation enough.


Just do it.

There is no "maybe if x (very tired, feeling ill, friends going to a movie, don't feel like it, etc.) happens I won't work out" debate going on in my mind at any time. There is no conceivable circumstance in which I have the physical ability to go to the gym, yet do not, on a day that my regimen calls for a workout at the gym.

I have absolutely no choice in the matter. If the second coming of Jesus Christ happens today, he'll have to wait until I finish working out to bless me. Today is leg day. Today I will work legs. End of debate.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Originally posted by: JaYp146
Look at yourself in the mirror, shirtless. Do you like what you see? No. Do women like guys with toned bodies? Yes.

That should be motivation enough.

Its that it ISNT motivation enough. I can still easily get girls. So it isn't for the women.

I'm trying to find something to get me in there...I've been to the doctor...all my blood work and heart and lung exams were perfect. Its not for health.

Since I havent been exercising, i dont need to go for sports fitness.

I think whats going on is that i think i SHOULD go but i just dont have the juice, and was hoping someone here could say something to get me truly motivated again.


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 2007
doesnt sound like you even have a reason. dont go. wait til you truly want to, then go.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
You need to set goals. Going to the gym because you feel like you "should" is a quick path to failure. Instead, set some goals out for yourself: for example, "I will squat X pounds by date Y" or "I will run X miles in under Y minutes" or "I'll lose X pounds by date Y".

Some guidelines:

* The goal should be very concrete, with measurable results, and have a deadline.
* Post the goal online and tell it to your friends/family. Have them check up on you. This will give you accountability.
* Make the goal just hard enough to be a real challenge to accomplish - if you're competitive, this can be a great motivator too.
* If you still need even more motivation, place a bet with a friend (or several friends) that you'll achieve that goal first or best. The bet doesn't have to be for money - the loser could be forced to do something humiliating - but competition can be a great driving force.

Do that, and you'll treat visits to the gym like training sessions, working your ass off to achieve your goals. And it doesn't matter how arbitrary those goals are: the path you take to achieve them will be incredibly rewarding.



Golden Member
Apr 10, 2005
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?

Same exact thing happened to me, except I'm still with my gf and she doesn't want me to lose weight.

I've had to force myself to stop eating out so often, cooking healthier and actually start running again.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Rebasxer
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?

Same exact thing happened to me, except I'm still with my gf and she doesn't want me to lose weight.

I've had to force myself to stop eating out so often, cooking healthier and actually start running again.

Why doesn't she want you to lose weight!? That sounds like a bad relationship.

OP you have to come up with your own reasons but I love how the rest of my day goes after getting up early and swimming. I'm totally invigorated and I get more done if I exercise.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?
I generally don't, so I wake up early instead.

Naturally, you're slothful and a shell of a virile male and cannot expect the motivation to get in shape to be self-forming. Only when you are sufficiently disgusted with the mess that you've become and sufficiently aghast and the terrible health habits you have will you be able to shun the vices of your indolence and emerge a butterfly of fitness and confidence. This butterfly is good for you in your life and good to get another GF. Go in front of a mirror and take your shirt off. If you were a girl would you want that?

With your background you know you have the genetic (almost everyone does) and also psychological (few do) potential to get in wicked shape, so the reason you're not doing it now is simply that you don't care enough. The rewards of waking up at 5:00, getting some coffee in a thermos and downing it on the way to the gym to stand in line with the other early birds for the 5:15 opening don't seem high enough vs the cost. And so you stay up until 11:30 watching tv, wake up at 7:00, get ready for work, work, get home, watch tv again while eating pizza, and another day damned, as you fall further into the pit of physical (and mental) despair.
I can still easily get girls.
For now.
I'm trying to find something to get me in there...I've been to the doctor...all my blood work and heart and lung exams were perfect. Its not for health.
For now.

It sounds to me like you don't care enough, so nobody here can motivate you, since you seem basically like you don't even want to get motivated.
I love how the rest of my day goes after getting up early and swimming.
Of course. And until/unless you fall out of the cycle some months or years (or maybe never!) down the road, it seems foreign to you to live a life devoid of activity. It does to me, too. Since I started working out literally half my life ago, I've never completely stopped it, despite rising and falling in its intensity. To me I cannot imagine life not physically engaged, but evidently most adults can, and do live like that. The costs are not immediate to malaise, but they are nonetheless severe, not just in quality of life but its duration.


May 28, 2007
Different things work for different people. Some people can get motivated to go to the gym just for vanity's sake. It doesn't sound like you're one of those people.

I'm not either, I find that what works for me is to play sports. I have a deep rooted love of sports, I currently play soccer, ice hockey, and baseball. In past lives I've played basketball, football, and even started training to swim. Once you're involved in sports, training will flow naturally.

Squats help me skate faster and stronger for ice hockey by improving the strength in many critical muscle groups.

Squats and Presses help me hit the ball further in softball.

Interval training on the treadmill helps me run faster in soccer and improves my wind in ice hockey.

But you might not like sports, my point is that you need to find a reason to go to the gym that resonates with you.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?

You need a whole series of things...motivation isn't 1-dimensional. Personally, I'm all about specifics. Try this - Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do I have a goal?
2. Do I have a plan to achieve that goal?
3. Do I have a schedule for accomplishing my plan?
4. What am I supposed to do today to work towards my goal?
5. Do I know how I am going to motivate myself in the moment, when I don't feel like doing this?
6. Did I go to bed at a reasonable hour last night?
7. Did I eat a few decent meals yesterday and today? (what you ate the day before will affect how you feel today!!)

My guess is:

1. You have no goal
2. You have no plan
3. You have no schedule
4. You don't know what your workout for the day is
5. You have no motivational tools or tricks handy
6. You stayed up late
7. You didn't eat well

If that's true, then of COURSE you have no motivation! The first thing you need to do is figure out a strong reason "why" you want to get healthy. For me, that reason is energy. I'm a low-energy person, and if I don't take care of myself, I suffer from low energy and never feel like doing anything. When I exercise, eat right, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I have all the energy I need throughout the day to get stuff done. Anyway, you can tell you have a strong reason why when it's a good enough reason that you'll stop drinking beer, watching TV, and sitting there doing nothing.

Your strong reason why is only half of a goal - the other half is setting specific things that you want to accomplish. You mentioned being 30 pounds overweight, does a goal of losing 30 pounds of fat sound appealing to you? Does the idea of a leaner, meaner version of you getting back into kickboxing sound appealing to you? Would you like to feel great about going to the gym to do that, and look forward to it again? If so, then that is your goal - lose 30 pounds and get into kickboxing again.

Next you need a plan to achieve that goal. The rule is 80% food, 20% workout. What are you going to eat, what exercises are you going to do (and when), and what time is a reasonable hour to go to bed? If you lose 2 pounds a week, how long will it take you to burn off 30 pounds of fat with consistent, daily kickboxing or other exercise, along with a better diet? You can turn that into a 15-week fat loss marathon. Oooh, suddenly you have motivation - now you have an exciting plan to burn the fat and get back into kickboxing!

So now you have a plan - spend 15 weeks losing 2 pounds a week by eating right and kickboxing. Next setup a schedule. A schedule is simply a list of stuff for you to do every day over a given period of time. So you want to lose 2 pounds a week, and in 15 weeks you'll meet your goal of losing 30 pounds. So to do that, you need to go to the gym and kickbox 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day. Not too hard, right? Go have fun for half an hour a day during the week.

Next, at what time are you going to do this? I've found that my energy is low after a long day of working, classes, errands, and housework. So, I go to bed early, wake up early, and exercise before I go to work. This way it's EASY in the morning, instead of HARD at night. I don't want to constantly have to fight myself to exercise every day after work, I'd rather just wake up a bit earlier and enjoy doing it, you know?

There's kind of an energy bell curve that happens throughout a day - high when you wake up, lower as the day progresses, and then of course that second wind at night that sucks you into staying up late. If you can get yourself in bed before getting sucked into that second wind and staying up all night, you'll have the energy you need to wake up and exercise in the morning, thus helping you achieve your goal on a daily basis.

Next, you need to decide on a specific workout - what are you going to DO for 30 minutes at the gym, 5 days a week? Figure that out, then you know what you have to look forward to each day, instead of wondering, "gee, I should exercise." You'll also need some motivation tools when you go to actually DO your workout - not every day is going to be a high-energy, high-motivation day for exercising. Get some pumping music, get some posters of Arnold, buy some new workout clothes to change into to make yourself FEEL like working out, do it all - do whatever it takes to help you get juiced up for your daily exercise task!

Also figure out what you're going to eat. Food = gives you energy. Early bedtime = gives you motivation. Good meal plan + good sleep plan = high energy & high motivation. Don't sucker yourself out of these two things if you really want to get to the gym. Going to bed early or at a reasonable hour is really hard, but choose a specific time and work on making that every night (I have an alarm set on my cell phone, because I usually get sucked into surfing the net at night and forget what time it is). If you don't eat healthy right now, then make sure you go shopping for a bunch of good food every week so that it's handy to make - tuna, chicken, lean steak, veggies, whole grain stuff like oatmeal and whole-wheat bread and pasta, and so on.

So there you go - if you want to do something, get *specific* about it. Tilt the odds in your favor for actually GOING to the gym by having a strong goal, having a plan to achieve that goal, knowing what your workout is for each day, eating well, going to bed at a reasonable hour (or early), and by having some motivational techniques available to get yourself pumped up to do it.

Or you can watch TV and ignore it


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

Just a note here, regardless of what you actually look like, you may not ever hit the point where this becomes motivation for you. It usually only hits home after you've started working out and started seeing those results and can then contrast them in your mind. Right now, you are comfortable with yourself, even if you are still constantly gaining weight. You could look at yourself in 10 years and still be comfortable with yourself and be even heavier.

I'm telling you this, because this realization may be the motivation you need. You actually don't know where you currently stand until you get back into things and get some real lines drawn: how much you can lift, how far you can still run, etc. These things will then become your motivators.

On the flip side, I am working out and I'm hiking 11 miles every weekend and I absolutely hate the way I look with my shirt off. It is a motivator to me, however it's not the only one and it's not the one that finally got me started or it would have occurred much sooner obviously.

Edit: Oh and Skoorb when the hell did you become a poet? Just kidding, I agree with what you wrote though.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Kaido
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?

You need a whole series of things...motivation isn't 1-dimensional. Personally, I'm all about specifics. Try this - Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do I have a goal?
2. Do I have a plan to achieve that goal?
3. Do I have a schedule for accomplishing my plan?
4. What am I supposed to do today to work towards my goal?
5. Do I know how I am going to motivate myself in the moment, when I don't feel like doing this?
6. Did I go to bed at a reasonable hour last night?
7. Did I eat a few decent meals yesterday and today? (what you ate the day before will affect how you feel today!!)

My guess is:

1. You have no goal
2. You have no plan
3. You have no schedule
4. You don't know what your workout for the day is
5. You have no motivational tools or tricks handy
6. You stayed up late
7. You didn't eat well

If that's true, then of COURSE you have no motivation! The first thing you need to do is figure out a strong reason "why" you want to get healthy. For me, that reason is energy. I'm a low-energy person, and if I don't take care of myself, I suffer from low energy and never feel like doing anything. When I exercise, eat right, and go to bed at a reasonable hour, I have all the energy I need throughout the day to get stuff done. Anyway, you can tell you have a strong reason why when it's a good enough reason that you'll stop drinking beer, watching TV, and sitting there doing nothing.

Your strong reason why is only half of a goal - the other half is setting specific things that you want to accomplish. You mentioned being 30 pounds overweight, does a goal of losing 30 pounds of fat sound appealing to you? Does the idea of a leaner, meaner version of you getting back into kickboxing sound appealing to you? Would you like to feel great about going to the gym to do that, and look forward to it again? If so, then that is your goal - lose 30 pounds and get into kickboxing again.

Next you need a plan to achieve that goal. The rule is 80% food, 20% workout. What are you going to eat, what exercises are you going to do (and when), and what time is a reasonable hour to go to bed? If you lose 2 pounds a week, how long will it take you to burn off 30 pounds of fat with consistent, daily kickboxing or other exercise, along with a better diet? You can turn that into a 15-week fat loss marathon. Oooh, suddenly you have motivation - now you have an exciting plan to burn the fat and get back into kickboxing!

So now you have a plan - spend 15 weeks losing 2 pounds a week by eating right and kickboxing. Next setup a schedule. A schedule is simply a list of stuff for you to do every day over a given period of time. So you want to lose 2 pounds a week, and in 15 weeks you'll meet your goal of losing 30 pounds. So to do that, you need to go to the gym and kickbox 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day. Not too hard, right? Go have fun for half an hour a day during the week.

Next, at what time are you going to do this? I've found that my energy is low after a long day of working, classes, errands, and housework. So, I go to bed early, wake up early, and exercise before I go to work. This way it's EASY in the morning, instead of HARD at night. I don't want to constantly have to fight myself to exercise every day after work, I'd rather just wake up a bit earlier and enjoy doing it, you know?

There's kind of an energy bell curve that happens throughout a day - high when you wake up, lower as the day progresses, and then of course that second wind at night that sucks you into staying up late. If you can get yourself in bed before getting sucked into that second wind and staying up all night, you'll have the energy you need to wake up and exercise in the morning, thus helping you achieve your goal on a daily basis.

Next, you need to decide on a specific workout - what are you going to DO for 30 minutes at the gym, 5 days a week? Figure that out, then you know what you have to look forward to each day, instead of wondering, "gee, I should exercise." You'll also need some motivation tools when you go to actually DO your workout - not every day is going to be a high-energy, high-motivation day for exercising. Get some pumping music, get some posters of Arnold, buy some new workout clothes to change into to make yourself FEEL like working out, do it all - do whatever it takes to help you get juiced up for your daily exercise task!

Also figure out what you're going to eat. Food = gives you energy. Early bedtime = gives you motivation. Good meal plan + good sleep plan = high energy & high motivation. Don't sucker yourself out of these two things if you really want to get to the gym. Going to bed early or at a reasonable hour is really hard, but choose a specific time and work on making that every night (I have an alarm set on my cell phone, because I usually get sucked into surfing the net at night and forget what time it is). If you don't eat healthy right now, then make sure you go shopping for a bunch of good food every week so that it's handy to make - tuna, chicken, lean steak, veggies, whole grain stuff like oatmeal and whole-wheat bread and pasta, and so on.

So there you go - if you want to do something, get *specific* about it. Tilt the odds in your favor for actually GOING to the gym by having a strong goal, having a plan to achieve that goal, knowing what your workout is for each day, eating well, going to bed at a reasonable hour (or early), and by having some motivational techniques available to get yourself pumped up to do it.

Or you can watch TV and ignore it

Wow. This is such a great and helpful post. Thank you Kaido. I'm going to take a bit of time and really think about it and work out some specifics. That actually might help. What you said is right. I have none of those things and am just sort of lazy and ok with following the nothing plan, but if i break it down the way you wrote it that might help a lot!


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePowerWow. This is such a great and helpful post. Thank you Kaido. I'm going to take a bit of time and really think about it and work out some specifics. That actually might help. What you said is right. I have none of those things and am just sort of lazy and ok with following the nothing plan, but if i break it down the way you wrote it that might help a lot!

No problem I went through this about a year or so ago took me a looooong time to figure out all that stuff I posted about. And really, you can apply it to anything you want to do - losing weight, learning the guitar, whatever. I've learned that the more specific I can get according to those criteria, the EASIER it is for me to do.

Like, I'm pretty lazy by nature when it comes to exercise. But during my fat loss plan, I had a goal of losing a certain number of pounds. Each day I would go ride my bicycle. Some days I wouldn't feel like it, but I knew I just had to do 4 miles for 15 minutes, a quick loop around my neighborhood, to fulfill my goal of fat loss. So I'd use some motivational tricks - I'd put on my red exercise shirt and my blue striped exercise pants, put on my helmet and gloves, get my bike out, sit on it, and start pedaling. I'd force myself to start and do it for just 5 minutes. Usually within 5 minutes, I get engaged in the activity and don't remember all those complaints in my head, haha. But before any of that, I wouldn't do anything other than think gee it'd be nice to be in shape and not be a So being specific = makes it *really* easy on you.


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2005
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Going actually makes you feel better. You know it's something that's good for you and something you'll enjoy. Do it once and you will remember why you did it in the first place.

This. I was lazy and depressed for a long time, and I got a gym membership a few weeks ago. I feel awesome when I get back, stronger, more alert, my metabolism improved, and I'm losing weight which makes me feel better about myself and more likely to make further positive change.

Suck it up and go get a trial membership. Go for a week and see how you feel then. You're only young once.


Apr 16, 2008
Leave work, car drives straight to the gym....don't allow an alternative. You may not feel like it at first, but once you start moving around/exercising, you'll be glad that you made it there.


Platinum Member
Aug 12, 2007
I know the feeling. You just have to make the choice the first day, then from there you can't help but keep going because its fun! well for me at least.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: SigArms08
Leave work, car drives straight to the gym....don't allow an alternative. You may not feel like it at first, but once you start moving around/exercising, you'll be glad that you made it there.

Yah...getting over that initial hump is all that matters, once you start, it's pretty easy to get sucked into it. I find it's that way with a lot of things you're "supposed to do", like laundry or exercise - if you think too much about it, you'll come up with an endless list of excuses, but if you just suck it up and plunge yourself into it, you stop worrying about it

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: GrantMeThePower
Hey guys. I used to be very active all the time.

I was a (modestly) excellent rock climber.

In college I surfed. I used to also do a lot of mountain biking.

A couple years ago i got into muay thai kickboxing. loved it, and got pretty decent.

then I got a girlfriend. Over a year and a half I stopped all exercise, gained 30 pounds, took to eating, drinking beer, and watching TV.

We broke up and she moved out and now, even though i feel like i want to go to the gym....i just dont want to. I feel lazy, tired, and just happy sitting there doing nothing.

I dont know how to motivate myself. Its not like I look in the mirror and think, damn kid, get in the gym, to the point where it actually motivates me. Nothing is able to get me to go.

How do you do it? After a full day of work, and taking care of the house, do you force yourself to go?
Easy. My cars been in the shop all week so I walk to the gym, work out and walk back. Today I walked a mile and a half there, ran 8.5 miles on the Elliptical and walked a mile and a half back...then proceeded to take an hour nap:laugh:



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
It's been a week. Are you still a slob or have you picked yourself up off that couch?
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