Ive decided to try and take up jogging.

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Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
The downside is that its the dead of winter here.

Im currently 220lbs, 5'10" and have a 37" waist. I have always had a stocky / wide shoulder build and always sucked at running in any sport I tried to play.

When I was at my absolute most fit state in 2005-2006 (after a year of teaching skiing and mountain climbing all summer after) I weighed in at 175 with a 32" waist. That was 7 years ago.

Im annoyed with how much weight Im gaining and my dad recently started to have heart troubles which is putting a scare into my entire family. I want to change my lazy ways and take up a new athletic hobby. Its been put off for FAR to long, time for change.

This evening, I went out for my very first ever jog session. I dont have proper shoes, just a pair of vans sneakers. Its 23*F outside. I decided I would limit myself to around the block twice and I would concentrate on breathing thru my nose. If I couldnt help breathing thru my nose anymore I would slow down to a fast walking pace until I caught my breath a little, then would continue jogging.
I actually surprised myself! I enjoyed it!
When I had finished my goal I actually wanted to keep going, but I thought that maybe it would be best not to push too hard on my first outing. And good thing I did... ten minutes after I took my shoes off my lungs were on FIRE. I've now been coughing longer than I ran. Feels like I constantly need to hock a loogie.
But honestly. I feel good. Im kind of excited to start doing this and need help.

So, for those hardcore runner/jogger types out there:
Give me some hints and tips to keep motivated.
Is there a good android app out there to keep track of my sessions?
Whats the best advise you ever been given.

-been really lazy for 7 years
-went jogging for first time ever tonight.
-my lungs feel like murder.
-give me joggin tips


Nov 9, 2000
A must: get good shoes. Don't go to a big box shoe/rec store, go to a running specialty store and be properly fitted.

Your lungs burned for two reasons: they are not used to working that hard and it was effing cold out. Some people have a hard time with cold temp. exercise and can experience asthma-like symptoms. A balaclava or muffler of some sort can help there.

Motivation: set a goal. A race or something. If you are like many of us, that is all the motivation you'll need.

I use Strava. Strava in the Play Store.

Welcome to the fold!


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 2010
grats op!

i, too, have just adding running in to my routine. i also hate running with a passion, but i used to do it a lot when i played soccer when i was younger, so i figured it's time to suck it up.

i agree that you need to get proper running shoes, as that will help a lot.

i also have exercise induced asthma so every time i run, my lungs are on fire pretty much right from when i start. it sucks. and it's not cold here in florida, it just might be something you have. maybe if you have good insurance or can afford it, talk to your doctor to see if that is what you have, or if you are just out of shape and need to get back into it. it might be both.

as for motivation, i picked a local race. our community has a thanksgiving day race, and i know i cant do this year's, but i set a goal for myself to go to next year's race. i have also gotten my two minions into it with me, so that helps remind me that if i quit, then i'm setting a bad example for my kids. (they are pretty much the reason for the race idea in the first place)

another motivation for me is i use an app (endomondo) to track my runs and it feels good to see that run on my calendar, and it will be good to see my progress as i start to run longer and farther.

Good luck and keep it up.
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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Get good shoes

Learn how to run properly or you will screw up joints. Some running stores have running coaches available.

Lesson number one.
Land softly. Do what you can to land softly, you shouldn't be smacking down with each step or your body will not last long.

Prior to running, try walking for at least 5 minutes at a brisk pace before you break out into your run. Then walk for another 5 minutes after your run. Stretch post walk if you like.

Runtastic, Edmondo...mapmyrun .what ever tracking app you prefer. Use it and constantly benchmark yourself.

Make a running schedule and STICK TO IT.

For cold weather running, Under armor coldgear. I prefer the compression style. You pick the fit that fits snuggly and comfortably.

Find a running buddy.

If you can run a mile, you can run two miles
If you run 2 miles, you can run 3.
If you can run 3 miles, you can run 5 miles
If you can run for 30 minutes, you can run 40...etc etc etc

Once you have proper running gear, a running app loaded and are out running aim to run farther OR longer than the last time you ran each time.
During this, figure out how to pace yourself for your runs. Start slow and gradually speed up.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004

I run at least 2 miles most days, usually more on the weekends. I usually describe it to other people as if, for me, running burns off that quick (hostile) energy and leaves me a bit more relaxed / calm for the rest of the day. My neice couldn't fathom how I'd run in the morning (before work) and I couldn't understand how she'd run in the evening (after work). The bottom line is experiment and figure out what works best for you.

I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. As others have said: visit a running store. Another suggestion would be to see if there is a local running group. After years of running solo and occasionally running races, I joined the LIRRC (Long Island Road Runners Club) this Summer to run with my niece on Wednesday nights. My pace definately improved, I met new people, and had some friendly competition with guys in my age group. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to my Wednesday night 5k next Summer.

As others have said: if you have a smart phone, try out an excercise app. I used EndoMondo, but now use Sports-Tracker. At the end of my exercise it posts my workout to the Sports-Tracker website and to my Facebook page. It's great to have a list of all your workouts in one place. It makes it really easy to see how you are, or IF you are, improving!

BTW: One of my favorite features of Sports-tracker is that I can see other peoples workouts in my area. This has opened up new places to run / ride that I hadn't even thought of. Motivation is wherever you find it!
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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Some other things to try:
1. Breathing "rhythm" - For example, 2 quick inhales, one big exhale in time with your step. Doesn't matter whether its through your nose or mouth. If you find yourself unable to maintain breathing pattern, reduce pace.
2. For inclines, don't lean forward. Shorten\quicken your stride.
3. For declines, take care to not slam down your feet.
4. While you get accustomed to running and your are only dealing with short distances, hold off on music. Focus on the sound of your feet and the cadence of your breathing. Once you get to the point where your not slapping your feet down and you're breathing properly..then introduce playlists to your run.
5. Bananas
6. Water


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
Thanks for all the input guys! Much appreciated. I have quite a bit of tightness in my calves this afternoon. It didnt start till about 2p.m. and is getting gradually more tight. Im stretching it out in the meantime, but Im looking forward to getting off work and going for quick jaunt around the block again tonight. Im hoping it will be a bit of a stress release as well... Im 28 and have a lot of white hair in my beard already... I dont want that to spread to the top of my head.

Ill also look into finding a running store to find some decent shoes. I unfortunately live in a rural town, so to find decent non-generic running shoes Ill need to drive a ways away.

EndoMondo seems popular, Ill check that one out.

As far as routine goes... Im thinking Ill try to do this every day after I get off from work. I am NOT an active morning person, so finding motivation to run in the morning is not possible. Usually around 6p.m. to 7p.m. I find myself to be drowsy and tired... I want to plan my runs before that drowsy feeling comes, and hopefully running/jogging will delay that drowsy feeling till later in the evening when I actually feel like going to bed.

As far as Asthma goes, it wouldnt surprise me. MY brother had asthma when we were younger, but I never thought that I might have it... it would make sense... but I hope not. It doenst feel like my throat was closing, it felt like I had breathed in a bunch of glass and it was grinding in my chest with every breath! See how I feel after a week of this... it might go away eventually.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Thanks for all the input guys! Much appreciated. I have quite a bit of tightness in my calves this afternoon. It didnt start till about 2p.m. and is getting gradually more tight. Im stretching it out in the meantime, but Im looking forward to getting off work and going for quick jaunt around the block again tonight. Im hoping it will be a bit of a stress release as well... Im 28 and have a lot of white hair in my beard already... I dont want that to spread to the top of my head.

Ill also look into finding a running store to find some decent shoes. I unfortunately live in a rural town, so to find decent non-generic running shoes Ill need to drive a ways away.

EndoMondo seems popular, Ill check that one out.

As far as routine goes... Im thinking Ill try to do this every day after I get off from work. I am NOT an active morning person, so finding motivation to run in the morning is not possible. Usually around 6p.m. to 7p.m. I find myself to be drowsy and tired... I want to plan my runs before that drowsy feeling comes, and hopefully running/jogging will delay that drowsy feeling till later in the evening when I actually feel like going to bed.

As far as Asthma goes, it wouldnt surprise me. MY brother had asthma when we were younger, but I never thought that I might have it... it would make sense... but I hope not. It doenst feel like my throat was closing, it felt like I had breathed in a bunch of glass and it was grinding in my chest with every breath! See how I feel after a week of this... it might go away eventually.

Too help with the tightness, don't allow your legs stay in the same position for long. Constantly keep moving. Legs are similar to your back.
Always keep them moving. You don't have to run everyday but you should constantly be mobile.

For motivation, pick a time of day that is least likely to be interrupted by something else.
Best way to get rid of lethargy\drowsiness\etc...running.

I wasn't a morning person until started running.
Cute girls run in the morning


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2008
lol, cute girls run in the morning!

Just got in from tonights run. Its 11*F with 99% humidity. Tonight's run was a LOT easier than last nights. I was able to jog/run a bit further before I needed a breather, and my lungs dont feel as bad. Im not coughing as much either. A bit light headed though.

I do need better shoes.

I once heard "Breathe thru your nose, run with your toes" as a runners rule of thumb... do you agree?
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Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
lol, cute girls run in the morning!

Just got in from tonights run. Its 11*F with 99% humidity. Tonight's run was a LOT easier than last nights. I was able to jog/run a bit further before I needed a breather, and my lungs dont feel as bad. Im not coughing as much either. A bit light headed though.

I do need better shoes.

I once heard "Breathe thru your nose, run with your toes" as a runners rule of thumb... do you agree?

I guess for most people, in through the nose, out through the mouth works well.

I have a lot of hills on my routes. I breath through whatever gets me the oxygen that my body is asking for. Sometimes I'm sucking wind after running a big hill and it takes abit to fall back into "In the nose, out the mouth"

A lot is going on with your body as your breathe. I would think that whatever breathing method you use should be in synch with your body movement\pace and should be able to deliver the oxygen in a sustained manner.
Having said that...
Experiment but keep in mind that your body will do what comes naturally


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Hey I've traditionally been a cyclist but taking up more running this year because I want to cross running a marathon off my bucket list next year. Anyhoo as others have said mid or forefoot striking + decent shoes really helps a lot of problems (got rid of my shin splints) though it will make your calves work harder than heel striking. I like POSE but really form is mostly an individual decision unless you're getting injured. Remember if you do try to forefoot strike your heel should still hit the ground at some point in your stride, you're not doing ballet!

Winter running -- since you were a ski instructor I expect you to have no problems but a base layer of wicking material plus a layer or two (when really cold) + a windbreaker and wool socks goes a long ways. Experiment until you find what works for you but don't wear a cotton base layer. The first mile of my winter runs are basically me going "thissucks, thissucks, thissucks, thissucks, thissucks ..." then I get warmed up and the next 5 miles are great.

The best advice I've ever been given is to slow down and enjoy the run. I've heard a quote that "it doesn't ever get easier, you just go faster" and while this is true since slowing down and doing my distance runs at a pace where I can chat with a buddy I like running a lot more. Solo runs are almost meditative once I get through the initial mile or two. If you really want external motivation, look into the "Zombies, Run" app, podcasts or music. I track everything post run with mapmyrun.com and don't use an app yet.


Dec 2, 2011
Starting running is a great decision for health and weight loss!

I've lost over 50 lbs the last two years combined by strictly running and cycling but most results came from running. I run for maybe 15-20 min straight and then i have to start running 5 walking 1 kind of thing.

Your body gets used to it. It's all winter and snow here now so I havent run outside and I can really feel my cardio/respiritory system struggling even after a great year of progress. You lose it quite quickly.

That said, it is a great activity that can give great weight loss results. Eventually, try to get up to at least 45 min run/jog/walks to get the most out of your time and to allow your body to get into the fat burning mode. Good luck out there and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! If it says stop and you know it, stop and walk a ways. It's good to push yourself but for now, as you learn your limits, be cautious.
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