Jackson is at it again

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Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
And if you think racism is any less today, its not. It just has a different face.

That's true. Racism has a new face, and it looks like Jesse Jackson to me. And I think that the some of the most racist people in this country today are black. If you are black, you can say what you want, but if you are white you get labelled a racist or Nazi no matter what you have done or how you live your life.

As to Cheney, don't we have enough laws in this country? Why do we need a million more? Why do we need more specific laws for racism and discrimination? If you interpret the existing laws properly, you don't need more laws. Maybe that's why he voted against them. We don't know or have the full story from your cut and paste job. You shouldn't put a label on the guy without getting the full story. I have seen enough of Jackson to know what he is though.



Oct 12, 1999
NesuD what part is BS? The things that I posted that blacks endured are all true. The fact the Jackson was one who marched and endured the BS so we could vote is all true. Those are voting facts about Dick Cheney, not opinions. He's real freedom fighter, huh?

Capn no where did I say a person who is against affirmative action is a racist. But when you oppose that, civil right laws, HeadStart, you support the apartheid that was happening in Africa to the point you are opposed against Mandela even being released, you are against black firms being given more of an oppurtunity to do work for the government, opposed to collection of hate crime data, and opposed to help support the "desegregation" of schools, what does that make a person? A good social worker? Man Please.................


Platinum Member
Jun 27, 2000
Hmn ok, my bad here if I'm misinterpreting this.
You state: "And if you think racism isn't in the heart of the men now in the white house, look at Dick Cheney's voting record:"

And then as for one your substantiations you cite this: " 'We've reached the point where affirmative action has been taken so far that, in fact, it's become an abuse.' -- Dick Cheney. [CNN's Capital Gang, 6/3/95]"

Don't see anything there?

I can't comment on your case anyways really, I haven't read the bills that cheney voted against.



Aug 17, 2000
Come on there are worse Reverends than JJ. We've got Sharpton here in NY. Now he's a bad guy.

BTW: Notice how he changed from jogging suits to 3 piece suits in order to clean up his image? Doesn't fool me.


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2000

<< That's true. Racism has a new face, and it looks like Jesse Jackson to me. >>

I don't even know why I stumbled into Offtopic since I post on the more technical forums... But...

The problem with defining a so-called &quot;new face&quot; of a racist is that you must do so, not only in terms of what they think or do, but in what POWER they have to actually IMPOSE and ENFORCE their racist views on others - eg., via laws, policies, etc. That is something that Jesse will NEVER have as compared to ilk like Bull Connor, David Duke, William Rehnquist, et. al., did/do have.


Oct 12, 1999
This is straight BS.
Def Comedy Jam
Black History Month
Affirmative Action
United Negro College Fund
Def comedy jam? What's up with that. Its like one channel out of 1000 that is devoted to blacks. Whites got all the other 999. If this is the case lets do away with the Puerto Rican channel and the catholic channel also.

Black history month? What blacks should not be allowed to proud of what they have contributed to this country? Hell we only been left out of every ^ucking history book in the entire country. If you want to learn about our contributions you have to take a seperate class, A$$HOLE.

Affirmative Action? Yea all you white guys are missing out on all these jobs. Boy I tell you. I just don't know how you guys are going to make it. How many black ceo's have you seen? How many banks, shopping centers, goverment agencies are run by blacks? How many major colleges have black presidents? 1 or 2 maybe. We have them at all black schools because they damn sure ain't gonna be president in equal opportunity America. Last time I checked the unemployment rate is higher among blacks then whites. Much higher. I tell you, this program is just robbing white people blind. Man please.

NAACP? What you got a problem with them trying to protect minoritys rights? I guess someone like you would.

United Negro College Fund? Look here a$$ wipe if you don't want to give us your money to try to get through college, don't be trying to put people down who will.

You know what Bryan ^uck you and your whole damn family.


Jan 25, 2000
Jackson is like Arafat of the U.S.
He just has to go everywhere and position himself as some sort of a civil rights leader.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I imagine there is some truth to what you posted it is just the attack the conservatives at all costs attitude with which you operate that I think is bs. I am sure there is a lot more to all those facts that you posted than you have expounded on here and many of the reasons for them I am sure don't necessarily have anything to do with the implication that Dick Cheney is a racist. I am totally fed up with the thinking by you and your cohorts that anyone who has a different viewpoint than you is a racist. Sir I would go so far as to state that in your own way the opinions you put forth would make you a recist of sorts as well. I personally beleive that the word racism has in many cases become a shield for minority's to hide behind when they don't get their way. I am sorry but this is a country that rules by the will of the majority of the people and except in cases of obvious infringement of a personal right as specified in the constitution the will of the majority is the way it is. The dubious efforts of the Reverend Jesse Jackson to make virtually anything negative that happens to a member of a racial minority in this country the result of racism is laughable.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
One more thing i don't beleive his heart is in the right place. His willingness to associate himself with obvious racists in the past such as Farrakhan and Sharpton has ruined his credibility. He is a disgrace to the memory of Dr. King whom I don't beleive would approve at all of the way he has conducted himself over the years. Dr. King was a man who recognized true racism for what it was. Jesse Jackson on the other hand seems intent on manufacturing the myth of racism in everything he touches regardless of whether it exists or not.


Oct 9, 1999

<< But just 35 years ago blacks were >>


You really need to start living in the present. It is people like YOU who continually dwell on the sins of the past, instead of focusing that energy working for a brighter future, that are the crux of the problem.

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks Russ you always seem to make the point clearer in far fewer words than I.


Oct 12, 1999
NesuD if it looks like I am a racist because I put forth a defense for Jackson then so be it. Excuse me one second(^uck you Bryan). Now. The people in this post have called Jackson a racist. Well let me ask you a question. If Jackson is a racist, based on Cheney's voting record what is he? That's why I posted it. He even went on TV on defended his voting record and said he was proud of it.
Cheney's defense

Now when you look at the link he blames everything on the lack of money. That's great, I'll oppose everything black because it costs money. Yea your right he ain't racist. And I am Prince Charles.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< You know what Bryan ^uck you and your whole damn family >>

Nice. I said reverse the roles. You're saying you wouldn't be offended by White History Month, or White Entertainment Television, or by the National Association for the Advancement of White People? How about a stand up comedy show where a white guy throws racial slurs at your people for an hour? How can there ever be true racial equality when there is a divide amongst your fellow species by having race-discriminatory events like these?

<< Black history month? What blacks should not be allowed to proud of what they have contributed to this country? Hell we only been left out of every ^ucking history book in the entire country. If you want to learn about our contributions you have to take a seperate class, A$$HOLE. >>

Total BS. You think blacks are left out of American History. Maybe you should read from the Civil War onward, when blacks were granted freedom. I've studied about the Underground Railroad all the way to MLK.

<< NAACP? What you got a problem with them trying to protect minoritys rights? I guess someone like you would. >>

Last time I checked, there was no majority in this country.

<< United Negro College Fund? Look here a$$ wipe if you don't want to give us your money to try to get through college, don't be trying to put people down who will. >>

And I guess you think blacks are the only ones who can't afford college? I can't. Why not make it a fund for anyone? How about we start a &quot;send only people named Chuck to college fund&quot;, since we're discriminating?


Oct 12, 1999
Russ I always liked you and still do and I respect your thoughts. But here's the problem you and few others seem to want to either ignore or deny is that the sins of the past are alive and well here in the present. Those sins haven't went anywhere. As a matter of fact many of those sins are still being committed today. It bothers me when I see a bunch of people jump on Jackson like that and have no clue whatsoever as to what this man has been through. I said I don't agree with all of his actions, but the man just wants things to be equal. I do think he is wrong for hanging around Sharpton and Farrakan. Now there's some serious racists for you. You talk about them and you get no argument from me. Trust me. LOL! But, do you really think black people want affirmative action. No. But I do as well as many of you know good and damn well this is not an equal country. Hey for me in my personal life I abhor all racists both black and white. But all I keep seeing on this board is the attack on black folks or others who want to try and make this color blind place. You guys call them liberals. Well if it means I have to be a liberal to fight and argument for true equality in this country, then I guess I'll have to be a liberal. But if your gonna talk about people like Jackson, you better start mentioning people like Cheney also.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Call me names all you want. I stand by what I said. If you want racial equality and harmony in the future, then all races will have to stop discriminating against each other. Having black specific college funds and political groups that segregate the whites out is no different than if the opposite were so. You say the UNCF is there becuse people &quot;like me&quot; (nice racial stereotype) won't give equal oppurtunity to other races. By that thinking, a United White College Fund is in order, right, since I'm white and can't afford college? But you know what? I wouldn't want a &quot;white&quot; specific anything, because it doesn't help the cause for racial equality one bit.


Oct 9, 1999
Well, thanks for the research at least -- damn fine voting record for our Vice-President-elect!

&quot;Set asides&quot; = quotas = discrimination. Shouldn't we be against discrimination?

Bryan: Actually, I think there is a NAAWP.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Bryan: Actually, I think there is a NAAWP >>

Really? I can't say I support it if there is.


Oct 12, 1999
Bryan look here DING DONG.

&quot;Nice. I said reverse the roles. You're saying you wouldn't be offended by White History Month, or White Entertainment Television, or by the National Association for the Advancement of White People?&quot; All through school I learned white history. Sure you learned about the underground railroad and MLK, its part of white history and black history, its called slavery. But did they tell you about the experiment where they took 20 black men and purposely injected them with syphilis? How do you think they came up with a cure. Did you know blood plasma was discovered by a black man? How about the stop light? But I bet you learned about Alexander Graham bell, telephone. And how about Ben Franklin, electricity.

&quot;How about a stand up comedy show where a white guy throws racial slurs at your people for an hour?&quot; You never heard of George Carlin? Funny but seriously racial at times. White comedians are on Def Comedy jam also, dummy.

&quot;How can there ever be true racial equality when there is a divide amongst your fellow species by having race-discriminatory events like
these?&quot; I don't know, good question. Ask your founding fore fathers. Did they think there was racial equality when they wrote the constituion and every last one of them had dozens of slaves.

&quot;How about we start a &quot;send only people named Chuck to college fund&quot;, since we're discriminating?&quot; What you think there are no black people named Chuck?


Oct 9, 1999

<< But here's the problem you and few others seem to want to either ignore or deny is that the sins of the past are alive and well here in the present. >>


Based on that assertion, which says that nothing has changed, there is nothing to ignore or deny. The sins of the past are NOT alive and well in the present. If you actually believe this, then it is you who is denying.

You deny the tremendous progress that has been made and, by doing so and instead focusing only on the tragedies of decades ago, risk sacrificing that progress.

There are no more organized lynchings, no poll taxes, no concerted organizational and systematic efforts to exclude Blacks from anything in this country. To compare fifty years ago to today, and say that nothing has changed does an enormous disservice to all those who fought to improve the lot of minorities over the years.

The continual focus on the wrongdoing of the past, and the incessant emphasis on color that you display, does far more harm then good. I just wish you could see that and move on to more productive uses of your obvious energy.

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< &quot;How can there ever be true racial equality when there is a divide amongst your fellow species by having race-discriminatory events like
these?&quot; I don't know, good question. Ask your founding fore fathers. Did they think there was racial equality when they wrote the constituion and every last one of them had dozens of slaves.

I can't ask them. They died a long time ago, along with your forefathers, and the past.... &quot;dummy&quot;

YOU ask them. You seem to be the one intent on living there.


Oct 12, 1999
I am going to be like everyone else now. There is no more racism. We're all equal and get treated as such. Its all our fault if we don't succeed. We have no one to blame but ourselves. So I'll leave quietly. I will no longer voice my opinion because it is all wrong. When I hear of those black people like the one who got shot 41 times by white officers I'll look the other way. Because its not racism. When a James Byrd happens again I'll pass it off as just a typical murder. When men like David Duke and Pat Buchanon run for office I will not judge them on their past. I will discount when the Justice Department which found the State Police in NJ guilty of racial profiling, a mistake. I will agree that the over 1,000,000 blacks that are in jail all of them are guilty. Despite the rash of them being released left and right being found innocent through DNA and the exposed lies against them. And when they are beaten like Rodney King, I will stand and say they deserve it because they are a bad person. When the next Timothy McVeigh blows up a building and says he hates awesome people I will look away. Because if I am to be like you all here I must look the other way rather than deal with the issue. Peace.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
So long as you don't blame the enitre race for the actions of those within who are racist, you will be less racist yourself. I don't blame the black race for the four black men who beat, stabbed, and murdered a young white man who stopped at a payphone on his way home to steal his watch and 2 dollars, then spit all over him. This happened in my town, on my street. I didn't see it make the national news as black on white crime. Did you?


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< When I hear of those black people like the one who got shot 41 times by white officers I'll look the other way. Because its not racism. When a James Byrd happens again I'll pass it off as just a typical murder. When men like David Duke and Pat Buchanon run for office I will not judge them on their past. I will discount when the Justice Department which found the State Police in NJ guilty of racial profiling, a mistake. I will agree that the over 1,000,000 blacks that are in jail all of them are guilty. Despite the rash of them being released left and right being found innocent through DNA and the exposed lies against them. And when they are beaten like Rodney King, I will stand and say they deserve it because they are a bad person. >>


I don't think you understand Classy, that your attitudes are just as contemptable as those that you've rattled off. We have laws on the books aimed at punishing those that discriminate and those that murder and those that brutally beat people to a pulp. You also forgot in your litany of racial &quot;offenses&quot; that you probably did look the other way or even silently applauded when Reginald Denny was beaten in the aftermath of the LA riots. What have you done personally to correct the injustice that I, a white man, cannot walk the streets of Detroit safely because of the color of my skin?

Bah, you are a racist--and it's because of people like YOU that keep perpetuating racism. Your Naziesque rhetoric and hate filled speech sure don't build any bridges of goodwill.


Platinum Member
Nov 27, 2000
I think more there should be more focus on equality than empowerment, which goes against mr jacksons ideas. I agree with the priciples of affirmative action, but not the current implementation. I dont think anyone should get a free ride because of their race, nor should they be granted a job they may not be qualified for. On the other hand, no one should be denied these things based on race. I am not at all racist, and have no respect for anyone who is, but I do agree that affirmative action policies are being abused, and seems to going in a negative direction.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000
As i read thru this thread i realize a lot of people (i assume of white decent) are saying that they (as people) bear no resposibilty of what there ancestor did. (position similar to Australians with regard to aborigines and OPPOSITE to germans with regard to holocaust).

BUT fact is that due to centuries of repression and denial of rights of blacks in USA, white (again as a people) are in a better position to take advantages of the opportunites avaiable in the country today (due to better family backgrounds, better networking etc). so even with out acive discrimination in the country, whites (over all) are STILL in a better position to make most of opportunites available. after all its easier to do well if u come from middle/rich family as oppose to if u come from a poor family. one can move vertically in the social ladder but its harder.

So when the blacks were eventually given equal rights most were at the time at the bottom of the ladder as oppos to whites who were above them. thus the reason for affirmative action, NAACP etc.

So even tho blacks have close to equal access to opportunities they still lag behind because of all these factors that cant be changed simply by passing laws. it would take several generations of a situation where blacks are MORE privilaged than whites for the country to get to a point where both blacks and whites as a social group have similar standing.

Thus the current generation of whites have to &quot;suffer discrimination&quot; (YES to NAACP, NO to NAAWP etc) to compensate for the centuries of discrimination that blacks suffered.

anyways just my $.02

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