Jackson is at it again

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Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Classy, how can you say that you, because of your skin color, can not go to certain schools, or can't live in certain area's, or can't eat at certain places. If this is true, I suggest you do something MORE than posting at Anandtech.

Classy says:

<< If you see a black person with a nice car, he is dirty or a drug dealer. >>

If I were to say that, as a white man, I would likely get my ass kicked, and I would deserve it. I have black friends, one of them drives a pretty damn nice car. I guess, when he's not at school, he's out selling drugs. I'll be sure to get him arrested. Which by your theory, he would be arrested because he's black, not because he was dealing drugs, as you claim.

Ya know what, why does skin color matter? Why should you recieve an education at a reduced cost or free because your skin is a different color? What happened to WORKING YOUR ASS OFF????


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000
Sorry Akaz, you can only lie blame what happened in the past for so long. At some point that blame needs to be be set aside, and that person, black or white, needs to take control of their OWN life.

You can claim its easier for whites to do well, I don't see how that can be true. YES, there are MORE whites that have done well, but I don't feel sorry for ANYONE; black, white, or of any other skin color if they refuse to help themselves. Sitting at home smoking crack does NOT constitute helping themselves.

If you want something, you HAVE to work for it. It should NOT be handed to you on a platter.


Aug 17, 2000
There are a lot of immigrants in this country that are doing well despite not having extensive connections, money or white skin color.

My $0.02


Oct 9, 1999
This is getting seriously funny:

<< Did you know blood plasma was discovered by a black man? How about the stop light? But I bet you learned about Alexander Graham bell, telephone. And how about Ben Franklin, electricity. >>

Hmmm, let's see. What's more important, the stop light or the telephone? What about blood plasma or electricity? Keep in mind that Ben Franklin was also one of the more influential figures during the formation of this country.

Then again, it's dangerous.

classy, give it up. You are doing more to perpetuate racial problems than the KKK. While the vast majority of the people in this country regard the actions of the KKK with abhorrence, your statements might very well seem acceptable to the uninformed. With acceptance of a position like yours, false as it is in its hyperbole, the racial divide deepens.

There are racial problems that need to be addressed in this country. However, &quot;advocates&quot; such as yourself only do a disservice to the struggle to overcome those problems. By speaking in inflammatory tones, you antagonize those who might otherwise agree with you and create conflict where there might otherwise not be any. If you were being paid for this, I'd suggest it was being done for job security. As it is, I fail to see any reason behind it.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000

<< Sorry Akaz, you can only lie blame what happened in the past for so long. At some point that blame needs to be be set aside, and that person, black or white, needs to take control of their OWN life. >>

This is not the question of &quot;blame&quot; but that of helping a disadvantaged (tho no fault of there own) section of the society thus improving society as whole. as for duration of the action, its been LESS THAN ONE FULL GENERATION.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2000

<< There are a lot of immigrants in this country that are doing well despite not having extensive connections, money or white skin color. >>

I am one of them. but most of the people who come to US are from &quot;good&quot; background. Not many of the illiterate and poor even make it to the west, let alone do well (as whole).



Oct 12, 1999
Yea, you know, all you guys are right. All this because I defend Jackson. Oh well, since I am racist I guess I'll go home tonight and beat up and throw out my &quot;white&quot; wife. I call up my mother inlaw and cuss her out too. While I'm at it I might as well cut my baby in half. Give my wife the white half and I'll take the black half. After all if I'm a racist I might as well act and live like one, huh. LOL I live free of color everyday. And have for a very long time. Can you all say the same? Doubt it.


Platinum Member
Nov 27, 2000
so, using that as a reason, what would you say to someone like me, who grew up in a poor family, who had to quit school and get a job to help my parents, who could never afford a formal education, who, through hard work, dedication, and a will to learn and develop my skills, is now successful, is it becuase I am white? not because i lived off top ramen and instant mashed potatoes for a couple years, bid low on jobs, working for min wage or lower, educating myself, and keeping up on current trends, taking risks, saved all of my money, spending it wisely, and most of all, working until I couldnt stand up, and never giving up? are you trying to tell me I am successful now because I am white? give me a break. Discrimination takes many forms, do you know how hard it is to convince someone you are the person to build thier network or website, to rely on to keep thier business going, in sneakers and dirty blue jeans, looking like you just woke up? I dont buy it for a minute. Those excuses dont work for me, personally. You get what you put in, bottom line.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
You only compound your idoicy with each successive post Classy.

Just like the lame &quot;I'm not a racist because I've got some black friends&quot; crap I've had to listen to many times before.

Just because you've found &quot;one&quot; person of a different color to be attractive (your wife) doesn't mean that your aren't racist down to your core.


Oct 11, 1999

<< Black history month? What blacks should not be allowed to proud of what they have contributed to this country? Hell we only been left out of every ^ucking history book in the entire country. If you want to learn about our contributions you have to take a seperate class, A$$HOLE >>

So let me get this straight, the argument for a Black History Month is that blacks have been left out of history texts? History texts encountered in American schools are generally devoted to American history, or European history, not to history of a particular race. It just so happens that the majority of historically significant individuals were American or European. Just deal with that. Its just not feasible to have months of the year devoted to specific races. Things like this perepetuate the differences between people, rather than working to create the race-blind society that should be our ideal.



Oct 9, 1999
That's not true Marty. Blacks and asians are responsible for many important things in history. There is a tendency for the books to cover white history.

What I don't approve of is the solution. Rather than get the books to represent an accurate historical picture from a wide perspective, people like classy would rather set up things like Black History Month. That is what perpetuates the racism. Rather than work together toward a solution, people with his attitude duplicate the unfair act and thumb their noses at the other side saying &quot;See, we can be racists too.&quot; This accomplishes nothing.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2000
I could hardly believe it when Jesse Jackson was bitching when the Green Bay Packers fired their whole coaching staff, which was all black. I sure think they wouldn't give a rats ass if they are black or white because they hired them in the first place.


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Russ - Although I somewhat support your view that too much attention should not be paid to the errors of the past, I feel that you are overlooking the problems of the present. I agree that racism is not as public and as socially accepted as it was, but the fact that dogs are not being unleashed on the protestors does not mean that the problems are even close to being solved.

I can cite two examples that support my view:

1) NJ State troopers have been practicing racial profiling for years. There is no doubt that the crime statistics show that there is more crime in black neighborhoods, so there is some logical justification for the policy. However, just about every study I have read attaches two reasons to the higher crime rate, poverty and a lack of trust in authority(family breakdown is a big result of this). I would be pretty untrusting of authority if I was targeted just because of race.

2) Lack of opportunity. About a year ago, I attended the senior management meeting of the company I used to work for. Out of 125 people there were two black, maybe 10 total visible minorities. My current company - all but one VP are white (lots of diversity from Director on down, however). Just about every corporate environment that I have seen - large corporations, Big 5 accounting firms, major law firms - are lead by white males with almost no diversity. Typically, it is

It is all great an nice to talk about how things have changed, but I'm not seeing it where it really counts. There has been enough time, there should be more (I am willing to accept that it will take time for the increased opportunity to equal more education and experience = more senior jobs).

classy - I can't comment on the Cheney voting record unless I understand what was in each bill and what was objected to.

I disagree with Rev. Jackson's actions for a couple of reasons. I do think that he is deserving of some respect for his past actions. At some level, his furor over the black votes not being &quot;counted&quot; is correct. That doesn't mitigate these points:

1) Duval county is Republican controlled (canvassing board). The problem with votes there was over votes in predominantly black areas. If you investigate, you will find that it was Democrat party members who made the error that resulted in the over votes. They emphasized the importance of voting on every page (and voting Democrat in every race). The President vote was split between two pages which resulted in over votes when the voters followed their instructions. The get out the vote effort worked very well and many were voting for the first time and just plain made a mistake due to the faulty instructions the Democrats gave them. Seem that Rev. Jackson should be marching on the Democrats here.

2) Palm Beach County, Broward County, Miami-Dade County all are fairly wealthy and all are run by Democrats (Canvassing Boards). The Democrats are to blame for using old machines and not cleaning them out. He should be marching on the Democrats, again.

Rev. Jackson is attacking the US Supreme Court. He has a right to his opinion and he has a right to protest, but I disagree with the merits of his case.

I do think that there should be a Federal investigation of the claims that were made. That is a serious matter that should not be dismissed.



Oct 12, 1999
Corn that is interesting. I have yet to see Farrakhan, White Supremist, or KKK married or even friends with people of other color. If I was even half as racist as you make me out to be, it would be impossible for me to be married to my wife. I am not a racist in the least bit, but I will speak on racism. If you want to talk about Jackson then lets talk about Cheney. Its amazing that everybody wants black people to forget over 400 years of slavery, death, and persecution, but 35yrs of affirmative of action and now all of sudden we have a race problem. You call Jackson a racist, but without him I would not have been able vote. And that is the bottom line. You all want to blame every social problem on black people. Where were you or or your parents when black folks were dying by the thousands and all of the crys fell on def ears? Bryan brought up BET. Wow reverse racism is really bad now. When you make a post pointing out black racists you better be ready to talk about the white ones also. But you don't. Instead half of you people come and here and cry about all this reverse discrimination. You spread lies and start making insane storys. Look at some of this trash.

&quot;When a guy comes into my town to defend 6 students that were the cause of a HUGE fight at a football game, claiming that they were harshly punished, and claims its because the students are black, that guy gets NO respect.&quot; Yea and two of them had done absolutely nothing wrong. He was there protesting not on their behalf but against &quot;zero tolerance&quot; programs which means school kids can be suffer expolsion from school for any type of violence. Even a simple school fight which happens from time to time. Get your facts straight.

&quot;It is truly sad that more Black people do not realize that Jesse Jackson actually does them more harm than good.&quot; The man put his life on the line for me to have rights.

&quot;I have a name for Reverend Jackson that would get me beat up in da hood. He is worthless.&quot;
Hmmm I wonder what name is that. Wonder if it starts with an N!

&quot;He is a worthless turd who has never held a job down in his life. He's nothing more than a professional riot-starter.&quot; He's done more in a day than this moron will do in a lifetime.

&quot;I can't stand Jesse Jackson. He is the most racist person out there. The only thing he cares about is himself. As long as he continues to be famous he will be happy.&quot; I am sure I can find a lot of white ones more racist than 100 Jesse Jacksons.

&quot;Jackson is like Arafat of the U.S.&quot; Well who should we liken Dick Cheney and the entire Bush family to? Would Hitler be a stretch?

&quot;Well, thanks for the research at least -- damn fine voting record for our Vice-President-elect!&quot;
This one is just genious.

&quot;He is a disgrace to the memory of Dr. King whom I don't beleive would approve at all of the way he has conducted himself over the years. Dr. King was a man who recognized true racism for what it was. Jesse Jackson on the other hand seems intent on manufacturing the myth of racism in everything he touches regardless of whether it exists or not.&quot; Hmmm thats odd I was sure that it was Dr King that taught Jesse how march and speak up against racism. Oh I am sorry, you didn't know Jesse Jackson was an assistant of Dr. King. Oops I guessed you slipped.

&quot;What have you done personally to correct the injustice that I, a white man, cannot walk the streets of Detroit safely because of the color of my skin?&quot; I guess blacks now are reason you can't walk around. I know know for a fact in Detroit its not like that so quit lying. Hell Detroit is one of the few citys in which you'll find quite a few black hockey fans.

&quot;Bah, you are a racist--and it's because of people like YOU that keep perpetuating racism. Your Naziesque rhetoric and hate filled speech sure don't build any bridges of goodwill&quot; Thanks for the compliments. Coming from you I will cherish them to my grave.

And my good friend Bober Frett, your a real gunslinging gem.

&quot;That's not true Marty. Blacks and asians are responsible for many important things in history. There is a tendency for the books to cover white history. (I am shocked you spoke some truth here)

What I don't approve of is the solution. Rather than get the books to represent an accurate historical picture from a wide perspective, people like classy would rather set up things like Black History Month. That is what perpetuates the racism. Rather than work together toward a solution, people with his attitude duplicate the unfair act and thumb their noses at the other side saying &quot;See, we can be racists too.&quot; This accomplishes nothing.&quot;

Well if we can't talk about the things blacks have contributed in school, where do we talk about them. Does it bother you people that much that there is black history month. Wow its even the shortest month of the year if that helps. Well why don't we do away with Martin Luther King day also. Hell if Jesse Jackson is prejudice, so was Rosa Parks, MLK, Medger Evers, hell according to most of you in this thread all the civil rights activists were the problem because they talked about and fought racism. Most of you guys are speaking your mind, but some of you are so stinking &quot;pigmently&quot; challenged its pathetic.

I do believe it was Jackson last year who went to Yugoslav to deal with the war criminal Milosevic and got those three American soldiers released when no one else could. And I know for a fact 2 of them were white. At the request of Clinton earlier this year he went to Sierra to try to get 347 UN soldiers (I am sure most of them were white too) released who were being held captive by rebels. In September of this year he went to Peru to try to get a white woman released who had been in prison there for 5 years. If he is racist we're all in trouble.

Oh and have a nice day!



Oct 9, 1999
You still don't get it. It should be about equal treatment, not special treatment. Non-whites should be discussed in history class. But just as there's no White History Month, neither should there be a Black History Month. That's racism, don't you see?


Platinum Member
Nov 27, 2000

<< . Where were you or or your parents when black folks were dying by the thousands and all of the crys fell on def ears? >>

They werent alive yet. Point made.


Golden Member
Mar 10, 2000

<< When a guy comes into my town to defend 6 students that were the cause of a HUGE fight at a football game, claiming that they were harshly punished, and claims its because the students are black, that guy gets NO respect.&quot; Yea and two of them had done absolutely nothing wrong. He was there protesting not on their behalf but against &quot;zero tolerance&quot; programs which means school kids can be suffer expolsion from school for any type of violence. Even a simple school fight which happens from time to time. Get your facts straight. >>

whoa whoa whoa
First of all, it was MY high school where the &quot;simple fight&quot; happened at. I think I know what happened.

Second of all, it was NOT a &quot;simple fight&quot;. It was an all out brawl, almost could be called a riot. The football game was stopped, the players went into the school until the brawl was over. The zero tolerance rules were put there to prevent violence, yes. It didn't work, so the kids got punished, as they should have been.

Third of all, which two had done nothing wrong? Would it be the one that 2 months later was arrested for beating on his pregnant girlfriend?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Oh I am sorry, you didn't know Jesse Jackson was an assistant of Dr. King. Oops I guessed you slipped. >>

Yeah, and Darth Vader was a student of Obi Wan, but they both defected to the Dark Side, didn't they?

<< Bryan brought up BET >>

No, I brought up the double standards in this country. I don't owe anybody but veterans and senior citizens a living. Period.


Oct 12, 1999
Bryan same as yesterday, my opinion of you hasn't changed. You are a racist period. I don't even want to respond to you. But I will.
^uck you and your family.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Why am I a racist? Because I don't like double standards? Aw, gee. So sorry I hurt your feelings. As far as my family goes, they suggested to me that you get off the pity potty and quit being such a bigot.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000

You are failing to answer to some good points here including:

Why is it ok to have a black guy stand up and put down whites for an hour?
Why do we have black history month and not white?

Regarding affirmative action is NOT FAIR by definition. Instead of dealing with the problem at the heart of the matter (early childhood, education,etc.) proponents of affirmative action think that its ok to deal with it later on. Take for instance two 30-year olds trying to get into the police force. the Black guy is accepted because, although both are quite equal, he is Black, so its an easy decision. What about two 40-year olds? Do we do the same? What about two 50-year olds? My point here is that at some point we have to pick the right man for the job. Potential means nothing without execution. It is entirely possible, and does happen, that a non-minority individual is denied a job which is taken by a minority individual and this individual may not be ever capable of being as effective as the non-minority. If its in the case of a law officer or fireman where people's lives are on the line this is fvcking bullshit.

Look it sucks that non-minorities have it bad in many cases but frankly when my kids are in a burning house I don't give a sh*t the color of the person's skin, I want the best man for the job, no ifs ands or buts.

To truly have equal chances in the workforce and the rest of society I believe that non-minorities should receive all the benefits they can starting from day one. Waiting 20 years and then plucking somebody out of a sh*ty school in a sh*ty neighborhood and giving them a job over somebody who has been efficiently educated is not reasonable.

Affirmative action does not help the situation at all. It makes people bitter. Just the other day I saw a 5 foot tall, 110 lb Black lady as a police officer. Contrast her to the average 5,11&quot;, 180 lb police officer. How did she get in? Who knows? Am I to think that she got in based on merit or to meet a quota? How can I trust her with my life if I really don't know? Perhaps she is a damn good cop, but given affirmative action I'll never know if that is why she was hired or because she was a Black female. I'll tell you when I saw her I have never in my life seen such a small person wearing a uniform.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Shhhh!!! Skoorb, he's gonna call you a racist and try to have sex with you and your family...


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I wish blacks would stop using the slave card. It just shows how idiotic they are. Blacks were NOT the only SLAVES. Sure maybe in the US, however EVERY RACE HAS BEEN ENSLAVED, not just blacks. Slavery started with black people enslaving black people. Racism works both ways. There are JUST as many black racists as there are white racists. Every race has racists. King Jr has probably rolled over in his grave several times because of what Jesse Jackson and the like have spewed. They DO NOT help the black cause, they just incite people.

Jesse Jackson is a bigot.

Jesse Jackson is a moron to think the Bush brother had anything to do with supposedly stopping blacks from voting(ZERO evidence).

These counties were the majority of minioritys live, are rich counties(Palm Beach, Dade, Duval etc), they ALSO have democrats at the helm of their election boards. If people can't follow the rules of how to vote, they shouldn't be voting. And as I said before there is zero factual evidence any black people were turned away, or mistreated while voting. All we have are a few black people saying they were violated. Bush has reached out to black people more than any other republican canidate, but he had the poorest showing. Its because groups like Jesse Jackson's airing negitive ads against Bush. Im sure we have all seen the one with James Byrd brought up in it. It also fails to mention the guys that killed him will be executed under state law, and Bush is for their execution. Some groups have tried to paint Bush as a racist, he IS NOT. Hes for helping minorities but hes against freebies.
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