Ho Hum same old scum. Everytime I hear an arguement waged against affirmative action it is always in this light. A black person got a job because he was black, not because he was qualified. Get this black people are just as smart as whites. We are not inferior. You among many others want to paint this picture that blacks are not as good as whites but get jobs because of color. That is not true. As matter of fact, 10 years ago here in the NJ State Police, since you bring up the police, they went back and found literally dozens of minorities, mainly blacks and hispanics had been denied employment even though their test scores were superior to the whites who got hired. So much for the blacks need help bit. You were mad at the black lady cop because she was black. You know how I can tell. Because you talk about her "size" as being apart of her color. Well I don't know where you live but I have seen a lot of women and men, both black and white, who are small but some damn fine police officers. This notion that every black cop is there because of color is well a prejudice attitude. I could say the same thing about all the "whitey" cops. But to be honest I am not angry at most of you guys. Its your up bringing. Its clear by this thread that some of the moms and pops didn't teach love for thy neighbor. Unless of course they look like you. And this thing about waiting till people are 20 to do something is nonsense. Maybe if people like Cheney would not attack programs like Head Start maybe we can make some progress.