Jail for speeding ticket


Senior member
Jan 5, 2002
I know a guy who recently had to spend 6 days (3 consecutive weekends) in jail for a speeding ticket. He was charged with 106 in a 65. He was driving a Camaro Z28 at about 80 in the 65 zone, when a Cavalier started following him closely. He hit the accelerator to see if the guy would follow, and he did, keeping up with the Camaro. At this point he realized it was a cop, and yep, he got pulled over. The officer was cool about it and he asked him what he had under the hood. Anyway, he hired a lawyer, he has no record, a full-time job and a wife and a baby and he got that sentence, plus a fine of a few hundred $$, add in court fees of a few hundred $$, lawyer...quite an expensive ticket.

I thought this was extremely unreasonable as I've never heard of someone spending 6 days in jail for a speeding ticket, no less 106 in a 65 isn't even that fast..


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2001
106 in a 65 isn't that fast?

Are you crazy? That's 50mph over the speed limit. That's like saying that going 65 through a school zone is no big deal.

In my state, that's more then enough for immediate driver's license revocation of a YEAR.

Keep this in mind:

When it comes to insurance points.....the worst is a DUI.

2nd worst is a Careless and Wreckless (3 points)......

with the speed he was going, he absolutely deserves that sentence. Not only did he risk his own life....but he risked other's lives too.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
i'm guessing it was dark if he didnt realize it was a cop....

but if u go over 100, then its like above misdemeanor, wreckless driving or endangerment. his insurance is where it'll hurt


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2000
Did you actually see the charges? Why would someone accelerate to 106 mph just to see if the car behind him is following him? Like someone said that's 50 mph above the speed limit.

There's something more to this story than what this guy is telling you. I don't believe he got just a speeding ticket. He probably got something like Reckless Driving which is a crime in certain states as well as Reckless Endangerment which is also a crime. His behavior was not rational at all.


Diamond Member
Apr 22, 2000
I find it hilarious that he got to schedule his jail time. If he can schedule it, then why make him do it at all? It just seems really stupid. Now, if they hauled him away for 6 days right after the trial, that would be something else entirely. What does a 6 day sentence accomplish anyway?



Senior member
Jan 5, 2002
It doesn't accomplish anything except

1) he can't work
2) taxpayers pay for him to be in jail

kind of silly. and you obviously can't subtract, it's not 50mph over the speed limit....it's 41mph. and no it's not like going 65mph through a school zone. If you work by percentages then it's like 40mph in a school zone.

106 in a 65...on a big highway...in a Camaro Z28....for only like 30 seconds...real dangerous
keep in mind while the speed limit might be 65, the traffic on this highway is light and the cars usually go about 80mph on average.

it seems to be a way they do jail down here. there's a whole group of people who are like permanently in jail on weekends because they keep getting in trouble for stupid misdemeanors.


Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2000
Originally posted by: calpha
106 in a 65 isn't that fast?

Are you crazy? That's 50mph over the speed limit. That's like saying that going 65 through a school zone is no big deal.

In my state, that's more then enough for immediate driver's license revocation of a YEAR.

Keep this in mind:

When it comes to insurance points.....the worst is a DUI.

2nd worst is a Careless and Wreckless (3 points)......

with the speed he was going, he absolutely deserves that sentence. Not only did he risk his own life....but he risked other's lives too.

Must be a new math

Did they teach you that in school?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2001
Originally posted by: gplanet
It doesn't accomplish anything except

1) he can't work
2) taxpayers pay for him to be in jail

kind of silly. and you obviously can't subtract, it's not 50mph over the speed limit....it's 41mph. and no it's not like going 65mph through a school zone. If you work by percentages then it's like 40mph in a school zone.

106 in a 65...on a big highway...in a Camaro Z28....for only like 30 seconds...real dangerous
keep in mind while the speed limit might be 65, the traffic on this highway is light and the cars usually go about 80mph on average.

it seems to be a way they do jail down here. there's a whole group of people who are like permanently in jail on weekends because they keep getting in trouble for stupid misdemeanors.
Yeah right, "percentages" thinking somehow justifies 41 mph over the speed limit :disgust:. You know, perhaps some speed limits are little restrictive - but they err on the side of safety. Unless you're on a race track, trained and qualified to drive at high speeds - there isn't a Zone in the world that makes 106mpg "Safe". Legal perhaps, (such as a European Autobahn,) even then - still not safe. Accident's at that speed result in DEATH. No fender benders, little to no chance for anyone else involved to survive.

106 in a 65...on a big highway...in a Camaro Z28....for only like 30 seconds...real dangerous
keep in mind while the speed limit might be 65, the traffic on this highway is light and the cars usually go about 80mph on average.

I've done stupid things like that in my youth - but I never attempted to justify the idiocy of that behavior, and I quickly learned the foolishness of putting others lives at risk. I was fortunate not to have hurt anyone else. So is your friend. Shut your cake hole about "a big highway", "a Camaro z28". Neither of those factors have anything to do with safety at high speeds and the chance that other motorists are at risk for your friend's behavior. "traffic on this highway is light", means squat. Just how much reaction time do you think a vehicle and untrained driver have at 106 mph!? I suppose you'd be the same idiot who thinks because you have four wheel drive that you can still drive the "speed limit" on snow covered roads in the winter time.

1) he can't work
2) taxpayers pay for him to be in jail
I doubt his job and an ability to go to that job have anything to do with making the world go around.

I hate paying for anyone else's stupidity, but there is so much that taxes already go toward that do little to enhance the quality of life that I'd almost be proud to pay to keep this kid/immature adult and those who think he's some kind of robin hood - off the road.

If you work by percentages then it's like 40mph in a school zone.
If You work by percentages, accidents at that speed result in Death, not fender benders, no matter which fcking zone you're in.

Stretch, yawn...... Good morning everyone!, good way to start the day eh!?


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
Originally posted by: Medea
Did you actually see the charges? Why would someone accelerate to 106 mph just to see if the car.

Technically, it's not 50mph over. 106-65=41. That's much closer to 40 than it is to 50. 40MPH over is a big ticket, and depending on road conditions can be reckless or just a bad idea. Sounds like he had a crappy lawyer and/or shoulda just paid the ticket.

Lastly, I learned my lesson on the cop tailgating you thing. I almost got a ticket once from a cop who flew up on my ass (night time). I had just merged onto the highway, and moved into middle lane and was in the middle of two other cars doign about 70-75. I see lights in the distance approaching faster than traffic and I was the middle of a rolling road block. my plan was to accelerate a bit and switch to right lane. Well, cop turned on his lights after I did that.

Turns out he was on his way somewhere else and let me go. Gee thanks.

Same thing happened on a trip to visit some family out of state, only this time older & wiser, I let off gas and pulled behind a semi I was next to. Cop STILL pulled me over. This time because it was so 'dangerous' for me to pull behind a semi like that. "Gee, sorry, I normally wouldn't but I saw you coming up so fast I didn't want to obstruct traffic." He let me go. But, I think they know people will tend to speed up to pass than brake and get behind someone... so... it makes for easy tickets. (And speeding up to 100mph+ to pass is not courtesy--that's demonstration of speed to most folks.)



Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2001
I am so glad they got rid of that law in FL. In my first ticket, I got stopped for going '71' in a 45 (even though I was going 60mph, 71 was the next highest for higher ticket costs). The cop told me I got lucky because if it were two weeks earlier, he would have cuffed me and taken me to jail.

6 days jail time for a speeding ticket is a crazy over-the-top punishment. Jail?! WTF. He was driving a car, not drunk, and he didn't get in a wreck. He was in a car that's easily capable of handling at 106mph. Believe me, I know. I drive a Z28. That thing can make a pretty sharp turn at 106mph.

If he were in a minivan or SUV, then maybe the ticket is justified. But, IMO, 106mph in a Camaro Z28 is MUCH safer than 70mph in a top-heavy minivan.

EDIT: I am so sick of the cops riding my ass on a highway - even when I'm not in the left lane. Next time a cop rides my ass, I'm gonna slam on my breaks to avoid a 'cat'. I almost got hit by cops three different times. If I wouldn't have reacted to their sh!tty driving, I would've been hit. Two of the times were at speeds of 70mph or higher.


Platinum Member
Oct 2, 2000
Originally posted by: gplanet

it seems to be a way they do jail down here. there's a whole group of people who are like permanently in jail on weekends because they keep getting in trouble for stupid misdemeanors.

Stupid people do stupid things, and in the case of your friend i just wanna point and laugh.


Jan 10, 2001
oh, i'm so sorry he had to spend 6 days in jail and a few hundred dollars in fines. You play you pay. Tell the jackass to slow down.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2001
I find it hilarious that he got to schedule his jail time. If he can schedule it, then why make him do it at all? It just seems really stupid. Now, if they hauled him away for 6 days right after the trial, that would be something else entirely. What does a 6 day sentence accomplish anyway?

At that point your jail sentence is more like community service without the service, so I can see your point. "Sorry, weekdays aren't convenient for me, I'll have to serve my jail time on the weekends."

But hey, if a cop throws a lemon at you and the court makes lemonade with it, drink up.


Senior member
Aug 19, 2001
Originally posted by: rgwalt
I find it hilarious that he got to schedule his jail time. If he can schedule it, then why make him do it at all? It just seems really stupid. Now, if they hauled him away for 6 days right after the trial, that would be something else entirely. What does a 6 day sentence accomplish anyway?


It's to reflect the seriousness of the violations on the driver, many wealthy people would drop 10 grand on paying fines, lawyers, etc and not bat an eye. Having to go to jail for 3 weekends will discourage them from ever thinking about doing it again. If you get stopped over 100 mph, you'd better realize the tickets are going to be bad. Many states will arrest you and impound the car at that level.

If you don't want to face the consequences of your actions, don't do stupid things.....


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2001
so he was not doing 106 the whole time. he started that when the cop got on his tail. what was he doing that attracted the cop's attention?


Jul 25, 2001
I call BS on this one.

There is NO WAY your friend got "Jail time" for "Just a speeding ticket". Your friend is lying to you and you haven't seen all the charges. There are several situations that would cause him to get jail time.

1. He has priors
2. He got street racing or racing a cop
3. He got reckless driving, speeding, and other tickets.

You cannot go to jail for a speeding ticket as it is not a vehicular felony offense on a road way. You cannot go to jail for a simple speeding violation unless you have broken some sort of parole violation or have previous priors on your record that allow for jail time if you get other tickets.

More than likely if he doesn't have any priors, he got reckless driving and something to do with street racing (which is illegal and a vehicular felony in some states). This will get him some light jail time. Plus the fact it was a cop he was messing with.

Don't believe what this guy is telling you, he's hiding something.


Oct 10, 1999
106 is plenty safe .. Just dont hit anyone. Around here on the expressways (non rush hour) thats only like 10-15 mph faster than the speed of traffic. Of course if there was a blizzard or something ... I could see 106 being a bit too fast.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
A couple of people need some math classes bu 106 in a 65 is really nothing in a capable car. I see regular traffic driving 85 all the time. An extra 20 mph for a short burst and 6 days in jail? Seems silly - he probably was given reckless or something like thta.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
He most likely got reckless driving.

I know someone who got a ticket doing 114 in a 70 (headed up to Washington).

He got 24 hours in jail for it + a lot in fines.

Don't do it if you can't deal with the consequences.

Viper GTS


Sep 18, 2001
if he got jail time for speeding then he should find a new lawyer next time, and maybe sue this one for bad representationg. Why get a lawyer if he can't keep him out of jail just for reckless driving ticket. Unless their is something else to this story that we are not being told.


Jul 25, 2001
<A couple of people need some math classes bu 106 in a 65 is really nothing in a capable car.>

LOL classic. People need "math classes" because a car can easily do 106? hahahah funny skoob.

106 is very reckless any way you look at it. I'm not saying he deserves jailtime, but atleast a reckless driving ticket. I love people saying "but he's only going 20 miles over what the traffic is". Yeah but the traffic is already going 20 miles over that! He's still going 41mph over the limit. Thats a lot and deseves a reckless. I have a feeling there is more to this story than what is being told. I got money says he was trying to race that cav.
Jan 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Skoorb
A couple of people need some math classes bu 106 in a 65 is really nothing in a capable car. I see regular traffic driving 85 all the time. An extra 20 mph for a short burst and 6 days in jail? Seems silly - he probably was given reckless or something like thta.

106 is not a safe speed if you look at driving practices over an extended period of time. Yes, there are contexts in which a person could drive that fast without endangering anyone, BUT given enough drivers (varying levels of skill and judgement) and enough contexts (varying traffic and road conditions) driving that fast will surely kill someone.


Feb 15, 2000
106 is ticket worthy, but it's not "OMFG YOU'RE GOING TO KILL EVERYONE ON THE ROAD" fast. A good driver paying attention, in a well maintained car, on a suitable road can easily go 100+ in safety.

iirc, the Cannon Ball Run was run 5 times, and only had one car taken out via an accident. (there were a few taken out because of mechanical failure) Which given the amount of cars, and the amount of miles, is probably pretty close to the normal accident rate. The REAL Cannon Ball Runs (not the movies) were to prove that a good driver can drive at a high speed safely, and was shortly after the nation wide 55 MPH speed limit was enacted to save on fuel.
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