JC Morris & Company Sony Vaio FXA47 $904.00 Shipped Any Good?


Junior Member
Dec 12, 2001
Hello Everyone I purchased a Sony Vaio FXA47 from them on March 1 and My esitimated ship date is April 2. They said if they don't ship it by April 2 I get an additional 25% off. I was look around for ever for a great deal on a Sony Vaio and came across this. For $904.00 I am getting a brand new Sony Vaio FXA47 Athlon 1.2 GHZ DVD/CDWR Laptop Computer exactly what I was looking for. I also got Overnight shipping. It will be about $30.00 cheaper for standard delivery. Has anyone dealt with this company before? I paid in fu;; the $904.00 so I was intitled for the 25% off Promotion. It seems they change their promotions 2 times a month. For $400.00 cheaper I went ahead and did this. I am still awaiting my laptop but they have been very professional as to get back to all my phone calls and emails stating everything is on schedule. I am looking for some feedback as to people who have dealt with this company and so on. It seems to be a smoking deal to me so am I missing anything? All comments would be apreciated. Thanks !!!


Nov 2, 1999
I would be careful about any company that throws around 25% off promotions like that on low-margin products like laptops. At 904 I bet you're getting it for less than Sony's cost, much less JC Morris's cost. I hope you paid with something that allows you to dispute the charges or stop the transfer in case it doesn't show up.


Junior Member
Dec 12, 2001
They have you pay through paypal so I can dispute it through them if something goes worng. But I checked the BBB and other places and there wasn't any gripe as to any bad service so that made me try it out. It like a pre-sale so I think they build a quantity order then go that route. It seems to way better then that GPS computer Scam going on. So I am hopeing all goes well. I will defintly keep an eye on things though. Thanks


Junior Member
Dec 12, 2001
Wow that was a good thread thanks, I will defintly have to keep a close eye on this. Does anyone have any legal advice as to what I can say to them if they do not fullfil my order in the time limit they gave me of April 2. Any suggestions or comments apreciated. I really want this laptop. $904.00 Great Deal. Never getting the laptop Bad Deal!! Thanks


Senior member
Jul 12, 2001
Just a FYI.
You are always better choosing to pay directly thru your CREDIT CARD than thru paypal.
Much better protection.

Have a copy of the webpage that displayed the sale price along with all the terms of sale. I dont want to discourage you, but I dont know how anyone could make such a claim about an additional 25% off if not shipped by a certain date.



Jan 15, 2002
I only can say: good luck!
One of my roommate bot a laptop last year, after two months wait, he got it finally.

And other two roommates placed orders in January, there's no any clue that they can get the laptops.

Good luck!

btw:I NEVER buy anything @ Yahoo stores, and would NEVER recommend anyone to buy anything @ yahoo stores.


Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000


If a company can't afford its own merchant account, it's a good sign that you should stay away -- especially on high-priced items where you may need service from them in the future.



Grand Nagus
Feb 24, 2000
There have been several threads in the past concerning JC Morris. They had a Portland, OR office, I went to visit it but they had already moved to Atlanta, GA (I think that's right). So I didn't get a chance to play detective.

I think only 1 person said they received their laptop only after waiting nearly 6 months, about 10 different excuses, they got a better model laptop than they had originally ordered.



Senior member
Dec 21, 2000
JC Morris...... I love their web site, it looks like they pulled a bunch of pictures with "executive" looking people and posted it on their web site. The funny thing is that each picture they use with people in it, have different people in them. Most of the feed back I have come across for this company is rather negative, usually with a "didn't get my laptop yet" subject, or "my order just got canceled..... taking it up with PayPal to get my money back...."

As far as PayPal goes they are great if your transaction goes smoothly, but if you send the money and get the shaft from your seller, then good luck getting your money back any time soon. From my experience PayPal has always been slow to respond, and doesn't seem to do too much to protect you in cases of fraud.

I will echo the sentiments of several others who have posted. Never deal with a business who only accepts PayPal (especially with big ticket items). I use them for things I buy on E-bay, but I usually don't spend more then $100.

There are several companies like JC Morris, who sell laptops in advanced by taking "pre-orders" and promise you the hardware in a month or two. The way these scams work is that initially they do intend on getting you your laptop, however before they get you your laptop (at retail prices mind you) they take your money (along with other people who order) and invest it in stock trying to make a quick turn over. After a month (assuming the investment pays off) they then buy you your laptop direct from Sony, or from another online store much like the average Joe user, and they keep the rest.

However as you can see there could be a major problem with this "business model". If for some reason their investment tanks, then bye bye to your money. Now the either have to make more through other investments, or find some way of paying you off. Either way it may require time or as it will translate to you "We are sorry, but due to overwhelming demand, we have fallen behind in completing our orders ...." Then informing you that you may have to wait a little while longer before you get your laptop.

I would just beware of any site that offers great prices at a pay now get later plan. Usually you just pay now and hopefully get your money back later without a laptop.
I'm sorry for not providing a solution for your problem, but just a warning in the future.

Oh and one other thing, another red light, for such a "professional" company they sure are cheap on there web hosting needs. Yahoo shopping? Give me a break. I must say though, who ever this guy is he must have spent good money for the graphics CD that he pulled all of the images off of.



Junior Member
Dec 12, 2001
The thing I dont understand is I called the BBB of Atlanta where they are and they only have 6 complaints that all got solved in the past 2 years. If they are such a bad company as I am begining to beleive also why so little complaints to the BBB. Wouldnt you think that more people would call ans complain if they were not delivering their products? My April 2 deadline is comming but I am still sceptical to as if I will get my laptop or not. They recently updated their terms and conditions does anyone have a saved page or print out of the old terms and conditions? I would greatly apreciate a copy of that page. Thanks !!!

Also does anyone have any suggestions on to what I should say to preasure them into actually delivering my laptop and by the time they said they were going to?


Mar 19, 2002
Something is definately fishy with these people. Why would you give a 20% discount for paying within 5 days of being invoiced?


Oct 12, 1999
paypal offers you virtually NO protection in case of fraud. they will investigate, and they will say 'you are right' but if the offending party has removed all of the funds from his paypal account, you're completely out of luck.

DO NOT USE PAYPAL for any serious transactions.


Golden Member
Jul 9, 2001
JC Morris is NOT a scam...many people have gotten their orders, and additional credits whenever the delivery time was exceeded. JC Morris just has a different business model than most businesses; read their site for more on that. This is not something I'd do (I loathe the crooks at Paypal and wouldn't trust a dime of my money to go through them, and I don't believe they offer any real protection to buyers), but JCM is legit. The biggest risk, as I see it, is if you send in you money and JCM happens to go out of business in the time period that you're waiting for your order to be filled, you'd probably be screwed. I don't ever do any business with anyone on the net that doesn't accept credit cards directly, but that's just me. This can be a good deal for those that are willing to accept JCM's terms.


Senior member
Feb 4, 2000
It is unfortunate that I have to post my transactions with JCMorris again. There was a thread on this some time ago, but I believe the Mods deleted it after Mr. Morris asked (read: threatened).

I first won an auction from JC Morris in Yahoo Auctions, which is where they first started conducting business. They did quite a few laptop auctions as well as gift certificates and other items. I won a Sony laptop which required a deposit of 10%. I got an email asking for the full amount. By the time we got it sorted out (and I paid) the 30 days that the item was required to be delivered in passed. They continued to say that I would receive the laptop, but after almost 6 months (yes, SIX months) they finally returned my money and said they couldn't get me any laptop to replace the one I ordered. This was about the time they were moving from Oregon to Georgia (thanks again RossMan for stopping by their old base).

In the latter half of 2001 a hot deal showed up in this forum for an Apple iBook at a screaming price ($999 before 20% off). There was an Anandtech thread, and a few people claimed they placed orders. Against my better judgement, I went ahead and ordered an iBook as well as another Sony Vaio. It took a little bit but 'lo and behold- I got the iBook. The Sony.... once again cancelled.

I finally spoke with a CSR who "seemed" to know what was going on, and I placed an order for 2 more Sony laptops. Paid in full AGAIN, and waited. That order was placed December 3rd. I got my money back March 5th. In between there, my account was handled by:
a guy who was apparently "made up"
Mr. Morris himself
a woman who worked from home in the middle of the night so she could take care of her sick child
and finally "the new VP of sales, Mr. Tisdale".

In the end, I was given close to a dozen "ship dates" and one time I was even told that they had just received a shipment of 50+ of the laptop I ordered, and yet they never shipped mine (i.e. it was a bold faced lie that someone was probably not supposed to tell me). I got my money back, but they also promised me "the difference between the price I ordered at and what it's selling for now". Supposedly this should let me go buy it somewhere local. I have yet to receive that check (although it was promised within 10 days! Yippee!)

Gwindel, I'm really sorry for you. You most likely will never be recieving your laptop. And most likely, it will take you months to get your money back.... if you do at all. On the plus side, they haven't completely stolen any of my money. The reason that I didn't file a complaint is that there are so many places to file complaints, and yet not a single one will get your money back. I will probably post in ResellerRatings since they seem to be the best, but the BBB won't do squat for you. Did you check it before you ordered?

If anyone else has received their "difference check", please post so I can hold on to a sliver of hope for a little compensation for all the HELL I have been put through by JCMorris and Co.

P.S. Mods, if you get a threatening email from JCMorris, can you at least post your reasoning for locking/deleting the thread? Last time the thread just went away after Mr Morris found out about it. One of his emails to me even threatened me for posting information to bulletin boards. Every word I have posted is true, and I have all my correspondence (going back almost 2 years) to prove it.


Oct 21, 2001
what they are doing is a technique that companies used to do along time ago... they are making money off of the interest of holding your money, then saying i cant get it and returning the money...

business used to have banks out in the boonies, and it would take a few extra days for your money that you sent in to pay a bill to get there and for the transaction to be processed, and back to the corporate offices, all the while it earned a few pennies in interest... multiply that times a lot of ppl and you have a nice little source of income, unfortuately the days of wire transfer and fedex, made that obsolete, so this sounds like the latest tactic...

put the money in a nice high yeild money market account or a CD, and refund the money, saying that we couldnt get the merch, and everyonce and a while send the actual item to some people, to make it look like you are actually trying.


Golden Member
May 9, 2001
If you register as a business you can get NET 30 terms 'if approved'.... you think everyone here that has a company or access to a company account can apply for credit and see if at least one of us gets it???

if we do we can place "risk free" orders.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Stay away from this company, PERIOD! There have been multiple threads on this company at FW...lots of people have gotten ripped. Like a previous poster said, a "reputable" will have its own merchant account and will not take PayPal as a n option for payment. STAY AWAY!


Jan 30, 2002
JC Morris & Company or GPS Computers?

Who really cares, it is obvious that these are some sort of shady/scam/bogus company. Why do people keep posting this crap?


There are alway some gullible people who are attracted to this sheeeite like bugs to a zapper wanting to get close to the light and get the unbelievable deal. I tell you these are bogus!!! Get over it and quit posting these things. A rule here should be "When in doubt, do not post it".

OK whatever, go ahead and order it then. But don't come back posting your sorry tale about how you were ripped off by X company or that Paypay didn't help you get your money back, or xx credit card company is not helping you out, or whatever. I am sure that NO ONE wants to hear it! I know I don't.

It is in black and white...Tons of complaints, better bus bureau stuff, people waiting for their orders, and a website that even looks and reads like a shady enterprise...

Freak an A.


Just please lock this thread and save us all a headache.

Rant over.

PS I have a brand new IMAC for sale for $675.00 delivered (Cash only).


Junior Member
Dec 12, 2001
Hey Jeep Guy Your pretty cool. Just thought I would tell you. Why dont you try some anger managment classes they might help you. Just a little bitter you seem. Anyways, This is a fourm a place to write and reply. If you see a topic and it boils your water then just dont look in. I apreciate everyones help and or opinions that replied. Tomorrow is there deadline and I have no tracking number or any proof it will be here. So I guess BBB and all the others here I come to get my money back. What a shame. If anyone has any ideas on how to stop their mistakes I am all ears and willing to do my part.


Jan 30, 2002

You are right, "this is a fourm a place to write and reply".

And I did reply and I am sure that my sentiments may be shared by others here as well.

My point is that this ceased being a hot deal immediately after your original post. Sometime (how about now?) after your original post it should have moved to the Brag/moan section (this is a moan).

In my opinion, this just feels like a recycled GPS thread (starts out as hot deal, deal debunked by masses, people who did not heed advice complain when taken... Don't get me wrong, I am truly sorry that you may have been taken by this company but it still amazes me that anyone would order from this site.

I want to do my part to combat these scams also. My part is in the form of advice: "When in doubt, don't take a chance."

P.S. My advice can be ported over to other applications as well.

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