Jesse Jackson: 2004 Election 'Ain't Over'

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Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Looks like Harvey makes the list too...
Hell! I volunteered long ago. I'm proud to be in such good company.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Kalvin00
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
I support a paper trail &amp; think the votes should be counted &amp; recounted till everyone's happy, but this BS is a sad example of how out of touch a large part of the Democratic party is with the rest of the electorate.

What's that long river in the Middle East, oh yeah, De Nile....

Stunts like this are going to further distance the Democrats from reality.

I watch the threads in P&amp;N &amp; see all the hearty backslapping &amp; condemnations &amp; think to myself, you poor fvckers, how out of touch are you guys with your personal lives if you can believe this kind crap.

Sad really.


I love how all those out of touch libs won't even touch your post :laugh:

Pliablemoose talks to God, he can't be taken seriously.


Senior member
Oct 28, 1999
polm said:
grow up, Rip. This is not about toppling Bush, this is about future elections. This is about preserving the sanctity of the voting process

This is about trying to steal the election, just like the 2000 election. the country went through this already in 2000. the arguement then was fraud also. So, grow up. the election is over. Bush won.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: wiin
This is about trying to steal the election, just like the 2000 election. the country went through this already in 2000. the arguement then was fraud also. So, grow up. the election is over. Bush won.
No, this is not like the 2000 election. That one was stolen by Republican Florida Secretary of State election commissioner, Florida Katherine Harris and the Supreme Court. IF this one was stolen, it was by election officials in Ohio, although there are some very strange results coming out of Florida this time, as well.

The only real pissant whiners I see are those with big mouths but no balls who are afraid of whatever the truth may really be.


Sep 3, 2004
this point is that our electoral (and not just that damn college) system is a complete joke, and needs to be fixed, desparately.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
this point is that our electoral (and not just that damn college) system is a complete joke, and needs to be fixed, desparately.

It's not a joke. We are a Republic, not a democracy. Democracy means that the masses rule. A republic means that there is a balance of power, pure and simple.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Looks like Harvey makes the list too...

I think he is Infohawk under another guise. Is Infohawk banned. I haven't seen much of his BS lately and Harvey sounds just like him.


Dec 1, 2004
Bush LIED! Over 1200 American troops DIED!
Bush LIED! Thousands more people DIED!
Bush LIED! The U.S. Constitution DIED!
Bush LIED! Over 1200 American troops DIED!
Bush LIED! Thousands more people DIED!
Bush LIED! The U.S. Constitution DIED!
Bush LIED! Over 1200 American troops DIED!
Bush LIED! Thousands more people DIED!
Bush LIED! The U.S. Constitution DIED!

Bush is evil, the worst president in history.
Website for retards:
Are people that stupid to believe something as ridiculous as this?

He sucks, a liar, a hypocrite and a mass murderer like Hitler.
I think it was him and his administration who planned 911 to use it to his advantage to wage war in the middleeast and to fuckupourconstitutional rights as well.
He is not our president, not a real president, a fake, and a terrible speaker.



Dec 12, 2003
I watch the threads in P&amp;N &amp; see all the hearty backslapping &amp; condemnations &amp; think to myself, you poor fvckers, how out of touch are you guys with your personal lives if you can believe this kind crap.
Funny, that's exactly what I think about the Republicans.


Dec 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
this point is that our electoral (and not just that damn college) system is a complete joke, and needs to be fixed, desparately.

It's not a joke. We are a Republic, not a democracy. Democracy means that the masses rule. A republic means that there is a balance of power, pure and simple.

That's what you been told, but it's a lie. Huh? Ugh? The masses never rule in any nation, only the few do. Stop spreading their propaganda like a disease. Until our opinions matter, whatever they say is bs, bullcrap, baloneys, hypocritic, nonsense.

Balance of power??? Ugh, OK whatever... Pure and simple??? That's the problem, we're pure and simple minded.



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Harvey is one of the most consistently wrong posters in P&amp;N. I remember his track record in 2000 and I'm seeing in continue into the 2004 election.

As for the recount in Ohio, if it is a legal request, and it looks like it is, then go ahead and do the recount. At worst they can use it for a lessons learned for 2006 and 2008. However, the people that are claiming that it was fundamentally wrong and trying to cast doubts on the whole system should shut their yaps until they have real facts.



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Michael
Harvey is one of the most consistently wrong posters in P&amp;N. I remember his track record in 2000 and I'm seeing in continue into the 2004 election.

As for the recount in Ohio, if it is a legal request, and it looks like it is, then go ahead and do the recount. At worst they can use it for a lessons learned for 2006 and 2008. However, the people that are claiming that it was fundamentally wrong and trying to cast doubts on the whole system should shut their yaps until they have real facts.


If they're so wrong, why is Blackwell doing everything legally and illegally possible to stop this recount? Why did it take 34 days to certify Ohio? And on and on....


Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Darkhawk28 - First, what is the length of time to certify in past years? Second - in those past years, was there such a huge amount of people second guessing every move so that you need to get it extra right? If you can't answer those two questions, you're just yapping and you should shut your yap.

Also - what is Blackwell doing that is illegal to "stop" the recount? Illegal by what definition and tried and concluded in what court? And what is he doing "legally" to "stop" the recount?

I've read your posts - you start from the basis that it is a fraudulent count. You'e one of the yappers I'm talking about.



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Michael
Darkhawk28 - First, what is the length of time to certify in past years? Second - in those past years, was there such a huge amount of people second guessing every move so that you need to get it extra right? If you can't answer those two questions, you're just yapping and you should shut your yap.

Also - what is Blackwell doing that is illegal to "stop" the recount? Illegal by what definition and tried and concluded in what court? And what is he doing "legally" to "stop" the recount?

I've read your posts - you start from the basis that it is a fraudulent count. You'e one of the yappers I'm talking about.


Illegal by "locking down" public records requested by the FOIA. Is that illegal enough for you? So shut YOUR yap, you god damn troll.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Michael
However, the people that are claiming that it was fundamentally wrong and trying to cast doubts on the whole system should shut their yaps until they have real facts.

Why do you say this?



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Darkhawk28 - FOIA recoreds being "locked" down? Where? Whose definition of being locked down? I bet it is another pathetic whiner like you. All your yapping is doing is creating nopise and turning off interest in what actually is a fairly serious matter. I also noted that you didn't answer my question on how long it takes to certify. I think your tin-foil beanie is on too tight and it is causing some sort of short circuit.

Gaard - I say it only because it has reached the point where it is interfering with the actual process and distracting the real efforts to improve the counting system. It does the system no good to toss out a constant and hysterical level of complaints that have no substance. Disprove one and the next is tossed up.

I want this to be really looked at.



Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Kalvin00
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
I support a paper trail &amp; think the votes should be counted &amp; recounted till everyone's happy, but this BS is a sad example of how out of touch a large part of the Democratic party is with the rest of the electorate.

What's that long river in the Middle East, oh yeah, De Nile....

Stunts like this are going to further distance the Democrats from reality.

I watch the threads in P&amp;N &amp; see all the hearty backslapping &amp; condemnations &amp; think to myself, you poor fvckers, how out of touch are you guys with your personal lives if you can believe this kind crap.

Sad really.


I love how all those out of touch libs won't even touch your post :laugh:

Pliablemoose talks to God, he can't be taken seriously.

Gaard, we all know there is no mightier power than you &amp; your intellect.

I've been an ICU &amp; ER nurse for ~20 years, without fail, the people I've seen die alone in the hospital (&amp; I've seen about !,000 people die, lost track @ 100 about 15 years ago) don't have some kind of belief system, the most common is a belief in God (big G), and they usually don't have a peaceful death. Enjoy your superiority, none of us is getting out of here alive.

After around the 500th death, I started going back to church.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Michael
Harvey is one of the most consistently wrong posters in P&amp;N. I remember his track record in 2000 and I'm seeing in continue into the 2004 election.
And the best you can come up with is some pissant name calling? You're pathetic. :roll:
Darkhawk28 - FOIA recoreds being "locked" down? Where?
In Ohio, numb nuts, or haven't you bothered to check the actual story before you opened your uninformed mouth?

Members of Congress have demanded a General Accountability Office investigation of the election. The largest Freedom of Information Act request in the nation's history has been launched, and other efforts are in the works.

On election night, in Warren County, Ohio, the county commissioners ordered a complete security lockdown at the County Administration Building, citing a homeland security threat. In other counties, there are questions about how voting machines were allocated because of the number of mostly minority voters who were forced to wait for hours to cast their votes. One precinct in Youngstown, Ohio, recorded a negative 25 million votes (that's not a typo) on an ES&amp;S Votronic voting machine, which was discarded from official results, according to a Nov. 3 report in Youngstown's Vindicator newspaper. Other alleged improprieties in Ohio include mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines, and the targeted disenfranchisement of African-American voters.

Aside from taking Darkhawk28's exact words way too literally, there is a serious Freedom of Information inquirey into these matters, and there was a lockdown of the Warren County voting commission while they counted the votes with no witnesses, even the press allowed to verify the legitimacy of their count.

Michael -- You are entitled to your uniformed, biased opinion, as lame as it is, but until you have something of intellectual merit to contribute to this discussion, STOP POSTING! :frown:


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Michael
Harvey is one of the most consistently wrong posters in P&amp;N. I remember his track record in 2000 and I'm seeing in continue into the 2004 election.
And the best you can come up with is some pissant name calling? You're pathetic. :roll:
Darkhawk28 - FOIA recoreds being "locked" down? Where?
In Ohio, numb nuts, or haven't you bothered to check the actual story before you opened your uninformed mouth?

Members of Congress have demanded a General Accountability Office investigation of the election. The largest Freedom of Information Act request in the nation's history has been launched, and other efforts are in the works.

On election night, in Warren County, Ohio, the county commissioners ordered a complete security lockdown at the County Administration Building, citing a homeland security threat. In other counties, there are questions about how voting machines were allocated because of the number of mostly minority voters who were forced to wait for hours to cast their votes. One precinct in Youngstown, Ohio, recorded a negative 25 million votes (that's not a typo) on an ES&amp;S Votronic voting machine, which was discarded from official results, according to a Nov. 3 report in Youngstown's Vindicator newspaper. Other alleged improprieties in Ohio include mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines, and the targeted disenfranchisement of African-American voters.

Aside from taking Darkhawk28's exact words way too literally, there is a serious Freedom of Information inquirey into these matters, and there was a lockdown of the Warren County voting commission while they counted the votes with no witnesses, even the press allowed to verify the legitimacy of their count.

Michael -- You are entitled to your uniformed, biased opinion, as lame as it is, but until you have something of intellectual merit to contribute to this discussion, STOP POSTING! :frown:

Harvey, have you completely lost it?



Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
Harvey - Nice to see you're following your same, uninformed pattern. You must like being wrong. Your friend the lawyer from 2000 still giving you advice?

Please explain what the "lockdown" on election night had to do with a FOIA request? Which request, who served it and what was the impact of the "lockdown" that is being yapped about.

Also, do you know how many GAO inquiries are launched every year? Have you dealt with them or any other government audit body? Wasn't there a big effort after the 2000 election? What was the result - electronic voting that you;re now complaining about?

Are you still in the denial of reality statge from 2000, or, as all the angry faces seem to show, are you full on into the anger phase?

Can you explain what the yapping here and the stream of for "immediate release" items that "" and Jesse Jackson holding a news conference are actually contributing to fixing some of the problems that are obviously there?

I haven't said no to the recount. I never have. I've questioned the reasons behind the recount. I think the screaming of "FRAUD" every 2 minutes followed shortly thereafter by a "oops, that wasn't really a problem" then "FRAUD" and then "oops" is hindering a real investigation into the issues. You're a great example of that.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Harvey, have you completely lost it?
Did you ever find it? :roll:

Michael -- Nothing in your post rises to the level of intellectual garbage worth wasting the forum space to quote, let alone a reply.



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Michael
Harvey is one of the most consistently wrong posters in P&amp;N. I remember his track record in 2000 and I'm seeing in continue into the 2004 election.
And the best you can come up with is some pissant name calling? You're pathetic. :roll:
Darkhawk28 - FOIA recoreds being "locked" down? Where?
In Ohio, numb nuts, or haven't you bothered to check the actual story before you opened your uninformed mouth?

Members of Congress have demanded a General Accountability Office investigation of the election. The largest Freedom of Information Act request in the nation's history has been launched, and other efforts are in the works.

On election night, in Warren County, Ohio, the county commissioners ordered a complete security lockdown at the County Administration Building, citing a homeland security threat. In other counties, there are questions about how voting machines were allocated because of the number of mostly minority voters who were forced to wait for hours to cast their votes. One precinct in Youngstown, Ohio, recorded a negative 25 million votes (that's not a typo) on an ES&amp;S Votronic voting machine, which was discarded from official results, according to a Nov. 3 report in Youngstown's Vindicator newspaper. Other alleged improprieties in Ohio include mis-marked and discarded ballots, problems with electronic voting machines, and the targeted disenfranchisement of African-American voters.

Aside from taking Darkhawk28's exact words way too literally, there is a serious Freedom of Information inquirey into these matters, and there was a lockdown of the Warren County voting commission while they counted the votes with no witnesses, even the press allowed to verify the legitimacy of their count.

Michael -- You are entitled to your uniformed, biased opinion, as lame as it is, but until you have something of intellectual merit to contribute to this discussion, STOP POSTING! :frown:

Actually Harvey... locking down of public election is against Ohio law.

"Ohio Revised Code Title XXXV Elections, Sec. 3503.26 that requires all election records to be made available for public inspection and copying. ORC Sec. 3599.161 makes it a crime for any employee of the Board of Elections to knowingly prevent or prohibit any person from inspecting the public records filed in the office of the Board of Elections. Lastly, ORC Sec. 3599.42 states: ?A violation of any provision of Title XXXV (35) of the Revised Code constitutes a prima facie case of election fraud within the purview of such Title.?"


Feb 6, 2002
The new connected voter has a vast array of news available on the Internet. This is wonderful because for every stupid manipulative idea there are 100's of voices ready to dispute any claim anyone else makes. I get news both from Europe and the USA over the Internet. I am constantly looking at some of these decisions made by the EU and carefully watching people like the Chinese and the Russians, and the North Koreans etc. It is naive to trust anything any elected official or candidate says.

I knew how I wanted to vote before the election and no exit polling data could force me to vote any differently.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: piasabird
The new connected voter has a vast array of news available on the Internet. This is wonderful because for every stupid manipulative idea there are 100's of voices ready to dispute any claim anyone else makes. I get news both from Europe and the USA over the Internet. I am constantly looking at some of these decisions made by the EU and carefully watching people like the Chinese and the Russians, and the North Koreans etc. It is naive to trust anything any elected official or candidate says.

I knew how I wanted to vote before the election and no exit polling data could force me to vote any differently.

I don't think exit polls change the result in midstream either (as far as influencing votes or voter turnout), BUT exit polls are the first signs of fraud.
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