Jesse Lee Peterson, a man of color, destroys white privilege.

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Jan 12, 2005
This will seem like a deflection, but, I promise there is a point to this.

Why do you think kids raised by married parents typically do better than single parents?

I think having both parents to help one another and raise the child together creates a more balanced view. I believe pretty much every study ever shows having both parents to be a huge benefit to only having one parent. This is addressed in video #2 when the question is raised, not an exact quote but something to the effect of, "why are 70% of African American children born to single mothers today compared to only 20% in 1960 before the civil rights movement. Is America today more racist today than it was in 1960?"

Sorry, but let's not make it so that two parents is privilege. That should be the standard, for the most part. Why is that SO much higher, today, not in 1960, not in 1980?


Oct 18, 2013
I think having both parents to help one another and raise the child together creates a more balanced view. I believe pretty much every study ever shows having both parents to be a huge benefit to only having one parent. This is addressed in video #2 when the question is raised, not an exact quote but something to the effect of, "why are 70% of African American children born to single mothers today compared to only 20% in 1960 before the civil rights movement. Is America today more racist today than it was in 1960?"

Sorry, but let's not make it so that two parents is privilege. That should be the standard, for the most part. Why is that SO much higher, today, not in 1960, not in 1980?

Totally agree.

Now, when you said that they get a more balanced view, would it be fair to say that what they are exposed to influences how they turn out and thus engage the world?

So, if that is true, do you think the differences in society, even if they are small, could shape someone to a future of bad choices? The reasoning goes that if children are influenced by their parents and that influences how they turn out, could people also be influenced by their unequal barriers?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Stupid political science predetermined bullshit.

Stupid science denier denies the meta study spanning 25 years forming a clear scientific consensus.

It's almost like climate change...

This is how stupid you look. Seriously. May as well be an anti-vax flat fucking earther for the way you disregard facts that don't fit your worldview.


Oct 18, 2013
Stupid science denier denies the meta study spanning 25 years forming a clear scientific consensus.

It's almost like climate change...

This is how stupid you look. Seriously. May as well be an anti-vax flat fucking earther for the way you disregard facts that don't fit your worldview.

Science deniers are on your side too, just for different topics.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Science deniers are on your side too, just for different topics.

That may be, but it changes nothing. If you deny a clear 25 year scientific consensus, you're a fool. Full fucking stop.

Doesn't matter if it's racism, GMOs, vaccines, climate change, evolution or the shape of the fucking earth. Deny one you may as well deny them all.


Jan 12, 2005
Totally agree.

Now, when you said that they get a more balanced view, would it be fair to say that what they are exposed to influences how they turn out and thus engage the world?

So, if that is true, do you think the differences in society, even if they are small, could shape someone to a future of bad choices? The reasoning goes that if children are influenced by their parents and that influences how they turn out, could people also be influenced by their unequal barriers?

Yes, I think parents influence their children... kind of goes without saying no?

We all have barriers. What I think you are not getting in my message is that there are none that are too big, based on skin color or racism, if someone makes responsible decisions and doesn't do stupid things. If you make irresponsible and stupid decisions, it isn't society's responsibility to bail you out.


Jan 12, 2005
That may be, but it changes nothing. If you deny a clear 25 year scientific consensus, you're a fool. Full fucking stop.

Doesn't matter if it's racism, GMOs, vaccines, climate change, evolution or the shape of the fucking earth. Deny one you may as well deny them all.

No, physical science and social science are two very different animals.


Oct 18, 2013
That may be, but it changes nothing. If you deny a clear 25 year scientific consensus, you're a fool. Full fucking stop.

Doesn't matter if it's racism, GMOs, vaccines, climate change, evolution or the shape of the fucking earth. Deny one you may as well deny them all.

Do you believe Gender only influenced by society, or, do you think biology and social norms drive gender identity?


Sep 6, 2000
This whole idea that someone gets ahead or is pulled back in life due to their race is absolute bullshit. It is outdated thinking liberals push as they continue their push to swap places with conservatives and become the party of old thinking and outdated ideals while the conservatives move forward with constitution-first views.

In this video Jesse Lee Peterson debates a woman of color, a woman that thinks she only got into UCLA because of affirmative action while she ignores the fact that her father got into Harvard before her on his own merits.

In this video Ben Shaprio points out how issues with culture are to blame, not racism. Why do minorities have so many single parents, why do minorities account for such a high percentage of the homicide rate? Why has single motherhood among African Americans tripled from the 60's to today?

It is time the liberals stop fooling minorities, get them off the plantation, let's stop the leftist racist narrative that only harms society and fools people into thinking they are victims. Opportunity is there for anyone that wants to put the work in.

"White privilege" is a hodgepodge of concepts some of which are much more valid complaints than other. Some examples are very valid. Some were very valid and are becoming less so over time. Some of the examples commonly cited (such as "I can arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time") simply reflect the tendency for common spaces to be geared towards the preferences and expectations of the majority of the population. In the U.S. generally that's whites, in smaller subsections and micro-communities of the U.S. you'd have "X group privilege" where X was the majority group (e.g. "Chinese privilege" in the Chinatown area of the city where most of the signs, customs, and language spoken is based on Chinese standards). Like with most things there is a tendency to misuse the idea as a diagnosis where it really doesn't fit; e.g. just because you're black and something adverse happens to you doesn't mean it was due to white privilege. On the reverse side there's a tendency of many who are benefiting from white privilege of being completely oblivious to that fact and insist they aren't.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Do you believe Gender only influenced by society, or, do you think biology and social norms drive gender identity?

Irrelevant and does not apply to a study on racism in hiring. Are you unable to address the topic?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
No, physical science and social science are two very different animals.

That sounds just like a creationist, anti vaxxer or flat earther: "The science I use and benefit from is very different from the science I deny."


Oct 18, 2013
Yes, I think parents influence their children... kind of goes without saying no?

We all have barriers. What I think you are not getting in my message is that there are none that are too big, based on skin color or racism, if someone makes responsible decisions and doesn't do stupid things. If you make irresponsible and stupid decisions, it isn't society's responsibility to bail you out.

That is not how society and individuals respond to barriers though. I would bet you are a pro capitalism person. So, when you put barriers in a market, it does not typically mean the market totally collapses. What typically happens is you see more waste and less successful outcomes.

I think the same could apply here. On an individual level, if a person made every right choice in life then they could still succeed in life. The problem is that bad choices can have long term effects. Chain too many of those together and you cannot succeed.

So, if you believe bad influences can make people choose the wrong choices, then, racism could also have that same impact no? Thus, the differences could have impacts on how successful people are based on their race no?


Oct 18, 2013
Irrelevant and does not apply to a study on racism in hiring. Are you unable to address the topic?

You just brought up Global warming, Flat Earth, Anti-Vax, but, my question is off topic? How is that not hypocrisy by you?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I think that racism is the notion that some race is superior or inferior to another. This is a mental illness that has its origin in self hate. Self hate is caused by the intolerable pain of being made to feel worthless and the attendant need to mask that feeling and the pain it causes from conscious experience. The simple way to do that is to look at somebody different and think to yourself that you are better.

In this way one group learns to look down on another and transmit that attitude to their children. Racism thus becomes institutional and cultural.

On the other end of racism is the effect it has on others, the targeted race group that is sacrificed as inferior. They now have one additional hurtle to cross in the battle for self respect. They are put down solely on the basis of race and this and the damage it does to self respect become institutionalized and cultural.

White supremacy causes black inferiority and these become embedded culturally.

Thus we have racism in white culture and the effects of racism in black culture all having their origin in a mental disease, the notion that race confers some superior inferior qualities. Any caught in that game is caught in the disease.

In the video 1 we see a black woman who sees the effect of the disease and a black man who refuses to acknowledge that the disease is based on anything real. The woman speaks to the reality of the disease and the man to the cure for it. He simply refuses to acknowledge that race means anything. He is right, but just because you can see something does not mean you can feel it to your core. But it is a step in the right direction. There is only one human race and it comes in different colors that relate to the level of sunlight present in the historical location from the equator of one's progenitors and how far back they migrated away from it.


Jan 12, 2005
That is not how society and individuals respond to barriers though. I would bet you are a pro capitalism person. So, when you put barriers in a market, it does not typically mean the market totally collapses. What typically happens is you see more waste and less successful outcomes.

I think the same could apply here. On an individual level, if a person made every right choice in life then they could still succeed in life. The problem is that bad choices can have long term effects. Chain too many of those together and you cannot succeed.

So, if you believe bad influences can make people choose the wrong choices, then, racism could also have that same impact no? Thus, the differences could have impacts on how successful people are based on their race no?

I am pro capitalism. But, if a barrier is put in place I have two options, I can work to overcome or I can buy int a narrative that says I'm a victim and throw a tantrum about the system despite multiple other paths around the barrier.

Bad choices are not society's fault. That isn't racism, that's personal responsibility.

If every demographic is waiting for a perfect situation to manifest itself in some kind of ideal world with no negative influences then they'll be waiting a long time. The reality is personal responsibility will be the number one driver for success of an individual in America today. Can influences and other things outside of one's control have an impact? Of course, but there is nothing that strictly based on race will hold anyone back or propel someone, the overwhelming ingredient for success is still personal responsibility. Going back to what I said, there is nothing stopping anyone from being successful based on skin color or race.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
You just brought up Global warming, Flat Earth, Anti-Vax, but, my question is off topic? How is that not hypocrisy by you?

I brought up forms of scientific consensus denial. Made the point that they are all the same. When you deny a clear consensus in science, you're putting ideology before reality and fact.

You brought up a red herring. But to answer your question, I will go with the current consensus on gender summed up here:

"The consensus among scientists is that all behaviors are phenotypes—complex interactions of both biology and environment—and thus nature vs. nurture is a misleading categorization."
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Dec 11, 2000
As usual, Slow is expecting everyone else to be objective and unbiased when he has no intentions of being either.

However, I personally dislike the term 'white privilege' because it overlooks the millions of white Americans who are born into poverty with insufficient hope of advancement. At the same time, there's little doubt that statistically minorities are worse off and that more needs to be done to address that problem. As well as more needs to be done about poverty among all groups.
Yepp, this. It's unfortunate that the right is so triggered by the term that they can't see passed it. It's interesting how immediately defensive that crowd is with regard to anything that could even slightly suggest that they didn't do it all by their own bootstraps.. Or that, gasp, other people have it harder.


Oct 18, 2013
I am pro capitalism. But, if a barrier is put in place I have two options, I can work to overcome or I can buy int a narrative that says I'm a victim and throw a tantrum about the system despite multiple other paths around the barrier.

Your flaw here is that there are more than two choices. You can choose to try or not to try, but, when you choose to try there is many different paths to go down. You can also choose to try and dismantle the barrier.

Playing a victim hurts typically. But, often people confuse playing the victim with seeing the barriers unique to them.

Bad choices are not society's fault. That isn't racism, that's personal responsibility.

This is wrong. There are countless examples of when society has shaped the choices people are faced with. Lets use a non US example. In say S.A. you can choose to be openly gay and be executed, or, you can hide that you are gay. Both are bad choices that are there because of society.

Do you agree with that?

If every demographic is waiting for a perfect situation to manifest itself in some kind of ideal world with no negative influences then they'll be waiting a long time. The reality is personal responsibility will be the number one driver for success of an individual in America today. Can influences and other things outside of one's control have an impact? Of course, but there is nothing that strictly based on race will hold anyone back or propel someone, the overwhelming ingredient for success is still personal responsibility. Going back to what I said, there is nothing stopping anyone from being successful based on skin color or race.

This part seems inconsistent with your previous statements. How can barriers not hold back people? Those barriers may not prohibit everyone, or even most, but, they are there and they have an impact.

Being dumb may not prevent you from getting rich, but, you are far less likely no?


Mar 17, 2008
What am I supposed to see here? Oh, are you manufacturing racism?

I am showing you why you are the racist pos man. Thats what I am doing.
Your message is this : Wanna get in the white boys club in hat pic? Git gud then.
You 1-dimensional cognitive reach will of course not grasp this. De-program yourself man, turn off Fox. Today. Your life will improve already tomorrow, not least for the people around you daily.
Reactions: darkswordsman17


Oct 18, 2013
I brought up forms of scientific consensus denial. Made the point that they are all the same. When you deny a clear consensus in science, you're putting ideology before reality and fact.

You brought up a red herring. But to answer your question, I will go with the current consensus on gender summed up here:

"The consensus among scientists is that all behaviors are phenotypes—complex interactions of both biology and environment—and thus nature vs. nurture is a misleading categorization."

Yep, its a mixture. There are many here on this forum that do not believe that its a mixture. Thus, I asked you what your view was given the scientific consensus. We have someone here on this forum that has a degree in biology that actually tried to make the claim that Gender is 100% a social construct. So, my question is to see if you are a person that agrees with science, or, a cherry picker.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Yep, its a mixture. There are many here on this forum that do not believe that its a mixture. Thus, I asked you what your view was given the scientific consensus. We have someone here on this forum that has a degree in biology that actually tried to make the claim that Gender is 100% a social construct. So, my question is to see if you are a person that agrees with science, or, a cherry picker.

I am far from qualified to disagree with any scientific consensus. Period. My world view fits the facts, not the other way around.
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