Jesse Lee Peterson, a man of color, destroys white privilege.

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
There isn't any government statistics of your cherry picked questionnaire moron. The only thing government has is hard-coded numbers. X people shot. X people killed. I don't even think government has anything on sentencing - so you're going off of whatever you get from media sources and trusting it as if it were factual and well-researched (e.g. WaPo). Even if it is reputable and well-researched, it has no basis on what determining factors lead up to their numbers.

And when they say something such as "Blacks are sentenced to more time than Whites for the same crime" of course they don't do the due diligence to realize that there may be this thing in statistics called determining factors. You can't just self-assess and say, well x number of deaths, therefore y conclusion.

You have to ask FUCKING OBVIOUS questions that even a 5th grader would ask for each one of those "crimes" such as:

1) Did they plead guilty? No Contest? Not Guilty?
2) Did they have a lawyer? Was it court appointed?
3) Did they have a family to support (judges may be more lenient)?
4) Did the person have a history of other crimes or misdemeanors?
5) Did the person have a history of good employment, or of little to no employment (judges may be more lenient)?
6) Was the person broke or rich?
7) Was there substantial evidence?
8) Who was on the jury (race, age, sex, occupation, country of origin, list goes on and on)?
9) What jurisdiction was it in? City, County, District, State, Federal?
10) What are the demographics of the place in which the crime occurred?

The list goes on and fucking on you halfwit dumbshit. There is a reason why in a Statistics class you don't just get to declare the conclusion based on some simple numbers on a graph. There are thousands upon thousands of determining factors that may contribute to those numbers that you damn well better factor in before reaching your OBVIOUS BIAS and false conclusion.

I'm done educating you retards.

Hmm, there actually are government statistics on this:

Consistent with its previous reports, the Commission found that sentence length continues to be associated with some demographic factors. In particular, after controlling for a wide variety of sentencing factors, the Commission found:

• Black male offenders continued to receive longer sentences than similarly situated White male offenders. Black male offenders received sentences on average 19.1 percent longer than similarly situated White male offenders during the Post-Report period (fiscal years 2012-2016), as they had for the prior four periods studied.

The government and other groups do research on this all the time and they control for many of the factors you're asking about. The findings are robust and repeated across a wide range of areas. Black people are sentenced more harshly for the same crimes than white people are.
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Feb 6, 2002
There isn't any government statistics of your cherry picked questionnaire moron. The only thing government has is hard-coded numbers. X people shot. X people killed. I don't even think government has anything on sentencing - so you're going off of whatever you get from media sources and trusting it as if it were factual and well-researched (e.g. WaPo). Even if it is reputable and well-researched, it has no basis on what determining factors lead up to their numbers.

And when they say something such as "Blacks are sentenced to more time than Whites for the same crime" of course they don't do the due diligence to realize that there may be this thing in statistics called determining factors. You can't just self-assess and say, well x number of deaths, therefore y conclusion.

You have to ask FUCKING OBVIOUS questions that even a 5th grader would ask for each one of those "crimes" such as:

1) Did they plead guilty? No Contest? Not Guilty?
2) Did they have a lawyer? Was it court appointed?
3) Did they have a family to support (judges may be more lenient)?
4) Did the person have a history of other crimes or misdemeanors?
5) Did the person have a history of good employment, or of little to no employment (judges may be more lenient)?
6) Was the person broke or rich?
7) Was there substantial evidence?
8) Who was on the jury (race, age, sex, occupation, country of origin, list goes on and on)?
9) What jurisdiction was it in? City, County, District, State, Federal?
10) What are the demographics of the place in which the crime occurred?

The list goes on and fucking on you halfwit dumbshit. There is a reason why in a Statistics class you don't just get to declare the conclusion based on some simple numbers on a graph. There are thousands upon thousands of determining factors that may contribute to those numbers that you damn well better factor in before reaching your OBVIOUS BIAS and false conclusion.

I'm done educating you retards.
Basically blacks get unequal treatment for the exact same crime because they are broke, historically criminal and stupid. But you clearly are not racist.

I can pull out tons of articles showing blacks getting unequal treatment in the criminal justice system then whites. Hell, even black targets are more quickly shot then white ones in training courses.

Bet you didn't know a black man with a clean record and a white felon have an equal chance of getting a job. Let that one roll around in your pointed hood.


Senior member
Jul 27, 2015
The reality is personal responsibility will be the number one driver for success of an individual in America today. Can influences and other things outside of one's control have an impact? Of course, but there is nothing that strictly based on race will hold anyone back or propel someone, the overwhelming ingredient for success is still personal responsibility. Going back to what I said, there is nothing stopping anyone from being successful based on skin color or race.

None of that demonstrates that white privilege isn't a thing. White privilege is any benefit a white person gets by being perceived as white. White privilege doesn't mean that being white is the overwhelming reason for success. It's possible that making good choices is the number one driver of success and that the number ten (or 100) driver of success is being white. Even if the effect is minor, any advantage one gets from being white is white privilege.

You seem to be arguing against a position no one actually holds. No one is arguing that visible minorities can't succeed in the current system, they are arguing that it's more difficult for visible minorities to succeed in the current system.


Jan 12, 2005
Want to know if white privilege exists? Ask yourself, in 2008 all other things being equal, if Obama behaved like Trump could he have been elected?

Use your common sense when answering.

Yes, I absolutely believe so. If Obama championed conservative causes, said the things Trump said, killed the GOP competitors in the primary debates and ran over Hillary in the debates, yes, he would have been elected in my opinion. And the Democrats would STILL be accusing the right of racism (while the left is actually the ones that manufacture it).


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Yes, I absolutely believe so. If Obama championed conservative causes, said the things Trump said, killed the GOP competitors in the primary debates and ran over Hillary in the debates, yes, he would have been elected in my opinion. And the Democrats would STILL be accusing the right of racism (while the left is actually the ones that manufacture it).

Yeah if there's one thing that GOP primary voters love it's black people with kids from three different women and a history of bankruptcy. He totally would have sailed right through.


Jan 12, 2005
None of that demonstrates that white privilege isn't a thing. White privilege is any benefit a white person gets by being perceived as white. White privilege doesn't mean that being white is the overwhelming reason for success. It's possible that making good choices is the number one driver of success and that the number ten (or 100) driver of success is being white. Even if the effect is minor, any advantage one gets from being white is white privilege.

You seem to be arguing against a position no one actually holds. No one is arguing that visible minorities can't succeed in the current system, they are arguing that it's more difficult for visible minorities to succeed in the current system.

BS. If anything, minority privilege exits. I've literally had to sit in a meeting and draw up a spreadsheet with my leadership showing the sex/gender (interchangeable), minority status, and veteran status of my team before to show we are diverse. No one does that to make sure that a team is white in corporate America. There are literally words that I as a white man I am not supposed to say that minorities can. Minorities have scholarships aimed at them and only them, if a white-only scholarship existed can you imagine the outcry? Affirmative action is little more than socially acceptable racism against Caucasian, males in particular. White privilege is a myth today, an excuse pushed by the left to create divides between us. The real racists at work.


Jan 12, 2005
Yeah if there's one thing that GOP primary voters love it's black people with kids from three different women and a history of bankruptcy. He totally would have sailed right through.

Wasn't Ben Carson one of the last out of the primaries? Conservatives loved him because he was a bible thumping conservative. No one cares about his skin color.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
BS. If anything, minority privilege exits. I've literally had to sit in a meeting and draw up a spreadsheet with my leadership showing the sex/gender (interchangeable), minority status, and veteran status of my team before to show we are diverse. No one does that to make sure that a team is white in corporate America. There are literally words that I as a white man I am not supposed to say that minorities can. Minorities have scholarships aimed at them and only them, if a white-only scholarship existed can you imagine the outcry? Affirmative action is little more than socially acceptable racism against Caucasian, males in particular. White privilege is a myth today, an excuse pushed by the left to create divides between us. The real racists at work.

Wrong again. Let me guess though none of this evidence counts because it hurts your feelings.

Online job advertisements were answered with over 9,000 r´esum´es from fictitious, recently-graduated job seekers. We find strong evidence of differential treatment by race: black applicants receive approximately 14 percent fewer interview requests than their otherwise identical white counterparts. The racial gap in employment opportunities increases as perceived productivity characteristics are added, which is difficult to reconcile with models of statistical discrimination. We investigate different channels through which the observed racial differences might occur and conclude that taste-based discrimination at the race-skill level is the most likely explanation. The racial differences identified operate primarily through customer-level discrimination.

We study race in the labor market by sending fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perceived race, resumes are randomly assigned African-American- or White-sounding names. White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. Callbacks are also more responsive to resume quality for White names than for African-American ones. The racial gap is uniform across occupation, industry, and employer size. We also find little evidence that employers are inferring social class from the names.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Wasn't Ben Carson one of the last out of the primaries? Conservatives loved him because he was a bible thumping conservative. No one cares about his skin color.

Yes, they loved him so much that he received zero delegates.


Feb 6, 2002
Yes, I absolutely believe so. If Obama championed conservative causes, said the things Trump said, killed the GOP competitors in the primary debates and ran over Hillary in the debates, yes, he would have been elected in my opinion. And the Democrats would STILL be accusing the right of racism (while the left is actually the ones that manufacture it).
I said all things being equal. Obama behaving like Trump would have given the racists on the fence the justification they needed not to vote for Obama. "See I told you that Negra was just a thug with a degree and a suit". Trump was just labeled as a so called fighter.

Problem for people like you, white boys fucked things up so bad even racists were willing to vote for a ni**er.

BTW - I'm not making that up. A poll worker in PA told that exact story from a house visit.


Jan 12, 2005


Jan 12, 2005
I said all things being equal. Obama behaving like Trump would have given the racists on the fence the justification they needed not to vote for Obama. "See I told you that Negra was just a thug with a degree and a suit". Trump was just labeled as a so called fighter.

Problem for people like you, white boys fucked things up so bad even racists were willing to vote for a ni**er.

BTW - I'm not making that up. A poll worker in PA told that exact story from a house visit.

And I am saying all things being equal, yes. If Trump was a black man that ran the exact same campaign I think he would have won. In fact I think he would have won more states as he'd have a larger percentage of the minority vote.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I've already shown why this is social science bullshit. In the study the name Todd got called about 1/3 as much as Brad. Many black names got higher call back rates than white names. This is completely random.

Haha, totally called it. You don't like science because it hurts your feelings.

Thanks for showing you don't understand how statistics work though.
Nov 8, 2012
Hmm, there actually are government statistics on this:

The government and other groups do research on this all the time and they control for many of the factors you're asking about. The findings are robust and repeated across a wide range of areas. Black people are sentenced more harshly for the same crimes than white people are.

No, no there is not. This paragraph proves my exact point that discusses prior reporting. I doubt they controlled for even a quarter of the points I listed - and mine was just a sample list. The only one I see mentioned is "a similar criminal history".

Multivariate regression analysis often cannot control for all possible factors that might affect the outcome being studied, typically because sufficient data about some factors is not readily available. For example, in its past reports, the Commission noted some potentially relevant factors were not included in its analyses, such as whether the offender’s criminal history included violent criminal conduct, the offender’s family ties, and the offender’s employment history.8 Data was not readily available for those factors because the Commission did not routinely extract that information from the court documents it receives.9 Therefore, for those prior analyses, the Commission could not control for them.10 For this reason, caution should always be used when drawing conclusions based on multivariate regression analysis.

For example, judges may consider potentially relevant information available to them in a presentence report, such as an offender’s employment history or family circumstances. However, the Commission does not routinely extract this information from the sentencing documents it receives and, therefore, data about those factors are not controlled for in this analysis. Additionally, judges may make decisions about sentencing offenders based on other legitimate considerations that cannot be measured.
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Jan 12, 2005
Haha, totally called it. You don't like science because it hurts your feelings.

Thanks for showing you don't understand how statistics work though.

No, social science is bullshit, it is a far cry from physical science. And in fact here, you are ignoring reality you don't like to protect your emotionally held position. You get a thought, go to the internet (I'mrightdotcom) to find some garbage that agrees with you then you stick that flagpole in the ground. You have a terrible habit of ignoring nuance and evidence that doesn't jibe with your position and clinging to social science and phone polls that do agree with you.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No, social science is bullshit, it is a far cry from physical science. And in fact here, you are ignoring reality you don't like to protect your emotionally held position. You get a thought, go to the internet (I'mrightdotcom) to find some garbage that agrees with you then you stick that flagpole in the ground. You have a terrible habit of ignoring nuance and evidence that doesn't jibe with your position and clinging to social science and phone polls that do agree with you.

Only one of us is pretending peer reviewed empirical research doesn't count. The fact that you thought certain white names had fewer callbacks than some black names meant the effect was random just showed your total ignorance as to how statistics work. Why babble about things you don't understand?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No, no there is not. This paragraph proves my exact point. I doubt they controlled for even a quarter of the points I listed - and mine was just a sample list. The only one I see mentioned is "a similar criminal history".

That paragraph does not prove your point, it's standard boilerplate that you see in literally every use of multivariate analysis ever. It should always be assumed that some factors can't be accounted for, that's just common sense.

Don't pull the usual dodge people do on here which is to pretend empirical research doesn't exist or isn't valid because it didn't specifically address a list of things you just pulled out of thin air as we both know you have no idea if any of them are actually causing statistically significant variance in sentencing at all, much less appearing at disparate enough levels in the sample to bias the estimate. The findings of discrimination against black people in sentencing are robust and span a great deal of research from tons of different sources. It's real.


Senior member
Jul 27, 2015
BS. If anything, minority privilege exits. I've literally had to sit in a meeting and draw up a spreadsheet with my leadership showing the sex/gender (interchangeable), minority status, and veteran status of my team before to show we are diverse. No one does that to make sure that a team is white in corporate America...

Of course not, because white is the default. Those spreadsheets are designed to make people conscious about the composition of their teams. It's difficult to fix a problem if you aren't aware of it. Maybe your company doesn't have a diversity problem, but many do, especially in upper management positions.


Jan 12, 2005
Of course not, because white is the default. Those spreadsheets are designed to make people conscious about the composition of their teams. It's difficult to fix a problem if you aren't aware of it. Maybe your company doesn't have a diversity problem, but many do, especially in upper management positions.

Is that a racism problem, a privilege problem, or maybe some demographics are not creating as many high caliber candidates? Why is that? How can we fix that if so? Step one, get people of the Democratic government plantation.

Also, what do you mean white is the default?
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Nov 8, 2012
That paragraph does not prove your point, it's standard boilerplate that you see in literally every use of multivariate analysis ever. It should always be assumed that some factors can't be accounted for, that's just common sense.

Don't pull the usual dodge people do on here which is to pretend empirical research doesn't exist or isn't valid because it didn't specifically address a list of things you just pulled out of thin air as we both know you have no idea if any of them are actually causing statistically significant variance in sentencing at all, much less appearing at disparate enough levels in the sample to bias the estimate. The findings of discrimination against black people in sentencing are robust and span a great deal of research from tons of different sources. It's real.

Where did I say that it isn't valid?

I wasn't ever questioning that blacks aren't sentenced to more than others for a similar crime. I'm simply stating that you can't throw a blanket on the subject and say "Well, it must be white racism." The issue is that you guys honestly need to stop drawing your own conclusions that the statistics clearly don't support. It was never meant to draw a conclusion as to what the causation is.

The point is that there is a multitude of factors you need to account for - there are MANY different reasons why conclusions are made. Simply stating the world is racist doesn't solve the problem or assess what the culprit contributing factor is. Quick example could be our previous discussion: Blacks are substantially more likely to be single parents (most often from the father leaving). Do you think a judge would have more or less sympathy for someone taking care of a child or not? Again, that is one of MANY.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
BS. If anything, minority privilege exits. I've literally had to sit in a meeting and draw up a spreadsheet with my leadership showing the sex/gender (interchangeable), minority status, and veteran status of my team before to show we are diverse. No one does that to make sure that a team is white in corporate America. There are literally words that I as a white man I am not supposed to say that minorities can. Minorities have scholarships aimed at them and only them, if a white-only scholarship existed can you imagine the outcry? Affirmative action is little more than socially acceptable racism against Caucasian, males in particular. White privilege is a myth today, an excuse pushed by the left to create divides between us. The real racists at work.

jesus fucking christ.
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