Joe Biden!

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Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

and so many years later no one has given up this lame argument about 2004... do a check on cook county, il, if u want to see voter fraud...

and, at the end of the day, most successful people had some help from others in being successful... barry and michelle had help getting into ivy league schools; barry had help getting elected; etc...

there is an old saw about it "...being who u know vs. what u know..." for a very good reason...

and i'm not even arguing that bo has the 'qualifications', since he does (age and birth)... and he has the main qualification these days: he's a good speaker and looks mahvelous...

How did Obama have help getting into ivy league schools?

had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...

the fact that you benefit from your color in some situations cannot be treated as different than the you were born into a powerful family... you had no hand in that happenstance but to not take advantage of it would be stupid...

Except that blacks have generational disadvantages for which the affirmative action provides some partial correction, while wealthy families have generational advantages.

and now for my evil conclusion: that bo used aa to (most likely) rise to the highest office in the land, the jesse jackson era is closed. if bo wins, there is no excuse any more for minorities not achieving... virtually all of the aa opportunities that bo used are still available BUT IT TAKES HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION TOO... the opportunity is there, don't take it and it's your own failing, not "america's"...

and before all the racist flames start: i know there's idiots out there who will cut off their nose to spite their face... but if someone is truly directly discriminated against then they have recourse... you are full of bull if you believe that many qualified candidates are rejected based on race in america today...


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Vic
I was impressed. A very powerful speech.

The one thing I've come to like about the modern Democratic party is that it actually requires that its leaders be accomplished and successful men, while all the Republican party requires of its leaders is that they be Republicans.

Wow is all I can say. What a perfectly written piece of partisan rhetoric.

I'll keep this in mind next week while I'm watching McCain stumble and mumble through his acceptance speech.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Vic
I was impressed. A very powerful speech.

The one thing I've come to like about the modern Democratic party is that it actually requires that its leaders be accomplished and successful men, while all the Republican party requires of its leaders is that they be Republicans.

Wow is all I can say. What a perfectly written piece of partisan rhetoric.

I'll keep this in mind next week while I'm watching McCain stumble and mumble through his acceptance speech.

You do that Vic, I eagerly await your opinion.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: MikeyLSU

And I still don't understand that argument, if it wouldn't help for a decade, so what? In 10 years Dems will be saying the same thing and we will never drill.

Besides that, Oil is a speculators market, if we say we are going to drill our hearts out, prices will drop right away.

i'm just trying to figure out why it'll take the brazilians just a couple of years but it'd take us 10. don't we have a little more expertise than them?
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Vic
I was impressed. A very powerful speech.

The one thing I've come to like about the modern Democratic party is that it actually requires that its leaders be accomplished and successful men, while all the Republican party requires of its leaders is that they be Republicans.
ummm Obama??? Successful at what???

Pretty much every single thing he's tried his hand at? I don't really care that much as it has nothing to do with why I'm voting for him, but I think that Obama's history is one of never ending success at least up to this point.

Never ending success by being a sleazy shit bag from Chicago. Let's not forget his 45% rate of note voting at all in Congress. Yup he's all for change. So much so that he can't be bothered to do anything in Congress to affect CHANGE.
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Tab
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Vic
I was impressed. A very powerful speech.

The one thing I've come to like about the modern Democratic party is that it actually requires that its leaders be accomplished and successful men, while all the Republican party requires of its leaders is that they be Republicans.
ummm Obama??? Successful at what???

Well, he's from a upper-middle class family, no father, went to ivy leage schools, didn't say he was African-American when he applied, incredible student, worked his way up, recently finished paying off his college debt, successful marriage, has two kids, a nice house, ran for senate, relatively successful, beat out Clinton Political Machine for the Democratic Nomination and is going to be next POTUS.

but hey I'm just a 22 year old college student so what the hell do I know!

So he didn't say he was African American when he applied for college but he and the Obamabots call him one now. Someone is a liar, and you just posted proof of it.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: cubeless

had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...

the fact that you benefit from your color in some situations cannot be treated as different than the you were born into a powerful family... you had no hand in that happenstance but to not take advantage of it would be stupid...

You aren't basing this on any factual information. What was Obama's undergrad GPA/LSAT score? Was it lower than the average GPA being admitted to Harvard Law? If you find out that they were lower than average, then you have a point. If they are not... sorry man.

Well, Romney had perfect SATs and built a billion dollar venture capital business. I'm sure his life is a failure. :disgust:
Aug 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: TechAZ
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Oh... eskimo, perhaps you would like to explain to us why Obama is in fact qualified to be President. What accomplishments of his raise him to level that will allow him to be only the 44th person in the last 230+ years to hold that office.

He's not Republican.

Obama cannot and has not done any wrong ever.

EDIT: I answered for him, since anyone who doesn't have Obama's poster on their ceiling can see this.

Why? Seriously, WTF?

Obama has done quite a bit wrong IMO but at least he didn't graduate in the bottom 1% of his class, which is what we're talking about here.

It's a pretty trick that you've been brainwashed into believing that this election is Obama vs. God, but the rest of know that it's really Obama vs. McCain.
I believe it is you who believe it is God vs. McCain because you and your like think Obama can do and has done now wrong.
It really boils down to most of the Obama followers suffer from link



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: TechAZ
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Oh... eskimo, perhaps you would like to explain to us why Obama is in fact qualified to be President. What accomplishments of his raise him to level that will allow him to be only the 44th person in the last 230+ years to hold that office.

He's not Republican.

Obama cannot and has not done any wrong ever.

EDIT: I answered for him, since anyone who doesn't have Obama's poster on their ceiling can see this.

Why? Seriously, WTF?

Obama has done quite a bit wrong IMO but at least he didn't graduate in the bottom 1% of his class, which is what we're talking about here.

It's a pretty trick that you've been brainwashed into believing that this election is Obama vs. God, but the rest of know that it's really Obama vs. McCain.
I believe it is you who believe it is God vs. McCain because you and your like think Obama can do and has done now wrong.
It really boils down to most of the Obama followers suffer from link


Thanks for being your usual troll self and playing the race card when I already demonstrated in this thread how I am supporting who is IMO the more qualified candidate, despite some reservations.

So, I guess the real issue is that you require that the black candidate be perfect, but don't require much from the white candidate beyond his ability to fog a mirror. Hmmm.... what do they call that?



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: cubeless

had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...

the fact that you benefit from your color in some situations cannot be treated as different than the you were born into a powerful family... you had no hand in that happenstance but to not take advantage of it would be stupid...

You aren't basing this on any factual information. What was Obama's undergrad GPA/LSAT score? Was it lower than the average GPA being admitted to Harvard Law? If you find out that they were lower than average, then you have a point. If they are not... sorry man.

Well, Romney had perfect SATs and built a billion dollar venture capital business. I'm sure his life is a failure. :disgust:

If Romney is the choice, it might be the first time in history (certainly in my lifetime) that the VP candidates were both stronger/better qualified than the presidential candidates.

Romney is one of the few on the right that I would have voted for.

He knows how to run a business. He knows how to compromise and he knows how to leave his faith at the door and support laws that are constitutionally sound and not just ideologically.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: cubeless
had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...
You have evidence that Obama required the assistance of affirmative action policies in order to get into Harvard?



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: cubeless

had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...

the fact that you benefit from your color in some situations cannot be treated as different than the you were born into a powerful family... you had no hand in that happenstance but to not take advantage of it would be stupid...

You aren't basing this on any factual information. What was Obama's undergrad GPA/LSAT score? Was it lower than the average GPA being admitted to Harvard Law? If you find out that they were lower than average, then you have a point. If they are not... sorry man.

Well, Romney had perfect SATs and built a billion dollar venture capital business. I'm sure his life is a failure. :disgust:

When did I say anything at all about Romney (or anyone else's) life being a failure? Are you even responding to the right post?


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: cubeless
had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...
You have evidence that Obama required the assistance of affirmative action policies in order to get into Harvard?

ny times article...

Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

end snip...

and harvard's admission policies follow this line of thinking, too...

and obama hasn't released his grades... and i'm not saying he should or shouldn't... but based on policies like the above i feel it's fair to make the point i made... but bo could bitch slap me silly by posting his grades...

i almost sorta kinda believe in affirmative action actually... but where it goes wrong too often is when a weak applicant is brought in and not given the help needed to be successful... then it's a lose-lose situation...

i actually hope that bo was assisted by aa... it needs as many good examples as it can get... and it makes his story even stronger... his admonitions to the masses carry less weight imho if he really is a 200 iq and was being lazy until a couple years into college...


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: cubeless
Originally posted by: Vic
Originally posted by: cubeless
had he been white his chances of admission would have been greatly reduced is one... and i am not saying that he didn't have many other qualifications to get into harvard, but harvard's admissions policies were a boon to him in the same way that gwb's relatives were helpful in getting him into yale...
You have evidence that Obama required the assistance of affirmative action policies in order to get into Harvard?

ny times article...

Change in Selection System

Mr. Obama was elected after a meeting of the review's 80 editors that convened Sunday and lasted until early this morning, a participant said.

Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.

end snip...

and harvard's admission policies follow this line of thinking, too...

and obama hasn't released his grades... and i'm not saying he should or shouldn't... but based on policies like the above i feel it's fair to make the point i made... but bo could bitch slap me silly by posting his grades...

i almost sorta kinda believe in affirmative action actually... but where it goes wrong too often is when a weak applicant is brought in and not given the help needed to be successful... then it's a lose-lose situation...

i actually hope that bo was assisted by aa... it needs as many good examples as it can get... and it makes his story even stronger... his admonitions to the masses carry less weight imho if he really is a 200 iq and was being lazy until a couple years into college...

Did you even read your article? That selection system was changed more than a decade before Obama was elected.

Or how about this part?
Mr. Yu said Mr. Obama's election ''was a choice on the merits, but others may read something into it.''

And like I thought, you have no evidence that Obama required AA in order to get into Harvard, you're just making shit up.

I'm actually opposed to AA, but mostly because of how it leads more often than not to unfounded accusations of favoritism like yours. What point is there in giving someone an equal opportunity to succeed if they won't be given their due credit when they do succeed?


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2001
i don't see what the timing of the change makes... it was the policy in place when bo was there... so i'm not making anything up... harvard, and many other places, will turn down better scholastically credentialled applicants to "enhance the diversity of the institution"... this is their right as private institutions...

and, as i stated before, i tend to give people more credit for taking good advantage of opportunity...

nowhere did i say anything about anyone being less qualified once they successfully complete the course... that's you "making shit up"...

i was lamenting the recipients of aa that fail because they are put in a position to fail by being afforded aa and cannot complete the course... this is a tragedy for all involved...

but we had better open a new thread to carry this discussion on since we've veered way off topic...


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: cubeless
i don't see what the timing of the change makes... it was the policy in place when bo was there... so i'm not making anything up... harvard, and many other places, will turn down better scholastically credentialled applicants to "enhance the diversity of the institution"... this is their right as private institutions...

and, as i stated before, i tend to give people more credit for taking good advantage of opportunity...

nowhere did i say anything about anyone being less qualified once they successfully complete the course... that's you "making shit up"...

i was lamenting the recipients of aa that fail because they are put in a position to fail by being afforded aa and cannot complete the course... this is a tragedy for all involved...

but we had better open a new thread to carry this discussion on since we've veered way off topic...

Again, just because affirmative action exists does not mean that Obama benefitted from it. If you are going to say that he didn't get into one or more of the schools he did because of his race, you are going to need to provide some evidence. Examples of such evidence would be a GPA/SAT/LSAT score that is outside of the 25th percentile for starters.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

I figure he's actually succeeded at every political endeavor he's attempted. Isn't that why the left has a problem with him?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

I figure he's actually succeeded at every political endeavor he's attempted. Isn't that why the left has a problem with him?

And failed miserably at several others. Why do you have to cherry pick your information? More importantly he failed miserably when he actually got the job.


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.

I would agree that Bush has been a huge failure as president. I just can't believe there are still
people crying about how he stole the election.


Aug 23, 2007
Originally posted by: Druidx
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.

I would agree that Bush has been a huge failure as president. I just can't believe there are still
people crying about how he stole the election.

Why not? If he didn't steal the election, he wouldn't have been a huge failure (at least not as president) and we'd be a lot better off. The amazing thing is if you look at what happened, it's clear that the election really was stolen- it's not just hippie jibber jabber.


Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

I figure he's actually succeeded at every political endeavor he's attempted. Isn't that why the left has a problem with him?

And failed miserably at several others. Why do you have to cherry pick your information? More importantly he failed miserably when he actually got the job.

If you say so, champ. Failures typically don't get re-elected.


Aug 23, 2007
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

I figure he's actually succeeded at every political endeavor he's attempted. Isn't that why the left has a problem with him?

And failed miserably at several others. Why do you have to cherry pick your information? More importantly he failed miserably when he actually got the job.

If you say so, champ. Failures typically don't get re-elected.

GWB did, so obviously they can



Mar 10, 2008
Originally posted by: Throckmorton
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: winnar111
Originally posted by: Sheik Yerbouti
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Vic, I do not have any of those accomplishments you listed. But there are thousands of people in this country that do have those qualifications. Does that make them qualified to be the President of the United States???

Infinitely more qualified that the current idiot in the oval office. Who has failed at almost every business and political endeavor he's attempted. 2000 election, stolen, with help from a brother, 2004, total clusterfuck of people not being able to vote.
You could list dumbya's LEGITIMATE self earned accomplishments on 1 hand, maybe less. So yes, I do believe that the qualifications listed for Senator Obama DO meet the criteria to be the next POTUS.

I figure he's actually succeeded at every political endeavor he's attempted. Isn't that why the left has a problem with him?

And failed miserably at several others. Why do you have to cherry pick your information? More importantly he failed miserably when he actually got the job.

If you say so, champ. Failures typically don't get re-elected.

GWB did, so obviously they can

So what does that make John Kerry?
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