*-Join TeAm Lifemapper-*


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Thanx for all the support guys! TeAm AnandTech moved up another spot from 22nd, 21st, 20th, 19th, 18th, 17th, 16th, 15th, 14th, 13th, 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th to 6th place!

But to take on the BIG guys...like...US-Distributed, Picard and Team Phoenix Rising...we still need new members... Any cruncher will do and just a few people joining can make a huge difference!

So plz recruit recruit recruit! This is another project where TA can be number 1!

For help getting started with Lifemapper, plz read this help page.

Promote TeAm AnandTech...post something cool in the Lifemapper Support Board > The Lifemapper Project > Team Promotion > TeAm AnandTech thread. thread.

I recently started running Lifemapper and I've enjoyed every moment of it! Only one problem?there?s just not enough TA members on it! This is really a great and a worthy project. I know a lot us is saying...we'll help out when SETI1 ends...well guys...lets face it, Boinc is still a long way off and I don't see SETI ending any time soon. A little addition in crunching power can go a long way in this project! For info on the project, plz visit the Lifemapper Wesite. For help getting started on Lifemapper, plz read this help page. It's a lot of fun, so plz consider joining up!


How does Lifemapper work?
It uses the Internet and leading-edge information technology to retrieve records of millions of plants and animals in the world's natural history museums. Lifemapper analyzes the data, computes the ecological profile of each species, maps where the species has been found and predicts where each species could potentially live.
Lifemapper's results will be used for biodiversity research, education and conservation worldwide, especially to forecast environmental events and inform public policy with leading-edge science.

TeAm Info
TA is currently in 6th spot and with the producing members we have ...we outproduce almost all of the teams infront of us. It's all nice and good, but the difference in totals between TA and the top teams are not gonna be decreased with the members we have. This is the kinda project where every unit counts.
I run the Windows CLI client and I can honestly say I haven't had one problem with it. It's well behaved, and runs great with other DC application.

There?s a Graphical User Interface (GUI) client and a Command Line Interface (CLI) client.
The GUI version 1.1.01, includes Windows Screen Saver, Application and Background mode.
There are CLI cleints for Windows (v1.0.03), Linux (v1.0.02) and MacOS (v1.0.02).
If you want to run Lifemapper as a service, you can download the CLI service installer.

On my AMD XP 2600+ the GUI client complete?s a job in <30min and the CLI client complete?s a job in <15min. My AMD XP 1800+ does a job in 20min using the CLI client. Visit this link for other CPU comparisons.

The Lifemapper CLI client can cache up to 200 jobs (units).
eg. "C:\Program Files\LifemapperCLI\lifemapper_cmd.exe" -c 200 -f

-c amount of jobs to be cached
-f off-line mode, client will only connect after all wu has been completed

Although there's other stats sites, these are the ones I use:
Lifemapper stats by GeoffS
TA Stats by Darkness Productions
Teams Stats by Darkness Productions
Your Personal Info including the last 500 species you've mapped.

If you wanna join TA in the fight to the top in Lifemapper, plz register at the Lifemapper Wesite. There is a great Lifemapper Support Board with a lot of great info from users. Visit the Lifemapper FAQ or Known Problems sections for additional questions.

Hope to have a lot of you crunching with us soon!


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Initial impressions (not opinions on quality of the project!):
FSB hungry. The P4 with 800mhz fsb does the best in the benchmarks posted, but the Athlon XP machine at 266mhz FSB isn't far behind.
There is a Linux client, but it's dreadfully slow (based on impressions in the forum). Although, the Windows client on Linux through WINE seems to improve things (and possibly outproducing the Windows client on Windows!).
The forums are annoying.

No one else cares, but I'll give it a shot at running this under Linux emulation on OpenBSD. Might be fun. Hmmm... Windows client under WINE under Linux emulation on OpenBSD... Now there's a project

EDIT: The p4 that out produces the Athlon is running 2 instances (didn't notive that at first). Running 1 instance the p4 produces less (by more than 25%). The athlon has faster ram, but it isn't THAT much faster, I don't think.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
I'm still throwing all my meager resources at Seti but I've just got to give props to you, amdxborg, for putting so much energy into all the different projects that you do. Your seti production is fantastic and, although I don't follow dpad stats much, you seem to be a huge part of that team too. So bump for this thread and keep up the great work!


Senior member
Oct 8, 2003
I'm looking for a good project to put on an old machine I'm giving my mother.

How is Lifemapper for a non-technical person with AOL?

Whatever project will need to be able to run for a week (Celeron 900 5-6 hrs/day) without getting new work or uploading units, and shouldn't ask the user to connect to the net. Preferably, it would sense the network connection and do its business without user intervention.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Thanks for starting this informative thread.

Just for reference my p4 3.2ghz can do 2 units in around 1100 seconds

Hopefully more member will join soon because this is a project that I believe has some great scientific benefit.


Elite Member
Jun 10, 2001
Originally posted by: Hyperfocal
I'm looking for a good project to put on an old machine I'm giving my mother.

How is Lifemapper for a non-technical person with AOL?

Whatever project will need to be able to run for a week (Celeron 900 5-6 hrs/day) without getting new work or uploading units, and shouldn't ask the user to connect to the net. Preferably, it would sense the network connection and do its business without user intervention.

From the FAQ:
Question: Can I download a batch of work units so I do not have to connect each time (I have a dial-up connection)?
Answer: Not at this time. We put this feature request on the team's discussion list for possible future implementations. We agree that this feature is essential for many of our users.



Senior member
Feb 20, 2001
Originally posted by: n0cmonkey
Originally posted by: Hyperfocal
I'm looking for a good project to put on an old machine I'm giving my mother.

How is Lifemapper for a non-technical person with AOL?

Whatever project will need to be able to run for a week (Celeron 900 5-6 hrs/day) without getting new work or uploading units, and shouldn't ask the user to connect to the net. Preferably, it would sense the network connection and do its business without user intervention.

From the FAQ:
Question: Can I download a batch of work units so I do not have to connect each time (I have a dial-up connection)?
Answer: Not at this time. We put this feature request on the team's discussion list for possible future implementations. We agree that this feature is essential for many of our users.

That FAQ is outdated. The Cli client is able to cache up to 200 work unit and be set to offline crunching now by using the -c and -f switches. Once it hits the cache amount, the client should go online and dl more work units and ul all resualts. This is with broadband, I don't know if this feature works with dial-up.


Platinum Member
Feb 22, 2003
^ i assume it is like other projects in that it just keeps periodically pinging the server until the user is online and it can upload/download.

either way. more more more!


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Hey thanx kamper!
I truely enjoy doing DC in TA, cause of my addiction to it and all...D It's fun crunching with a buch of great guys!


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Originally posted by: Hyperfocal
I'm looking for a good project to put on an old machine I'm giving my mother.

How is Lifemapper for a non-technical person with AOL?

Whatever project will need to be able to run for a week (Celeron 900 5-6 hrs/day) without getting new work or uploading units, and shouldn't ask the user to connect to the net. Preferably, it would sense the network connection and do its business without user intervention.
First lets me say, I've been running Lifemapper for a week now, so I'm pretty new to all this. But I'll try my best to get your questions answered.

Ok Hyperfocal, this really is a very easy to get going. If you wanna run the GUI, download and install the GUI version. That's basically it. You either run it as a screensaver or an application with an icon is the system tray. If you wanna use the CLI, you can run it as a service...or with a open dos window. For the dos window, make either shortcut to the .exe file or make a .bat file to run the client and add one of the following parameters to it:


-l: turn on message logging
-f: off-line mode: client will consume all work units before connecting to server
-q: quiet mode
-h: displays usage message
-e <email>: log in to server using <email>
-c <jobs>: always try to keep <jobs> cached locally
-p <priority>: set process priority (see usage message for more info)
-x <proxy>: use specified proxy server
proxy format: http://[user[assword]@]http_proxy_address[ort]/

eg. "C:\Program Files\LifemapperCLI\lifemapper_cmd.exe" -x -e mail@youradrs.com -c 200 -f

-x proxy server
-e e-mail account registered at lifemapper
-c amount of jobs to be cached
-f off-line mode, client will only connect after all wu has been completed

I'm honestly not sure how long that pc would take to complete a wu, but being a Celeron 900 running 5-6 hrs/day, I'd think you'd be pretty save for a week with a cache of 200 wu.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2003
Hmm. Anyone else having problems with Windows CLI being corrupted?

EDIT: Looks like the site. I guess I'll run the GUI in tray for now. From the looks of the stats April should be a good month.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2002
i used the service installer. thanks for that btw.
i dont know, the client seems to get out of the way much better than it did using firedaemon.
i was having issues with it hogging way too much of my cpu, but that seems to have stopped now.
good deal.
this project really appeals to me since my major in college was geography.
maps are your friend!



Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Great guys! The priority of the cli client is set to LOW by default, but if it's not doing it for some reason, you can add it to the Parameters: -p 64 , that's 64 for LOW. (32 for NORMAL I think.)


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2002
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Hmm. Anyone else having problems with Windows CLI being corrupted?

EDIT: Looks like the site. I guess I'll run the GUI in tray for now. From the looks of the stats April should be a good month.
I didn't have that prob...strange, the cli client is twice as fast as the gui client, so let me know if you still can't get it working so we can make a plan for you!


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2003
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Hmm. Anyone else having problems with Windows CLI being corrupted?

EDIT: Looks like the site. I guess I'll run the GUI in tray for now. From the looks of the stats April should be a good month.
I didn't have that prob...strange, the cli client is twice as fast as the gui client, so let me know if you still can't get it working so we can make a plan for you!

OK, there's something wrong with .zip files on this computer because I got it sucessfully on another computer. Which I unzipped and transfered over here. And then set up the CLI service to run, which I might add is really fast! Another thing I noticed is that this is really transparent in terms of resource usage.

Now, is there a utility I can use to watch the CLI service besides the progress.txt file? Thank you!



Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Hmm. Anyone else having problems with Windows CLI being corrupted?

EDIT: Looks like the site. I guess I'll run the GUI in tray for now. From the looks of the stats April should be a good month.
I didn't have that prob...strange, the cli client is twice as fast as the gui client, so let me know if you still can't get it working so we can make a plan for you!

OK, there's something wrong with .zip files on this computer because I got it sucessfully on another computer. Which I unzipped and transfered over here. And then set up the CLI service to run, which I might add is really fast! Another thing I noticed is that this is really easy on the system resources (*cough*D²OL*cough*) and doesn't generate much heat.

Now, is there a utility I can use to watch the CLI service besides the progress.txt file? Thank you!


i have been using dcmonitor. allows you to monitor clients over a network and many different DC projects.
pretty cool. google DCmonitor, first link.


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2003
Originally posted by: gistech1978
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Originally posted by: amdxborg
Originally posted by: PorBleemo
Hmm. Anyone else having problems with Windows CLI being corrupted?

EDIT: Looks like the site. I guess I'll run the GUI in tray for now. From the looks of the stats April should be a good month.
I didn't have that prob...strange, the cli client is twice as fast as the gui client, so let me know if you still can't get it working so we can make a plan for you!

OK, there's something wrong with .zip files on this computer because I got it sucessfully on another computer. Which I unzipped and transfered over here. And then set up the CLI service to run, which I might add is really fast! Another thing I noticed is that this is really easy on the system resources (*cough*D²OL*cough*) and doesn't generate much heat.

Now, is there a utility I can use to watch the CLI service besides the progress.txt file? Thank you!


i have been using dcmonitor. allows you to monitor clients over a network and many different DC projects.
pretty cool. google DCmonitor, first link.

Thanks for the info! I will try that out!


Diamond Member
May 28, 2003
Hey Johan. Before I went away for a couple of days I quickly crunched 2 WUs. No idea if they showed up again, but I like the project so far! :beer::beer:
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