Jon Stewart is back, and some of y'all gonna be mad

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Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Jon Stewart hosted the daily show last night for the first time since he left many years back, and will be doing so every Monday this year. Most of the first twenty minutes he spent talking about us having Trump/Biden again.

He tackled the age subject pretty quickly. He called out both and he definitely called out Biden for his failings and the Dems for this being the candidate they bring to the table, again. He definitely called out how bad Biden looked, and he even mentioned how Biden skipped an easy Superbowl interview and it was stupid, and how could the Democrats come up with this guy as the candidate in an election so important.

Wow. The exact things SOME of the pseudo-intellectuals on this thread tore into me for.

This is early on in the campaign cycle so he is just setting the stage, and I am quite sure he will be painting the picture over the next months that you have to vote for Biden, as I stated. But it was refreshing to see this guy tell it how it is now. Instead of being a head in the sand pseudo intellectual like some posters here.

I guess some of y'all should head down to the Daily Show with pitchforks. I find it refreshing that Jon Stewart can tell the truth here, and I appreciate him basically backing up everything I said. Enjoy the video if you watch it.

I miss that guy.
Dec 10, 2005
Jon Stewart:
The age discussion is so tiresome, considering they're both about the same age and it's really a stark choice between wannabe fascist dictator man who already tried to do one coup and clearly has memory and attention problems and a guy that actually believes in democratic norms and is a known gaffe machine.

"They" (whoever the fuck "they" is) were never going to pressure the guy who beat Trump to give up the incumbent advantage, and certainly no one has come out of the woodwork to run a serious primary challenge on Biden.

But now we must continue the media cycle of trying to "both sides" things to avoid looking biased: run stories filled with conjecture about the president being old, do some polls (wow, people are worried about age, because that's been the headline news), report on polls ("Age is a problem"); rinse and repeat.


Oct 11, 2005
The age discussion is so tiresome, considering they're both about the same age and it's really a stark choice between wannabe fascist dictator man who already tried to do one coup and clearly has memory and attention problems and a guy that actually believes in democratic norms and is a known gaffe machine.

"They" (whoever the fuck "they" is) were never going to pressure the guy who beat Trump to give up the incumbent advantage, and certainly no one has come out of the woodwork to run a serious primary challenge on Biden.

But now we must continue the media cycle of trying to "both sides" things to avoid looking biased: run stories filled with conjecture about the president being old, do some polls (wow, people are worried about age, because that's been the headline news), report on polls ("Age is a problem"); rinse and repeat.

Yeah, the DNC response to any age related ?s should be an open challenge to Trump for a 5k bike race vs Biden. Would be hilarious to see that dumpy fucker try to ride in his ill-fitting suit with the diaper leaking all over the place.


Aug 5, 2000
Why is it that I simply can't imagine a conservative version of Jon Stewart or that the closest the conservatives could come up with is a Putin stand-in with his hand up a Cucker Carlson dummy doll.


May 30, 2008
Why is it that I simply can't imagine a conservative version of Jon Stewart or that the closest the conservatives could come up with is a Putin stand-in with his hand up a Cucker Carlson dummy doll.

Not that it matters, but I absolutely _could_ imagine such a thing. The late PJ O'Rourke, for example, wouldn't have been a million miles away. (What _did_ he make of Trump and MAGA, though? Was he not from a different strand of the right?)


Oct 6, 2009
I'm glad to see Stewart catching a lot of shit for this abortion of a launch.


Jan 14, 2013
I'm glad to see Stewart catching a lot of shit for this abortion of a launch.

Yeah there are a bunch of Snowflake irrational liberals like you. I've seen plenty of well-measured responses to you people. Anybody who has followed Stewart knows that he is just setting the stage to contrast the two candidates, But by being realistic he'll be able to reach out to moderates and independents. Also the shit about biden's age is true too. Too many liberal snowflakes prefer to obfuscate that. The guy is just not ready for public appearances, It's way too unsteady.

And you're the guy who says well we don't need to bother reaching out to people that need to be inspired to vote this election, They deserve fascism, which means we all get fascism.

Even with that guy Getty posting your train of thought is that fucking dumb. It's Getty level dumb.

And that's fucking saying something.
Reactions: Pohemi
Dec 10, 2005
Seems that some people just want to jerk off onto their wish-casted candidate instead of accepting reality that the contest is effectively going to be Trump vs Biden.

The age thing - Biden being >80, is obviously true, because that is how time works. We haven't seen real evidence that it has been impacting his ability to a) do his job, or b) choose good people to support his administration. And this administration has been relatively successful in most foreign and domestic policy initiatives, despite extremely narrow majorities in the legislature. So why do we need to go on a doomer tear and play up only the bad things?

Regardless, if he dies in office, he dies in office - that's why we also have a VP on the ticket. Harris, as VP turned president, would still be miles away better than Donald Fucking Trump.
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Mar 11, 2004
Stewart turning politics into comedy is partly why we ended up where we are. You could argue it directly led to Bush's re-election after Howard Dean got memed out of the race and Kerry got swiftboated because Stewart's political discourse offered nothing to deal with such other than to basically make fun of Kerry for it happening to them (which then led to people acting like its all the Democrats faults that Republicans get to say crazy shit endlessly with no consequence while people hold Democrats accountable for any and all, real or imagined). It also directly led to Republicans changing their methods, which directly led to the rise of Turmp. There's direct ties to the comedy shit and Turmp even running for President.

I like Stewart a lot, I just wish he'd ditch this farcical comedy shit and put more effort into pushing for real political change, like his advocacy for the 9/11 responders fund. Find all the shit that Republicans do like that, and cut them to shreds over it politically.

Surely constantly being on the offensive with people who generally agree with you is a great strategy...

Even worse we find out they didn't even vote in primaries (Bernie Bros) and other dumb shit showing they're the fucking problem with getting traction for what they want. Which they then use to justify not voting or other idiocy (voting for Turmp out of spite, etc) and then demand everyone take them seriously.
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Reactions: Pohemi and dank69


Jun 23, 2004
Surely constantly being on the offensive with people who generally agree with you is a great strategy...
It is called a Primary, and it is a weakness that the President did not face a challenger who would better uphold Democrat ideals and policies.

To wit: "He is our best candidate"
Do you actually believe that?
Mar 11, 2004
Seems that some people just want to jerk off onto their wish-casted candidate instead of accepting reality that the contest is effectively going to be Trump vs Biden.

The age thing - home being >80, is obviously true, because that is how time works. We haven't seen real evidence that it has been impacting his ability to a) do his job, or b) choose good people to support his administration. And this administration has been relatively successful in most foreign and domestic policy initiatives, despite extremely narrow majorities in the legislature. So why do we need to go on a doomer tear and play up only the bad things?

Regardless, if he dies in office, he dies in office - that's why we also have a VP on the ticket. Harris, as VP turned president, would still be miles away better than Donald Fucking Trump.

I couldn't care less if Biden was dead and being Weekend At Bernie's around by Democrats, it'd still be more coherent, less evil, less stupid, and less of an affront to what America claims it stands for, than Turmp or anything any of the Republicans push for.

And unfortunately since America clearly wants too old white men to be their figureheads, we're stuck. Women? Only in select roles but certainly not as President. Black men, well for some that was so unforgivable that they decided they'd rather burn the country down than even accept that happened. I think Turmp was more about desperately trying to erase Obama from our history than it was about Turmp. But now they're stuck, because if they admit that then they have to accept they're racists, which most racists can't accept due to (correct) decades long indoctrination telling them that's reprehensible. So they instead have to pretend they actually like Turmp. Which basically every Turmp supporter I've ever encountered admits he's shit, but they think he's exposing the corruption in our system which will be good. They just refuse to accept he's actually pushing for worse corruption, that is both more open/blatant but also more covered up and ignored. And then after all the awful shit, they have to double and triple and further down.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
It is called a Primary, and it is a weakness that the President did not face a challenger who would better uphold Democrat ideals and policies.

To wit: "He is our best candidate"
Do you actually believe that?
You're jumping in with a different discussion than the point I was making. I'm not interested in having this discussion with you.


Oct 6, 2009
Yeah there are a bunch of Snowflake irrational liberals like you. I've seen plenty of well-measured responses to you people. Anybody who has followed Stewart knows that he is just setting the stage to contrast the two candidates, But by being realistic he'll be able to reach out to moderates and independents. Also the shit about biden's age is true too. Too many liberal snowflakes prefer to obfuscate that. The guy is just not ready for public appearances, It's way too unsteady.

And you're the guy who says well we don't need to bother reaching out to people that need to be inspired to vote this election, They deserve fascism, which means we all get fascism.

Even with that guy Getty posting your train of thought is that fucking dumb. It's Getty level dumb.

And that's fucking saying something.
You read a LOT out of a very small number of words in my post. That's likely a result of projection on your part. Punching phantoms isn't a great look.

None of us have any problem criticizing Biden, yet that's always the dimwitted attack on us from you people. "You just can't take any criticism of your candidate because you're hyperpartisan, uncritical thinkers." People can fuck right off with that tripe. Criticize Biden all you want, just do it in the right context and make it crystal clear that abstaining or voting third party is just as stupid as voting Trump. That isn't a lot to ask.


Jan 14, 2013
You read a LOT out of a very small number of words in my post. That's likely a result of projection on your part. Punching phantoms isn't a great look.

None of us have any problem criticizing Biden, yet that's always the dimwitted attack on us from you people. "You just can't take any criticism of your candidate because you're hyperpartisan, uncritical thinkers." People can fuck right off with that tripe. Criticize Biden all you want, just do it in the right context and make it crystal clear that abstaining or voting third party is just as stupid as voting Trump. That isn't a lot to ask.
you just called Jon Stewarts show an abortion and deserved to be draggged because he criticized Biden. Jon Stewart, one of the longest time most influential allies of the left. You always this sensitive? I read your entire post, that's what it said. Holy shit stand by your words. Also in another post in this thread, you said people DESERVED fascism if any disillusioned or not as informed voter needed some inspiration to vote for Biden. That is fucking sick and disgusting. I'm the one who is rough around the edges? When you say people deserve fascism even though they could be easily convinced to vote Biden if you just come at them from a place of reality, not delusion. I think that's fucking bonkers.

Do you even fucking read? I criticize Biden but always so I can come from a place of honesty, and then encourage people to vote for him, not sound like a jackass like you. Here we are political junkies, I expect people to be able to hold a discussion that might hurt their feelings about their candidate and their party.

What do they call people who at any criticism of their leader, or party, even from a strong ally, get so fucking mad at any of it and call you deserving of terrible things like fascism? Get mad at you actually reading their words?

Does it start with a c? Does it rhyme with a word for a beautiful woman like c**t? Cult?

Seek help, you are a net negative on getting Biden to vote by being this cultist.

p.s. @iRONic seems to be in your fan club. Another dipshit. Wake up.


May 11, 2002
you just called Jon Stewarts show an abortion and deserved to be draggged because he criticized Biden. Jon Stewart, one of the longest time most influential allies of the left. You always this sensitive? I read your entire post, that's what it said. Holy shit stand by your words. Also in another post in this thread, you said people DESERVED fascism if any disillusioned or not as informed voter needed some inspiration to vote for Biden. That is fucking sick and disgusting. I'm the one who is rough around the edges? When you say people deserve fascism even though they could be easily convinced to vote Biden if you just come at them from a place of reality, not delusion. I think that's fucking bonkers.

Do you even fucking read? I criticize Biden but always so I can come from a place of honesty, and then encourage people to vote for him, not sound like a jackass like you. Here we are political junkies, I expect people to be able to hold a discussion that might hurt their feelings about their candidate and their party.

What do they call people who at any criticism of their leader, or party, even from a strong ally, get so fucking mad at any of it and call you deserving of terrible things like fascism? Get mad at you actually reading their words?

Does it start with a c? Does it rhyme with a word for a beautiful woman like c**t? Cult?

Seek help, you are a net negative on getting Biden to vote by being this cultist.

p.s. @iRONic seems to be in your fan club. Another dipshit. Wake up.

You can't go all insulting everyone dude..
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Reactions: Drach and dank69


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Hey @MrSquished
Shut the fuck up, you big baby. Just fuck off already. Go scream at people in the rubber room down the hall. Rabid douchebag.

This post is more rational (and true) than 90% of your posts in this thread.
Reactions: iRONic and Drach


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Surely constantly being on the offensive with people who generally agree with you is a great strategy...

There's a fix for that, dontchya know. I call it 'iggy'.

Let the big baby have his oh-so-needed "win" in his thread. He's just going to keep screaming at everyone else even when they agree.
Reactions: iRONic


Jan 14, 2013
Hey @MrSquished
Shut the fuck up, you big baby. Just fuck off already. Go scream at people in the rubber room down the hall. Rabid douchebag.

This post is more rational (and true) than 90% of your posts in this thread
Yeah I am the douchebag when this guy is saying fascism is deserved for people that need to be convinced, inspired, or spoken to at all in order to vote for Biden.

You've lost the plot for a while, with your non-Stop laughing emojis at posts, But thanks for hammering it home finally with your words.
Reactions: iRONic and Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
You can't go all insulting everyone dude..
I spoke to him he said his views he insulted me for mine, and I insulted him. When somebody says these people deserve fascism yeah I get mad. It's a really fucked up statement I hope you agree. He doesn't agree with me I don't agree with him.

Christ at least I'm doing something to get Biden elected by mailing letters doing local activities with progressive Democrats In three-dimensional land. All of our group has committed to taking a few block radius around our homes and knocking on registered Democrats doors before the primary and also the election to encourage them and maybe convince them a bit to vote for the right people. And this fucker is telling me if those people need convincing they deserve fascism?

I'm so sorry I don't get along here with anyone saying oh these people deserve fascism if they really dare question Biden at all and need any inspiration even no matter how disillusioned or ignorant they are. Fuck those people
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