Jordan Neely killed on the subway by marine veteran. Hero or killer?

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Aug 4, 2000
I want to use the advice from one of our most esteemed posters @FelixDeCat who wants people to follow Christian values.

We have seen many times Republicans pervert definitions of words or phrases to promote their evil agenda. Example: redefining woke, redefining patriot, etc.

Now Republicans and the right wing media are labeling Daniel Penny a Good Samaritan. The phrase as almost everyone understands it comes from a parable in the Bible. Luke 10:25-37. Read the parable and then I have a question...

Question, are Republicans and Daniel Penny following the lesson of the Good Samaritan? Are Republicans attempting to pervert the definition of Good Samaritan?

IMO - right wingers are promoting a dangerous cauldron of white vigilantism. That's why Daniel Penny, Daniel Perry, Kyle Rittenhouse, Derrick Chauvin are labeled Good Samaritans/heroes. These are all people who felt justified to kill a person of color or someone associated with people of color.

Again, asking me to comment on something someone crazy said or did. What makes you think I have answers for others? You love stirring shit up, yet YOU are always hung up on race. Stop being so racist.
Reactions: pcgeek11


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
When the fuck did KILLING SOMEONE become so god damn divisive in this country?

I mean WTF is wrong with USA?

We have fallen so far that some people LEGIT think it is okay that one man killed another man who had committed no crime or harmed anyone.

We are such a broken country right now.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Bigger Man decides to choke out smaller guy on the subway after witnessing him shouting and waving his arms around.
Kills him.

Right wing media after noting "certain characteristics" between the killer and the victim decides to celebrate the killer.
"Patriots" open up their wallets.

What a time to represent murderous white nationalist sociopaths! Just agree to defend them and their evil murderous behavior, open up a go-fund me to extort insane attorney fees through donations from their new darling status among the worst humans that have ever lived (US Republicans), and you are fucking made in the shade.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I am in a different city but many of the same perceptions and rhetoric about fentanyl and heroin and crime around the transit system.
I never witnessed an assault.
One time on 3rd, there was a guy who would come up to people and just scream at them. He liked scaring people, making people jump.
I stood there and watched him approach me out of the corner of my eye, and did absolutely nothing when he put on his show. I was no fun so he wandered off.

I ride DC Metro most days of the week, on a really long commute. It's pretty shit.

The other week, the guy in the seats next to me was listing quite heavily, and I watched as he slowly started to tap some crack onto some foil and freebase that shit right on the train, evening commute, packed train.

fucking hell. First time I've ever seen that. everyone just kinda backed away from that part of the train. I sat there because...whatever. What are you going to do? Call the cops or equally hope some piece of shit like this thread subject can save the day by murdering someone for absolutely no reason? No, you don't do that.

We've already had two similar cases within a year here, at Metro stations, where off-duty Fed gets in a fight with the same type of person, ends up in a fight/gun battle with the other person dead.

There's an absolute sickness in LEO and LEO-humping people out there that they think murder is always justified by their personal perception of threats in environments that they don't understand (basically everywhere; because for the most part, officers are really stupid people with really poor cognitive skills)
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 8, 2001
It sounds like he killed a man that he did not need to kill.
A trial is justified to sort out what exactly occurred, how/why, and to what extent the law should land on the marine.
Yeah. I didn’t know that he choked him out for 15 minutes at first. I‘ve seen the medical stats on that before. Whatever the situation was, it was beyond excessive force. As a marine, it must be considered murder given Penny’ military training, as expected, on how best to kill people. Whether a jury will convict in a 'standup' white guy vs psychologically challenged black guy is another thing.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I ride DC Metro most days of the week, on a really long commute. It's pretty shit.

The other week, the guy in the seats next to me was listing quite heavily, and I watched as he slowly started to tap some crack onto some foil and freebase that shit right on the train, evening commute, packed train.

fucking hell. First time I've ever seen that. everyone just kinda backed away from that part of the train. I sat there because...whatever. What are you going to do? Call the cops or equally hope some piece of shit like this thread subject can save the day by murdering someone for absolutely no reason? No, you don't do that.

We've already had two similar cases within a year here, at Metro stations, where off-duty Fed gets in a fight with the same type of person, ends up in a fight/gun battle with the other person dead.

There's an absolute sickness in LEO and LEO-humping people out there that they think murder is always justified by their personal perception of threats in environments that they don't understand (basically everywhere; because for the most part, officers are really stupid people with really poor cognitive skills)
I think this encompasses two ideas that should not be in opposition. The police should absolutely arrest anyone on transit openly doing drugs AND the police should not brutalize and murder people.

Because police are so unaccountable and lawless we’ve come to a place where people are advocating that it’s just better to not enforce the law and that’s a terrible idea.

We need to get to a place where we not only fire cops for brutalizing citizens but also fire them for not doing their jobs.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
I'll reserve SOME judgement until the trail. There's a lot that I don't know what clearly happened here, but... if it comes to pass the dude choked out the guy for 15 minutes that induced the victim shitting himself, not good. I assume this will go to the grand jury and we have to see what facts emerge. Manslaughter is the most likely charge. Especially if it comes out that the victim was only guilty of the "crime" of “being annoying”

I see this guy is now the sweetheart perpetrator of death in wingnutville. Move over Kyle Rittenhouse!
Reactions: Pohemi


Feb 6, 2002
Again, asking me to comment on something someone crazy said or did. What makes you think I have answers for others? You love stirring shit up, yet YOU are always hung up on race. Stop being so racist.
First of all to point out your lack of reading comprehension I have NOT made race a factor in this incident. Never mentioned or hinted at it. What I did is point out why the right wing media has done that by labeling this guy a "good Samaritan" and a "hero and others they label a hero.

Second, I said read the parable asked is there ANYTHING about the actions as known that would cause Daniel Penny to be labeled a Good Samaritan?

You are the one who thinks people should use the Bible as an example to follow. I use that very example and you claim "I'm too ignorant to make that kind of comparison" (characterization)

Just shows you really don't believe in the stuff you espouse.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Jan 2, 2001
What a time to represent murderous white nationalist sociopaths! Just agree to defend them and their evil murderous behavior, open up a go-fund me to extort insane attorney fees through donations from their new darling status among the worst humans that have ever lived (US Republicans), and you are fucking made in the shade.

Wow! From upstanding commended ex-marine to murderous white nationalist sociopath in one fell swoop! Not that I agree with all of Penny's actions, but white nationalist sociopath? I have not seen that anywhere except from you. Have you got sources or is it all feels?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
First of all to point out your lack of reading comprehension I have NOT made race a factor in this incident. Never mentioned or hinted at it. What I did is point out why the right wing media has done that by labeling this guy a "good Samaritan" and a "hero and others they label a hero.

Second, I said read the parable asked is there ANYTHING about the actions as known that would cause Daniel Penny to be labeled a Good Samaritan?

You are the one who thinks people should use the Bible as an example to follow. I use that very example and you claim "I'm too ignorant to make that kind of comparison" (characterization)

Just shows you really don't believe in the stuff you espouse.
Everyone knows the story of the Good Samaritan involved him killing someone.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
The Killer's prior employment which is the Military, is more than relevant. You obviously don't get the connection between being a Marine (his past employment) and the possibility of having PTSD from his time serving. Have you ever served? Have you ever been in combat? Again, why would I be talking about Neely when that is not who you where talking about? If you are so about facts, maybe you should learn a little bit about PTSD and our military soldiers. That way, you don't assume I am talking about someone else. You will also learn how PTSD can impact the outcome of the trial if he does have PTSD. (see my next post)
I absolutely get the relationship
I just reject using it as global assumed crutch everytime someone who happens to be a veteran fucks up.

PTSD is not a "veteran exclusive" condition.
Having PTSD is not a blame reduction card.

You brought up PTSD and the only evidence in any article was that the victim suffered PTSD.
Last edited:


Feb 6, 2002
People are using PTSD as a possible defense of Penny forgetting Jordan Neely at 14 lived through his mother being killed and her body being stuffed in a suitcase. Sounds like PTSD in his case and it caused his mental illness. Know what it didn't cause? Jordan to go out and seriously hurt or kill someone.
Reactions: Pohemi and dank69


Jun 23, 2004
He maintained a chokehold for 15 minutes and killed someone.
Conservative media is saying the 15 minutes is a lie.
That Neely was freed and placed in a recovery position seconds after going limp. After he stopped fighting / resisting.

I'll say again, this shit is for a court and a trial to sort out. You do not know that your information is accurate. I don't know that it isn't, but there is more than enough FUD to cloud the air and make BS, and run with narratives. We need solid facts to work with. Not one of us was there.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Conservative media is saying the 15 minutes is a lie.
That Neely was freed and placed in a recovery position seconds after going limp. After he stopped fighting / resisting.

I'll say again, this shit is for a court and a trial to sort out. You do not know that your information is accurate. I don't know that it isn't, but there is more than enough FUD to cloud the air and make BS, and run with narratives. We need solid facts to work with. Not one of us was there.

Your Honor, I didn't choke him for 15 minutes and cause him to die.
I only choked him until he went limp and caused him to die.

Once he went limp I just laid back and chilled.
Dec 10, 2005
I think this encompasses two ideas that should not be in opposition. The police should absolutely arrest anyone on transit openly doing drugs AND the police should not brutalize and murder people.

Because police are so unaccountable and lawless we’ve come to a place where people are advocating that it’s just better to not enforce the law and that’s a terrible idea.

We need to get to a place where we not only fire cops for brutalizing citizens but also fire them for not doing their jobs.
Or if we wanted to have an even gentler hand: just have cops escort the antisocial people out of the system. Plenty of opportunity between nothing and murder.
Reactions: Pohemi and dank69


Jun 23, 2004
Your Honor, I didn't choke him for 15 minutes and cause him to die.
I only choked him until he went limp and caused him to die.

Once he went limp I just laid back and chilled.
It is not a question of if the man died. Or who killed him.
The trial of murder/manslaughter should answer the question if reasonable action was taken or not.

How he was choked matters.


Jan 14, 2013
Which is why I suggested we need to hear from more than one witness. I imagine New Yorkers who take the subway are pretty attuned to whether someone's strange behavior is a threat or not. If a bunch of them get on the stand and say they feared for their lives, then that's going to help the defendant. OTOH if he is the only one who says he was afraid, that would be another story.

I wouldn't assume a NY jury will convict. They acquitted Bernard Goetz back in the 80's in a similarly ambiguous situation, but without Goetz having any supporting witnesses.
It's 40 years later dude.


Feb 6, 2002
Conservative media is saying the 15 minutes is a lie.
That Neely was freed and placed in a recovery position seconds after going limp. After he stopped fighting / resisting.

I'll say again, this shit is for a court and a trial to sort out. You do not know that your information is accurate. I don't know that it isn't, but there is more than enough FUD to cloud the air and make BS, and run with narratives. We need solid facts to work with. Not one of us was there.
15 minutes is an eyewitness quote. Yes, this will be sorted out at trial.

Conservative media. The same media that promoted the stolen election?
Reactions: Pohemi and skyking


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Or if we wanted to have an even gentler hand: just have cops escort the antisocial people out of the system. Plenty of opportunity between nothing and murder.
Nah - I would arrest them or cite them at a minimum. If you escort them out of the system they will turn around and go right back in two minutes later. If you're not going to have consequences then doing nothing is the best answer because it's just a waste of time and money otherwise.

For example there's a homeless encampment underneath the overpass near my train station. About once every two months or so the city stops by and clears them out but everyone comes back about a day later. What's the point? You're wasting taxpayer dollars and further immiserating people for no effect. Either clear it out and keep it clear or don't do it at all.
Reactions: FelixDeCat


Oct 18, 2005
I'll reserve SOME judgement until the trail. There's a lot that I don't know what clearly happened here, but... if it comes to pass the dude choked out the guy for 15 minutes that induced the victim shitting himself, not good. I assume this will go to the grand jury and we have to see what facts emerge. Manslaughter is the most likely charge. Especially if it comes out that the victim was only guilty of the "crime" of “being annoying”

I see this guy is now the sweetheart perpetrator of death in wingnutville. Move over Kyle Rittenhouse!
Well he had to murder this guy because being annoying is part of the Biden crime wave.


Oct 18, 2005
Conservative media is saying the 15 minutes is a lie.
That Neely was freed and placed in a recovery position seconds after going limp. After he stopped fighting / resisting.

I'll say again, this shit is for a court and a trial to sort out. You do not know that your information is accurate. I don't know that it isn't, but there is more than enough FUD to cloud the air and make BS, and run with narratives. We need solid facts to work with. Not one of us was there.
Neely - He was annoying me so I assaulted him and put him in a choke hold and he died.
Reactions: Pohemi
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