Judge beating his daughter on video

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Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
I understand that and that's why I'm asking for information where you learned he cut her off financially because I have not heard or read this.

There has been a lot of assumptions about the girl and her motives by some in this thread, many mind-boggling ones, and am just interested in if there is merit to your statement he cut her off and what else about this angle that was discussed (and by whom.)

People are implying it based off of his comment that he allegedly told her he was taking her car back


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
This whole thing is just bizarre. I agree the video is disturbing.

This interview is unsettling as well. Why in the world would they go on national television to speak to Matt Lauer other that for money or attention? They skate around every single yes or no question asked. When the mother asked if she feared for her safety, she never answered the question. Also, when the daughter was asked if she regretted posting the video, she avoided that answer too. Just a simple yes or no would have sufficed for these questions, but instead they gave responses that didn't indicate either.

It just seems to me that they have an agenda other than addressing the abuse issue. I wouldn't doubt that the mother encouraged her to post it. Maybe it was a ploy to help with her current custody battle.

Yes, how come these people who lived for 20 years in a physically and mentally abusive household are suddenly not perfect on live TV? There must be something fishy going on.


Aug 26, 2000
People are implying it based off of his comment that he allegedly told her he was taking her car back

Of course, that's the only thing that could mean. IIRC, he said it was "about not returning a car", or "about returning a car," thus naturally one would take 6 steps forward and conclude he cut her off and that was the complete basis for this release...stupid b!tch!

Bet she didn't realize she'd have to walk now.
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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
What I don't get is, if he did all this to you, why would you continue to accept assistance from him in anyway? If you wanted to distance yourself, why would you continue conversations with him.


I just can't help to think this young woman, while maybe a victim, is just as slimy.

People have already tried to send you to links that describe how the mind deals with abuse which you have ignored. There is plenty of research into this kind of thing if you truly care to learn more instead of just trying to make excuses for him, your parents, and yourself.

There is no "maybe" about here being a victim. She is a victim period. While the belt lashing was probably excessive to the point of physical abuse, the mental abuse being administered in the video is as clear as day. There is no disputing that.


Oct 12, 1999
Yes, how come these people who lived for 20 years in a physically and mentally abusive household are suddenly not perfect on live TV? There must be something fishy going on.

Look most people if not all agree that this video is not all that pleasing.

But to completely not question the motives of this woman is flaky at best.

None of these being suggested notions make sense.

Well the notion she released the video because she is angry?
She wasn't angry at 18, 20, 22? She says it was for him to get help and not be on the bench. You knew this since 2004, its now 2011, thats been the case for 7 years. You could have kept him being elected to the bench last year, but you didn't.

Well she waited for statues of limitations? Well that was 2 years ago.

Her explanations for sitting on this for 7 years are should be questioned. He is a judge and if it was bad as she says it was, holding this back is highly suspect to to me.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
in the head? a flat out lie. do provide a screenshot where the father struck her in the head. and as stated previously, she refused to bend over the bed to receive punishment on the buttox, and chose to move her hand in the way of the belt to deflect it. not a single strike was aimed above the waist.

the pussification of america continues.

You can hear the belt buckle hit her skull, you stupid shit.

You're the pussy around here, a real man could discipline his child without losing his temper and without supporting those who do. Fucking wimp.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
You just don't like parents who hit their kids. But yet you'll run from thread to thread complaining about the little monsters who have no discipline and commit crimes.

Bullshit. I'm all for a controlled spanking, but when assholes like that lose their tempers and start beating their children, there's something very wrong. Get your head out of your fucking ass.
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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
Her explanations for sitting on this for 7 years are should be questioned. He is a judge and if it was bad as she says it was, holding this back is highly suspect to to me.

Why do you care why and when she released this video? Why is your concern for the abuser in this situation? She did things on her on terms, who cares about her motivations? The only person who should endure questioning and judgement is the adult who terrorized a poor child, yet sees fit to judge others.


Oct 12, 1999
I guess also on AT where everyone marries a model and makes 100K plus, I guess they all are expert parents and were blessed with parents as loving as Richie Cunningham's mom and dad.


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2005
Yes, how come these people who lived for 20 years in a physically and mentally abusive household are suddenly not perfect on live TV? There must be something fishy going on.

You don't consider the mother an abuser?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I wanted to add one more thing. If this girl was so broken because of the abusive nature of the father; why the HELL did she have anything to do with him when she is 22 years old? I've known a couple people that had abusive parents, and they got the hell away from them and never looked back when they were old enough to get out. It just doesn't add up to me. The fact that she hung around and let him pay for her stuff tells me that she probably didn't like him, but she wasn't truly screwed up.

she has a younger sister that is still, apparently, terrorized by the father.

and despite the separation, it appears that he continues to be involved in her mother's life, in a rather negative way.

I don't doubt that the media and internet will continue to paint her out to be the brave, noble image of justice--But that is essentially because we have some rather damning evidence of the father's tyrannical history of abuse over her, her mother, and apparently the younger sister.

People are disgusted for a reason--yet you have said you won't watch the video, correct? This isn't about spanking or punishment--this is about terrorizing and battery. That is what you see in the video.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
You don't consider the mother an abuser?

An enabler perhaps, but she was just as trapped mentally. I have seen firsthand what abusive situations do to women. Abusive men separate them from nearly all friends and family slowly before they really start to "lay down the law". At that point the women are too alone and isolated to reach out to others for help, and that is after they break the mental chains of abuse to think about reaching out.
Feb 10, 2000
I guess also on AT where everyone marries a model and makes 100K plus, I guess they all are expert parents and were blessed with parents as loving as Richie Cunningham's mom and dad.

Obviously not everyone has great parents. Having less-than-perfect parents is no reason to defend bad parenting by others. The idea that "my parents beat me, so I'm doing the right thing by beating my kids" is not only obviously faulty logic, it perpetuates the cycle of abuse. Nearly every violent criminal was abused as a child.

I understand some people believe that limited amounts of corporal punishment are a necessary part of discipline. I happen to disagree. Leaving that aside, what's shown in this video is not parenting or reasonable corporal punishment - it's violent, out-of-control behavior. This kind of abuse ruins kids' lives.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
You can hear the belt buckle hit her skull, you stupid shit.

You're the pussy around here, a real man could discipline his child without losing his temper and without supporting those who do. Fucking wimp.

bullshit. now you're claiming the belt buckle struck her head, an absolute flat out lie. it's simple, provide a screenshot of that occurring. uh oh, inc another dodge by this liar.


dodge that too.


Aug 26, 2000
It's one thing to question motives of timing, yet another to dismiss evidence or lack of regarding the timing of the video's release after more info is learned, and still trash the girl.

Of course one would wonder about why now...but hopefully they would still get back to how much of a beatdown this father/judge deserves. Personally with what I've learned, I have no problem with her motives and think it was courageous to release the vid. Accountability for such abuse is a good thing, and unfortunately it took 7 years for this girl to learn it was only going to happen (and stop) if she released the evidence.


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2005
An enabler perhaps, but she was just as trapped mentally. I have seen firsthand what abusive situations do to women. Abusive men separate them from nearly all friends and family slowly before they really start to "lay down the law". At that point the women are too alone and isolated to reach out to others for help, and that is after they break the mental chains of abuse to think about reaching out.

You were able to determine all that from a 7 min video? Wow!!!! All we know from the video is that she was a participant. Also, at what point does this woman lose responsibility for herself and for her children?


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2007
Judge is wrong.

With that out of the way, it bothers me a little that the girl is pretty manipulative. She was downloading pirated music. From the NBC video/interview it's clear she understood this was wrong. Not only that but she knew that doing so would upset her father. Remember, this happened 7(?) years ago, at the height of the RIAA crackdowns and as a judge, he definitely was aware of the laws and wanted to distance himself from any controversy that may arise. She knew what she was doing and knew it'd piss off her dad. She said she setup the camera thirty minutes before the beating, so she was waiting for it.

When you ask her about it, she says things like "Oh [the music] was only available overseas so I couldn't have bought it if I wanted," somehow justifying it in her mind.

I know many of you don't care about the reason and I don't either so don't get confused and think I am focusing on the piracy. What I am saying is the daughter isn't some innocent girl with cerebral palsy. Lots of questions here like why she released it now and why on YouTube and not the authorities, etc.

i think youre right. basically, metallica provoked this guy into beating the shit out of his own daughter. im not kidding, even dr dre said pirates take food out of his kids mouths. seriously. im not trying to be funny. people who overreact cause things like this to happen.
Feb 10, 2000
bullshit. now you're claiming the belt buckle struck her head, an absolute flat out lie. it's simple, provide a screenshot of that occurring. uh oh, inc another dodge by this liar.


dodge that too.

You've lost sight of the forest for the trees. To use an example which will appeal to you, this is not the Zapruder film. It doesn't require a frame-by-frame dissection to understand that this tape depicts child abuse by an out-of-control father. You are arguing from an untenable position contrary to common sense and decency.

Fortunately, given the amount of time and energy you have wasted posting in this thread, I take it you are not a parent (no parent, even a vacant and inattentive one, has this much spare time) and thus in no position to exercise your deeply flawed judgment toward actual parenting.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You don't consider the mother an abuser?

what I see in the video is a rather classic case of a battered wife.

Maybe it's perverse an illogical to some that aren't aware of these very real situations, but I see her trying to protect her daughter through punishment--keeping her husband away as best she can. You can see her taking away the belt and pushing him away "No, let me do this".

her actions are basically--I'm going to punish her so you don't beat both of us any more. Classic enabler.

Of course, husband responds "let me go get another one..."

what an ass.


I wouldn't doubt that the girl has some of this going on, as well. She seems to feel devastated that this video will certainly ruin her dad's career. Kind of an odd reaction to someone that grew up in an abusive home, no?

And really, all I see is a lot of male posters in this thread. Some seem to think that escaping this situation is completely easy for victims of abuse. That mental and psychological abuse is either non-existent, or simply a temporary condition that can be remedied over night.

I see a bunch of people here that probably come from stable homes and live happily in their day-to-day cubicles going about their business--with essentially no experience in a mental hospital or dealing, much less interacting even moderately--with victims of abuse.

The only people that seem to be outright supporting this father's actions have admittedly come from abusive homes--I'm not talking about spanking or punishment--but real abuse (as seen in the video)

Likewise, there are those who have posted in this thread that have come from houses of abuse and find this absolutely disgusting, and have admitted to PTSD simply from watching that clip (OP is one of those, and we have shared a few PMs over this issue.)

Frankly, to dismiss the testimony of those that have been similarly abused and have since experienced a lifetime of unstable, empty, or warped emotions and recurring PTSD as somehow shallow and irrelevant to the discussion at hand is, in my mind, a self-dismissal of any relevant or rational approach to the discussion related to the facts as presented in this video, and the information regarding this family that has, so far, surfaced.

--Anyone who can watch that video and sees a disobedient child being punished in an appropriate and equitable manner, and a mother that is likewise as culpable as the father in this abuse, is someone that is not fit for raising a child. Period.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2007
You were able to determine all that from a 7 min video? Wow!!!! All we know from the video is that she was a participant. Also, at what point does this woman lose responsibility for herself and for her children?

no he is right. the wife can and usually does get brainwashed by the husband. you see it all the time in those kidnapping stories where the wife is the one luring the kids in so her husband can fuck them... and even in my life there was a long period of time where my mother ignored her 3 kids cry for help while she hung onto every lie her boyfriend told her. no sexual abuse i mean, just mostly verbal and occasional physical

im not saying i know this was the case in this video, but from what i can tell i think its exactly what happened. today, i am extremely close with my mom and i dont blame her for the things she went along with either.... she simply didnt know what she was doing.


Aug 26, 2000
of course you do. you're a proven liar. funny how you're now backpedaling. also hilarious that you deleted this link of the uncle "Beating" his nephew and terrorizing him.


when you can't address, you must delete!
inc another dodge.

That's how to properly use the belt, some good sh!t. I hope people see the difference between these two men in how they used the belt as well as their language, because the differences are HUGE. Heck, even if he went a little further and laid into the boy a little more, that was a well done response to trying to shape this boy in a positive way.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Waaaaa...my abusive daddy took away my Benz so I'm gonna blackmail him with a tape from 7 years ago. The father is an abusive controlling dickhead and the daughter is an entitled spoiled selfish little bitch who was willing to do anything to get her way. End of story.

so, like classy, you are of the "assume the victim is a manipulative entitled bitch" rather than assume "the victim is trying to protect her family (sister and mother) and seeks healing and therapy."

classy, real classy.

are you still not watching the video?


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
You've lost sight of the forest for the trees. To use an example which will appeal to you, this is not the Zapruder film. It doesn't require a frame-by-frame dissection to understand that this tape depicts child abuse by an out-of-control father. You are arguing from an untenable position contrary to common sense and decency.

Fortunately, given the amount of time and energy you have wasted posting in this thread, I take it you are not a parent (no parent, even a vacant and inattentive one, has this much spare time) and thus in no position to exercise your deeply flawed judgment toward actual parenting.

are you in agreement that no belt buckle struck the head? surely, you can provide a screenshot if you disagree.

child abuse? certainly not from the video presented in the OP. otherwise you'd need to imprison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lexX_IoYi0E as well.

now commenting about the time i've posted in this thread? look in the mirror, son. apply the same flawed logic to yourself as well.
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