Judge beating his daughter on video

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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2001
You were able to determine all that from a 7 min video? Wow!!!! All we know from the video is that she was a participant. Also, at what point does this woman lose responsibility for herself and for her children?

You would have to be an idiot not to.


Oct 30, 2000
lmfao. completely off screen. just your biased opinion. sounds like he spanked her bottom to me, consistent with all his other belt whippings below the waist.

Are you stupid??!?!?! Her bottom is in the picture. The only part off screen is her head where he is striking.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
I never said a belt struck her in the face. I said she was struck in the face. The acting of grabbing someone in the face and shoving IS A STRIKE BY THE LAW you dumb shit hickfuck.

LOL! if you never said a belt struck her face, why did you post "2) She was struck in the back of the head at least once at 3:22."

at 3:22 the judge is clearly using his belt. why the backpedal, liar?

edit: back of the head and face my ass. she would be screaming uncontrollably if ANY part of her head was struck by the belt. lie more.


Aug 26, 2000
LOL you guys are so dramatic.

I don't disagree at all. He created this problem himself. She appears to be conniving. What many people here fail to acknowledge is that sometimes even victims can move into the realm of manipulators as well.

I find my fault with him more, because he was the parent. But I also realize, this young woman also has used this for alterior motives.

You know why I kinda question this young woman, because I know a woman who endured abuse at the hands of her father. Her father had money as well. She left home at the age of 18 and never carried on any contact with him, even when he was on his death bed. She never cared about whether he got help or not. And further more she never accepted anything from him, ever. There was no father or daughter connection at all. Her attitude and response was starkly different from this young woman.

And trying to apply all these clinical terms is getting quite laughable.

Its not her fault for the abuse she endured, even if many people wouldn't view it as such. But its another thing to use that abuse as hammer on the person to get what you want. In short, if she really wanted him to get help, she could have shown that video in private to the judicial board and they would have stepped in to require he seek counseling. Even if it meant him losing his job.

But see the land of 15 minute fame, book deals, and tv appearances, I gotta get mine. And thats what I see. I see an angry dude who who probably smoothed things over with material things. And a daughter who now is unsatisfied with her payment to keep quiet.

I don't want to get all speculative like you guys but I suspect some of this was to protect her mother from his continued bullsh!t. Her mother was much more prepared to discuss the shenanigans he's been pulling with her the last 4 years.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
LOL you guys are so dramatic.

I don't disagree at all. He created this problem himself. She appears to be conniving. What many people here fail to acknowledge is that sometimes even victims can move into the realm of manipulators as well.

I find my fault with him more, because he was the parent. But I also realize, this young woman also has used this for alterior motives.

You know why I kinda question this young woman, because I know a woman who endured abuse at the hands of her father. Her father had money as well. She left home at the age of 18 and never carried on any contact with him, even when he was on his death bed. She never cared about whether he got help or not. And further more she never accepted anything from him, ever. There was no father or daughter connection at all. Her attitude and response was starkly different from this young woman.

And trying to apply all these clinical terms is getting quite laughable.

Its not her fault for the abuse she endured, even if many people wouldn't view it as such. But its another thing to use that abuse as hammer on the person to get what you want. In short, if she really wanted him to get help, she could have shown that video in private to the judicial board and they would have stepped in to require he seek counseling. Even if it meant him losing his job.

But see the land of 15 minute fame, book deals, and tv appearances, I gotta get mine. And thats what I see. I see an angry dude who who probably smoothed things over with material things. And a daughter who now is unsatisfied with her payment to keep quiet.

I fail to see what one has to do with the other. What he did to his daughter in that video is reprehensible. End of story. Her motives then or now don't change a fucking thing in that video.
Feb 10, 2000
but it's an accusation / lie posted by several posters in calling for the judge's imprisonment. it's funny you still have not acknowledged the basic fact that no belt struck her head, whether or not you believe it qualifies the situation as abuse.

traumatized? why? because she was white and crying? the nephew was stuttering for words, nervous, and had pain and anguish in his face after being struck numerous times from the same "terror" and profanity laced tirade. bet both learned their lessons eh.

you consider the uncle's actions out of bounds? you can't be serious there goes your credibility. you exemplify the pussification of america.

yeah, so your little quip about "wasting time" and "childish" remarks on this thread applies to you as well. if pointing out liars and hypocrites is considered "bad" to you, then you would make one shitty parent. why are you the type of parent that condones lying? that's pathetic and irresponsible not surprising coming from the one who thinks the uncle is also out of bounds. lmfao.

I never said the belt buckle hit her head. I have no idea if it did and never claimed otherwise. As I said, it doesn't affect my opinion one way or the other with respect to whether this was abuse.

Yes, she was clearly more traumatized than the boy in the video you posted. Only someone who is blind and deaf could say otherwise.

Yes, I consider the uncle's actions out of bounds. Yes, I am serious.

Where did you get the idea I condoned lying? I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't know what lying has to do with anything in connection with this case, but in any event, even if Hillary Adams did something which justified punishment (which it appears she did), it would not justify her father beating her and screaming profanities and threats at her. Ironically, of the three people depicted in the OP video, he was the one acting like a child.

Are you even serious about this stuff or are you just pulling our collective leg? Hopefully the latter.


Oct 27, 2006
I can't believe anyone would defend what that fucking asshole did in that video.

Dumbasses will be dumbasses, logic and fact be damned. It's funny how hard they will try to twist things instead of just admitting they are flat out wrong.


Oct 30, 2000
LOL! if you never said a belt struck her face, why did you post "2) She was struck in the back of the head at least once at 3:22."

at 3:22 the judge is clearly using his belt. why the backpedal, liar?

Back of the head is not the face. I'm not back pedalling.

I said at 1:57 he struck her int he face. It's clear to see and on camera that he does. You said, "Oh that's a shove" but a shove is strike according to the law of all 50 states in the USA. So there I am right and you are wrong.

I said at 3:22 he strikes her in the back of the head. This is also clear to see. I said it sounded like he hit her with the belt buckle and that is an easy conclusion to reach despite not actually able to see it. The belt is in his hand. He is strike at her head which is the only part off camera. She is face down laying on the bed so unless her face is turned, he is striking at the back of the head. The sound it makes is a definitive "THUNK" which indicates the buckle made contact or some other piece of metal did with a human skull.

there is no backpedalling at all going on. Go read all my posts and I've stated the same thing over and over. It is you with the comprehension problems.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
Are you stupid??!?!?! Her bottom is in the picture. The only part off screen is her head where he is striking.

posting a screenshot takes less than a minute. post a screenshot where her bottom is visible at 4:22. remember, this is YOUR claim. inc dodge.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
I never said the belt buckle hit her head. I have no idea if it did and never claimed otherwise. As I said, it doesn't affect my opinion one way or the other with respect to whether this was abuse.

Yes, she was clearly more traumatized than the boy in the video you posted. Only someone who is blind and deaf could say otherwise.

Yes, I consider the uncle's actions out of bounds. Yes, I am serious.

Where did you get the idea I condoned lying? I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't know what lying has to do with anything in connection with this case, but in any event, even if Hillary Adams did something which justified punishment (which it appears she did), it would not justify her father beating her and screaming profanities and threats at her. Ironically, of the three people depicted in the OP video, he was the one acting like a child.

Are you even serious about this stuff or are you just pulling our collective leg? Hopefully the latter.

my previous points stand. the fact that you allow other posters to blatanly lie, while still pointing out how i "demand" proof, speaks volumes. then again, you disapprove of the the uncle's methods against his nephew.

"the pussification of america continues".


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
lmfao. completely off screen. just your biased opinion. sounds like he spanked her bottom to me, consistent with all his other belt whippings below the waist.

Then you're deaf and an abuser, that's great. :\


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2002
lets sum up this thread....

every member of ATOT except 2... think this is child abuse...


and those two.. are now.. shunned from society.

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Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
LOL! if you never said a belt struck her face, why did you post "2) She was struck in the back of the head at least once at 3:22."

at 3:22 the judge is clearly using his belt. why the backpedal, liar?

edit: back of the head and face my ass. she would be screaming uncontrollably if ANY part of her head was struck by the belt. lie more.

She is screaming! Jesus Christ, you have to be trolling, because no one is that stupid.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
Back of the head is not the face. I'm not back pedalling.

I said at 1:57 he struck her int he face. It's clear to see and on camera that he does. You said, "Oh that's a shove" but a shove is strike according to the law of all 50 states in the USA. So there I am right and you are wrong.

if that's the case for "struck", so be it, but it was not a punch, nor was her face struck by any belt. why continue to mention belt? we're getting there, liar.

I said at 3:22 he strikes her in the back of the head. This is also clear to see. I said it sounded like he hit her with the belt buckle and that is an easy conclusion to reach despite not actually able to see it. The belt is in his hand. He is strike at her head which is the only part off camera. She is face down laying on the bed so unless her face is turned, he is striking at the back of the head. The sound it makes is a definitive "THUNK" which indicates the buckle made contact or some other piece of metal did with a human skull.

bullshit. it's simple. POST a screenshot of the back of the head being struck at 3:22. that is YOUR claim. if you're not lying, then it takes less than a minute. post the screenshot, son! oh wait, you have absolutely no idea if her head was struck at all, only guessing with your biased opinion. her entire body was off camera, not just her face. backpedal more.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2008
lets sum up this thread....

every member of ATOT except 2... think this is child abuse...


and those two.. are now.. shunned from society.


After this thread has run it's course, al981 will just go on ignore. He's, by far, the worst of the two.


Oct 30, 2000
posting a screenshot takes less than a minute. post a screenshot where her bottom is visible at 4:22. remember, this is YOUR claim. inc dodge.

3:22 is the orginal time stamp I listed, not 4:22. Can be heard there but harder to see. However, at 4:49 when he does it again you can see the strike at the back of the head.


There is your motherfucking screen shot. Dodge that idiot.


Oct 12, 1999
You know how it is here. No shortage of trolls/idiots.

Oh please........

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and specualtion. I have agreed with most on certain things and been at odds with most as in this case here on certain things.

We all lead different lives, so save the high mighty act for when you are in mirror at your house. You are no better than anyone else. I bet my life on it, if you don't have one issue such as this man, you damn sure got another one you keep secret.

Many of you are so damn self righteous here its nauseating. Ain't nobody perfect..................


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
She is screaming! Jesus Christ, you have to be trolling, because no one is that stupid.

no more than any other screams in the first minute. a head strike would be uncontrollable pain and screaming. funny how none of you liars have posted a single screenshot. lmfao. how about we ban you for trolling and lying?


Oct 30, 2000
no more than any other screams in the first minute. a head strike would be uncontrollable pain and screaming. funny how none of you liars have posted a single screenshot. lmfao. how about we ban you for trolling and lying?

Screen shot above. Keep trolling.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006

I gave you the time sequences in the video where the father hit her in the face as he grabbed her face and later hit her in the back of the head. Look those up your damn self. The only liar here is you. I was the one who saw those first and posted those time sequences. You can she the father smacking her in both time sequences clearly.

this is a guy that thinks JFK, Apollo, and 9-11 were inside jobs.

he is one of the greatest pussies in this country--in that he supports child and spousal abuse based purely on his comments in this thread.

so yes: he is either a serious troll, or, a profoundly disturbed individual that would, perhaps, be better served and less dangerous to our society by being locked away in a padded room.


Oct 30, 2000
He asked for screenshot proof and I gave it to him. Let's see how he tries to weasel out of this one.


Golden Member
May 28, 2009
3:22 is the orginal time stamp I listed, not 4:22. Can be heard there but harder to see. However, at 4:49 when he does it again you can see the strike at the back of the head.


There is your motherfucking screen shot. Dodge that idiot.

LMFAO. at 4:49, he is striking the air. no sounds of impact, no increase in volume from the girl.


try again, son. post a screenshot of her head being impacted, as you claimed.
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