Judgement day coming -- for the neocons

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May 27, 2005
Sorry, as the Republicans retian both houses of Congress and the presidency the Democrats can walk again for the 4th straight year wondering where they went wrong.

The answer is dailykos, moveon, and company.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Sorry, as the Republicans retian both houses of Congress and the presidency the Democrats can walk again for the 4th straight year wondering where they went wrong.

The answer is dailykos, moveon, and company.

The answer is then O'Reilly, Hannity, Coultier, Rush, Savage, Glenn Beck, Swiftboat veterans, etc?

Your list means nothing, but we expect nothing less from you.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari
Sorry, as the Republicans retian both houses of Congress and the presidency the Democrats can walk again for the 4th straight year wondering where they went wrong.

The answer is dailykos, moveon, and company.

The answer is then O'Reilly, Hannity, Coultier, Rush, Savage, Glenn Beck, Swiftboat veterans, etc?

Your list means nothing, but we expect nothing less from you.

What do they do that Michael Moore doesn't, other than lay off the Twinkies?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2005
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Todd33
Originally posted by: zendari
Sorry, as the Republicans retian both houses of Congress and the presidency the Democrats can walk again for the 4th straight year wondering where they went wrong.

The answer is dailykos, moveon, and company.

The answer is then O'Reilly, Hannity, Coultier, Rush, Savage, Glenn Beck, Swiftboat veterans, etc?

Your list means nothing, but we expect nothing less from you.

What do they do that Michael Moore doesn't, other than lay off the Twinkies?

well i guess the repubs win the war on having less fat pundits who are purely INSANE


Jan 6, 2005
It's the agenda driving the push towards preparation for total Nationwide martial law and the military coup that sustains it.
Were you listening to Operation Mindcrime, with a big tin foil hat on your head, when you wrote this


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: Extelleron
Originally posted by: senseamp
Republicans will be held accountable for what they have (or have not) done, not for what Democrats would have done.
Democrats would have handed Iraq over to Iraqis, and said, you got your freedom, we'll support you best we can, but now it's up to you, not us, to stop fighting each other and build your country. Instead, we are getting more deeply involved in that mess, which is getting worse every day. How have the billions we spent and thousands of troops we lost since "mission accomplished" improved the situation in Iraq?

Yes, the democrats would have retreated from Iraq and let the new government crumble because it couldn't defend itself. What a great strategy, this shows how brilliant the Democratic party is. :disgust:

And what is the Republican brilliant strategy? Kill a few thousand more GI's, spend a few hundred billion more dollars, and then leave with exactly same result? If you could demonstrate how keeping our troops there has done anything other than delay the inevitable, maybe you would have a point. But you can't. So you don't have one.


Senior member
Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
It's the agenda driving the push towards preparation for total Nationwide martial law and the military coup that sustains it.
Were you listening to Operation Mindcrime, with a big tin foil hat on your head, when you wrote this

You look confused

Twist the hose coupling counter clockwise and pull.

Then you're free of the Matrix.

Anything else i can help you with?

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: straightalker
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
It's the agenda driving the push towards preparation for total Nationwide martial law and the military coup that sustains it.
Were you listening to Operation Mindcrime, with a big tin foil hat on your head, when you wrote this

You look confused

Twist the hose coupling counter clockwise and pull.

Then you're free of the Matrix.

Anything else i can help you with?



Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Originally posted by: straightalker
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
It's the agenda driving the push towards preparation for total Nationwide martial law and the military coup that sustains it.
Were you listening to Operation Mindcrime, with a big tin foil hat on your head, when you wrote this

You look confused

Twist the hose coupling counter clockwise and pull.

Then you're free of the Matrix.

Anything else i can help you with?


An administration that has near total executive power and cites immunity to congressional oversite.. Who wears the tin-foil hat?:Q


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
Originally posted by: BlancoNinoI have to agree with you there. The republicans were all good little scouts when Clinton was in office (although they failed to cut a ton of programs they said they would). Now they spend spend spend in all areas.

The problem that I have, though, is that Democrats tend to spend money in more dangerous areas like healthcare.
Yeah, nationalizing healthcare will REALLY inflame the terrorists! We'll be attacked every day from now on!!!


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: senseamp
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Yay time to switch to another party that will expand government in different areas. :thumbsdown:

I wouldn't be surprised if in my lifetime, middle class income taxes will be 50%.

Different areas or not, overall government expansion under full GOP control is going to be hard to match. Just Medicare RX benefit is going to cost trillions when all is said and done.

So you figured out the GOP is not the GOP anymore? Just because they shifted left on big government spending does not mean I would prefer fuller endorsements of such authoritarian policies.

Together, BOTH parties are growing their authoritarian power while playing to both crowds. Keep us occupied with demonizing the other, feeding their side a bone. Yet keep a careful eye on the spending. With spending comes their power and which party now will ever cut that?

When party A is in power, party B will oppose them tooth and nail. They will free us from the evils party A has done to us. Yes, free us like a free Cuba was done and they will lead us to the same result.

As to the election, it comes only naturally that the tide moves back and forth. Dems will have their day again, it is only a matter of when and I?ll say 2008 is their year. I?ve no bets on 2006.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Zorba
Originally posted by: Genx87
Find something new to run on, the hatred for Bush doesnt win you votes, only makes you look bitter and stupid when you lose.

If it weren't for the hatred of Bush, I doubt Kerry would've gotten half the votes he did.

Yup Kerry was the douche they said he was. It was voting against Bush, and not for Kerry that made the election close.

From my POV there are many people I talk to from young to old who are not voting Republican like they usually do because of the state of health care, and the war. I get this vibe that they are waking up and seeing Bush for the non-conservative that he is, and are willing to take it out on the local representatives.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Yay time to switch to another party that will expand government in different areas. :thumbsdown:

I wouldn't be surprised if in my lifetime, middle class income taxes will be 50%.

I honestly don't know how America is not at full scale Revolution by now.

I'm paying 43.3% Tax now (15.3% tax was added when my Employer started 1099'ing me) and I didn't get a 15.3% raise so I am going backwards while expenses are going up through the roof.

I know there has to many other Americans, especially men experiencing this same raping.


Senior member
Nov 7, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Yay time to switch to another party that will expand government in different areas. :thumbsdown:

I wouldn't be surprised if in my lifetime, middle class income taxes will be 50%.

I honestly don't know how America is not at full scale Revolution by now.

I'm paying 43.3% Tax now (15.3% tax was added when my Employer started 1099'ing me) and I didn't get a 15.3% raise so I am going backwards while expenses are going up through the roof.

I know there has to many other Americans, especially men experiencing this same raping.

Not that I'm bragging but I currently pay about 8%~10% taxes a year (this includes all taxes) Until the government tries to tax wealth instead of income, I'm set. Its so damn easy to make money in the United States.



Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000
Gratz. Go from a power hungry party that spends money like water yet kind of tries to protect us (albiet in a malformed kinda way), to a power hungry party that can only stay in power by promoting dependency on the government and refuses to acknowledge that "love thy terrorist" really is not a commandment.

When are both of these parties going to figure out we dont want an extremist in office? You people are funny and thank you for entertaining me, though.

Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Kappo
Gratz. Go from a power hungry party that spends money like water yet kind of tries to protect us (albiet in a malformed kinda way), to a power hungry party that can only stay in power by promoting dependency on the government and refuses to acknowledge that "love thy terrorist" really is not a commandment.

When are both of these parties going to figure out we dont want an extremist in office? You people are funny and thank you for entertaining me, though.

Hey, maybe they are honestly "trying to protect us", but even so, they've done a HORRIBLE fvcking job of it, and the end result is that we are more at risk than ever before. Our global image and foreign relations have suffered a crippling blow, and even where we've taken direct action (Iraq), Bush's incompetence only made things ten times worse. Afghanistan appeared to be a victory for awhile, but its getting worse there too, as we're starting to lose the public support we initially enjoyed.

I agree about not wanting an extremist in office. Its time for somebody with some common sense, and neither party posses that in any appreciable amount. Democrats might have the upper hand at the moment, but they'll squander it on bullsh*t like gay marriage and abortion. I don't care what consenting adults do in private, but right now, I don't give a fvck about homos getting married, and unless the Dems shut the hell up about such relatively insignificant issues, they're not going to get many votes in huge parts of this country...which effectively means that the fight over gay marriage, for example, is actually proving detrimental to the best interests of the rest of the nation (if it means the Republicans win again, that is).


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Kappo
Gratz. Go from a power hungry party that spends money like water yet kind of tries to protect us (albiet in a malformed kinda way), to a power hungry party that can only stay in power by promoting dependency on the government and refuses to acknowledge that "love thy terrorist" really is not a commandment.

When are both of these parties going to figure out we dont want an extremist in office? You people are funny and thank you for entertaining me, though.

I don't think going into Iraq was extreme. We don't have an extremist in office... in fact, he is not extreme enough. From over-worrying about public opinion in the world and Iraq, to waging a "war" on the cheap, and everything in-between, the problem has been incompetence and mistakes.

Public opinion wise, the main thing we must understand is we cannot do any of this correctly if we are hyperworried about our PR image. The world is obsessed with Arab anger... but that shouldn't deter us from doing what needs to be done. Many around the world say that when fighting terror, we must avoid actions that are liable to enrage the Arab world, however effective and justified those actions might be. Let me state a simple retort: Bullsh!t... the hell with their anger.

Delusional Arab rage should not be veto power over counterterrorist policy. In our modern society, where so much primacy is given to "emotions" and "feelings", it's not surprising that we attach so much meaning to them, but it doesn't make it right. We will not change their values overnight-- the short term answer is to turn that rage into fear and submission. This harsh approach is the only solution that will actually *save lives* on both sides. Call it "tough love."

This cannot be done until the America ends its obsession with Arab anger (which is actually a largely anti-American and/or anti-Jew manifestation) Many wish to legitimize Arab rage and stress the "root causes" of terrorism. They say terrorists who murder children have some reason for doing so, which after investigation, will lead the rest of us to better understand them. Of course no percieved or actual wrong can justify the targeted mass slaughter of innocent civilians. Besides, careful -and honest- investigations into the so-called root causes of terrorism will lead to one nasty conclusion: They are brainwashed into lies, hatred, and violence at the earliest ages. In general terms, it's a primitive culture of the past.

Their rage is overwhelming... but it's directed at a boogeyman instead of the religious and political leaders that have failed their people so completely. They do not seem angry that they live poorly while nobility lead ultra-rich lifestyles. They do not seem angry that leaders (like Arafat did) has embezzled more than a billion dollars of aid money while his people rot. They are angry enough to explode bombs on civilian women and children, yet not fazed that local terror leaders seduce their children into murder with the absurd promise that such acts will grant them 72 virgins in heaven. I don't know if I've ever seen such racism, religious intolerance, sexism, child abuse, and despotism... but damn it all, THEY SURE ARE ANGRY!!!

So what.

By catering to the murderous rage of terrorists and their supporters, we only promote more... more anger, more violence, more death. If we are going to change things for the better, we need to stop becoming distracted with what may or may not enrage Arab radicals, and focus on what's going to defeat the terorrist assault: overwhelming force on those who encourage it.

Problem is, we haven't done that... And now look where we are in Iraq.


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
Afghanistan appeared to be a victory for awhile, but its getting worse there too, as we're starting to lose the public support we initially enjoyed.

I disagree. What we're seeing is the 10th Mountain getting over there and rooting out more enemy. Don't fall for the knee-jerk "oh wow, they're attacking us, things must be going to sh*t" ala the Tet Offensive.


Feb 5, 2006
We need a split government, at the very least, since it is clear that the GOP will not check and balance itself. And the only way to accomplish it in 2006 is for Democrats to win at least one of the houses, which I think they have a very good chance of doing. Of course I am not too worried if they don't do it all in 2006, because it's just going to give GOP more rope to hang itself with. GOP can't govern, and that's going to catch up to them eventually.
I am looking at prediction markets, since it's bets by people who have their own money on the line, and when money talks, I listen:
They have GOP at 45% to retain the House, and 81% to retain the Senate.
For the Senate, I would be happy with pickups in RI, OH, and PA. Win on GOP turf in MT and/or MO would be gravy.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2001
Its comming for the Dems too. Dont be fooled, they are the left and right hands of the same bully.

If you support the Dems, you support the Repubs, and vice versa.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
Yay time to switch to another party that will expand government in different areas. :thumbsdown:

I wouldn't be surprised if in my lifetime, middle class income taxes will be 50%.

If Bush believed in "pay as you go" your middle class taxes would be 50% now!

But like Reagan he is going to let that turkey roost in somebody else's tree.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: senseamp
Republicans are in a desperate position of hoping for a terrorist attack to save them this november.

I am sure Rove has that base covered.:thumbsdown:


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Originally posted by: daveymark

if that's the case, dems should put more energy into "all those other bills" and the "official party platform" instead of the smear campaign they've leveled against republicans

It ain't "smearing" when it's true:shocked::light:
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