Just finished watching "Supersize Me"

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Golden Member
May 8, 2005
Wasn't he prohibited from exercise too? I thought that contributed to a lot of his weight gain, because he changed his normal activity level along with his diet. It really made the McD's look worse than what they are, because he would've gained weight just from not exercising like he normally did.


Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2000
Originally posted by: mrSHEiK124
Originally posted by: TheCrackedJack
Originally posted by: atybimf
I had a double quarter pounder with cheese, a large fry, and a pepsi today for lunch - mmmmmm

sounds good to me!

NEGATIVE; unless you got it elsewhere, you had it with COKE.



Jan 13, 2000
Originally posted by: dbk
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: skywhr
McDonalds has great fries.......

Burger King owns McDonalds at fries.

Heck no, if you compare fresh batches then McDonald's wins, no contest. Usually though, I rarely get fresh batches from McDonald's. Burger King fries have this weird smell. They taste fine, however.

IN'nout fries > .*


Apr 19, 2001
He intentionally overate and intenionally got zero exercise and he gained weight? Wow, what a shock!!! His next expose will be that falling in a lake gets you wet. If you intentionally pig out on home cooking while getting no exercise that too is going to cause health problems. This movie only proved 2 things:

1) Morgan whateverhisnameis was nothing but an attention whore who was no better than the fools on Jackass

2) Some movie watchers are stupid enough to believe anything. That's what keeps buffoons like this, Al Gore and Michael Moore in business.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: jjsole
Most people aren't stupid enough to eat that poorly, if you take in account all 6 billion that is.

there is no obesity problem in America. it's just the sample size of the people doing the research. They must not be Interviewing enuf anorexics

A Casual Fitz

Diamond Member
May 16, 2005
Originally posted by: dbk
Originally posted by: flxnimprtmscl
Originally posted by: skywhr
McDonalds has great fries.......

Burger King owns McDonalds at fries.

Heck no, if you compare fresh batches then McDonald's wins, no contest. Usually though, I rarely get fresh batches from McDonald's. Burger King fries have this weird smell. They taste fine, however.

Screw that, Burger King owns in fries.


Golden Member
Aug 5, 2001
When I saw he couldnt even keep down a value meal, I knew his body wouldnt be up to the task, and at that poitn pretty much discredited the movie. Plus he was getting his McDonalds food delivered and ****** just to squeeze as much as he could out of it.


Senior member
Dec 25, 2001
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
He intentionally overate and intenionally got zero exercise and he gained weight? Wow, what a shock!!! His next expose will be that falling in a lake gets you wet. If you intentionally pig out on home cooking while getting no exercise that too is going to cause health problems. This movie only proved 2 things:

1) Morgan whateverhisnameis was nothing but an attention whore who was no better than the fools on Jackass

2) Some movie watchers are stupid enough to believe anything. That's what keeps buffoons like this, Al Gore and Michael Moore in business.

He didn't overeat or get zero exercise. He ate 3 meals per day and I believe he was active enough that he burned the amount of calories that the average American would burn per day.

It may seem like a nobrainer to a lot of people that doing what he did is bad for you, but this is how a lot of people live these days. Eating out every day, most of the time eating food that is unhealthy, with their daily exercise consisting of walking from the house to the car and from the car to the office.

He may have been an attention whore, but at least he got people's attention and he certainly got McDonald's attention.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2005
I love Burger King burgers... I love McDonalds fries... and I love Pepsi... But I live 30 miles from town. I get fast food maybe once or twice a month when we go to town to restock groceries.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
look at this months new scientist, it has an article on a new swedish study doing much the same as spurlock but with more science. seems spurlock is rather genetically weak anyways i didn't much like the film, it was sensationalistic nonsense for the most part. yes force feeding yourself like a fois gras duckie will screw you over. spurlock is such a pussy. one of the sweds even has his cholesterol go down on his diet oddly enough.


Only another 5,500 calories to go ...

A Swedish university has replicated Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me junk food binge under lab conditions. The early results are surprising, says Marten Blomkvist

Thursday September 7, 2006
The Guardian

French fries / junk food / fast food / McDonalds / chips
Photograph: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

There are two polarised reactions to Morgan Spurlock's 2004 documentary Super Size Me, in which the American film-maker ate nothing but McDonald's food for a month. Lots of people are disgusted to see what happens to the 33-year-old's body as he accepts Super Size shake after Super Size shake and limits himself to 5,000 steps a day and are shocked as his liver becomes toxic, his cholesterol skyrockets and his libido sags. Everyone else thinks: hey, how bad can it be? I wouldn't mind doing that.

Article continues
Well, at one Swedish university, a group of students are getting the chance. At the University of Linköping, the Spurlock experience is being replicated under clinical conditions. In February, seven healthy medical students in their early 20s spent weeks stuffing themselves with hamburgers, pizzas, milk shakes and 200g bacon breakfasts - all on the university's tab. A second group of subjects are just now hitting the junk food. Physical exercise is to be avoided. Bikes are out. To discourage walking even the shortest distance, free bus passes have been issued.

The study is the brainchild of Fredrik Nyström, doctor and associate professor at the university's department of internal medicine. Finding himself with a little extra money in his research budget last year, he decided to do something "fun, something lasting". And ever since watching Super Size Me he had been thinking of how, in all the studies of obesity and metabolism, hardly anyone has studied what happens when you force healthy people to put on weight. The few studies there have been took place in the 60s and 70s.

The reason, speculates Nyström, is because it is difficult to ask people to get fat in the name of science. "It's far easier to study those who are fat to begin with," he says. "They're appreciative and keen, happy that someone will help them slim. And in the US, I assume this kind of study would be out of the question. Everyone would get sued if the subjects afterwards didn't manage to get rid of their extra kilos." But in laidback Sweden, there were no problems clearing the experiment with the national ethical board. The one proviso Nyström added was that he would pull anyone out of the experiment if they increased their bodyweight by more than 15% - even if he or she was prepared to go on.

It wasn't difficult for Nyström to find willing guinea pigs. Late last year, after delivering a lecture on the ills of overeating, he casually asked if any of the students would be prepared to gorge themselves for the sake of science. He was deluged with applications, but mostly from men (he thinks that women are too wary of gaining weight). They all had to be in good health, but as he says: "Young med students usually are." Nyström then simply chose the ones who seemed "the most highly motivated". At the end of the month, each student was they were given their results to keep.

Before the study began, the subjects thought they were in for an easy time. In fact, they could hardly believe their luck: "You mean to tell me that if I were to go out tonight, and order beer and peanuts, you'd pay?" said one incredulous student. But eating 6,000 calories a day - roughly double what most of the volunteers ingested normally - is not as easy as it sounds. You can't do it simply by letting yourself go and having an extra scoop of ice cream. It takes effort. One Big Mac with large fries and a large Coke still nets you just 1,164 calories, according to McDonald's Swedish website.

Just as in Super Size Me, the idea was that all calories would come from fast food. But breakfast at home was allowed, provided it was bacon-and-eggs based. And the fast food didn't have to come exclusively from McDonald's: hamburgers could be exchanged for pizzas, as long as most of the calories still came from saturated fats, those having the most effect on levels of cholesterol. Still, it wasn't unusual for students to be about to go to bed only to discover that they were some 600 calories short of their daily target, and forced to face a large calorific milk shake rather than a mug of hot milk.

It turns out that hunger might be an underrated feeling. Towards the end of the study, most of the students stated that they were looking forward to being ravenous again. Going for a month feeling continually sated felt odd. And though few of them were fitness freaks, most hated not being allowed to walk or cycle around. Nyström was surprised to find "there was more whining about that than about the eating".

The students managed to gain between 5-15% extra weight over the month. They felt "tired and bloated", especially during the first week, but there seemed to be no signs of the mood swings towards the end that the rather despondent Spurlock reported.

Final results from the questionnaires will be released at the end of the study. But judging from the provisional results, no one suffered anything like as much as Spurlock. One of the most shocking scenes in the film is when his three doctors urge him to abandon his experiment after getting the results of blood tests which show that his liver is so badly damaged it looks as though it is the result of heavy drinking - "You're pickling your liver!". While Nyström and his team also noted "significant" changes in the liver, relating to the liver enzyme levels in the blood, and the content of fat in the liver, the changes were "never even close to dangerous".

Nyström is puzzled about why Spurlock had such an extreme reaction, musing that he could perhaps have had an undiagnosed problem with his liver or, he says, "Maybe his hardcore vegetarian girlfriend held him to a low-energy diet, making him incapable of coping with this kind of food."

Interestingly, in the Swedish experiment, while the liver readings got steadily worse until the third week, they then took a turn for the better. The liver, it would seem, adapts. Cholesterol, meanwhile, was hardly affected.

And this is the most fascinating thing: if Nyström's small group are representative, then it would seem that our bodies are more adaptable than we give them credit for. In other words, metabolism may play a much more important role in the problem of obesity than many people think. Indeed, Nyström claims that for some people, eating 10% more will lead to their metabolism increasing at the same level. The extra energy will be burned off as body heat during sleep. "If that was not the case we would all have to keep track of every last calorie," he says. "And you have to realise that some overeaters consume such grotesque amounts that they would be even heavier - much heavier! - were it not for this safety mechanism."

That's why these kind of studies have to be carried out, he says: "If you only look at the already overweight, you'll only do research on those with least resistance to calories, so to speak."

The first part of the study finished in June; the next batch of subjects are now stuffing themselves with Big Macs. Nyström expects to publish final results after Christmas: not a bad time of year to publish a report blaming individual metabolism for weight gain.

Slew Foot

Sep 22, 2005
The movie is stupid. If he went to McD and ate nothing but grilled chicken salads with lowfat dressing he wouldnt have gained any weight. Eating that same amount of food that he did cooked at home would have had the same effect as well.



May 16, 2005
Originally posted by: slayer202
watching that documentary makes me hungry for mcdonalds

Wow, really? I never saw that coming. I really didn't expect you to say that a movie bashing something only made you want to have some of the item being bashed. Thats real clever of you. I salute you, Mr. Tells the same joke that practically every other person in the thread has, but along different lines Guy. Others might have been put off by retreading the same humourous aside so obvious that at least 80% percent of the content in the thread is made up of posters doing the exact same thing, a joke that countless others have done before them. But not you. No, you're right out there tagging along, getting yours in, pushing the limits for acceptable reuse of a joke but adding your own deadpan flair to set it apart. Well done, good sir. Bravo. So crack open an ice cold budlight, slayer202, because any man can tell a joke, but only a Real American Hero can keep retelling it over and over again without making us all cringe.

For all the vitriol extended toward this movie and the man who made it, you'd think that the filmmaker had insulted Jesus Himself. But of course, the McDonalds corporation is a saint, Mother, and all evil rests with those who see fault in her and her brethren. Oh, and those damn fatties with no personal responsibility; its all them. Raise that gallon sized cup of Coke in agreement with me. As for the fact of the matter, the Micky D diet is just a narrative tool to wrap the filmmakers real purpose of a critique of the posterchild of the fast food industry and the cultural diet it helps breed. Way to miss the entire point of the movie and focus on the gimmick that sold it. Why, dude just ate too much and didn't exercise, and since the movie was just about his weight problem from eating too much and not exercising, that puts the matter to rest and negates any point the movie was trying to raise about our dear precious Mcdonalds.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: libs0n
Thats real clever of you. I salute you, Mr. Tells the same joke that practically every other person in the thread has, but along different lines Guy.
You know, that should be all hyphenated.



Senior member
May 20, 2004
Originally posted by: libs0n
Originally posted by: slayer202
watching that documentary makes me hungry for mcdonalds

Wow, really? I never saw that coming. I really didn't expect you to say that a movie bashing something only made you want to have some of the item being bashed. Thats real clever of you. I salute you, Mr. Tells the same joke that practically every other person in the thread has, but along different lines Guy. Others might have been put off by retreading the same humourous aside so obvious that at least 80% percent of the content in the thread is made up of posters doing the exact same thing, a joke that countless others have done before them. But not you. No, you're right out there tagging along, getting yours in, pushing the limits for acceptable reuse of a joke but adding your own deadpan flair to set it apart. Well done, good sir. Bravo. So crack open an ice cold budlight, slayer202, because any man can tell a joke, but only a Real American Hero can keep retelling it over and over again without making us all cringe.

For all the vitriol extended toward this movie and the man who made it, you'd think that the filmmaker had insulted Jesus Himself. But of course, the McDonalds corporation is a saint, Mother, and all evil rests with those who see fault in her and her brethren. Oh, and those damn fatties with no personal responsibility; its all them. Raise that gallon sized cup of Coke in agreement with me. As for the fact of the matter, the Micky D diet is just a narrative tool to wrap the filmmakers real purpose of a critique of the posterchild of the fast food industry and the cultural diet it helps breed. Way to miss the entire point of the movie and focus on the gimmick that sold it. Why, dude just ate too much and didn't exercise, and since the movie was just about his weight problem from eating too much and not exercising, that puts the matter to rest and negates any point the movie was trying to raise about our dear precious Mcdonalds.


A bit over the top, but entertaining nonetheless.


Jun 30, 2005
stupid movie...after it was over i went to McD...but they thought i was a cop so i got my meal for free...i ate it with a haste; it was extremely tasty...
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