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Jan 14, 2013
My reading skills are just fine and your post is highly amusing.

'Don't do a pre-emptive coup! That's idiotic! Instead, wait until the GOP attempts a coup (which I believe to be inevitable) and THEN do a coup!'


I never said to do a coup that would involve overthrowing the federal government, in the sense that we want to take over the whole United States. I do not propose to take over the federal government and try to manhandle the red states into subjugation. That's what a proposed negotiated and planned last resort national divorce is about. They can have their power over their country. And us over hours. Yes I think if the Democrats tried to take over the whole federal government and subjugate the red states, That would be a mistake. That's not what I'm proposing.

The only other solution, which is yours, is to roll over and let them take over the whole country. Again what is your plan?

I'm not sure why you can't read these basic things.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Also I never said to seize power first. I said the blue states will not recognize what is happening in the red states, they can keep their power. We are just not letting it happen to the whole country and let them rule us all. They can have their power in their territory. We are not going to go to war for the fascist states.

And I proposed no violent attack.

You've turned out to be extremely dishonest.

This is almost always what happens when someone who thinks they are smart is confronted with the idea that maybe they aren't. They decide all the people who are pointing out they are stupid are liars.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013

This is almost always what happens when someone who thinks they are smart is confronted with the idea that maybe they aren't. They decide all the people who are pointing out they are stupid are liars.

You're misrepresenting my posts since I have never proposed to take over the United States government and force our will over the red states.

And you still have not answered what are the most important questions . You still haven't said anything about a plan besides vote and pack the court when being asked for actual pragmatic solutions within the framework we are living in now, because voting and packing the court is really working well so far isn't it.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I never said to do a coup that would involve overthrowing the federal government. I do not propose to take over the federal government and try to manhandle the red states into subjugation. That's what a proposed negotiated and planned last resort national divorce is about. They can have their federal power over their country. And us over hours.

The only other solution, which is yours, is to roll over and let them take over the whole country. Again what is your plan?

I'm not sure why you can't read these basic things.
You said that Democrats should defy election results and any court rulings that say they must comply. That is an attempt to wrest power away from where it is assigned in our constitutional order.

And the 'proposed negotiated and planned national divorce' is laugh out loud stupid. The red states would never let the blue states go peacefully.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
What solution? I've asked numerous times for a framework or timeline from the pseudo intellectuals...

...Sorry, your side's inability to come up with any reasonable answer is not an answer. Being hopeful is not an answer.
I already said my solution, the blue sane states need to start to get on the same page ... about certain hard lines that when the fascists cross, the blue states and dem politicians of all ranks are all prepared to react in a united front with strong messaging to push back. A plan for each line they will cross, with the ultimate final line being we have to propose a negotiated split as our values no longer align. If there is no main plan .... this is not happening.

So please, tell me how...
Nobody can tell me that. I'm not saying don't try, but certainly don't be so fucking naive that it will just have to work and that's that.
So empty, "preparing and being ready" will solve everything, even though it's extremely vague and non-descript "planning".
Coordinated plan does not mean just messaging. That is literally not just what I said, but it seems some people are having problems with being honest about my views lately...
....You need the dems to come up with legal plans for certain red lines as they get crossed....
... but your plan is to just be totally unprepared....with no preparation....
....You've refused to answer the question, and many others, why do you think this can and won't happen in America? Want to pretend like you have an answer?
So more vague "planning", "preparing", "messaging", "unity", etc. These are plans?

Oh, and see underlined for pcgeek-level projection. Yeah.
If you want to stop putting words in my mouth, by all means, let me know.
....again that is no actual framework and timeline and plan within the realities of our current situation - institutionally, structurally, electorally, and with our available politicians. That's not an answer. It's a wish list with no pragmatic thought at all....
You've done nothing but criticize other ideas as things that won't work, things that are too slow, things that don't credit the GOP with how evil they are, etc. etc.

You've still not explained what your "plans" are, or what these imaginary "lines not to cross" should be, or how to respond to lines being crossed other than coordinated messaging.

Get a real plan, or stop criticizing other's.
You refused to answer this after the first time I asked, in the months that DeSantis has shown us even more what myself and others knew he was already you have refused to answer. The fact you still think he would respect Democracy just shows that you are so out of touch with reality it's unhelpful at this point.
No, he didn't refuse. He answered it numerous times in your back and forth. You are stuck on this notion that he refuses to answer you, when it's actually you that won't accept his answers. Most here can see this, other than you.
....even though you still can't provide any plan for anything you propose....
Uhh, yeah. I'm still waiting to see yours.
Dem governors all need to say this is authoritarian...Loud and together, so it has to be covered.
....Dems also have to have a plan...also with messaging...Every single Democratic governor, Senator, House Member....all have to come out...and be on the same page...and we will not stand for it....Dems need to all be on the same page...

....democrats again have to do the same thing....Lawyers across states...get everyone on the same page.....a unified front and plan...Democratic leaders on multiple levels. That’s what a plan is, getting states and federally elected officials on the same page.
That's not "what a plan is".
That's a very generalized notion of party unity. You going to bring the entire Democratic party together in united messaging?

Good luck. Make an ACTUAL plan for that, and get back to us. Should be pretty simple, right? Like, easier than any other action anyone here has suggested, because everyone else is just pseudo-intellectuals, right?
And nobody here has proposed a single plan based on the reality of what we live in now to get that done. It’s just - oh we’ll win elections and expand the court. Because that’s going so well, and it’s not a plan at all. It's just a broad statement.

Imagine thinking Ron DeSantis will respect democracy if he gets power, and the only way to stop the arrival of fascism is to pre-emptively attack. We are not dealing with people that live in reality.
JFC, dude. You are projecting harder here than anyone on the boards.
  • Not a single plan
  • not a plan at all
  • just a broad statement
  • not living in reality
  • projecting the lack of effective actions

So again...drawing "lines" and "united fronts and messaging" and "saying that's enough" is what's actually going to fix things, huh? And if that fails, well then just split the country because that will be easiest.

Should we be concerned about you? Are you feeling okay lately? Because there's been plenty of ranting and projection from you.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jan 14, 2013
So empty, "preparing and being ready" will solve everything, even though it's extremely vague and non-descript "planning".

So more vague "planning", "preparing", "messaging", "unity", etc. These are plans?

Oh, and see underlined for pcgeek-level projection. Yeah.


You've done nothing but criticize other ideas as things that won't work, things that are too slow, things that don't credit the GOP with how evil they are, etc. etc.

You've still not explained what your "plans" are, or what these imaginary "lines not to cross" should be, or how to respond to lines being crossed other than coordinated messaging.

Get a real plan, or stop criticizing other's.

No, he didn't refuse. He answered it numerous times in your back and forth. You are stuck on this notion that he refuses to answer you, when it's actually you that won't accept his answers. Most here can see this, other than you.

Uhh, yeah. I'm still waiting to see yours.

That's not "what a plan is".
That's a very generalized notion of party unity. You going to bring the entire Democratic party together in united messaging?

Good luck. Make an ACTUAL plan for that, and get back to us. Should be pretty simple, right? Like, easier than any other action anyone here has suggested, because everyone else is just pseudo-intellectuals, right?

JFC, dude. You are projecting harder here than anyone on the boards.
  • Not a single plan
  • not a plan at all
  • just a broad statement
  • not living in reality
  • projecting the lack of effective actions

So again...drawing "lines" and "united fronts and messaging" and "saying that's enough" is what's actually going to fix things, huh? And if that fails, well then just split the country because that will be easiest.

Should we be concerned about you? Are you feeling okay lately? Because there's been plenty of ranting and projection from you.

I'm sorry if you can't read basic English. Absolutely nothing I said was just messaging. Even your wackadoo friend who lies is saying I'm planning a preemptive coup. So what is it, I'm just preparing messaging with no plan, or am I planning such a crazy plan I'm planning a preemptive violent attack on democracy?

You fuckers should get your story straight. At this point you are just ranting. Calm down and wipe the spittle off your lips.
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
If anybody could propose a reasonable plan of action to pack the court within today's electoral and institutional structural situations please by all means type it out.

And if anyone has a plan for what to do when and if the Republicans try to take away freedom's federally if they get power and if they start to utilize the powers they are acquiring to overthrow elections.

Because I propose one and some people say it's just messaging and some people say I'm planning a coup so get your shit straight.

And then offer your plan. I haven't heard shit so far.

Keep in mind this has happened in history, in modern history, many many times. If you want to say it's not happening here then fine admit to being stupid and not able to learn from history. We know what they say about those people.


Jan 14, 2013
You said that Democrats should defy election results and any court rulings that say they must comply. That is an attempt to wrest power away from where it is assigned in our constitutional order.

And the 'proposed negotiated and planned national divorce' is laugh out loud stupid. The red states would never let the blue states go peacefully.

That's right I think the blue states should resist a clear fascist authoritarian takeover of the government , which apparently makes me insane , and not by trying to take over the entire federal government and rule all 50 states, and not by attacking first. I can't get any clearer.

If the red state decide to get violent then we have to already have planned for that which I said already, such as having contingencies in place with the national guard and contacts in the military.

That's my solution.

So far you have proposed no solution at all because standing up to fascism is just not something you want to do. If you did you'd have a plan.

If the Republicans do what they're clearly on the path to doing, What's your plan since standing up to it is wrong to you.


Oct 22, 1999
I never proposed pre-emptively striking anybody. That was fskim's talk when I said I consider the GQP an enemy to democracy, he said the only logical solution if I believed that was to pre-emptively attack violently. And I rejected that. I'd appreciate having an honest debate, not constantly putting words in my mouth, also saying that I refuse to support Biden (god forbid I criticize a candidate). If you want to stop putting words in my mouth, by all means, let me know.

Sorry, I haven't followed all of your back and forths with @fskimospy across numerous threads. I was answering the question you asked, "If so, do you think there is any other plan to come up with besides a pre-emptive attack?" I have no idea who we'd pre-emptively attack or how.

I know you will vote for Biden, but in other threads you've been happy to parrot right wing talking points about him. But yeah, if you want dems to have the best chance, you should be selling his strengths, not bitching about his weaknesses. Especially when it straight right wing media talking points. But dems have to be perfect and republicans just have to be on the ballot, that is how they win all the time.

Also nice that you didn't respond to any of the actual content or proposed possible solutions, even though that is what you claim you wanted.
Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Sorry, I haven't followed all of your back and forths with @fskimospy across numerous threads. I was answering the question you asked, "If so, do you think there is any other plan to come up with besides a pre-emptive attack?" I have no idea who we'd pre-emptively attack or how.

I know you will vote for Biden, but in other threads you've been happy to parrot right wing talking points about him. But yeah, if you want dems to have the best chance, you should be selling his strengths, not bitching about his weaknesses. Especially when it straight right wing media talking points. But dems have to be perfect and republicans just have to be on the ballot, that is how they win all the time.
The logic is straightforward: If you genuinely believe that Republicans will seize power and end democracy next time they win the presidency then you should beat them to the punch. If a dictatorship is inevitable it might as well be your guy and not theirs.

I don't believe this, but if I did the path forward is completely clear.


Jan 14, 2013
Sorry, I haven't followed all of your back and forths with @fskimospy across numerous threads. I was answering the question you asked, "If so, do you think there is any other plan to come up with besides a pre-emptive attack?" I have no idea who we'd pre-emptively attack or how.

I know you will vote for Biden, but in other threads you've been happy to parrot right wing talking points about him. But yeah, if you want dems to have the best chance, you should be selling his strengths, not bitching about his weaknesses. Especially when it straight right wing media talking points. But dems have to be perfect and republicans just have to be on the ballot, that is how they win all the time.

If now it is a sin to criticize the democrat's choices at any time then I don't want to be in that party anyway. I said I will offer my criticism now and I will get behind Biden for the entire presidential election cycle. But God forbid somebody offers any constructive criticism.

And the criticism of Biden is not all just right-wing talking points. He is one of the least inspiring candidates in history among his own party. These are not Republican talking points this is fucking reality. He has also clearly lost a step and has clearly been protected from having to answer any kind of question that's not scripted. Again, reality. If you think I'm just talking Republican messaging and talking points and I don't know what to tell you.

And I did propose an outline and steps to a plan. I have one guy telling me I'm only talking about some lame messaging that can't stop anything. I have another guy telling me I'm planning a preemptive overthrow of the government, with the same exact plan.

This shit is getting hilarious


Jan 14, 2013
The logic is straightforward: If you genuinely believe that Republicans will seize power and end democracy next time they win the presidency then you should beat them to the punch. If a dictatorship is inevitable it might as well be your guy and not theirs.

I don't believe this, but if I did the path forward is completely clear.

And that's why you're a moron. If your only solution to this is to not have any defensive plan in place in logical stages to defend against an authoritarian power grab ,but only to try to take over the whole United States first, I mean you're just an idiot.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
That's right I think the blue states should resist a clear fascist authoritarian takeover of the government , which apparently makes me insane , and not by trying to take over the entire federal government and rule all 50 states, and not by attacking first. I can't get any clearer.

If the red state decide to get violent then we have to already have planned for that which I said already, such as having contingencies in place with the national guard and contacts in the military.

That's my solution.

So far you have proposed no solution at all because standing up to fascism is just not something you want to do. If you did you'd have a plan.

If the Republicans do what they're clearly on the path to doing, What's your plan since standing up to it is wrong to you.
Oh so your argument is to only seize power for half the country instead of the whole thing. Totally different - lol.
Reactions: Meghan54 and Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
If anybody could propose a reasonable plan...
And if anyone has a plan...
Because I propose one...
You've proposed nothing but vague notions. And none of it has been a "plan".
And then offer your plan. I haven't heard shit so far.
Start listening and maybe you'd hear something. It isn't that nobody has given ideas, but you'd rather scream at clouds.
That's right I think the blue states should resist a clear fascist authoritarian takeover of the government , which apparently makes me insane , and not by trying to take over the entire federal government and rule all 50 states, and not by attacking first. I can't get any clearer.
Your rant-rambling isn't clear. It's confused and angry and you aren't even sure at whom to direct it.
If the red state decide to get violent then we have to already have planned for that which I said already, such as having contingencies in place with the national guard and contacts in the military.

That's my solution.
That's not a solution, or a "plan". It's another vague idea without even an outline. "Oh we just need to do THIS!" Okay, so explain how only Democrats are going to obtain control of even a majority of the Armed Forces for this, "contingency".

It's not a solution. Just because you call it one, doesn't make it so.
So far you have proposed no solution at all because standing up to fascism is just not something you want to do. If you did you'd have a plan.

If the Republicans do what they're clearly on the path to doing, What's your plan since standing up to it is wrong to you.
Okay, so once again...
"No plans"
"no solutions"
"You just don't want to stop fascism or you'd have a plan"

You have been highly irrational. Maybe take a break, son. Deep breaths, count to 10, etc. For once, I think pcgeek might've actually had a point...
Reactions: Meghan54


Oct 22, 1999
The logic is straightforward: If you genuinely believe that Republicans will seize power and end democracy next time they win the presidency then you should beat them to the punch. If a dictatorship is inevitable it might as well be your guy and not theirs.

I don't believe this, but if I did the path forward is completely clear.
Yeah, I get what you are saying. Basically what a lot of the people on 1/6 thought they were doing.
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
Oh so your argument is to only seize power for half the country instead of the whole thing. Totally different - lol.
Your plan is to just let them seize power. Apparently there's no defense to fascism by the pseudo intellectuals. If you plan anything to stop any overthrow you are clearly being a bad person.

At some point stopping authoritarianism that clearly tries to overthrow democracy is completely ethical. What the fuck is wrong with you?


Jan 14, 2013
Yeah, I get what you are saying. Basically what a lot of the people on 1/6 thought they were doing.
No you don't get anything. Where did I propose we get a mob to assault the capital and overthrow the government?


Jan 14, 2013
You've proposed nothing but vague notions. And none of it has been a "plan".

Start listening and maybe you'd hear something. It isn't that nobody has given ideas, but you'd rather scream at clouds.

Your rant-rambling isn't clear. It's confused and angry and you aren't even sure at whom to direct it.

That's not a solution, or a "plan". It's another vague idea without even an outline. "Oh we just need to do THIS!" Okay, so explain how only Democrats are going to obtain control of even a majority of the Armed Forces for this, "contingency".

It's not a solution. Just because you call it one, doesn't make it so.

Okay, so once again...
"No plans"
"no solutions"
"You just don't want to stop fascism or you'd have a plan"

You have been highly irrational. Maybe take a break, son. Deep breaths, count to 10, etc. For once, I think pcgeek might've actually had a point...

So you disagree with @fskimospy that my plan is really just an attempted coup? It's just vague notions? Vague notions is not a clear attempted coup.

Let me get this straight before I respond to your ramblings.

It's funny that nobody can come up with a plan to prevent a real attempted coup much more serious than 1/6 and with an organized GQP behind it. Nobody. You ain't got shit.

Also, all the people with zero solutions agreeing with @fskimospy, do you also agree that if someone like Ron DeSantis got power, they would respect democracy?
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
This is almost always what happens when someone who thinks they are smart is confronted with the idea that maybe they aren't. They decide all the people who are pointing out they are stupid are liars.

Coming from someone who thinks Greenman is a smart guy, I'm pretty sure you are incapable of defining smart anymore.

This shit just writes itself.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
So you disagree with @fskimospy that my plan is really just an attempted coup? It's just vague notions? Vague notions is not a clear attempted coup.
I never said I agree or disagree with that idea.
And what HE said about it is that it's the logical conclusion to your statements. Which he is correct about.

You just insist on continuing to misrepresent what he's stating.
Let me get this straight before I respond to your ramblings.
Rambling? LOL.

Do you need a mirror?
It's funny that nobody can come up with a plan to prevent a real attempted coup much more serious than 1/6 and with an organized GQP behind it. Nobody. You ain't got shit.
It's funny that I'm still waiting to see YOUR genius plan as you sit and rant about nobody else having one. Because you haven't given one so far.
Also, all the people with zero solutions agreeing with @fskimospy, do you also agree that if someone like Ron DeSantis got power, they would respect democracy?
It's also funny that you're still stuck on this non-existent fantasy fight against something nobody ever said.

You just sound more like a lunatic every fucking day. And you're beating a dead horse that only YOU ever rode on.

You've become an imbecile, telling everyone else they're imbeciles. Snap the fuck out of it, tard.
Reactions: Meghan54


Jan 14, 2013
I never said I agree or disagree with that idea.
And what HE said about it is that it's the logical conclusion to your statements. Which he is correct about.

You just insist on continuing to misrepresent what he's stating.

Rambling? LOL.

Do you need a mirror?

It's funny that I'm still waiting to see YOUR genius plan as you sit and rant about nobody else having one. Because you haven't given one so far.

It's also funny that you're still stuck on this non-existent fantasy fight against something nobody ever said.

You just sound more like a lunatic every fucking day. And you're beating a dead horse that only YOU ever rode on.

You've become an imbecile, telling everyone else they're imbeciles. Snap the fuck out of it, tard.

Well either you agree with him more or not. Pick one. Your waffling is amusing at this point, and you can't waffle around reality forever. Or maybe you can.

I fail to see how defending against an actual overthrow of democracy to protect a significant portion of the population is an attempted coup in the ways I have laid out, as a reaction to clear and present crossings of freedom and democracy, in any kind of negative connotation like you wackadoos are saying.

When is defending against an overthrow of democracy and freedoms NOT a coup to you people? Please explain how and when it is and isn't.

Good luck!
Reactions: Pohemi


Jan 14, 2013
Its' funny none of these pseudo-intellectuals shitcanning my points without being intellectually honest, can answer the question about how to defend against an actual concerted overthrow of democracy, nor can they give any kind of realistic plan of how to change the trajectory of the GQP and our government besides just saying 'vote and pack the court'! without any context to the reality of the institutional, electoral, and structural framework we are in.

They can't answer basic simple questions. Also they seem to think the many Ron DeSantis's in the GQP would respect democracy since when you ask they say they would, or they make fun of you for even asking, thus avoiding answering the question altogether.

Folks, this thread is evidence based science on how fascism/authoritarianism has happened all over the world in modern history. Because of people like this, willfully obtuse and willing to distort reality, offer no solutions, and answer no questions substantively.


May 15, 2000
Yes Congress has the power and has used it before and based on the composition of the court it is warranted to use at this time in a practical manner to balance.

My issue about this isn't rooted in legal concern or appropriateness of balance of the court.

My concern lies with our current hyperpartisan environment and willingness of actors to push the boundaries of what they can get away with regardless of legality. This action would further that quite significantly. I don't think we have much reserve as a government to withstand it. Ultimately how that plays out I'm not sure. There are a lot of governments which are ostensibly democratic and perhaps functioned that way for a bit before degrading into some version of authoritarianism. I think that is more likely than civil war.

And your concern is nothing but “both sides” bs. We do not have a hyper partisan environment, we have one party that is hyper partisan and everyone else trying to figure out how to deal with them. Equating what republicans actually do with what everyone else is doing is at best intellectual laziness and at worst intellectually dishonest.

We have one party that stole a Supreme Court seat.
We have one party that organized or supported the overturning of an election.
We have one party that turned a blind to an insurrection.
We only have one party trying to cement their power at the state level through undemocratic means.

And you have the audacity to “both sides” your concerns?
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