Karma's a bitch: The Swedish case against Julian Assange is leaked.

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Sep 14, 2003
I'm conflicted about this topic in general, but I feel that it is insulting classify Assange as a "journalist" in the same way that Woodward and Bernstein are journalists. He's a publisher, and barely that.

As to the listed claims, if he is indeed guilty of them, he's at the least a scumbag, possibly a sexual predator (more information needed before he fits this description).


Sep 14, 2003
BUT, what if the secrets show wrongdoing? What happens to a person leaking these kinds of secrets? Should he still be punished even though, in this case, he would be exposing immoral/unethical/unconstitutional acts committed by the organization?

It might be fair to punish him for all the other stuff he revealed that is of no importance and only does harm to civilians or armed forces. Notice I said might be (not sure). He doesn't necessarily get a pass for revealing "good" secrets. His approach is like a home owner using a mini-gun to get rid of an ant on the floor.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Again, if he's punished for revealing secrets that show wrongdoing, how is it fair to punish him? I understand that as an institution, the military should have systems in place to protect secrets and punish those who reveal such secrets. I completely support that. That's fine as long as those secrets are legitimate, i.e. they contain information about morally and ethically acceptable conduct by the military.

BUT, what if the secrets show wrongdoing? What happens to a person leaking these kinds of secrets? Should he still be punished even though, in this case, he would be exposing immoral/unethical/unconstitutional acts committed by the organization? If you say yes, then I come back to what I said earlier:

"how else would information get out? As you said, you clearly support organizations like Wikileaks but how will they get their hands on such information if whistle-blowers are dealt with so harshly. In such a situation, no one will come forward until AFTER it's too late."

That is why I said "within the rule of law". Obviously laws need to be created and enforced to protect whistleblowers as much as possible.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2005
And profited from it where the dumb schmuck who actually leaked the document sits in a detention center.

Who is at fault for that?

]Assange himself[/B]. His motivation is not as pure as he lets on. I've said it before in this thread and I will say it again, if his motivation was the freedom of information, why is he slowly leaking things out and not just releasing everything at once?

Wrong. He sits where he sits because of what he did, it is no ones fault but his own that he decided to upload docs to wikileaks.

As far Assange profiting, you would do the same. And your reasoning behind him releasing them slowly is a stretch, he needs to protect himself.

All that being said, he is a douchebag.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2005
He is just a techie loser that posts a bunch of things that do not belong to him and gets paid for it by his sponsors. He does not know how to treat a woman right, or indeed how to get sex w/o being charged and none of this is any surprise.

The real suprise is that this thread is over 180 posts!


Oct 9, 1999
As far Assange profiting, you would do the same. And your reasoning behind him releasing them slowly is a stretch, he needs to protect himself.

Needs to protect himself? I don't see how that pertains to slowly leaking the docs. If someone were out to get him they would do it whether he leaked it all at once or over time. All this about documents waiting to be leaked if Assange is killed or arrested is just BS Assange making up to romanticize his situation and make it seem like he's some kind of Emmanuel Goldstein, freedom fighter type with the power to take the tyrannical government.

A more plausible explanation is that he is trying to sustain his popularity and traffic to the wikileaks mirrors in order to rake in the donations and stroke his own narcissism. If he dumped everything in one fell swoop everyone would forget about Julian Assange and Wikileaks in a month's time. There's less money and glory whoring in that approach.

This isn't Hollywood. Nobody is going to "assassinate" Assange because at the end of the day Assange is a nobody.


Jul 20, 2003
That dude literally looks like an evil villian from a bad movie. Basically the frech guy from the crappy matrix sequels.


Nov 20, 1999
Needs to protect himself? I don't see how that pertains to slowly leaking the docs. If someone were out to get him they would do it whether he leaked it all at once or over time. All this about documents waiting to be leaked if Assange is killed or arrested is just BS Assange making up to romanticize his situation and make it seem like he's some kind of Emmanuel Goldstein, freedom fighter type with the power to take the tyrannical government.

A more plausible explanation is that he is trying to sustain his popularity and traffic to the wikileaks mirrors in order to rake in the donations and stroke his own narcissism. If he dumped everything in one fell swoop everyone would forget about Julian Assange and Wikileaks in a month's time. There's less money and glory whoring in that approach.

This isn't Hollywood. Nobody is going to "assassinate" Assange because at the end of the day Assange is a nobody.

You're an idiot, he doesn't need to sustain his popularity, they already have more leaks in the works regarding bank of america and another unnamed wall street bank that they'll be releasing soon.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
That is why I said "within the rule of law". Obviously laws need to be created and enforced to protect whistleblowers as much as possible.

If you are referring to laws to protect his class of scum ...

Assange is not a whislteblower. He received illegal/classified information and flaunted/released it to the world. He even threatened to release even more information (via an encrypted file) if he were threatened. He has taken it upon HIMSELF to determine what should/should not be released.

The fucker thinks he is God. He is not.

He fits the foundational definition of a fu#^#%! terrorist.


Oct 9, 1999
You're an idiot, he doesn't need to sustain his popularity, they already have more leaks in the works regarding bank of america and another unnamed wall street bank that they'll be releasing soon.

Why not release them now? I though he was all about freedom of information? Seems to me he is withholding information to suit his agenda. What a hypocrite.


Jan 13, 2000
If you are referring to laws to protect his class of scum ...

Assange is not a whislteblower. He received illegal/classified information and flaunted/released it to the world. He even threatened to release even more information (via an encrypted file) if he were threatened. He has taken it upon HIMSELF to determine what should/should not be released.

The fucker thinks he is God. He is not.

He fits the foundational definition of a fu#^#%! terrorist.

I think he deserves the nobel prize for releasing the info even though he's got so much pressure/threats against him.


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
This guy should be sucking dick in an American federal prison.
Extradition and WikiLeaks

Dec 16th 2010 | from PRINT EDITION

AS THE frissons of the WikiLeaks disclosures fade and cyberwars between its foes and fans sputter and flare, legal questions are becoming central: how can America bring the site’s founder, Julian Assange, to court. The answer to that may lie in Britain, where Mr Assange is battling an extradition request from Swedish prosecutors who want to question him on sexual-assault charges.
Extradition from Britain to Sweden is normally a formality, though Mr Assange’s lawyers argue that “ulterior motives” are at work. On December 14th a court in London adjourned the hearing until January 11th. It also granted Mr Assange bail; oddly, the British (not Swedish) authorities appealed against that. This helps stoke fears among Mr Assange’s supporters that the Swedish case is just a ruse to keep him behind bars pending eventual extradition to America.
Some reports say that an American grand jury has already been secretly sworn in. Prosecutors seem to be focusing on Mr Assange’s involvement in enabling the leaking of secrets, rather than in their publication. That may seem a fine distinction. But it would avoid having to prosecute the New York Times.
Mr Assange may be vulnerable under the 1917 Espionage Act, which punishes leaks involving, and injuring, America’s “national defence”. The State Department warned him in writing on November 27th that the leaks would harm military operations. WikiLeaks is now trying hard to portray itself as a journalistic organisation, in order to benefit from the first amendment’s protection of the press and free speech. That was crucial in the 1971 “Pentagon Papers” case, when a Supreme Court decision upheld the New York Times’s right to publish secret material. However, Leonard Orland of the University of Connecticut notes that one of the judges’ opinions distinguished between illegal “prior restraint” and legitimate prosecution after publication. He says the more relevant precedent is United States v Morison, when the defendant was convicted for leaking photographs of Soviet naval construction to a British magazine.
So a charge against Mr Assange is possible. But extraditing anybody usually requires the deed concerned to be a crime in both countries. Convincing a judge in Sweden, which has one of the world’s most liberal press-freedom laws, of the virtues of America’s Espionage Act may be tricky. A 1961 treaty between the two countries forbids extradition for “political” crimes.
So does Britain’s extradition treaty with America. But it also sets a lower burden of proof. Simon Chesterman, a law professor at the National University of Singapore, notes that Britain’s tough Official Secrets Act would also outlaw WikiLeaks’ actions. For Mr Assange and his pals, Sweden may soon seem a haven, not a threat.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Don't understand how this is much different than say, what Ellsberg did back in the day; is it just because he is not American that you all hate him so much? I guess it is different in terms of the type of information, but still the similariities are there.

As a person he does seem like kind of a scumbag, but I see nothing wrong with exposing the shady dealings and evil doigns of governments. That's what journalism is supposed to do, bring things to the public's attention and attempt to shed light on the wrongdoings of big government and corporations; unfortunately journalists today rarely do that anymore.



Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
Don't understand how this is much different than say, what Ellsberg did back in the day; is it just because he is not American that you all hate him so much? I guess it is different in terms of the type of information, but still the similariities are there.

As a person he does seem like kind of a scumbag, but I see nothing wrong with exposing the shady dealings and evil doigns of governments. That's what journalism is supposed to do, bring things to the public's attention and attempt to shed light on the wrongdoings of big government and corporations; unfortunately journalists today rarely do that anymore.

Part of his problem is that almost all of what he has released is not evil in any way (mundane diplomatic stuff) and some of it is quite dangerous (list of sensitive sites that the US Governments thinks is of high value). This guy cannot be compared to Ellsberg. He is just a freakish rapist.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
I'm conflicted about this topic in general, but I feel that it is insulting classify Assange as a "journalist" in the same way that Woodward and Bernstein are journalists. He's a publisher, and barely that.

Depends on your definition I guess. I consider anyone who collects, edits, and presents news to be a journalist. Assange fits under that category afaik.

It might be fair to punish him for all the other stuff he revealed that is of no importance and only does harm to civilians or armed forces. Notice I said might be (not sure). He doesn't necessarily get a pass for revealing "good" secrets. His approach is like a home owner using a mini-gun to get rid of an ant on the floor.

From what I understand he asked U.S. authorities to help censor sensitive information but they refused, and told him not to leak anything. So instead their editors did the best they could and then released everything. I haven't seen any reports of any fallout due to his approach, besides embarrassing the U.S. government.

Ah, found an article on it here.

Assange is not a whislteblower. He received illegal/classified information and flaunted/released it to the world. He even threatened to release even more information (via an encrypted file) if he were threatened. He has taken it upon HIMSELF to determine what should/should not be released.

He released information regarding wrong doing/corruption. If I understand the term correctly that is the literal definition of a whistleblower.

The fucker thinks he is God. He is not.
He fits the foundational definition of a fu#^#%! terrorist.

He definitely has a huge ego, and considering what he has done/said that is not much of a surprise. However, so far he doesn't appear to have made any threats against a single living person. How does he fit the definition of a terrorist in any way?

And another question, why are you so upset about him exactly? I don't really see how anything he does significantly affects you at all.

He is just a freakish rapist.

<citation needed>


Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
People hate us out of envy/jealousy. They all want to rule the world but can't. It hurts to be second class to Americans, doesn't it? Doesn't it?
Ask any foreigner why they hate us and they'll start talking about "injustices" or "crimes" or some other bullshit allegedly committed by American soldiers or businesses. It's all envy. Like the penis envy you have when you take a public shower in the dorms.

No one can be this stupid. I'm calling you out, troll.


Platinum Member
Dec 13, 2005
Wait, so this guy not only convinces women to sleep with him, but he also has them pay for his transportation, provide lodging, and feed him? I'll reserve judgment on the rape allegations, but this guy seriously sounds like an ass. Those women should have told him to GTFO.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
Wait, so this guy not only convinces women to sleep with him, but he also has them pay for his transportation, provide lodging, and feed him? I'll reserve judgment on the rape allegations, but this guy seriously sounds like an ass. Those women should have told him to GTFO.

Just proves what I learned in highschool. If you just want sex be the biggest asshole you can be to women. They will put out as long as you act like you couldn't be bothered to fuck them.


Sep 4, 2006

So, girl 1 gets her clothes ripped off and says it's going too fast. Obviously thinks this guy is too much for her. THEN SHE SAYS, "FUCK IT, I'LL PAY FOR YOUR $16 TICKET TO MY PLACE WHERE WE CAN FUCK."



Senior member
Nov 27, 2004
Apparently you can be if you don't see much of the anti-Americanism as jealousy/envy.

Do you have any solid evidence of that at all? I have friends that don't like America (not the people mind you) because of how we use our military might to push our laws and opinions on countries that really could care less, and then try to claim moral superiority while severely lacking credibility in that area...

We destabilize other countries by assassinating or otherwise removing democratically elected leaders and replacing them with cruel dictators to do our bidding, that is until they stop and we decide to remove them yet again. (see saddam)

Our government claims to be more transparent and yet we are going after this Assange guy because he exposed things that our government wanted to keep hidden? We claim to be a bastion of free speech and then call someone a terrorist for releasing some documents? Hypocritical as fuck.

Let me ask you a serious question. What exactly do other countries have to be jealous of? We don't have government provided health care, we get less time off work and less benefits than many western european countries, our school systems are a mess (besides colleges), college tuition here is rising while other countries have free education, our country is so large and our population growing so fast that our individual votes are becoming meaningless, corruption among politicians is rampant and obvious, corporations are practically allowed free reign to do whatever they wish with minor penalties, and people in this country are so afraid and apathetic that instead of voting in their best interest we get things like a failure to repeal the estate tax and a republican majority.

I like this country but unless people get their shit together and stop emotionally reacting to every inconsequential thing it will be difficult to remain hopeful for the near future.


Aug 10, 2002
He released information regarding wrong doing/corruption. If I understand the term correctly that is the literal definition of a whistleblower.

So the definition of a whistleblower is doing what the press does regularly?
Whistleblowers may make their allegations internally (for example, to other people within the accused organization) or externally (to regulators, law enforcement agencies, to the media or to groups concerned with the issues).

He received information FROM a whistleblower, or insider, or whatever, but that doesn't make him one.
Otherwise any newspaper which reports information like that is a whistleblower. But obviously they are not, they get information from a whistleblower.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
Here's an update on Assange ... now he is attacking both his friends and foes:

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange slammed both friends and foes Tuesday as he defended himself against widespread criticism over his conduct and his controversial website's publication of secret documents.

In an interview with the U.K.'s Times newspaper, Assange attacked his media partners at The Guardian newspaper for "selectively" publishing lurid details from the police report on his alleged sexual assault of two women in Sweden. (The Times' website operates behind a pay wall.)

"The leak of the police report to The Guardian was clearly designed to undermine my bail application," he said. "It was timed to come up on the desk of the judge that morning.""

He and Wikileaks illegally releases many thousands of secret documents and he has the gonads to complain about someone releasing his personal info? The guy has gonads ...

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