Kavanaugh SCOTUS Senate Judicial Hearing

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Not that anyone will change their minds but for what its worth here is my take after watching the entire session

Dr Ford was very credible and told a story she firmly believed was true.

Judge Kavanaugh was very credible and told a story he believed to be true.

Both testified under oath.

So for me, what has to be the deciding factor in this hearing? I believe, even more than yesterday, something happened to Dr Ford but whatever that was, it did not involve Judge Kavanaugh. The primary reason for my conclusion is there simply was no contemporary corroborating evidence Dr Ford could provide today.

No doubt, Dr Ford absolutely believes Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her. I believe she believes that. But the contemporary witnesses she provided have all under oath denied knowledge of the incident.

So she's too stupid to know who attacked her?


Aug 2, 2001
Not that anyone will change their minds but for what its worth here is my take after watching the entire session

Dr Ford was very credible and told a story she firmly believed was true.

Judge Kavanaugh was very credible and told a story he believed to be true.

Both testified under oath.

So for me, what has to be the deciding factor in this hearing? I believe, even more than yesterday, something happened to Dr Ford but whatever that was, it did not involve Judge Kavanaugh. The primary reason for my conclusion is there simply was no contemporary corroborating evidence Dr Ford could provide today.

No doubt, Dr Ford absolutely believes Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her. I believe she believes that. But the contemporary witnesses she provided have all under oath denied knowledge of the incident.

What, because Dr Ford doesn't have subpoena power to call all the witnesses she named?

She can't force the FBI to investigate?

Your conclusion reads "well, we didn't bother to look, and we found nothing"
Reactions: Aegeon


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yes it does.

ah, tossing out some free pointers how to prevent the blackout and get back into the rape game?

guess this is why you are balls-out defending this federal justice rapist, and why you earlier claimed prior knowledge about him and his rapes. ...you just want to keep raping with him, and are terrified about losing your rape buddy.

I get it, though.

I can't imagine what it takes to bring down the type of dude that spends his nights grenading babies...other than violent drunken rape.

lol, you love that shit. all of it. It's all you talk about around here.


Oct 18, 2005
Good luck with convincing anyone. This will be the new standard and a huge negative for the republic. I fear for my family, and friends, as this is leading to a civil war.

Democrats think they have a win, Republicans have a short term loss, but in the end, the same tactic used today, will be used by both parties now.

The people on this board are way to partisan to even debate with. You get nowhere, and they get pats on their back from “the good side”.

Which side wanted an investigation and which side rushed forward with a single hearing while refusing to investigate?
Jul 9, 2009
I was thinking the same thing. McConnell has the votes or he doesn’t. Either way the only way they lose is if they don’t have some republican in the SCOTUS seat by Jan 20 if they lose on Nov.

Moving forward now buys him a few more weeks to deal with the inevitable future fuckups if they have to try to seat the next candidate.
Pretty much this. One vote tomorrow, when Kavanaugh wins 11-10 it'll be a floor vote on Tues. or Wed. most likely. I think Kavanaugh will be confirmed 53 to 47. Even if he loses it'll take about 1 to 2 weeks for a new nominee and about a 6 week wait for hearings in Dec.


Feb 15, 2002
Can someone educate me on the following? I was rather impressed at how impartial the 'prosecutor' was. She's definitely not acting. And as we all saw, questions were equal and fair to both parties.

My biggest point is this, why is Kevanaugh evading FBI background check in mere 1 week to clear his name? That's notably contradictory.
The Republicans stopped using her when she was too tough on Kavanaugh and not allowing him to rant and filibuster and deflect.

Probably he knows something would come out disqualifying him, also the GOP majority wouldn't allow it for probably the same reason, they're (GOP) also hiding 100,000 documents pertaining to his time in the Bush administration, which has never been done before.
Nov 8, 2012
SCOTUS justices have their own personal interests. There's one who likes pornography (Thomas, and that came out back in the hearings for him.) And now we'll have one who likes to cry. Nothing really that wrong with either one. I do both, I watch porn and I cry watching sad movies. I even cry at the end of Undercover Boss tv shows when the boss rescues a few employees from financial disaster by buying them a car, a house or tuiton. Which has the lucky employee in tears of joy which makes me cry.

Anyway on a more practical note imo if Kavanaugh is rejected then Trump will probably nominate a more conservative person knowing it's unlikely that today's debacle will be repeated.

Ah dang forgot to add that people who say lie detector tests are not admissible in court in the same sentence when they say they're also unreliable usually look like they're trying to hide something. I know both are true but come on we see this so much. The ones who pass the tests say they are wonderful tools and the ones who refuse to take them for the two reasons stated above seem suspect to a large portion of the population.

It's been factually proven to be innacurate - in addition to the inventor himself saying it was bullshit.

I don't care - throw kav under the bus and get rid of him - but lie detectors - or more appropriately titled "polygraph tests" are bullshit. Fact.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The FBI thing is such a joke. If democrats cared about Ford this would've been brought up when the allegation was raised with Feinstein. Everyone knows the FBI angle is useful because it delays things indefinitely. That's it.

Or as Ben Shapiro put it:

"Why won't you ask the FBI to delay your confirmation vote based on allegations you say are complete nonsense in order to give Democrats time to push off your nomination beyond the election, thus surrendering your nomination?"

the WH knew everything about little Brett the rapist from the beginning. You know it and I know it. Everyone knows it.

They withheld 200k documents for a fucking reason. You dipspittles spent the better part of a week mocking requests for those 200k documents. It's posted all oever these forums, and you can't fucking escape it. None of you can

And now you are, predictably, passing blame again.

Seriously, go fuck yourself. The pubs knew exactly who Kavanaugh was. It was the only reason they spent all that time PRIOR TO THE HEARINGS refusing to investigate this rapist.

Utterly refusing. The assholes even mocked the very insinuation that they needed to investigate this priveliged golden WASP RAPIST.

Stop being a god damn obvious idiot and fucking think for a second. There is one dude out there that could clear this rapist. but he's in hiding. lol-like it's that easy for Mark Judge to go in hiding when a small-town reporter found him after one day. You think the repubs care about this rapist's innocence and his character?

jesus fucking christ. just ask yourself the obvious questions and then go cry yourself int a closet for the rest of the week when you realize the profound and sundry ways that you have been gaslighted for generations to unquestionably support this endless train of bullshit that has been shoved down your gaping and willing maw.

and then go kindly fuck yourself for wasting our time with your endlessly brainless conjecture.
Nov 8, 2012
This is the best of both worlds. We get to impeach Kavanaugh after the midterms and then pack the supreme court!

It's not like they wouldn't put some other scumbag in there before the end of the lame duck session anyway. This way we get this supreme court seat no matter what, and we probably get the senate early.

Folks, I'm conservative (or rather libertarian to be more exact) and am all in favor of ousting Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court after his childish performance.

But you are seriously high as fucking snorting cocaine and taking acid tabs right now if you HONESTLY believe yourself when you say that Kav can be impeached. You're simply fucking high.


Jun 2, 2000
Stop being a god damn obvious idiot and fucking think for a second. There is one dude out there that could clear this rapist. but he's in hiding. lol-like it's that easy for Mark Judge to go in hiding when a small-town reporter found him after one day. You think the repubs care about this rapist's innocence and his character?

This is what I don't understand. If he is completely innocent, why isn't the other person that was reportedly in the bedroom, Mike Judge, here to testify on his behalf?

It would seem like it would have been much better for Kavanaugh, with 2 people against Dr. Ford. I keep thinking where the hell is Mike Judge? I think his absence hurt more than his potential testimony.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
The Senate has investigated it. The Democrats could have gotten any number of investigators to check into it. From State, to District to private to Senate. Why didn't they?

lol @ the senate "investigated it."

This is the same senate that admitted, in public, to 7 fraudulent "investigations" and hearings into "Bengazi" that were only organized to smear Hilary CLinton.

Lol, you're such a worthless, formless toad.

Please free your imprisoned carbon atoms such that they could be put to better use. Like, processed into chanterelles which are delicious, and criminally rare mushrooms in the USA....
Reactions: SteveGrabowski


Senior member
May 5, 2017
Innocent until PROVEN guilty. All we've heard are wild accusations without any shred of evidence.

Why wait 36 years? He was an important person before as well, he got higher and higher in the judiciary every 5 or so years it seems, ever since the Bush era he has been climbing up and fast, why not reveal things back then?

Her story also changed so much, first she could only remember it in a session with a therapist in 2012, now she is saying she told her husband years before, so which one is it? did she have no recollection till 2012 or did she always had this memory? If she did have it even before 2012, why not say anything back then?

If she had it after why not saying anything? she's had 36 years to say something, why exactly now?

And again, INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. But we won't be able to find out if its true or not ever, because she waited 36 years and no evidence exists now, even if it potentially existed. So all she is doing smearing his name and preventing the nomination.

I feel like ultimately Trump should say fuck you do all the democrats and nominate a different candidate as a fuck you to all of them and have it expedited and done quickly and swiftly. They can't pay off enough people and quickly enough to be able to smear every single judicial candidate he nominates.

Trumo should step up though, he should order the FBI, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Army intelligence to find the money links to these democratic party operatives, massive investigations into the money links and find out that its George Soros, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Clinton crime family, etc... that subvert US democracy, NOT Russia, NOT anyone else!


May 15, 2000
Folks, I'm conservative (or rather libertarian to be more exact) and am all in favor of ousting Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court after his childish performance.

But you are seriously high as fucking snorting cocaine and taking acid tabs right now if you HONESTLY believe yourself when you say that Kav can be impeached. You're simply fucking high.

What's the requirements for impeachment?


Jun 4, 2004
Not that anyone will change their minds but for what its worth here is my take after watching the entire session

Dr Ford was very credible and told a story she firmly believed was true.

Judge Kavanaugh was very credible and told a story he believed to be true.

Both testified under oath.

So for me, what has to be the deciding factor in this hearing? I believe, even more than yesterday, something happened to Dr Ford but whatever that was, it did not involve Judge Kavanaugh. The primary reason for my conclusion is there simply was no contemporary corroborating evidence Dr Ford could provide today.

No doubt, Dr Ford absolutely believes Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her. I believe she believes that. But the contemporary witnesses she provided have all under oath denied knowledge of the incident.

There’s only a few ways this can play out.

Dr Ford was either:
  • Lying
  • Telling the truth
  • Telling the truth but wrong
Judge Kavanaugh was either
  • Lying
  • Telling the truth
  • Telling the truth but wrong.
I agree Ford was credible and her testimony and actions support her story.

For the sake of argument I’ll accept your interpretation of Kavanaugh for now which leaves us with one of them telling the truth and one of them being wrong.

If this was a court of law it would be very difficult to convict Kavanaugh on the she said he said testimony presented.

(I was jury foreman one time on a he said she said assault case and we didn’t convict because the victims corroborating witness refused to testify and the prosecutor provided virtually no evidence)

However and with all due respect to Senator Graham while this maybe hell it was also a job interview. Kavanaugh, under pressure granted, did not display conduct becoming a Supreme Court justice. He was angry and lashing out widely and with huge partisan attacks unbecoming a judge whose goal was to remain impartial.

Strictly on that behavior alone he should be voted down.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah, Trump the narcissistic self aggrandizing person takes orders from Putin, sure!!!! And the moon is made out of cheese!

This fake propaganda, this fake investigation might have worked if we actually had a US president who isn't so narcissistic. Trump only cares about himself, so him working with Russia or whatever is retarded. You literally have to have no brain at all, to believe the crap! Its all 100% bullshit!

Trump is officially classified by the "Gru" and the CIA as a "retarded agent" [of the USSR]

Yes, it's an official designation, and yes, the premier intelligence agencies of the world classify the fucking president of the US as a retarded agent of the USSR.

That is actually a fact.

Look up what it means, tool.

Oh wait, you know what it means. This is you.


Oct 18, 2005
Innocent until PROVEN guilty. All we've heard are wild accusations without any shred of evidence.

Why wait 36 years? He was an important person before as well, he got higher and higher in the judiciary every 5 or so years it seems, ever since the Bush era he has been climbing up and fast, why not reveal things back then?

Her story also changed so much, first she could only remember it in a session with a therapist in 2012, now she is saying she told her husband years before, so which one is it? did she have no recollection till 2012 or did she always had this memory? If she did have it even before 2012, why not say anything back then?

If she had it after why not saying anything? she's had 36 years to say something, why exactly now?

And again, INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. But we won't be able to find out if its true or not ever, because she waited 36 years and no evidence exists now, even if it potentially existed. So all she is doing smearing his name and preventing the nomination.

I feel like ultimately Trump should say fuck you do all the democrats and nominate a different candidate as a fuck you to all of them and have it expedited and done quickly and swiftly. They can't pay off enough people and quickly enough to be able to smear every single judicial candidate he nominates.

Trumo should step up though, he should order the FBI, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Army intelligence to find the money links to these democratic party operatives, massive investigations into the money links and find out that its George Soros, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Clinton crime family, etc... that subvert US democracy, NOT Russia, NOT anyone else!

Dude your country is being stolen from you. Fix your own shit.

Btw a nice bit of classic eastern European antisemitism there calling out Soros and the Rothschilds. Your country fought against nazis now you are not so slowly becoming them.


Jun 2, 2000
Innocent until PROVEN guilty. All we've heard are wild accusations without any shred of evidence.

And again, INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. But we won't be able to find out if its true or not ever, because she waited 36 years and no evidence exists now, even if it potentially existed. So all she is doing smearing his name and preventing the nomination.

This isn't a court of law. Nominations for the Supreme Court live and die in the court of public opinion.

I'd love to know Kavanaugh's polling numbers after today.
Nov 8, 2012
Can someone educate me on the following? I was rather impressed at how impartial the 'prosecutor' was. She's definitely not acting. And as we all saw, questions were equal and fair to both parties.

My biggest point is this, why is Kevanaugh evading FBI background check in mere 1 week to clear his name? That's notably contradictory.

IMO to your bolded question - that is simply a matter of partisanship.

Republicans want to hurry and push him through ASAP to make sure mid-terms don't interfere.
Democrats want to slow as much as possible to try and make sure the mid-terms come before he is on the SCOTUS.

It's really that simple. I don't think an FBI investigation is a 2 day process - just look at how long the Russia investigation is taking. Furthermore, even if he did agree to it Democrats would continue to try to drag things as much as possible.

Again - just my honest opinion, I'm not in favor of Kavanaugh anyhow.


Nov 11, 1999
Folks, I'm conservative (or rather libertarian to be more exact) and am all in favor of ousting Kavanaugh from getting on the Supreme Court after his childish performance.

But you are seriously high as fucking snorting cocaine and taking acid tabs right now if you HONESTLY believe yourself when you say that Kav can be impeached. You're simply fucking high.

Agreed. "We'll impeach him later" is bullshit. After the shit show Kavanaugh put on today none of the rest of it matters. He's unfit to serve.
Reactions: darkswordsman17


Dec 12, 2000
Yeah, I'd like to see what path Democrats have to take the House, impeach, and not have it overturned in the Senate.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Strzok? Page?
Any investigators could find the same.
He's not, absolutely no evidence of it and the 3 witnesses that Ford named in her letter said as much under felony penalty.
If they both stick to their stories and Ford refuses to name a date or place it will always be a case of "He said, she said"

How about we hire Christopher Steele? He's basically 98/98 in finding international criminal scum so far, with absolutely no tarnished record in the international intelligence and criminal agencies. ...these are the actual undisputed facts, by the way. No reason to waste your few remaining breaths arguing against them...

Seriously, you'd like the guy if you actually knew any of the truth about him: he took down FIFA for fucks-sake, and if anything, you're the type of Lonestar-swilling arthritic grandpa that fucking hates soccer because it confuses you and interferes with TV time for God's Team.


I'm going to be generous. Here is a brilliant profile that his thoroughly and honestly reported


I'm not holding my breath that you can digest what journalism looks like, but do yourself a favor: be patient and just repeat in your head that you are "Reading facts. I am reading facts. I am reading facts. I am reading facts." It's a nice mantra, and will help you get through this godawful article that includes way too many facts and way too much honest, sweaty, brilliant reporting. It sucks, I know. It's hard, I know. Some leggy woman in a miniskirt isn't yelling this to you in short 30 second sound bites with a wink, over coffee, but I trust that you are old enough to remember how to read.

So, shit man, give it a shot. Maybe America has a chance. LoL--probably not: You're still alive.
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