Kavanaugh SCOTUS Senate Judicial Hearing

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Aug 2, 2001
I think the most favorable poll shows Dems with a 1 in 5 chance of taking the Senate. More likely it's a less than 10% chance due to polling bias. There is no point to delaying.

In a perverse way, there is a angle where allowing K to slither onto the court may be the best available outcome (aside from winning on a Senate takeover gamble.)

He is so repulsive, so damaged he can be a rally cry to fight.

If he withdraws (and Ds don't win the Senate) and we get the typical level of terrible, then maintaining that focus will be much more likely to be lost.


Jun 11, 2004
Do you find anything remotely disgusting in claiming that people will vote according to their race in 16 years? Obviously not, it's one of your favorite claims and tick-tock countdowns. I prefer that to think that people will vote with their own interests and interests of their families and their country instead.

Don't get pissed off at me because conservatives have centuries of overt hatred of minorities and the liberals figured out how to pander to them. Minorities know just like all liberals know that their own best interests and the best interests of God and Country leans left...

Get a time machine or a bigger violin... Too late to change it now...


Jun 11, 2004
I could care less if he goes through or not... as stated by myself and many this is a win - win for the dems...


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
All that prep he probably did for today, and he still came off as a huge whiny, entitled, angry asshole.

He never expected that good honest white people would expose his history of alcoholic rapiness for the rest of the world to see.

The code was broken. It is uncouth. Shit--just look at it here. All of his defenders are terrified and flailing about in the thread. They are terrified that their own frat WASP rapiness is going to be exposed. There were CODES! THIS IS NOT COOL!

Watch them flail. They are so fucking angry. The world is not what they were told it was. This pisses them off, you see, that there now seem to be consequences for their horrible violent and irresponsible behavior. They were always promised that some black person would get blamed for it.

WASPS do not suffer consequences, this is not what was promised them.

Look at the little rapist rage and squirm in front of Congress. Look at his pissant cheerleaders on these forums rage and defend him all the same. Look at Taj, and Zstream, and DSF, and whothefuckever. Look at them piss their pants over their own, fond, personal histories of beer-pong rape parties falling into the shitter and, god-willing, ending up in prison.

Poor, poor, rapists. Sucks that you are such horrible people, I guess.

LoL, not really.


Jun 11, 2004
All I know is TexasHiker better come out of the Ripronin sock drawer soon to clear this all up... It must be getting hot in there...


Feb 1, 2008
Those siding with WHY DID FEINSTEIN WAIT?
Senator Feinstein made that quite clear.
She said Ford sent the letter and...AND Ford asked that it and her name be held secret.
And so.... Senator Feinstein did exactly THAT.
Kept it quiet as Ford had asked.
It was only after Ford realized her assault went public that Ford also realized keeping this quite WAS NO LONGER possible.
So in short, Senator Feinstein KEPT HER WORD.
Can anyone still remember what it is to KEEP ONES WORD?
Grassley can't.
Going by Grassley, if someone tells you a secret and asks you to keep it quiet, you should not keep it quiet.
Grassley IS the snake in the grass-ley.
How'd you fell about buying a car from this idiot?

And is it any surprise that Donald Trump would TOTALLY ignore the words from this woman, Ford, and side with the rapist?
Watching Kavanaugh and knowing how Trump feels about grabbing women and where to grab them by, it is obvious Kavanaugh is just another Donald Trump.
And how would people feel with Donald Trump on the US Supreme Court?
Well.... THAT is exactly what we are about to get.
Donald Trump in the Whitehouse AND Donald Trump on the US Supreme Court.
Reactions: Muse


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I didn’t vote, thought you would know that. I can’t stand how this republic is being torn apart by a bunch of idiots on both sides, including yourself. The intellectual dishonesty is overwhelming, and ruins discussion on this board.

/looks at avatar

/reminds self that poster is a duplicitous idiot/bot account.


Jun 5, 2000
Who's hiding? You are. From your own threads. When your bullshit conspiracies get blown out of the water. Want me to start linking?

Exhibit A:


I should be in marketing, my guerrilla tactics on knowing how to make threads to target a certain demographic on here, that causes them to come running like Pavlovas dogs when the bells rings and its lasting effects is epic., you can go to bed now to slowly let the realization that you have been owned settle in.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Anyone who still believes Ford is credible needs to either examine the evidence more, or have their head examined.

1)Her story is incomplete, inconclusive, and factually useless.
Despite all her testimony about "Memory", She cannot remember the year, the date, the time, what grade she was in, when the assault took place. She cannot remember where the assault took place. Couldnt remember the house, the street, who owned the house, how she got there or how she got home, and couldnt remember anything other than it was about 20 minutes from her parents house in Maryland.
Her memory of the events was so bad, she called her friends to assist her in remembering the details of what happened that she had long forgotten.

Despite non memory of anything else, the one positive thing she is sure of is that it is Brett Kavanaugh.

In the past 2 weeks, the senate has interviewed 2 individuals each twice, who have come forward with detailed, specific, and credible information, that they might be the person(s) responsible for Fords assault, and that this is a case of mistaken identity.

2)Her story is inconsistent and shifting overtime.
If she affirmed that she never told ANYONE of what happened, including her mom or her best friend, then how could she call on her friends to help her recall her memory? Furthermore, if she never told anyone, then why did witness and friend of the victim, Christina King come forward and claim that it was the talk of school for days after the occurrence?

Then there is the question of shifting age. she told her therapist in 2012 she was in her "late teens", but in her polygraph testimony she said she was 15 at the time. 15 is NOT late teens.

The story of who was present at the party and in the room has changed at least 3 times. First it was told to her therapist it was herself and 4 boys (Kavanaugh, Judge, PJ, and one unnamed she couldnt remember), all of whom were in the room. Then the story shifted to there were 5 others at the party, including the 4 mentioned above and including a new witness her lifelong friend Leland Ingham Keyser, and this time the only 2 in the room were Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. The story again shifted that there were those 5 at the party and at least a few more girls.

she told Congress that she did not want to come testify before them because she was afraid to fly. Congress offered to come to her for her testimony AND her records prove that she flies frequently including trips to Hawaii, French Polynesia, and Costa Rica.

3)Corroborating evidence
All 4 people Ford named at the party, including her own lifelong friend and witness, denied that the party ever took place. Keyser also testified that she never attended a party where he was present.

4)Other skeptical information
In 2012 she never named the person who performed the rape, in fact his name never surfaced until 2016.
In an interview with the Washington Post, Ford said she was very upset that Brett Kavanaugh was on Donald Trumps Supreme Court possible appointee list. Unfortunately Kavanaugh was never on that list in 2016.

Why wait 36 years to come forward? What is her motive? To me although she asserts her motive is purely nonpolitical, it can't be anything but. The fact that her motive is purely political weighs heavily against her credibility. She is a known political activist. People ask what does she gain from this? Easy, the defeat of a political enemy seen as a misogynist and a threat to abortion rights.

Lets speculate for a minute...If Kavanaugh was not appointed to the supreme court, this allegation would have never have surfaced.

So what is her motive if not political? Criminal justice or Civil justice? Self Healing or Revenge?

If her motive is criminal justice, why have this matter not been referred to the Maryland State Police? There is no statute of limitations, and if this was a criminal matter the jurisdiction would be theirs. why is there no civil suit where the burden of proof is much less?

The fact that no investigation exists at all speaks to this being politically motivated. in fact all the calls for a FBI investigation is nothing more than a stall tactic, since they would have NO jurisdiction (and consider their case closed) to postpone this appointment until after the fall elections in hopes that the Democrats will win enough seats to prevent this appointment.

If this was about healing, how will destroying Brett Kavanaughs career and family help her heal? Two wrongs doesnt make the first one right.

If this was about true justice, Criminal justice is about rehabilitation, not about punishment.
Lets assume the original allegation was true for a minute, the fact that 36 years later it has not occurred again, speaks that rehabilitation is not necessary, so again her motive must be punishment.

Only in the perverted mind of MeToo'ers where the witchhunt is about destroying men in a position of power or fame with nothing but accusations of innuendo and and public shame and not serious about actually preventing sexual assault would this be any sort of Justice. Of course we call that vigilante justice, or revenge.

If this is not political, why is her case being taken pro-bono by political activist attourney Deb Katz, whom is being funded by leftist fundraiser George Soros. Her polygraph test was also funded by this money.

The timing of her claims and the evidence CLEARLY shows her motive is purely political.

Lets return to speculation again if these allegations were true and reported in 1982, then Kavanaugh was 17, and Ford was 15. This would have been handled in a Juvenile court, and all these records would be sealed, and Ford would be under a NDA order, and none of this would even be relevant to these hearings. in short a technical and legal error on her part has resulted in something being irrelevant and inadmissible, to being front and center character assassination purely from political motive.

Furthermore if this is a "job interview" as some democrats suggest, then employment laws forbid defamatory statements from job references, and therefore none of her testimony would again be relevant or admissible.

Furthermore, if this allegation would impair Kavanaughs ability to serve in the courts, then why wasnt this information disclosed years ago when he appointed to federal circuit courts?Why wasnt he removed years ago?

His years of service proves this allegation true or not, do not impair his ability to perform the job. he has an impeccable judicial record, and has been recommended by the bar for this position.

The other 2 accusers which have come forward are so non credible, that they are not even worthy of discussion, and thus I will end here.
if you believe Dr Ford, you need to have your head examined.

jesus fucking christ.

that is a terrible waste of time to basically say nothing. sorry, bro.

and you even made it into "chapters"


Golden Member
Dec 24, 2016
I should be in marketing, my guerrilla tactics on knowing how to make threads to target a certain demographic on here, that causes them to come running like Pavlovas dogs when the bells rings and its lasting effects is epic., you can go to bed now to slowly let the realization that you have been owned settle in.

Ah, the "it was just a prank bro" defense. You know you're out of steam when you resort to that. Thanks for playing.


Aug 2, 2001
American Bar Association asking Committee for a full FBI Investigation and delaying the vote. That is... unprecedented.

Catholic Jesuit Magazine (whatever the eff that is) just pulled their endorsement of Kavanaugh.

What? Why? Heard Dr Ford at 15 was over the age limit when he tried to rape her?


Seriously. Pennsylvania just released a report of 1000 child victims by over 300 priests.
Just one state.

Over 1000 Dr Fords.
From just one state.

They can go f themselves.

But Rs can tell those kids they are just mixed up and need more evidence, else poor priests.
Nov 25, 2013
Parody account?

Innocent until PROVEN guilty. All we've heard are wild accusations without any shred of evidence.

Why wait 36 years? He was an important person before as well, he got higher and higher in the judiciary every 5 or so years it seems, ever since the Bush era he has been climbing up and fast, why not reveal things back then?

Her story also changed so much, first she could only remember it in a session with a therapist in 2012, now she is saying she told her husband years before, so which one is it? did she have no recollection till 2012 or did she always had this memory? If she did have it even before 2012, why not say anything back then?

If she had it after why not saying anything? she's had 36 years to say something, why exactly now?

And again, INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. But we won't be able to find out if its true or not ever, because she waited 36 years and no evidence exists now, even if it potentially existed. So all she is doing smearing his name and preventing the nomination.

I feel like ultimately Trump should say fuck you do all the democrats and nominate a different candidate as a fuck you to all of them and have it expedited and done quickly and swiftly. They can't pay off enough people and quickly enough to be able to smear every single judicial candidate he nominates.

Trumo should step up though, he should order the FBI, CIA, NSA, Pentagon, Army intelligence to find the money links to these democratic party operatives, massive investigations into the money links and find out that its George Soros, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Clinton crime family, etc... that subvert US democracy, NOT Russia, NOT anyone else!


May 15, 2000
I should be in marketing, my guerrilla tactics on knowing how to make threads to target a certain demographic on here, that causes them to come running like Pavlovas dogs when the bells rings and its lasting effects is epic., you can go to bed now to slowly let the realization that you have been owned settle in.

Ah, the o'l, ima admitted troll, routine.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
This is what I don't understand. If he is completely innocent, why isn't the other person that was reportedly in the bedroom, Mike Judge, here to testify on his behalf?

It would seem like it would have been much better for Kavanaugh, with 2 people against Dr. Ford. I keep thinking where the hell is Mike Judge? I think his absence hurt more than his potential testimony.

It's kind of a big question, right? That guy is really super important....but he was just "let go" to disappear and the GOP really wasn't concerned with his health because he is obviously "under so much stress and please please please press:do not abuse this poor man who is under so much stress."

I mean, come the frick on. The guy was found on an SC beach (I think it was SC?) less than 24 hours after he disappeared, then fled again.

I have two guesses for where he is hiding:

1: Mago - a
2: Lar

(letters were switched to protect the innocent)


Feb 6, 2002
I paraphrased a bit, but generally in agreement with their written submissions to the Senate that have a felony penalty if they lie.
They can put almost anything down in a written statement. If they know there will be no cross examination under oath they are safe to "mis-remember" in a letter one way. If in the unlikelyhood they are questioned by the FBI they can always "mis-remember" another way. Since the incident happened 36 years ago its not likely perjury would be charged. In normal circumstances that's something rarely charged.

That's why Republicans don't want the FBI involved.

If the FBI were called right when Ford's story broke any additional information would have been gathered by now.
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