Kavanaugh SCOTUS Senate Judicial Hearing

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Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
If we’re going to be honest, lets be brutally honest. The whole thing was a facade. Nothing happened that is going to change a nearly evenly split Senate from voting along party lines. I previously linked a CNN article that sums it up nicely. Kavanaugh didn’t stumble, those with political ambitions got their moment and the media moves on to the next story

He did stumble. He looked like a fucking kid with his hand in the cookie jar. My dog looks more comfortable chewing a shoes when I ask him if he ate my shoes. Either he has done some slimy shit or VERY possibly, he was asked questions that he didn't know about and does not work well under that type of pressure. In either case, let's not characterize it as not stumbling. He stumbled but it does't mean he is guilty of something. The only time he looked smooth was when he was given questions he knew were coming. That said, I don't hold his demeanor against him.

The ground work has laid. Harris' line on inquiry leads to either:
1) A great big nothing burger. The guy is not great under pressure and Harris got her 15 minutes of fame but there is nothing here
2) He lied during the hearing and he had in fact had some trivial conversations with someone at the law firm (I loved how he pretended he didn't know the firm) and it comes back up later as a "he's a liar but we can't really do anything"
3) He talked to Trumps lawyer at Trump's lawyer's law firm and promised to keep the Trumper safe. Lee tried to clear this up with the "did you promise anything to anyone" routine but we know people who lie don;t just tell one.

I am sure a good portion of Liberals think that it's 3 and even more want it to be 3r

The line of questioning was sound (despite how some in this thread may want to pretend it was vague) but it may lead to nothing. Based on all the nothing burgers that have been served up, I won't dismiss it entirely.
Reactions: cytg111
Mar 11, 2004
Yeah, I don't think so. She flashed a sign of some sort and she got called out for it (and the call out was for something pretty divisive). If you think she was trolling, you are seeing things that you want to see . She was intentionally trying to make it look like she was doing legitimate things. I am not saying she flashed a malicious sign, but she was likely pulled aside and read the riot act for doing whatever she did. The response was pathetic. It was like watching a fucking mime it was so exaggerated. She was not being clever and trolling, she was trying to cover her ass for getting caught doing shit on TV.

Again (by that, I mean I've made this point to the people you're arguing with before), even if she was "just trolling", her trolling is that she's ok with you thinking she's a white supremacist. Even if she isn't, it still helps white supremacists and the message boils down that the people who have a problem with white supremacists are worse than actual white supremacists.

These people are damn lucky they don't live in the world they claim, because if they did, her and Alex Jones and these other pieces of shit would have bullets in their heads or be rotting in some prison where no one would know where they are, not trying to pretend that they're not jackasses when their behavior becomes impossible to ignore.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004

What?!? I don't need a goddamn citation to say that after she caught shit for making a sign that set the internet buzzing, she then clearly and fucking ridiculously performed theatrics to show it was just the "okay" sign. I am not saying she was making a white power sign for sure, but she was doing something previously and she was called out for it. Her response was some sorry-ass act to make it look like it was all just a misunderstanding. If it was a "I am bored as fuck, looking forward to getting my hole filled later" sign, she should fucking cop to it. If it was a sign to her mom, husband, or M-13 gang affiliated friends she should have just said "I made a subtle sign to a loved one. It was not the white supremacy sign. I apologize for the disrespect". Instead, she doubled down with an on camera act which should have gotten her fired for being on her phone and clearly communicating with someone when she should have been paying attention to one of the most important events in her political career.

If you don't see the theatrics, perhaps you should consider some testing to see if you have some perception issues. She clearly was trying to cover for something. That is all I am implying.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
Kavanaugh will almost certainly get confirmed. Qualified or not, there's been inadequate transparency about his record. If the high court, for example...rules that Medicare for All is unconstitutional, there could be legislative and executive resistance to court rulings in the future. None of which are good. Problem's only made worse by the president's and republican party's apparent contempt for the rule of law and the entire constitution itself.

Yeah the hearings have turned into a shitshow.. .At least he's getting hearings and a vote; Garland didn't

I think the outcome was/is inevitable. I am glad that the Republicans continue to push the boundaries of decorum and pull this type of shit. SOME of their supporters are starting to understand that their platforms and policies don't match. This is just another example where a few people who would have voted R were like, "hey, these assholes aren't playing fair and area bunch of liars". Maybe they stay home, maybe they vote D. Every time it happens, a small bit of the Republican base is eroded away. Of course, at this rate, it will be 20 years before they disappear...

Regardless of the amount of information made available, the Republicans know that if they are not actively bending the rules things in their direction, they will lose. Since their vote on this won't have a direct impact on the vast majority of their constituents for a long time, they are safe in voting him in. I don;t imagine a scenario where a few of the faithful jump ship. Not before mid-terms when we would see Fox News talking about how bad these guys screwed up.


Oct 18, 2013
You're lecturing me about what has legal implications? Are you serious? Dude, I've taken over 200 depositions and cross-examined witnesses at trial. A question like this is not terribly difficult to answer. Any attorney asking a witness those questions and getting those answers is going to immediately conclude that the witness is being evasive, and they're probably going to turn out to be correct.

Look, I understood the questions, you understood questions, and Kavanaugh understood the questions. Because none of us is stupid. An unqualified "no" answer should have come out of his mouth right away if that was the true answer because there wasn't anything that needed clarification. She doesn't have to ask 30 versions of the question each with another name from the Kasowitz roster. She can ask the question the way she did and it creates no ambiguities. He didn't need to know who she had in mind to answer. He just wanted to know.

Absolutely he could have answered earlier. He did answer the question the way you said he should. He did not give a flat out yes or no as far as I saw though. That said, you have to look at this through both the filter of legal and political. Legally he could have just said "not to my knowledge". That would have absolved him from any issues legally. That said, that would not have done anything positive for him politically as she clearly showed when she started down the path of "you have a great memory, you know who you spoke to". Once that happened, it was better to string her along to see if she would play her hand at anyone specific. He did appear to take the first option when he said at the end "not that I am aware of".

That said, a "No" answer would have been foolish. If you do have experience in law, then why in the world would anyone give a yes or no answer and then leave themselves exposed to being called a liar if they made a mistake? That is something that any reasonable person should do no?


Nov 11, 1999
The whole song & dance routine about the OK sign is a diversionary troll. It doesn't mean a damned thing. If it was intentional it accomplished that purpose, chumps. Don't hit the shiny object.

This is about the GOP trying to lock down the SCOTUS as an implement of the top down class warfare they've waged on the rest of us since Reagan. They're also trying to lock America down into a reactionary social order.

Kavanaugh is merely a tool for that end.


Jun 26, 2009
realibrad said:
Absolutely he could have answered earlier. He did answer the question the way you said he should. He did not give a flat out yes or no as far as I saw though. That said, you have to look at this through both the filter of legal and political. Legally he could have just said "not to my knowledge". That would have absolved him from any issues legally. That said, that would not have done anything positive for him politically as she clearly showed when she started down the path of "you have a great memory, you know who you spoke to". Once that happened, it was better to string her along to see if she would play her hand at anyone specific. He did appear to take the first option when he said at the end "not that I am aware of".

That said, a "No" answer would have been foolish. If you do have experience in law, then why in the world would anyone give a yes or no answer and then leave themselves exposed to being called a liar if they made a mistake? That is something that any reasonable person should do no?
The Quibbler Returns in:
"Lessons in Legal Quibbling"


Jan 6, 2005
He did stumble. He looked like a fucking kid with his hand in the cookie jar. My dog looks more comfortable chewing a shoes when I ask him if he ate my shoes. Either he has done some slimy shit or VERY possibly, he was asked questions that he didn't know about and does not work well under that type of pressure. In either case, let's not characterize it as not stumbling. He stumbled but it does't mean he is guilty of something. The only time he looked smooth was when he was given questions he knew were coming. That said, I don't hold his demeanor against him.

The ground work has laid. Harris' line on inquiry leads to either:
1) A great big nothing burger. The guy is not great under pressure and Harris got her 15 minutes of fame but there is nothing here
2) He lied during the hearing and he had in fact had some trivial conversations with someone at the law firm (I loved how he pretended he didn't know the firm) and it comes back up later as a "he's a liar but we can't really do anything"
3) He talked to Trumps lawyer at Trump's lawyer's law firm and promised to keep the Trumper safe. Lee tried to clear this up with the "did you promise anything to anyone" routine but we know people who lie don;t just tell one.

I am sure a good portion of Liberals think that it's 3 and even more want it to be 3r

The line of questioning was sound (despite how some in this thread may want to pretend it was vague) but it may lead to nothing. Based on all the nothing burgers that have been served up, I won't dismiss it entirely.
I felt his demeanor was awkward and consistently bad throughout. Look at how he answered the question about what the 1A means to him. He circled back on a few memorized comfortable sound bytes but did not connect his dots to create a clear narrative. He was not charming or compelling or articulate.

To me this is a clear indicator of someone who does not speak well under pressure.

The question was initially vague and then became quite specific, with a bluff that backfired.

I am going with nothingburger relative to Harris’ questions but there may be something to the allegations of perjury.


Jan 6, 2005
The whole song & dance routine about the OK sign is a diversionary troll. It doesn't mean a damned thing. If it was intentional it accomplished that purpose, chumps. Don't hit the shiny object.

This is about the GOP trying to lock down the SCOTUS as an implement of the top down class warfare they've waged on the rest of us since Reagan. They're also trying to lock America down into a reactionary social order.

Kavanaugh is merely a tool for that end.
Tell that to the lunatics raging on Twitter


Mar 17, 2008
Tell that to the lunatics raging on Twitter
Priorities, sure, but a couple of points
1. If someone can use this to get people riled up for midterms, - hey if this is the tool that gets the job done!
2. There is the presidence of the matter, to legitimize it, how many of these public trollings does it take before the true believes follows suit with this shit in public and broad daylight.
But yea, priorities and keep eye on the ball and all that.


Jan 14, 2013
Trump is a piece of shit. Good odds lots of his nominees for big important jobs are also pieces of shit. I'm gonna go with Kavanaugh is probably a big fucking turd.


Nov 11, 1999
Tell that to the lunatics raging on Twitter

So what? My second paragraph was the important part. Perhaps you'd care to comment on that, tell us how Kavanaugh's evasiveness isn't an indicator of such intent. It would be much too sobering if he told us what he's all about, wouldn't it?


Jan 6, 2005
So what? My second paragraph was the important part. Perhaps you'd care to comment on that, tell us how Kavanaugh's evasiveness isn't an indicator of such intent. It would be much too sobering if he told us what he's all about, wouldn't it?
Wow man, you’re wound so tight you can’t even see that I am agreeing with you


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Absolutely he could have answered earlier. He did answer the question the way you said he should. He did not give a flat out yes or no as far as I saw though. That said, you have to look at this through both the filter of legal and political. Legally he could have just said "not to my knowledge". That would have absolved him from any issues legally. That said, that would not have done anything positive for him politically as she clearly showed when she started down the path of "you have a great memory, you know who you spoke to". Once that happened, it was better to string her along to see if she would play her hand at anyone specific. He did appear to take the first option when he said at the end "not that I am aware of".

That said, a "No" answer would have been foolish. If you do have experience in law, then why in the world would anyone give a yes or no answer and then leave themselves exposed to being called a liar if they made a mistake? That is something that any reasonable person should do no?

You’re best off just stopping now.


Nov 11, 1999
Wow man, you’re wound so tight you can’t even see that I am agreeing with you

You've done your best to direct conversation away from the heart of the matter & to dwell on the peripheral aspects of it all. You also do your best to put positive spin on a really poor performance.. Kavanaugh isn't a man who doesn't speak well under pressure but rather a man who has to pick his words very carefully so as not to give himself away. He & the GOP def want to hustle this thru w/o full documentation.

What's the rush? Kavanaugh's confirmation is in the bag unless some really ugly stuff shows up. Oh, wait... that wouldn't matter to the GOP anyway. Kavanaugh being on board is all they really care about. He's their guy, Steeped in right wing ideology, anointed by the Federalist Society & nominated by a useful idiot.


Jan 6, 2005
You've done your best to direct conversation away from the heart of the matter & to dwell on the peripheral aspects of it all.
Booker and Harris are front and center, not on the periphery

You also do your best to put positive spin on a really poor performance.. Kavanaugh isn't a man who doesn't speak well under pressure but rather a man who has to pick his words very carefully so as not to give himself away.
So you thought his 1A answer was well spoken? I thought it was quite poor.

He & the GOP def want to hustle this thru w/o full documentation.
What would be adequate and acceptable vetting to you beyond the process that played out this week?

What's the rush? Kavanaugh's confirmation is in the bag unless some really ugly stuff shows up.
Harris alluded to having some ugly stuff. Let’s hear what it is.

Oh, wait... that wouldn't matter to the GOP anyway. Kavanaugh being on board is all they really care about. He's their guy, Steeped in right wing ideology, anointed by the Federalist Society & nominated by a useful idiot.
Well yes, I would expect the GOP to nominate a candidate of their choosing. That’s been the long game strategy of the Federalist society.


Nov 11, 1999
Booker and Harris are front and center, not on the periphery

So you thought his 1A answer was well spoken? I thought it was quite poor.

What would be adequate and acceptable vetting to you beyond the process that played out this week?

Harris alluded to having some ugly stuff. Let’s hear what it is.

Well yes, I would expect the GOP to nominate a candidate of their choosing. That’s been the long game strategy of the Federalist society.

And there you are, trying desperately to normalize a right wing power grab that will endure for decades.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Jul 9, 2009
And in the end, what matters is that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The sound and fury and tantrums of the progressive left isn't going to stop, it'll just get louder and more violent and even uglier than it is already.


Nov 11, 1999
And in the end, what matters is that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The sound and fury and tantrums of the progressive left isn't going to stop, it'll just get louder and more violent and even uglier than it is already.

In a truly scurrilous & underhanded fashion that's utterly un-American.


Jun 11, 2004
The one on your left hand is furious and the one on your right hand has tantrums... you've been pointing that out for years... Still pathetic. Still a POS no matter which hand is working your mouth...
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