Kavanaugh SCOTUS Senate Judicial Hearing

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Jul 9, 2009
Its not like facts matter to you so you'll do what you normally do when faced with an uncomfortable truth, ignore it, but just so you know. Republicans represent less people but hold a disproportionate amount of seats in Congress. Republicans also refused to have a hearing for a supreme court nomination, the first in history since nominations were required to have a hearing before being confirmed (which was also a Republican change that broke precedent). Its also been Republicans that have lost the popular vote while winning the electoral vote for presidency (including trump). Its also Republicans that have a history passing voting laws who's admitted attempt is to disenfranchise voters.

So while it's true that Republicans do get votes (a claim no one has ever said otherwise), its also true that they've rigged elections in their favor.

You may be cool with that but that's because you are a traitor and anti American democracy.
I heard your "truth"....... whine , whine, cry, complain, bitch, whine, cry, snivel, sniffle and whimper.

You lost, get over it. The funny part is now you and the Dems are trying to invent some kind of lie charge into the hearing. Ain't gonna happen kids.

As Obutthole said "elections have consequences"


Jan 6, 2005
Yes really. The preference of a retiring justice doesn't outweigh a president's right to choose in any way, shape or form. Garland was fine with republicans before McConnell started his crusade against the negro. He's a moderate, not some ultra-liberal trans activist lawyer from San Francisco. You can ignore Obama's intent all you want, doesn't change Merrick was chosen with republican feels considered. BothSides fails again, sorry.
I am not contending that. To pretend that the line of nuclear politics over SCOTUS appointments didn’t start with Ted Kennedy is to demonstrate an ignorance of history.


Jan 6, 2005
I suppose you could do the same but hypocrisy is your middle name. Your last name, of course, is "both-sides". Your nickname: facts-dont-matter
Except I’ve now linked several historically accurate and factual articles that clearly demonstrate that nuclear politics over SCOTUS appointments started with Bork, and that Garland was for many Republicans a chance to deliver some payback.

This is simple historical fact.

You’ve not countered any of those points. You are all edge and no point.

You really have two choices. You can attempt to refute the articles I posted with historical fact (you can’t), or you can be a good little water boy and fill your buckets...I imagine the goal post movers will be quite thirsty from trying to scale the wall of hypocrisy erected by Kennedy and Biden.


May 15, 2000
Except I’ve now linked several historically accurate and factual articles that clearly demonstrate that nuclear politics over SCOTUS appointments started with Bork, and that Garland was for many Republicans a chance to deliver some payback.

This is simple historical fact.

You’ve not countered any of those points. You are all edge and no point.

You really have two choices. You can attempt to refute the articles I posted with historical fact (you can’t), or you can be a good little water boy and fill your buckets...I imagine the goal post movers will be quite thirsty from trying to scale the wall of hypocrisy erected by Kennedy and Biden.

I refuted them already and quite clearly. You, of course, ignored it.

You claimed Bork was unprecedented and changed everything, I showed you that it wasn't and has happened with about a third of all supreme court nominations. You ignored it. You claimed Biden made the rule and set the stage, I showed you that not only was there no rule but that even if you were to somehow turn biden's speech into a rule, you would have to ignore what he actually said and ignore all context in order to get to what the Republicans came up with. You ignored it.

Btw, if you sound like a right winger, if you use right wing talking points, and you act like a right winger, you are a right winger. All you need to complete your transformation is to having undying support for trump!


May 15, 2000
I heard your "truth"....... whine , whine, cry, complain, bitch, whine, cry, snivel, sniffle and whimper.

You lost, get over it. The funny part is now you and the Dems are trying to invent some kind of lie charge into the hearing. Ain't gonna happen kids.

As Obutthole said "elections have consequences"

Thanks for proving my point.

Starbuck, you are in great company with taj here!


Jul 17, 2003
I am not contending that. To pretend that the line of nuclear politics over SCOTUS appointments didn’t start with Ted Kennedy is to demonstrate an ignorance of history.

The Dems extended courtesies to the Pubs, and Obama choose a moderate justice. McConnell threw it all back in their faces, but a grudge is supposed to explain it all away? I can't seem to recall Dems ever outright blocking a nominee, from even a prelim meeting. BothSides fail again.

History, I'm all for it. Specifically if republicans learned from it and tried to do the same thing again - ditch a clearly unsuitable nominee and get another Kennedy who flies through with unanimous Senate support. Isn't that the ideal scenario, where everyone approves of the choice?

I'm not arguing the republicans don't have a bullshit ax to grind dating back the 80s. I'm disputing your previous BothSidesDoIt comment regarding party behavior. There is a clear difference in how the two parties conduct themselves wrt to the courts, in general really. The republicans changed the way everything works in the 96-2000 time frame. I mean to pretend otherwise would demonstrate an ignorance of history.
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Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jan 6, 2005
I refuted them already and quite clearly. You, of course, ignored it.
Not ignored, I am addressing them and continue to.

You claimed Bork was unprecedented and changed everything, I showed you that it wasn't and has happened with about a third of all supreme court nominations. You ignored it.
Of course not every nomination doesn’t move forward. That is not disputable. What is disputable is that Teddy, the worst Kennedy, introduced a level of partisanship that helped create the current climate, and there are plenty of historical writers and legal analysts that agree with that assessment.

You claimed Biden made the rule and set the stage, I showed you that not only was there no rule but that even if you were to somehow turn biden's speech into a rule, you would have to ignore what he actually said and ignore all context in order to get to what the Republicans came up with. You ignored it.
Didn’t ignore it. There is a reason its called the Biden rule. That is simply indisputable.

Btw, if you sound like a right winger, if you use right wing talking points, and you act like a right winger, you are a right winger. All you need to complete your transformation is to having undying support for trump!
I don’t support Trump and support Democrats when they don’t act like pearl clutching hypocrites. I am not linking Fox News or Breitbart. If NPR and WAPO and NYT are willing to print opinion pieces that support my arguments, maybe, just maybe, those things are open to discussion and debate.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The reason it is called the ‘biden rule’ is that Republicans made that up in 2016 as a justification for their behavior. That’s it.


Nov 11, 1999
The reason it is called the ‘biden rule’ is that Republicans made that up in 2016 as a justification for their behavior. That’s it.

A GOP propaganda construct? Couldn't be!

McConnell called it a rule so it must be a rule!


Jun 11, 2004
Thanks for proving my point.

Starbuck, you are in great company with taj here!

Isn't it hilarious that all these TrumpTard fucks have 2 years later now is still "You lost get over it"!!! Going to be so GD delicious... the only shame is the same wimps will tuck tail and run away and hide after the midterms until summer of 2020 like they do every couple of years...

Expect MANY new sock puppet accounts from the one or two guys working all the mouths around here for some time to come...


Jun 11, 2004
Not ignored, I am addressing them and continue to.

Of course not every nomination doesn’t move forward. That is not disputable. What is disputable is that Teddy, the worst Kennedy, introduced a level of partisanship that helped create the current climate, and there are plenty of historical writers and legal analysts that agree with that assessment.

Didn’t ignore it. There is a reason its called the Biden rule. That is simply indisputable.

I don’t support Trump and support Democrats when they don’t act like pearl clutching hypocrites. I am not linking Fox News or Breitbart. If NPR and WAPO and NYT are willing to print opinion pieces that support my arguments, maybe, just maybe, those things are open to discussion and debate.

The but, but, but dems bla bla bla shit ends in November.

The party that was relegated to the kids table a few years ago while the Trump and the GOP has run roughshod over our democracy will be throwing that wrench in the future plans of the GOP and I highly doubt the they will forget what they allowed to happen any time soon....

Awesome. Now THIS is the how politics will be played for some time to come and you are blaming it on the Democrats. How precious...

Time for supposed fence sitters like you get off your ass and vote these shits out of office before the country is irreparably harmed further...

If the only thing you can glean from what is happening with our Democracy and what's best going forward right now is but, but but dems clutching pearls... themz hypocrites???

Then there is no help for you...


Nov 11, 1999
The whole schtick about Bork is a GOP touchstone of misdirection for their true motives. It completely ignores all the relatively non-contentious SCOTUS nominees confirmed in the meanwhile. Anybody who brings it up is spreading propaganda.

Kavanaugh is somebody special for the GOP, an ideologue who simply can't get 60 votes for cloture. They know it better than anyone. So they make it that he only needs 51 & then slam it in right to the short hairs.

They know what they're doing, which has been winning at top down class warfare since the election of Reagan thanks to their command of numerous wedge issues. Kavanaugh & Gorsuch will extend that into future decades.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Nov 11, 1999
The but, but, but dems bla bla bla shit ends in November.

The party that was relegated to the kids table a few years ago while the Trump and the GOP has run roughshod over our democracy will be throwing that wrench in the future plans of the GOP and I highly doubt the they will forget what they allowed to happen any time soon....

Awesome. Now THIS is the how politics will be played for some time to come and you are blaming it on the Democrats. How precious...

Time for supposed fence sitters like you get off your ass and vote these shits out of office before the country is irreparably harmed further...

If the only thing you can glean from what is happening with our Democracy and what's best going forward right now is but, but but dems clutching pearls... themz hypocrites???

Then there is no help for you...

He's a fifth columnist...


Jan 6, 2005
The but, but, but dems bla bla bla shit ends in November.
No, the battle lines will just shift.

!The party that was relegated to the kids table a few years ago while the Trump and the GOP has run roughshod over our democracy will be throwing that wrench in the future plans of the GOP and I highly doubt the they will forget what they allowed to happen any time soon....
Relegated by voters. Politics is a game of short memories, this thread is certainly evidence of that.

Awesome. Now THIS is the how politics will be played for some time to come and you are blaming it on the Democrats. How precious...
This is how politics have always been played.

Time for supposed fence sitters like you get off your ass and vote these shits out of office before the country is irreparably harmed further...
I vote every election. Sometime for Republicans. Increasingly for Democrats.

If the only thing you can glean from what is happening with our Democracy and what's best going forward right now is but, but but dems clutching pearls... themz hypocrites??? Then there is no help for you...
Specific to this thread and the SCOTUS discussion, there is a lot ot pearl clutching.


Feb 6, 2002
I heard your "truth"....... whine , whine, cry, complain, bitch, whine, cry, snivel, sniffle and whimper.

You lost, get over it. The funny part is now you and the Dems are trying to invent some kind of lie charge into the hearing. Ain't gonna happen kids.

As Obutthole said "elections have consequences"
Apparently they don't when you can site on a President's nominee for almost 1 year.


Nov 11, 1999
Specific to this thread and the SCOTUS discussion, there is a lot ot pearl clutching.

So, uhh, changing the rules to install semi-stealth right wing ideologues on the Court is somehow good for America & our future, or what?

We all know that Kavanaugh is exactly that guy.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2018
If we want to play pretend to be a nation of law rather than ideology we would have an independent panel select these judges.

Interpreting the constitution is kind of like interpreting the bible, people don't give a flying fuck what it actually says, they just make shit up as they go along these days.

It's quite obvious that you can't discriminate or remove anyone's autonomy and yet a judge that would argue that this is fine is about to enter the SC. A man who believes that the president is above any and all laws at all times.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Jul 9, 2009
So, uhh, changing the rules to install semi-stealth right wing ideologues on the Court is somehow good for America & our future, or what?

We all know that Kavanaugh is exactly that guy.
The Democrats were the ones that started the nastiness with Bork and then continued it with Thomas, Garland was just a continuation of what the Democrats began.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2018
And where in the Constitution or the law is it required they not?

Nowhere just as there is no law saying that the next democratic leadership can't just put 55 judges in there of their choosing.

When you play these games you might win in the short term but these partisan games have a tendency to bit you in the ass when the leadership changes.

Of course, this is exactly what the Russians want, that is why they spend money on the most extreme on either side and use the low IQ gullible fucktards as their helpers.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Jul 9, 2009
Nowhere just as there is no law saying that the next democratic leadership can't just put 55 judges in there of their choosing.

When you play these games you might win in the short term but these partisan games have a tendency to bit you in the ass when the leadership changes.

Of course, this is exactly what the Russians want, that is why they spend money on the most extreme on either side and use the low IQ gullible fucktards as their helpers.
Actually they'd have to change the law to put more judges in, as FDR knew.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nowhere just as there is no law saying that the next democratic leadership can't just put 55 judges in there of their choosing.

When you play these games you might win in the short term but these partisan games have a tendency to bit you in the ass when the leadership changes.

Of course, this is exactly what the Russians want, that is why they spend money on the most extreme on either side and use the low IQ gullible fucktards as their helpers.

It is really sad that we’ve gotten to this point but eventually the Democrats are forced to start fighting fire with fire.

Other than Kavanaugh people don’t seem to realize how easy it would be to get rid of Trump’s other judicial appointments. You could simply disband the courts they work for and then re-establish them immediately and re-staff. You could wipe out Trump’s entire judicial legacy in an afternoon.

Normally I would be very, very against this sort of thing because it’s insanely bad governance. The thing is the Republicans stopped caring about good governance quite a while ago. It’s probably going to take something extreme to remind them of why they might want to reconsider the value of putting country over party.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Senior member
Aug 10, 2018
It is really sad that we’ve gotten to this point but eventually the Democrats are forced to start fighting fire with fire.

Other than Kavanaugh people don’t seem to realize how easy it would be to get rid of Trump’s other judicial appointments. You could simply disband the courts they work for and then re-establish them immediately and re-staff. You could wipe out Trump’s entire judicial legacy in an afternoon.

Normally I would be very, very against this sort of thing because it’s insanely bad governance. The thing is the Republicans stopped caring about good governance quite a while ago. It’s probably going to take something extreme to remind them of why they might want to reconsider the value of putting country over party.

I'm in a sort of agreement with this, they want to fuck this up..... FUCK 'EM!

Unfortunately we have idiots like Schumer that want to go on vacation and I don't think much will change when the likes of him are in charge, they'll just bow their heads and play pretend that they are doing something.

A real clean out of the house democrats is in order too.
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