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Senior member
May 19, 2004
Yet another person who doesn't understand that tax cuts often result in an INCREASE in federal tax revenue due to the growth of the economy.[/quote]

Yeah, boy. The economy has been buzzing since we received those cuts, hasn't it?


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: CrazyApe
Yet another person who doesn't understand that tax cuts often result in an INCREASE in federal tax revenue due to the growth of the economy.

Yeah, boy. The economy has been buzzing since we received those cuts, hasn't it?[/quote]

Ummm, yes, in fact it has. You must have missed the memo. Do you have any idea what the fvck you are talking about? Do you know what the job numbers look like over the past two years? Do you know what the unemployment rate is?


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Irrational
Originally posted by: 351Cleveland
Originally posted by: conjur's over. Bush has won.

May the rest of the America now see what a failure he is.

Let me see those grapes...

Yep, they are sour.

He he:laugh:

I may be new posting in these forums but I've been visiting for over 5 years now. 2 elections have pasted and one thing's remained the same IMO. Many of us aren't picking who we think is best qualified for the position of President. Rather, we're just picking the one least likely to make things worse. That's a dangerous trend. I'm calling all you Democrats out. Competition will change this. Take Intel for example. Your party was great once and in return made the Republicans better. Please, for the sake of our country, deliver an outstanding candidate for 2008. Stopping worrying so much about strict party lines. Frankly, most politicians are like snake-oil salesmen to me. I'll say it again. I implore you to give the GOP a serious scare next time. Or they'll atrophy as badly as your party has. And we'll all lose.

Just to add to this...
HILLARY != an Outstanding Cadidate for 2008.


Golden Member
Aug 31, 2001
Originally posted by: Beau
It's been moved to 2:00 PM, FYI. (on cnn)

Comcast has a live stream of ABC news goin, uses Real Player tho

For those without access to a picture box...

EDIT: Link might help


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Chadder007
Originally posted by: Irrational
Originally posted by: 351Cleveland
Originally posted by: conjur's over. Bush has won.

May the rest of the America now see what a failure he is.

Let me see those grapes...

Yep, they are sour.

He he:laugh:

I may be new posting in these forums but I've been visiting for over 5 years now. 2 elections have pasted and one thing's remained the same IMO. Many of us aren't picking who we think is best qualified for the position of President. Rather, we're just picking the one least likely to make things worse. That's a dangerous trend. I'm calling all you Democrats out. Competition will change this. Take Intel for example. Your party was great once and in return made the Republicans better. Please, for the sake of our country, deliver an outstanding candidate for 2008. Stopping worrying so much about strict party lines. Frankly, most politicians are like snake-oil salesmen to me. I'll say it again. I implore you to give the GOP a serious scare next time. Or they'll atrophy as badly as your party has. And we'll all lose.

Just to add to this...
HILLARY != an Outstanding Cadidate for 2008.

... It's worse than I thought. :frown:


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Irrational
Originally posted by: DT4K
To Democrats: $20,453
To Republicans: $4,930

I never said Fox employees don't have a sense of humor.

I'll agree that they have far more conservative commentators and the liberal one's they have (Alan Colmes) are pretty weak and seem more like token liberals. But I think any station that isn't filled with 100% liberal democrats would be considered right-wing propaganda from the left's point of view.

Personally, I think the reporting on Fox several weeks after the invasion of Iraq was very anti-bush, doom and gloom type stuff. I was just pointing out that even at Fox, a majority of the employee political donations went to democrats. Maybe the high-profile commentators are just dissuaded from contributing because of the appearance of bias.


May 16, 2002
Originally posted by: EMPshockwave82
Originally posted by: SparkyJJO

Bush doesn't lie, cheat, or steal - Actually you were describing Clinton, Gore, Kerry, the whole lot of them.

Yes, the media is one-sided too - liberal, anti-conservative for the most part. I was actually pleasantly surprised when the local newspaper that is always so liberal actually endorsed Bush - at least they saw that Kerry was completely unfit for president.

This was in responce to me saying that bush "lies cheats and steals"

he is a politician... dont ever say he doesnt lie cheat or steal....

he lies, he has lied to the US about more things than i can count

he cheats, he gives contracts to his friends before allowing bidders to give their fair shake

in responce to the news being liberal/ anti-conservative
last night on fox news (was flipping between fox and cnn constantly) they were giving bush states when he has a 60%/40% split in the state with 2% of precincts reporting... kerry had a state by the same margin with 15% or precincts reporting and they hadnt given him the votes for that yet... this was just last night and an example of what happens every day on fox news and several other outlets

OK, give me a few examples of what he lied about to the US, cheated on, or stole. What "contracts" to friends???? Explain that one, it is new to me...
I will admit that he isn't perfect (honestly, who is? No one!), but he is a whole lot better than Clinton, Hillary, Kerry - the whole group of them. Kerry wasn't even close to being honest - he couldn't even keep his own stories straight!

Fox was going by what they had at the moment, and I'm sure certain states are an obvious pro-Bush or pro-Kerry (Texas being pro-Bush and California being pro-Kerry, for example). Besides, Fox is only 1 out of HOW MANY news stations. And if you didn't notice what I said, "liberal, anti-conservative FOR THE MOST PART" - I did not say ALL of them, now did I?? Just most.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Grakatt
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: Grakatt
Originally posted by: Corn
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: DT4K
Originally posted by: Grakatt
Did every evangelist in your country stand up almost straight and walk off to vote yesterday? My my, I do believe so. This is one of my current favourite quotes:

"ROVE: I think as we get to the end, people in all states are thinking about who will be best to lead us in the War on Terror. Who is the person with vision and clarity and moral resolve to fight the enemy until the enemy is completely defeated? And people understand that's George W. Bush"

Can the 'war on terror' be won? Completely, as stated? In 4 years? With a continuation of the methods of the last 4 years?
No, No, No.
Either Rove is so used to manipulating the truth he wouldn't recognize it if it dragged him to a park and beat him with a large branch, (meaning he believes what he's saying, which is scary), or he is lying, and aware of it.

Viscious insults and attacks against christians from an "open-minded" liberal?
Who would have expected that?

<blatant sterotype>I guess Kerry didn't get enough of his welfare bum and communist supporters to put down their crack pipes long enough to get to the polls.</blatant sterotype>


Not really sure how you can characterize his post as "viscious insults and attacks" against Christians when he's just noticing, as most of the media commented, that the evangelical vote came out in full force for Bush this time around...

I guess you are as blind as a bat. Please note the text I bolded in the first sentence of his original post......and the the following quote that he added in just to solidify his point:

And to think the majority of Americans are spiteful now.. blind, blind, blind, blind, stupid, arrogant, reckless, stupid, stupid, stupid.

Read what BroeBo said. If they can stand up just straight and vote for Bush mainly because he has the same values when it comes to faith as they, then they are either in the dark about the other issues, or they are scary.
Anyhow, it doesn't matter..the fact remains: Many who voted are apparently rather clueless or dangerously naive. Either way, it isn't my mess, although in certain indirect ways it affects me a little, as it affects most of the world. The Chief Political Advisor is an infernal lier, or he believes the War on Terror can be won, with the means previously used by him, and in 4 years, too. If he doesn't plan to do away with the election system altogether Funny how no one commented my comments on mr. Rove's words, eh?
Tsk tsk tsk.

Edit. And 'leftie'...godscurse, how many 'conservatives' are upset by mr. Bush &amp; gang's very 'conservative' actions? The word is as hollow as your average Bush-supporter's head. Damnit, there I go again..
Say all the apples on the ground

Thank you for further proving my point. You tolerant and freedom loving lefties wallowing in your bigotry and hypocrisy is music to my ears. What's next in your playbook? Damn am I amused.

Sticking your fingers in your ears going 'Liberalleftieeeee-WAWAWAWA-liberaaaaleeeftieWAWAEA'?

How about a comment on my comments on Rove's comment? How about actually commenting any of my points?

What's to discuss. Either Rove honestly believes that the "war on terror" can be won, or he doesn't. Is it any different or dishonest than when Kerry stated "...the choices I would make? to fight and win the war on terror." and his promise to "....kill the terrorists before they get us."

Silly hypocritical liberals, you'll argue anything no matter how irrelevant and insignificant.

Eh, the fact that it was stated by the political advisor to the president of one of the more influental countries in the world sort of starts a shiver walking down my spine. Funny how those '...' between 'to figth' and 'to win' sort of disappeared in your quote btw. 'Fight the enemy until the enemy is completely defeated' is also just a tadscarier than ' fight...and to win...the war on terrorism' .


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2004
Originally posted by: DT4K
Originally posted by: BroeBo
Wow this election just made it clear how many Americans vote without knowing anything but wedge issues and talking points. (can we please have a basic fact comprehension test before people are allowed to vote?) The the majority of issues that Bush voters were worried about at the polls were moral values and terrorism. "Dubya has protected us from another attack since nine one one, what has Kerry done?!" Run little sheep, run! IMO: I think the spread of Bush voters was about 70% moral Christian fund-a-mental case who believed all the BS republican smears on Kerry, Iraq connection to 9/11, etc. While the other 30% knew everything but were too greedy about the government "stealing" their money to agree that Bush is a failure.

May whichever god bless our united states of greed and ignorance.

oh yes and to the 70% I was talking about above, please save your washed up "if you don't like it you can geeet out" comments because luckily I have faith that eventually we will turn this country back in right direction.


LOL. Yeah, those damn republicans with their forged documents(oh wait, that was the democrats) and blatant lies about Stormin Norman endorsing their candidate(oh wait, that was the democrats), and their plans to run a fabricated story about lost explosives on Sunday night (oh wait, that was the democrats)

You would sound like less of an idiot without the stereotyping generalizations. Just admit that people have different opinions. There are just as many idiot liberals who still think Iraq is about oil, the recession is Bush's fault, and the Clinton era intelligence was fabricated by Rove, as there are moronic conservatives who think Saddam was involved in 9/11. There are idiots on both sides. Claiming that it is only the other side with misinformed voters makes it clear that you are nothing more than a blind bush hating sheep who believes everything the liberal media tells you.

But yes, it's far easier to try to make yourself believe that those who disagree with you are just uninformed idiots. So much for "open-minded" liberals.

haha...liberal media, of coarse, thats who done it! How weak.
I never said there are not idiots on both sides, I just conveniently left out that fact. You see if I were to admit right away there are idiots on both sides then thats not very good for my argument. (Hmm that kind of argument sounds familiar) Seriously though, I see more on the right then the left. I see I hit a soft spot with my argument though, maybe because deep down in your massive tome of knowledge you know its the truth. I get my opinion from personal experience talking to people in my area that were voting Bush. They RARELY know anything about real issues and it disgusts me. I try to get them to question the administration and maybe try to get them to look into things themselves but its like talking to a wedge issue wall.

BTW: You should try putting "open-minded" before the word "conservative", it makes it that much more funny! Then for an extra funnays put "neo" in front of conservative.

I am prepared to deal with Bush for another 4 years and congrats to those who think he is doing a good job. I am in the same boat as a lot of people here in the fact that I want to see how he expects to clean up the mess he has made. Clinton is long out of the picture. Who will they put blame on when Bush fails now??


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
Originally posted by: DT4K
Originally posted by: Irrational
Originally posted by: DT4K
To Democrats: $20,453
To Republicans: $4,930

I never said Fox employees don't have a sense of humor.

I'll agree that they have far more conservative commentators and the liberal one's they have (Alan Colmes) are pretty weak and seem more like token liberals. But I think any station that isn't filled with 100% liberal democrats would be considered right-wing propaganda from the left's point of view.

Personally, I think the reporting on Fox several weeks after the invasion of Iraq was very anti-bush, doom and gloom type stuff. I was just pointing out that even at Fox, a majority of the employee political donations went to democrats. Maybe the high-profile commentators are just dissuaded from contributing because of the appearance of bias.

That's a good point. And I agree. As far as being anti-Bush, it was the popular thing to do back then. I'm amazed at how well he weathered it. I'd have loved to see how Gore or Kerry would've handled it. Then again, no. Nevermind. I just scared myself.


Golden Member
Sep 15, 2000
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: Svnla
At least this will be over and we don't become the laughing stock of the world like we did in 2000.

No, now we'll be worse than that.

Indeed. Bush was an unknown in 2000. Knowingly re-electing the fearless chimp...if that doesn't spell laughing stock, what does?



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
I truly fear for this country. I cannot see any good coming out of four more years of fear mongering and the raping of civil liberties. I have to do some serious soul-searching and decide what is going to be best for my two young girls. There is already talk of a mandate and that's the scariest part. This country has become badly diseased.

oh jeesh, give it a break.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: jm0ris0n
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: nakedfrog
Originally posted by: Svnla
At least this will be over and we don't become the laughing stock of the world like we did in 2000.

No, now we'll be worse than that.

Indeed. Bush was an unknown in 2000. Knowingly re-electing the fearless chimp...if that doesn't spell laughing stock, what does?

Why is there so much hate from you Dems?


Junior Member
Sep 1, 2004
That's it! Beat that dead horse. I just can't get enough "G. Dubya's an idiot/chimp/boob/etc." jokes. Keep them coming. In the end what does that say about your candidate? Mr. Heinz can't even beat a chimp. Sad huh? Get over it.


Senior member
May 19, 2004
Originally posted by: DT4K
Originally posted by: CrazyApe
Yet another person who doesn't understand that tax cuts often result in an INCREASE in federal tax revenue due to the growth of the economy.

Yeah, boy. The economy has been buzzing since we received those cuts, hasn't it?

Ummm, yes, in fact it has. You must have missed the memo. Do you have any idea what the fvck you are talking about? Do you know what the job numbers look like over the past two years? Do you know what the unemployment rate is?[/quote]

Ummm, yes, I do know what I'm talking about. Job numbers are climbing.......OUT OF A HUGE HOLE!!! They still haven't reached pre 9/11 numbers. In fact, the numbers haven't been this bad since GHWB was in office. Like father, like son. Good Job, Mr. President.



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
I truly fear for this country. I cannot see any good coming out of four more years of fear mongering and the raping of civil liberties. I have to do some serious soul-searching and decide what is going to be best for my two young girls. There is already talk of a mandate and that's the scariest part. This country has become badly diseased.

oh jeesh, give it a break.

Should we help the drama queen pick out a new gown for the ball?



Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Irrational
That's it! Beat that dead horse. I just can't get enough "G. Dubya's an idiot/chimp/boob/etc." jokes. Keep them coming. In the end what does that say about your candidate? Mr. Heinz can't even beat a chimp. Sad huh? Get over it.

Sad indeed, and I think it reflects greatly on the Democratic party. I hope that in the next four years they go back to the drawing board after the Repubs did when LBJ won the election 30+ years ago. The Dems need a redefining candidacy in 2008 and a NEW message.

The "everything the Republicans aren't" theory just ISN'T working.


Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2001
I'm a Bush guy, but I got to give credit here to Kerry for being a good guy and being sincere during this speech. Best I've ever seen him perform.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2004
Originally posted by: konichiwa
Originally posted by: Irrational
That's it! Beat that dead horse. I just can't get enough "G. Dubya's an idiot/chimp/boob/etc." jokes. Keep them coming. In the end what does that say about your candidate? Mr. Heinz can't even beat a chimp. Sad huh? Get over it.

Sad indeed, and I think it reflects greatly on the Democratic party. I hope that in the next four years they go back to the drawing board after the Repubs did when LBJ won the election 30+ years ago. The Dems need a redefining candidacy in 2008 and a NEW message.

The "everything the Republicans aren't" theory just ISN'T working.

And what may I ask is the Republicans message?
Feb 10, 2000
So far I'm very impressed with his concession speech - he's showing a lot of grace under very difficult circumstances IMO.
Feb 10, 2000
I'm finding his speech really moving, actually. However anyone might feel about him, this is a great performance, and a really decent gesture toward putting America before partisanship. I admire what he's saying. There's a lesson here for all of us.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Kerry has some serious dignity. I'd still never vote for him, but he's done the right thing.

Werd...I have a lot more respect for him now (actually, I didn't have any respect for him before, now there is an inkling...)
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