Kicked for ONE stupid teamkill?!?!


Senior member
May 4, 2005
sorry but I have to rant. I was having my best game as an aviator just now and had over 30 kills in my F-35 and no teamkills. It's nearing the end of the game and I accidently bomb one of my teammates while destroying a TOW emplacement. Next thing I know I'm kicked?? Is this some kind of glitch? God, for a game that's so fun, it's probably the most frustrating gaming experience I've ever had in my LIFE of playing multiplayer games.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Teamkilling is worst problem in BF2, but it is not traditional team killing. Traditionally, one would TK a person in order to steal a plane or vehicle and now the punishment for TKing is far worse, so they now do it in reverse. In BF2, it is so easy to run over others that all they do is wait in front of a teamy (who is in a vehicle or plane that they want) and spam "GET OUT OF THE VEHICAL NOW" over and over, eventually the person tires of the person not getting out of the way and runs them over, thus getting punished for a team kill. I have had this happen to me many times and now i just wait them out, after about 5 minutes if we are not both dead the other person usually gets bored and leaves and lets me drive off rather than drive over them. I have also seen my teammates stop dead in their tracks when they see a mine that a fellow teamy has laid, back up and change direction to run over it just to get to punish him for the TK. Another thing i have seen is people on my team run up to my tank and plant C4 on me, i out of instinct run over the person that is putting c4 charges on me. They then punish for the teamkill, just to see how many people they can get into negative territory. I have seen my fair share of point farmers who have friends on the other team that kill you so they can "rez" lock you and gain points from killing and reviving you, whenever i see this taking place, i kill all parties involved and i always get punished for it. I have also seen my squad member?s colors change to red and then back to green, after of course team wounding them. I have seen team members go out of their way to run into the commanders artillery just to get him to TK them. I have also passed by and seen 2 support guys from the same team just spamming ammo kits and switching place and throwing grenades to rack up support points for each other, of course I kill them and get punished.

The stupidity of the community in BF2 is astounding.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Is it just me, or is the average IQ of the entire gaming community decreasing?

Nah, it's just the IQ in games like BF2 & CS:S.

The smarter players stick with Q3 & UT2k4


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
If I had more free time I'd be tempted to set up a clan-of-sorts for multiple online games where the only goal is to screen out immature and evil players.

"Clan NiceFolks" the most ph34r3d clan of all!


Senior member
Feb 4, 2004
Originally posted by: ryanv12
sorry but I have to rant. I was having my best game as an aviator just now and had over 30 kills in my F-35 and no teamkills. It's nearing the end of the game and I accidently bomb one of my teammates while destroying a TOW emplacement. Next thing I know I'm kicked?? Is this some kind of glitch? God, for a game that's so fun, it's probably the most frustrating gaming experience I've ever had in my LIFE of playing multiplayer games.

If it wasn't for the gameplay, I would honest to god never play it again just because of the crappy coding and amount of glitches.

Like today I was playing fine on 1 server and then after I leave I try playing on other servers and I keep egttign kicked one after another varying in time too. All while joining squads and no TKs.

Go Figure I get pissed off with this agme alot.

Love\Hate relationship.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Originally posted by: n7
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Is it just me, or is the average IQ of the entire gaming community decreasing?

Nah, it's just the IQ in games like BF2 & CS:S.

The smarter players stick with Q3 & UT2k4

Now that BF2 is out, I've noticed less and less morons in CSS. I guess they found out it's much easier to piss people off in BF2 .


Feb 8, 2004
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I was playing as commander.. and you know with the commander interface obscuring everything else, this dumbfvck teammate came and blew me up with ALL the C4s he has.. wtf?? I was hidden somewhere on the carrier too


Nov 11, 2004
yea i hate it when people blow me up for taking a tank or a chopper or anything, it's just stupid but it's still just damn fun


Golden Member
Aug 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Soviet
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it

I love playing the commander when you have the right players (the ones the like to play as a team and not lone wolfs)....otherwise you might as well resign the position and play as something else. Before I call the artyr during a game I always warn my team to ckeck their radars a cople of times....I think alot of them have tunnel vision because they cant see the artyr on their radars or my warning messages on the screen. They rush into the artyr blast radius and needles to say I get punished....n00bs.....

here are a few more TK punishing stories



Senior member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: IamTHEsnake
Originally posted by: ryanv12
sorry but I have to rant. I was having my best game as an aviator just now and had over 30 kills in my F-35 and no teamkills. It's nearing the end of the game and I accidently bomb one of my teammates while destroying a TOW emplacement. Next thing I know I'm kicked?? Is this some kind of glitch? God, for a game that's so fun, it's probably the most frustrating gaming experience I've ever had in my LIFE of playing multiplayer games.

If it wasn't for the gameplay, I would honest to god never play it again just because of the crappy coding and amount of glitches.

Like today I was playing fine on 1 server and then after I leave I try playing on other servers and I keep egttign kicked one after another varying in time too. All while joining squads and no TKs.

Go Figure I get pissed off with this agme alot.

Love\Hate relationship.

I totally have a love/hate relationship. It's so frustrating that such a fun game can be such a terrible experience sometimes. I can't wait for Call of Duty 2


Senior member
Apr 13, 2000
Originally posted by: n7
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Is it just me, or is the average IQ of the entire gaming community decreasing?

Nah, it's just the IQ in games like BF2 & CS:S.

The smarter players stick with Q3 & UT2k4

Or maybe mostly 40 year olds afraid to try something new.



Senior member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: Soviet
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it

I love playing the commander when you have the right players (the ones the like to play as a team and not lone wolfs)....otherwise you might as well resign the position and play as something else. Before I call the artyr during a game I always warn my team to ckeck their radars a cople of times....I think alot of them have tunnel vision because they cant see the artyr on their radars or my warning messages on the screen. They rush into the artyr blast radius and needles to say I get punished....n00bs.....

here are a few more TK punishing stories

I generally find the "mature gamer" servers to be the best. Like Old Dudes with Guns. They work as a team and there's no petty point farming or team punishing. It's really a welcome pleasure.


Golden Member
Aug 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ryanv12
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: Soviet
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it

I love playing the commander when you have the right players (the ones the like to play as a team and not lone wolfs)....otherwise you might as well resign the position and play as something else. Before I call the artyr during a game I always warn my team to ckeck their radars a cople of times....I think alot of them have tunnel vision because they cant see the artyr on their radars or my warning messages on the screen. They rush into the artyr blast radius and needles to say I get punished....n00bs.....

here are a few more TK punishing stories

I generally find the "mature gamer" servers to be the best. Like Old Dudes with Guns. They work as a team and there's no petty point farming or team punishing. It's really a welcome pleasure.

Is that the name of the server?
I would like to try them out.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2002
there are to many 12yrs olds with computers and broadband now. and parents who buy them these games.

6-7 years ago didnt really have that many kiddies. mostly college kids.

todays youth really bring down online experiances. look at halo2. they are just so annoying.


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2004
Problem I have with BF2 teamkilling is that it's difficult to identify your team. It seems like you have to put your target over the person and leave it there for a few seconds before he is ID'd. If it's an enemy, by that time you're dead. It also bugs me that you can see peoples names sometimes through walls and whatnot and then when you see somone right in front of you with one of your teammates names (who is really a mile away through multiple buildings) above them but it's really an enemy and you get toasted.

The radar is a pain to use too, you have to zoom all the way in to effectively determine infantry affiliation but all the way out if you want to know who is who in a chopper/jet. Since this game is really not about realism I think they just put some kind of permanent marker over your teammates that dissappears or changes color when they go out of view so anyone without a marker would be fragbait.


Senior member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: ryanv12
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: Soviet
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it

I love playing the commander when you have the right players (the ones the like to play as a team and not lone wolfs)....otherwise you might as well resign the position and play as something else. Before I call the artyr during a game I always warn my team to ckeck their radars a cople of times....I think alot of them have tunnel vision because they cant see the artyr on their radars or my warning messages on the screen. They rush into the artyr blast radius and needles to say I get punished....n00bs.....

here are a few more TK punishing stories

I generally find the "mature gamer" servers to be the best. Like Old Dudes with Guns. They work as a team and there's no petty point farming or team punishing. It's really a welcome pleasure.

Is that the name of the server?
I would like to try them out.

Yeah that's the name. They also generally lag the least for a ranked server. I'm on the East Coast.


Senior member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: The Pentium Guy
Do you automatically get kicked or is it a "votekick" like in AA?

It was 3 seconds after it happened.


Senior member
May 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Dman877
Problem I have with BF2 teamkilling is that it's difficult to identify your team. It seems like you have to put your target over the person and leave it there for a few seconds before he is ID'd. If it's an enemy, by that time you're dead. It also bugs me that you can see peoples names sometimes through walls and whatnot and then when you see somone right in front of you with one of your teammates names (who is really a mile away through multiple buildings) above them but it's really an enemy and you get toasted.

The radar is a pain to use too, you have to zoom all the way in to effectively determine infantry affiliation but all the way out if you want to know who is who in a chopper/jet. Since this game is really not about realism I think they just put some kind of permanent marker over your teammates that dissappears or changes color when they go out of view so anyone without a marker would be fragbait.

Yeah I would agree with you there. At least make the tag short, like don't even list their name. Just something to identify who the friendlies are.


Golden Member
Aug 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ryanv12
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: ryanv12
Originally posted by: Kaspian
Originally posted by: Soviet
Teamkilling does suck ...... I was the COMMANDER!! of my team, i was leading those sorry people to victory and some idiot in a buggy runs straight into my T90, gets wasted, o dear im kicked for teamkilling :frown:

Thats the part that sucks. But in all fairness, who hasent shot a "n00b" in the head so they can get the tank or chopper first? The "n00b" will just waste it, however a better player would make good use of it

I love playing the commander when you have the right players (the ones the like to play as a team and not lone wolfs)....otherwise you might as well resign the position and play as something else. Before I call the artyr during a game I always warn my team to ckeck their radars a cople of times....I think alot of them have tunnel vision because they cant see the artyr on their radars or my warning messages on the screen. They rush into the artyr blast radius and needles to say I get punished....n00bs.....

here are a few more TK punishing stories

I generally find the "mature gamer" servers to be the best. Like Old Dudes with Guns. They work as a team and there's no petty point farming or team punishing. It's really a welcome pleasure.

Is that the name of the server?
I would like to try them out.

Yeah that's the name. They also generally lag the least for a ranked server. I'm on the East Coast.

I wasnt able to find a server with that name....I found Old Bastards, Old Mature, and Old School but not Old Dudes. Did they change their name???



Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: ryanv12
sorry but I have to rant. I was having my best game as an aviator just now and had over 30 kills in my F-35 and no teamkills. It's nearing the end of the game and I accidently bomb one of my teammates while destroying a TOW emplacement. Next thing I know I'm kicked?? Is this some kind of glitch? God, for a game that's so fun, it's probably the most frustrating gaming experience I've ever had in my LIFE of playing multiplayer games.

This has happened to me before also, it is almost like it remembers your TKs from an earlier map and brings them over to this map so the second you get one on the new map it thinks you are ready to be kicked. I'm not sure if it does this everytime or not.
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