kid accused of rape acquitted! (the one the girl was goign to be forced to watch the video!_)


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
from this thread atot thread about it.

Yeah i posted there but think nobody was looking since i couldn't update the title.

anyway the guys were acquitted! guess thats why she didn't want to watch it eh? it didn't show her getting raped at all.

Burr Ridge man acquitted in rape case

The Associated Press
Published March 3, 2006, 8:34 PM CST

A jury acquitted a 20-year-old Burr Ridge man Friday in a highly publicized Cook County rape trial, much of which focused on a video recording of the alleged assault four years ago.

The jury deliberated for about four hours before finding Adrian Missbrenner not guilty of sexual assault and child pornography, Cook County state's attorney's office spokesman John Gorman said.

Missbrenner is one of four men who were charged in the alleged sexual assault of a Naperville woman, who is now 20. A video recording in 2002 ? when the woman was 16 years old ? reportedly shows two males having sex with her and a third writing obscenities on her legs and thighs with a felt-tipped marker.

In September, Missbrenner was sentenced to three years probation for bail jumping and fleeing to Europe to avoid prosecution in the case. He surrendered to U.S. authorities in Serbia and returned to Illinois in May ? eight months after initially jumping bail.

Prosecutors and victims rights groups expressed disappointment in Friday's verdict.

"We don't agree with the verdict, but we accept it," Gorman said.

Polly Poskin, executive director of the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault called the verdict "atrocious."

"The victim's rights were trampled, and the jury reaffirmed that women can be brutally raped without consequence," Poskin said. "The jury and the entire legal system should be ashamed."

Kaethe Morris Hoffer, a private attorney working with the alleged victim, said she thought prosecutors had a winnable case.

"I think that sexual assault survivors across this country are going to be devastated by this," she said.

A message left at the office of Missbrenner's attorney, Patrick Campanelli, was not immediately returned Friday evening. There was no listing in the telephone directory for a Missbrenner in Burr Ridge.

Earlier this week, Circuit Judge Kerry Kennedy threatened to charge the alleged victim with contempt of court after she refused to watch the videotape while being questioned by a defense attorney. A day later, however, Kennedy said defense attorneys could cross-examine the woman without her watching the video.

Kennedy's initial demand that the woman watch the 20-minute tape infuriated victims' advocacy groups and despite the judge's ultimate decision, Gov. Rod Blagojevich said he would draft legislation barring rape victims from having to view videotapes or photographs of the crime.

One man has been convicted in connection with the alleged attack. Sonny Smith, 20, of Brookfield, served time in an Illinois Department of Corrections boot camp after pleading guilty to child pornography charges for making the videotape.

Burim Berezi, of Brookfield, is accused of being the second man to have sex with the woman in the video. Authorities say he has fled to Albania and has not been captured.

Christopher Robbins, 21, of Brookfield, was acquitted of all charges in the case.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
The comments by the defense and family irritate me.

Sorry folks, your little girl wasnt raped. I know thats real hard to take, but deal with it. Justice has prevailed, now take your lying daughter home and STFU.

I know this issue comes up in P&N all the time, but it seems people only want justice when they are trying to destroy someone else.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: jumpr
Topic Title: kid accused of rape aquited! (the one the girl was goign to be force dot watch!)
Your topic title is indecipherable.

yes it is. i been drinking and now getting a migraine. just couldn't think of something that made sense heh.


Sep 25, 2001
wait.. she was 16.. how was he aquitted of child pornography and the other guy wasnt?!?!

hm.. since it's not child porn, and it's not rape anymore, then he can sell the tape, like tommy lee and pamala?!


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: JEDI
wait.. she was 16.. how was he aquitted of child pornography and the other guy wasnt?!?!

wait... since it's not child porn, and it's rape anymore, then he can sell the tape, like tommy lee and pamala?!

he was aquitted of rape not child porn. the one guy was busted for filming the act and not rape.

i soppose they wanted to get him on the big charge. I wonder if they can go back and bust him for child porn?


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Getting drunk and gangbanged = brutally raped?
It is when she wants money later on.
Or if she feels like destroying a mans life for kicks.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: JEDI
wait.. she was 16.. how was he aquitted of child pornography and the other guy wasnt?!?!

wait... since it's not child porn, and it's rape anymore, then he can sell the tape, like tommy lee and pamala?!

he was aquitted of rape not child porn. the one guy was busted for filming the act and not rape.

i soppose they wanted to get him on the big charge. I wonder if they can go back and bust him for child porn?


"The jury deliberated for about four hours before finding Adrian Missbrenner not guilty of sexual assault and child pornography, Cook County state's attorney's office spokesman John Gorman said. "


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Originally posted by: mercanucaribe
Getting drunk and gangbanged = brutally raped?
It is when she wants money later on.
Or if she feels like destroying a mans life for kicks.

I don't think she was after money or to destroy his life.

she woke up with writing all over her and couldn't remember anything about the night. odds are she was plastered and agreed to have sex with the boys. She wouldn't think she would do such a thing so she claims rape.

When confronted she is not 100% sure she was raped so does not want to watch the video so she did not get embarrassed. so she allowed the charade to continue.

My thoughts are she did deed and didnt want everyone to think she was a drunken slut so shouted rape.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: JEDI
Originally posted by: waggy
Originally posted by: JEDI
wait.. she was 16.. how was he aquitted of child pornography and the other guy wasnt?!?!

wait... since it's not child porn, and it's rape anymore, then he can sell the tape, like tommy lee and pamala?!

he was aquitted of rape not child porn. the one guy was busted for filming the act and not rape.

i soppose they wanted to get him on the big charge. I wonder if they can go back and bust him for child porn?


"The jury deliberated for about four hours before finding Adrian Missbrenner not guilty of sexual assault and child pornography, Cook County state's attorney's office spokesman John Gorman said. "

oops i read another story (that was shorter and not as much info) that didnt mention it. And i just skimmed this one.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2002
A jury acquitted a 20-year-old Burr Ridge man Friday in a highly publicized Cook County rape trial, much of which focused on a video recording of the alleged assault four years ago.

so that makes them the same age, story seems a little biased to not point that out.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2003
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
I knew this story smelled a little fishy..

Just like the girl raped by four Disney World workers.

Note to self.

If you ever participate in a drunken gang bang, get it on tape so you will be aquitted of rape.


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: digitalsm
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
I knew this story smelled a little fishy..

Just like the girl raped by four Disney World workers.

Note to self.

If you ever participate in a drunken gang bang, get it on tape so you will be aquitted of rape.



No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Originally posted by: gonzaga1751
it doesn't say if anyone watched the video


You really think the judge, jury etc didn't watch it? besides the fact other reports (when the judge was going to force her to watch it) had said the jury and everyone would watch iteither way. It would be stupid for them NOT to.



Jan 31, 2005
Some of the charges were ridiculous from the beginning and it's not surprising that the charges didn't stick. How can you charge a 16 year old with producing "child porn" just because he filmed himself having sex with someone of the same age?

What if a 17 year old boy films himself having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend? He's making "child porn" and you're going to try to charge him as an adult for making it? Your'e trying to play both sides of the fence there. Either you consider them adults and it's not child porn, or they're children and you can't charge them as adults. But trying to consider them children on one hand and then trying to charge them as adults isn't going to work.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
another story.

Acquittal in video rape case
Advocates decry 2nd not-guilty verdict from '02 teen party

By Art Barnum. Tribune staff reporter Crystal Yednak contributed to this report
Published March 4, 2006

After repeatedly viewing a videotape that captured the alleged gang rape of a 16-year-old girl, a jury acquitted a Burr Ridge man Friday of sexual assault and child pornography charges.

The lawyer for Adrian Missbrenner, 20, went frame-by-frame through the video, taken during a party at which teens were drinking heavily Dec. 7, 2002, pointing to every gesture he said might indicate the girl's consent.

After four hours of deliberation, the Cook County panel of seven women and five men returned its verdict of not guilty.

"Now they know the truth," Missbrenner said as he left Cook County Jail late Friday with family members. "It wasn't what they said it was. They made it out to be something it wasn't."

The verdict appalled victims' rights advocates, who said the defense sought to affirm every rape myth.

"We're down to those same stereotypes--she was drinking, she was asking for it," said Linda Healy, executive director of Mutual Ground, a suburban counseling program for sexual assault victims.

"We hold the standards that the victim, who is almost always a woman, is somehow supposed to prevent this from happening if it's something she didn't want," said Polly Poskin of the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

The case already had drawn fire from victims' advocates earlier this week, when Judge Kerry Kennedy threatened to jail the Naperville woman, now 20, for refusing to view the videotape during her testimony.

On Wednesday, Kennedy reversed that decision, but the 13-minute tape remained the focal point of the trial.

Reporters and other courtroom observers were not allowed to see the tape. Lawyers' descriptions indicate that it shows Missbrenner and codefendant Burim Bezeri having sex with the teen during the party in Missbrenner's home in the upscale suburb. The tape also shows the men and others spitting on the woman and writing on her naked body.

Defense attorney Patrick Campanelli relentlessly dissected the tape Friday, however, contending the accuser's actions indicated that she had not been coerced.

"She places her hand on Burim's head, she kisses him, that's consent," he said.

"She puts her hands on Adrian's head, rubbing his head . . . That looks like consent to me."

"She is smiling. This shouldn't be in court," Campanelli said.

John Gorman, spokesman for Cook County State's Atty. Richard Devine, said: "We don't agree with the decision, but we must accept it. The evidence was compelling, but obviously the jury didn't think so."

George Acosta, the accuser's attorney in a pending civil trial against the Missbrenners, said he, too, was disappointed.

"We believe the videotape shows she was drunk and vulnerable," he said.

When the verdict was read, about 30 of Missbrenner's family members and friends gasped and some began to cry. With a broad smile, Missbrenner hugged his attorney.

After the verdict, Dobrila Missbrenner, the defendant's mother said, "Her story kept changing from one time to another, from being unconscious, to being semi-conscious, to being too drunk to remember."

The woman was not in the courtroom for the verdict. A man answering the family phone said she had no comment

Jurors were escorted out of the Bridgeview courthouse by bailiffs and quickly drove off without speaking to reporters.

Assistant State's Atty. Cheryl Schroeder said during closing arguments that the defense had tried to sully the accuser's reputation and blame her for being raped.

"He tried to dirty her up," Schroeder said. "He is trying to say she deserves this."

But, she said, "They treated her worse than you treat a dead dog in the middle of the street. She had no idea what went on."

Campanelli contended the case was a youthful incident that got out of hand. "The girl isn't a bad girl. She just made mistakes," he said.

"This case should be in a counseling building, not in a criminal court. This was an insult, not an assault. My client was morally wrong, but so was everyone else."

Campanelli added that, "in [Missbrenner's] state of mind, he had consent."

Directly addressing the jury, Campanelli added, "If you say he's not guilty, that doesn't mean you approve of what happened."

Schroeder reminded jurors of testimony they heard Thursday about Missbrenner's flight to Europe in 2004 and his surrender in Serbia-Montenegro after nine months on the run.

Missbrenner was convicted last year of violating his bail bond and sentenced to 6 months in jail.

"He [Missbrenner] claims the tape exonerates him, but then why did he flee the country?" she asked. "For once in his life, hold this kid, Mr. Burr Ridge, responsible."

Gorman would not say whether the verdict affects pending charges against Bezeri, who is believed to have fled the county about the same time as Missbrenner and remains at large.

Sonny Smith of Brookfield, who operated the video camera, was convicted of child pornography and sentenced to the Illinois Department of Corrections boot camp. Christoper Robbins of Brookfield was acquitted of sex crimes last year. He admitted having sex with the accuser but said it was consensual.

so not only does she kiss etc she changed her story. wow.

ok where are all the people saying this guy was guilty? heh


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Originally posted by: 91TTZ
Some of the charges were ridiculous from the beginning and it's not surprising that the charges didn't stick. How can you charge a 16 year old with producing "child porn" just because he filmed himself having sex with someone of the same age?

What if a 17 year old boy films himself having sex with his 17 year old girlfriend? He's making "child porn" and you're going to try to charge him as an adult for making it? Your'e trying to play both sides of the fence there. Either you consider them adults and it's not child porn, or they're children and you can't charge them as adults. But trying to consider them children on one hand and then trying to charge them as adults isn't going to work.

Look what happened to this girl.

Teen who posted own photo charged with child porn


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
When are they going to charge her for underage drinking?


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
now for the civil trail. wonder how that is going to go for the girl? would she be forced to watch it then? since the laws for a civil trail are diffrent.

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