LA Cops shoot 120 rounds at unarmed man in SUV in Compton, 5 homes hit, cop accidentally hit... with video!

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Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2000
Originally posted by: ShotgunSteven
Originally posted by: Blastomyces
If you look at the end of the video, you can see the front tire of the SUV is flat, presumably hit by bullets.

Probably by accident. Why didn't they radio ahead and have someone lay down tire spikes?

It wasn't a chase on a highway,.it was a neighborhood - there is no telling where the guy will be going, as opposed to a highway, where there is just ONE stretch of road.


Nov 20, 1999
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: purbeast0
Originally posted by: Phokus
Originally posted by: purbeast0
well i didnt read the article, but i saw this on the news last night.

what i heard is as follows. there was a call in that neighbordhood that someone called in saying someone saw shots fired from an SUV that matched the description. when the cops tried to stop him he kept on rolling, eventually hitting an officer (or an officers car, i cant remember). so they opened fire. they also DID find a weapon in his car.

not sure if thats what the article says or not, but i dont feel like reading it again.

Watch the video. THe SUV was at a full stop when the cops started firing. Then it started rolling forward at like 3 miles per hour, bumping into a police cruiser.

i saw the video on TV last night on the news. i know what it looked like.

What you typed out was wrong. The SUV was at a full stop when the cops started shooting, AFTER THAT it started to roll.

yes, but he had PREVIOUSLY hit a police officer or his car, before that whole incident. thats what they said last night on fox 5 news. and the video on the link is not nearly as clear as the one they showed on tv last night.

I haven't read ANY of that in ANY of the articles that i've read. And there's only one video of this.

Remeber that the media alsways shows everything they can to give a completely unbiased view on an event. There is probably 10-15 more minutes of footage that we will never see because it will make the STORY less SENSATIONAL!!

And Phokus, go through a Police Academy, and go do ride alongs and you'll see what the real world is when dealing in situations like this. Ina tense situation a mouse fart will sound likea freaking howitzer and once the shooting starts you won't even know how many rounds you've fired. Hell some guys don't even remember shooting.

In arm chair internet quarterbacking you think you will be level headed and calm and cool in a firefight, but in reality you will piss yourself and you are scared. It's a fact. Bradruth, Am I right?

I don't have to go through police academy to know that these cops are frigging incompetent. I think it's fairly obviously considering that they were shooting on opposite sides of the SUV, in effect shooting at each other and the fact that one of the cop was pointing his pistol at the camera man. These idiots don't know basic gun safety and they don't know basic procedures.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
People saying it is the suspect's fault are quite foolish. It is one thing to not stop for police, but if I don't stop it is not my fault if the cops start shooting into nearby homes and over the heads of innocent bystanders. There is no reason five homes should have bullet holes in them, that is a ridiculous abuse of power by the police to start firing irresonsibly like that.

In my experience guns are most dangerous in the hands of police, because of their careless attitude towards using them. I've had a gun pulled on me by police in broad daylight for a simple trespassing charge in the middle of the city, on my high school's football field.. it is not that hard for a gun to discharge and to just start pointing it at people is very stupid. They pressed it up against my back, likely with the safety off.


Mar 2, 2005
The SUV was a weapon. The shooting was justified.

After the first bullet was fired a serious lack of training appears.

For those saying they were shooting at the tires it would be pointless to do so. It isn't going to stop the vehicle from hitting those in immediate danger which is the justification for the shooting. If they were simply trying to flatten tires they could have let him proceed as there were spike strips in the road. Note how many times "watch the strips" was said.

The only way to remove the immediate threat is to incapacitate the drive. This should be a planned scenario. There should not be 120 rounds fired. There should not be a crossfire situation. The tires should not be shot at in this situation as they will do nothing but increase the chance of ricochet.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: BigJ
The officers handled the situation incorrectly, everybody knows that.

If some kid had been hit by a stray bullet, then that would've been dealt with by the police department on a separate level.

But you advising that officers approach the vehicle and more than likely at least attempted to be run down (which is why the officers started shooting in the first place, and we constantly see the suspect changing gears and moving), and simply stop shooting after the initial acceleration and stop is simply idiotic. I'm not living in or addressing on the "how they should of done things," I'm simply talking about what actually did happen.

Not to mention the majority of shots fired happened within the first 3-4 seconds, in which case your survival instincts would've kicked in and almost anybody, including military, would've had a hard time thinking.
I've read the whole thread and watched the video a few times, so here are my thoughts:

1) If you're trained properly, even though you have a hard time thinking, you should be able to make the right choice. A friend of mine used to be a a military police officer. He was stabbed once, and even in SHOCK he was able to look around to check for people in the background before firing... and he got the guy in the leg like he wanted to. HE will tell you (and he'd know as well as anyone) that it was TOTALLY because of his training that he was able to have that clear of a head after being stabbed in the stomach. This situation is no different.

2) For the last fvcking time, not every cop was aiming at the suspect. What were they aiming at? How about the windshields and the engine compartment? You hit the windshields because it frightens the guy and because you'll need them gone to see into the vehicle when you go to get the guy out (they were tinted windows). You hit the tires, as some said, and you can see clearly that the front tires are shot out. You also could hit the radiator or other wiring or belts that could rend the vehicle inoperable.

3) The cops fired too much, period. It wasn't so excessive that I feel criminal charges are in order, but there didn't need to be quite that many shots fired. 3 or 4 shots from every officer would have sufficed. Notice that two shots are fired and THEN everyone opens fire. Either those two fired and communication was faulty enough that the others didn't know the shots came from policemen, or one guy shot twice and the rest might have thought it came from the car.

4) The guy ran from the cops, and he was in a dangerous vehicle. He CLEARLY peels out and IS moving when the shots are first fired, then he stops, then he rolls forward, presumably after he let off the brakes. As soon as he hit the gas, shots being fired are understandable. NOT THAT MANY SHOTS, but some are understandable. And yes, if you're behind the wheel then you are in possession of a deadly weapon, and if you're too stupid to stop, then you SHOULD forfeit your right to live. Nobody ever advocated shooting a guy that steals a donut from a convenience store, but this is a different situation.

5) Don't quote what the law says, because I'm only concerned with what was right. You know when you drive away that something might happen and the situation might escalate. That guy made a choice to disobey people that he knew had firearms. As soon as he hits the accelerator the first time, fvck him. He's a moron. I don't care if he's dead in the end.

6) NOT in contradicition to what was in my first post, I don't think it's possible to both put enough people in the streets to protect us and at the same time have everyone on the scene capable of handling that situation properly. Why don't all you criminal sympathizers think about the cops for a second?! They have lives. Many have families. They just want to wake up the next morning safe. Blame the PD for not having better training, but those cops didn't do anything vicious in my opinion. They saw a guy they believed to be armed try to get away, and then squeal his tires when surrounded... you have to assume he's either planning on running again or hitting someone. These are human beings, people. When some scumbag in an SUV won't pull over, you start to worry about what he'll do. You want to see your wife and kids again. You want to see your parents again. You want to go to the Dodgers game again. Whatever.

The fact is, when all is said and done, the people in Compton have a repuatation just like the cops do. They're just as much at fault as the cops are. They have a reputation for being crazy and being killers, so the cops fear for their lives. The cops have a reputation for beating people who don't deserve it, so the people there have a right to be scared as well. It doesn't matter who started it, it's now a two-way street and if anyone wants to stop it, it will take movements by both sides to end it.

That's not going to happen, so just get used to it and - whatever you do - DON'T FVCKING MOVE TO COMPTON!


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: Spikesoldier
most of you are idiots. instead of typing out and arguing with you guys, i offer you these 7 cliff points.

1. the camera man was doing nothing illegal. when the cop told him to run away, he could have just stood there if he wanted to, the cop told him to run to protect the camera man.
Oh, and if you notice, the cop put his finger away from the trigger. There's nothing wrong with that. The cop is generally concerned with that guy's safety and is angry that he's such an idiot that he's on the scene when there's gunfire and he has to pay attention to a camera man to get him out of the way instead of the guy they were just shooting at.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: ShotgunSteven
Originally posted by: Blastomyces
If you look at the end of the video, you can see the front tire of the SUV is flat, presumably hit by bullets.

Probably by accident. Why didn't they radio ahead and have someone lay down tire spikes?
Actually, they said something about that in the video, right at the beginning. I think they had run the spikes across the street at that point.


Mar 2, 2005
Not to mention the majority of shots fired happened within the first 3-4 seconds, in which case your survival instincts would've kicked in and almost anybody, including military, would've had a hard time thinking.

This is just evidence of lack of proper training.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by: QuitBanningMe
Not to mention the majority of shots fired happened within the first 3-4 seconds, in which case your survival instincts would've kicked in and almost anybody, including military, would've had a hard time thinking.

This is just evidence of lack of proper training.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Ilmater
Originally posted by: QuitBanningMe
Not to mention the majority of shots fired happened within the first 3-4 seconds, in which case your survival instincts would've kicked in and almost anybody, including military, would've had a hard time thinking.

This is just evidence of lack of proper training.

Its absolutely true, but the problem is how to effectively train officers to deal with a situation like this. I'd imagine implementing programs to properly train the officers would be rather costly, and its not like departments in major cities are exactly well funded in the first place.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2001
1. the camera man was doing nothing illegal. when the cop told him to run away, he could have just stood there if he wanted to, the cop told him to run to protect the camera man.

Yeah that makes sense point a gun at someone to protect them from the unarmed crackhead.

2. yes a 2 ton SUV is a dangerous and deadly weapon.

I suppose that means the police have carte blanche to shoot anyone suspected of a crime in a vehicle equal to or in excess of 2 tons.

3. the cops fired at the tires, not looking for a direct hit to the driver. a 9mm is enough to break the glass, but the tires are a better target. the key is immobilization. they have probably chased this nut for 10 minutes.

So nevermind the spike strip on the road a little ways up.... lets just shoot him.

4. [from chris rock's how not to get ur ass kicked by the police] "when you see flashing lights in your mirror, STOP IMMEDIATELY." sorry but when you run from the cops, you lose any kind of innocence, and you are now evading the police. they should have fishtailed this bastard a while ago.

Or just shoot at him 120 times....

5. just in case they have ID'ed the wrong car, and you havent done anything wrong, WHY DONT YOU STOP?

Yeah lets skip the whole running from the police charge and just kill the offenders.

6. you idiots say wow 1 out of 120, and you hit one of your own guys! well guess what, they were aiming at the tires, dumbasses. i bet the bullets taht hit houses and maybe the cop were shots that went under the undercarriage of the SUV, bounced off the street, and pelted houses and possibly hit the cop, or one that richochet'ed off the car's rims.

I suppose the police don't know that shooting 120 bullets in a neighborhood is dangerous.... that whole ricochete thing... I mean hey you never know right? and the neighbors are just a bunch of crackheads anyway....

7. it amazes me how many people we have that sympathizes with criminals, and have so much hate for our country. if you dont like our laws, and how we enforce it, GTFO.

I love my country and stupid criminal police officers ought to be locked up so that tyrany shall have no place in my country. And my poor unpatriotic friend.... the answer to unconstitutional laws, and illegal enforcement is not to leave the country. It's to stand up for the country we love... demand that it maintain the roots of freedom and fairness that our forefathers fought and died for. Your lazy cowardice is an insult to those that died to give you the freedom to speak the stupidity you have displayed in this thread.



Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Doboji
1. the camera man was doing nothing illegal. when the cop told him to run away, he could have just stood there if he wanted to, the cop told him to run to protect the camera man.

Yeah that makes sense point a gun at someone to protect them from the unarmed crackhead.

2. yes a 2 ton SUV is a dangerous and deadly weapon.

I suppose that means the police have carte blanche to shoot anyone suspected of a crime in a vehicle equal to or in excess of 2 tons.

3. the cops fired at the tires, not looking for a direct hit to the driver. a 9mm is enough to break the glass, but the tires are a better target. the key is immobilization. they have probably chased this nut for 10 minutes.

So nevermind the spike strip on the road a little ways up.... lets just shoot him.

4. [from chris rock's how not to get ur ass kicked by the police] "when you see flashing lights in your mirror, STOP IMMEDIATELY." sorry but when you run from the cops, you lose any kind of innocence, and you are now evading the police. they should have fishtailed this bastard a while ago.

Or just shoot at him 120 times....

5. just in case they have ID'ed the wrong car, and you havent done anything wrong, WHY DONT YOU STOP?

Yeah lets skip the whole running from the police charge and just kill the offenders.

6. you idiots say wow 1 out of 120, and you hit one of your own guys! well guess what, they were aiming at the tires, dumbasses. i bet the bullets taht hit houses and maybe the cop were shots that went under the undercarriage of the SUV, bounced off the street, and pelted houses and possibly hit the cop, or one that richochet'ed off the car's rims.

I suppose the police don't know that shooting 120 bullets in a neighborhood is dangerous.... that whole ricochete thing... I mean hey you never know right? and the neighbors are just a bunch of crackheads anyway....

7. it amazes me how many people we have that sympathizes with criminals, and have so much hate for our country. if you dont like our laws, and how we enforce it, GTFO.

I love my country and stupid criminal police officers ought to be locked up so that tyrany shall have no place in my country. And my poor unpatriotic friend.... the answer to unconstitutional laws, and illegal enforcement is not to leave the country. It's to stand up for the country we love... demand that it maintain the roots of freedom and fairness that our forefathers fought and died for. Your lazy cowardice is an insult to those that died to give you the freedom to speak the stupidity you have displayed in this thread.


Amen brother.

Look, everyone knows that being a police officer is a high pressure job. But if you cannot handle it, don't do it. Go flip burgers, or sell cars. You won't be missed. Nobody gives a rats ass if you want to be a hero, and nobody asked you to. You're supposed to uphold the law. Period.

An SUV (or any fvcking vehicle) is a moderate threat to any pedestrian, in front, or behind of it. If you're beside it, then unless a forklift is going to roll it over on you... YOU ARE IN ABSOLUTELY NO DANGER, PUT YOUR OVERPRICED GLOCK BACK IN YOUR HOLSTER MEATHEAD!

The "suspect"(wtf is he a suspect of, was that ever even clarified?) had a firearm in his vehicle. Did he brandish it? If not then it means nothing, it's something after the fact. He obviously lives in a sh|tty neighborhood and a gun isn't just a good idea, it is a necessity.

While you're all kissing cop ass think of this: You will drive to work tomorrow in a deadly weapon. Let's hope some cop doesn't feel threatened by your aggressiveness.......

The world is full of morons & this thread absolutely proves it.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
In arm chair internet quarterbacking you think you will be level headed and calm and cool in a firefight, but in reality you will piss yourself and you are scared. It's a fact. Bradruth, Am I right?

I haven't yet watched the video or read through the thread, but I'll say this--pointing a gun at someone is a LOT fvcking different than pointing at targets. It's a feeling that's indescribable and proper aiming is the least of your worries.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2001
Originally posted by: bradruth
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
In arm chair internet quarterbacking you think you will be level headed and calm and cool in a firefight, but in reality you will piss yourself and you are scared. It's a fact. Bradruth, Am I right?

I haven't yet watched the video or read through the thread, but I'll say this--pointing a gun at someone is a LOT fvcking different than pointing at targets. It's a feeling that's indescribable and proper aiming is the least of your worries.

I have had to do it before, and thankfully not pulled the trigger. Because I was trained propoerly. In a stressful will do what you trained to do. It's that simple, if you trained to do nothing, then that's what you'll do. If you have half-assed training, that will show....


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: ktehmok
Originally posted by: bradruth
Originally posted by: JeffreyLebowski
In arm chair internet quarterbacking you think you will be level headed and calm and cool in a firefight, but in reality you will piss yourself and you are scared. It's a fact. Bradruth, Am I right?

I haven't yet watched the video or read through the thread, but I'll say this--pointing a gun at someone is a LOT fvcking different than pointing at targets. It's a feeling that's indescribable and proper aiming is the least of your worries.

I have had to do it before, and thankfully not pulled the trigger. Because I was trained propoerly. In a stressful will do what you trained to do. It's that simple, if you trained to do nothing, then that's what you'll do. If you have half-assed training, that will show....

That's very true. You rise only to your level of training. I just watched the video and my biggest gripe is firing at the vehicle when there are fellow officers directly behind it. That is ridiculous. The number of rounds doesn't concern me much, considering there were what...10 officers? If they fired a full magazine and stopped firing after reloading I can see the plausibility.


Jul 31, 2002
Did anyone happen to notice that the front tires were flat? Its not like the cops aimed all 120 shots right at the guy. They tried to shoot out the tires first.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Gobadgrs
Did anyone happen to notice that the front tires were flat? Its not like the cops aimed all 120 shots right at the guy. They tried to shoot out the tires first.

They probably just missed him & hit the tires. :laugh:


Diamond Member
May 21, 2004
police officers need better training like military gets (not that extreme but they could use something like it)


Platinum Member
Sep 4, 2000
Originally posted by: HamSupLo
heh, this IS the LAPD we are talking about.

Originally posted by: Biggerhammer
...and the people who lived in those five houses? Were they endangering the police too?

Yes, the guy was guilty. That's no reason for the LAPD to go stormtrooper on him.

Originally posted by: sygyzy
At least the LAPD is diversifying - it wasn't a Korean this time.

Thanks to 95SS for properly identifying the correct agency. No wonder LAPD has a bad rap. You guys blame LAPD for everything. Sorry, this cluster is brought to you by LA County Sheriffs.

For all you folks that think police shoot out tires, go out and get some sun. Obviously you guys have been watching too much movies. I'm not aware of ANY agency that has this policy. As with any police thread, the ignorance is usually strong.

LAPD revised their shooting at moving vehicles policy after the fiasco with the minor. Looks like the Sheriffs are about to join them.


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