Lack of Blu-ray titles


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2005
Man, August has been a horrible month for new Blu-ray movies! Am I the only one looking forward to September's movie releases?

Reading material link one

Reading material link two

I guess it's nice to save the $20+ per movie title, but I have already watched all the titles I already own. Maybe I should do something useful, like, dare I say, go outside?!?


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Outside? What's that? Do they have WoW outside?

Blue sales are in the toilet ATM, and back to school buying has put a large damper on sales, as well as the economy generally in the toilet, amoungst other things. Most people are happy watching HD movies on cable or satellite, so unless you are really into the HD sound formats and extras, who really needs it? And HD service ain't cheap, most HD providers charge at least 40 a month for HD and one tuner or DVR to go with it. And on some of the HD movie channels now, you can see HD releases of many older movies that are not even available on any HD format yet. Most likley because they won't sell all that well in an already oversaturated Blu market. But Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.

Of course, you won't notice a bit of difference between 1080p or 1440p on a smaller set like 52" or less, unless you are using it as an HD PC monitor, too. Then there might be a SMALL amount of improved definition if you sit close enough to it. But sitting 10 feet away, you won't notice the difference at all. These newer HD resoultions are really geared towards projection screen technologies and projectors in excess of 60". Which is why there are the 82" 2160p HDTVs as well being introduced. It never ends, does it?

Samsung 82" Quad HDTV video clip



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2005
Originally posted by: SlickSnakeBut Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.
Realistically, DVD didn't get killed by HDTVs all that quickly. I think the Blu-Ray format has a reasonable lifetime ahead of it.

That said, yes, the lack of a few certain hit movies is a real drag, along with exorbitant pricing. I'm looking forward to the fall, too.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: SlickSnakeBut Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.
Realistically, DVD didn't get killed by HDTVs all that quickly. I think the Blu-Ray format has a reasonable lifetime ahead of it.

That said, yes, the lack of a few certain hit movies is a real drag, along with exorbitant pricing. I'm looking forward to the fall, too.

If Blu-ray movies come down to the price of regular DVDs, BD sales should take off nicely. The problem with Blu-ray movies is, most people are happy with DVD upscaling or HD broadcast movies. Only the enthusiasts are willing to cough up the cash for the pristine PQ and audio quality Blu-ray can offer. But to squeak every ounce of PQ and AQ, you'll need a VERY nice TV and VERY nice audio system. People buying Vizios HDTVs aren't the type that will be jumping all over Blu-ray players and movies. Not to mention the people that don't even have an HD set.

For me, there is no substitute for Blu-ray now. If you want your movies to look and sound their best, you buy a Blu-ray movie. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: SlickSnakeBut Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.
Realistically, DVD didn't get killed by HDTVs all that quickly. I think the Blu-Ray format has a reasonable lifetime ahead of it.

That said, yes, the lack of a few certain hit movies is a real drag, along with exorbitant pricing. I'm looking forward to the fall, too.

If Blu-ray movies come down to the price of regular DVDs, BD sales should take off nicely. The problem with Blu-ray movies is, most people are happy with DVD upscaling or HD broadcast movies. Only the enthusiasts are willing to cough up the cash for the pristine PQ and audio quality Blu-ray can offer. But to squeak every ounce of PQ and AQ, you'll need a VERY nice TV and VERY nice audio system. People buying Vizios HDTVs aren't the type that will be jumping all over Blu-ray players and movies. Not to mention the people that don't even have an HD set.

For me, there is no substitute for Blu-ray now. If you want your movies to look and sound their best, you buy a Blu-ray movie. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else.

I have to agree with your viewpoint, up the the bolded part. Remember those HD-DVDs? I have 250 of them and counting, and 3 players for upscaling DVD, too. I bought 3 players for the price of ONE Blu player, well I spent a lot less, actually. I even got one player nearly free after BB sent me a gift card, an A30, too. Now, if Blu players drop in price a lot, say on BF, then I might bite. But will I trade in my HD-DVDs I bought for an average of 10 bucks each and rebuy them all at a higher price? Uhh, No? Why should I?

I also have a 12 year old DVD player made by Toshiba in 1996 that is a dual DVD player, and it still works fine 3000 or more DVDs later, not including the 4 or 5000 CDs I played in it. Since it does HDCD that sounded sweet with it, too. But alas, I have a 5 CD HDCD changer now, and finally retired the Toshiba to its packing box. So I have high expectations that my HD-DVD players will last reasonably long as well.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2002
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: SlickSnakeBut Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.
Realistically, DVD didn't get killed by HDTVs all that quickly. I think the Blu-Ray format has a reasonable lifetime ahead of it.

That said, yes, the lack of a few certain hit movies is a real drag, along with exorbitant pricing. I'm looking forward to the fall, too.

If Blu-ray movies come down to the price of regular DVDs, BD sales should take off nicely. The problem with Blu-ray movies is, most people are happy with DVD upscaling or HD broadcast movies. Only the enthusiasts are willing to cough up the cash for the pristine PQ and audio quality Blu-ray can offer. But to squeak every ounce of PQ and AQ, you'll need a VERY nice TV and VERY nice audio system. People buying Vizios HDTVs aren't the type that will be jumping all over Blu-ray players and movies. Not to mention the people that don't even have an HD set.

For me, there is no substitute for Blu-ray now. If you want your movies to look and sound their best, you buy a Blu-ray movie. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else.

I have to agree with your viewpoint, up the the bolded part. Remember those HD-DVDs? I have 250 of them and counting, and 3 players for upscaling DVD, too. I bought 3 players for the price of ONE Blu player, well I spent a lot less, actually. I even got one player nearly free after BB sent me a gift card, an A30, too. Now, if Blu players drop in price a lot, say on BF, then I might bite. But will I trade in my HD-DVDs I bought for an average of 10 bucks each and rebuy them all at a higher price? Uhh, No? Why should I?

I also have a 12 year old DVD player made by Toshiba in 1996 that is a dual DVD player, and it still works fine 3000 or more DVDs later, not including the 4 or 5000 CDs I played in it. Since it does HDCD that sounded sweet with it, too. But alas, I have a 5 CD HDCD changer now, and finally retired the Toshiba to its packing box. So I have high expectations that my HD-DVD players will last reasonably long as well.

The keyword is "now." Of course the HD-DVD's will continue to look and sound great, but that library isn't gonna grow. Did you really have to bring that into the discussion?

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
"High Def" Media has an identity crisis. It doesn't know if it's a replacement or an alternative to DVD.

That and it has a $2000+ entry cost(HDTV, player, decent 5.1+ setup) to even really start noticing any significant improvements over DVD for the average person.

As it stands right now, it's a novelty to those with setups that can appreciate it. For the rest of the buying public it's just a waste of $10-$20 for a disk with a nifty name.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: fanerman91
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: erwos
Originally posted by: SlickSnakeBut Blues days are already numbered, with 1440p and 2160p right around the corner.
Realistically, DVD didn't get killed by HDTVs all that quickly. I think the Blu-Ray format has a reasonable lifetime ahead of it.

That said, yes, the lack of a few certain hit movies is a real drag, along with exorbitant pricing. I'm looking forward to the fall, too.

If Blu-ray movies come down to the price of regular DVDs, BD sales should take off nicely. The problem with Blu-ray movies is, most people are happy with DVD upscaling or HD broadcast movies. Only the enthusiasts are willing to cough up the cash for the pristine PQ and audio quality Blu-ray can offer. But to squeak every ounce of PQ and AQ, you'll need a VERY nice TV and VERY nice audio system. People buying Vizios HDTVs aren't the type that will be jumping all over Blu-ray players and movies. Not to mention the people that don't even have an HD set.

For me, there is no substitute for Blu-ray now. If you want your movies to look and sound their best, you buy a Blu-ray movie. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else.

I have to agree with your viewpoint, up the the bolded part. Remember those HD-DVDs? I have 250 of them and counting, and 3 players for upscaling DVD, too. I bought 3 players for the price of ONE Blu player, well I spent a lot less, actually. I even got one player nearly free after BB sent me a gift card, an A30, too. Now, if Blu players drop in price a lot, say on BF, then I might bite. But will I trade in my HD-DVDs I bought for an average of 10 bucks each and rebuy them all at a higher price? Uhh, No? Why should I?

I also have a 12 year old DVD player made by Toshiba in 1996 that is a dual DVD player, and it still works fine 3000 or more DVDs later, not including the 4 or 5000 CDs I played in it. Since it does HDCD that sounded sweet with it, too. But alas, I have a 5 CD HDCD changer now, and finally retired the Toshiba to its packing box. So I have high expectations that my HD-DVD players will last reasonably long as well.

The keyword is "now." Of course the HD-DVD's will continue to look and sound great, but that library isn't gonna grow. Did you really have to bring that into the discussion?

No, the key WORDS in his statement were No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." And the little jab with the part about If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else. I am not sacrificing PQ or AQ on the HDs I own. That is a patently false statement, which is why I brought up HD-DVDs.

And by the way, my HD-DVD library is growing just fine. I just picked up 5 more HDs titles for a bit less than 50 bucks and free shipping including Battlestar Galactica the first season box set, which is 6 HD-DVDs right there. And 2 of the other titles in this particular buy were dual HD-DVD sets, too. So that was 12 NEW HD-DVDs total for $47.96 or some odd amount. And the retail on just the BG set was $100 I think. Please point me to the similar Blu deals. Oh, wait, you can't.

Sorry you were so offended I even dared to mention it like HD-DVD is some bastard step child, WTF ever dude. :roll:


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
No, the key WORDS in his statement were No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." And the little jab with the part about If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else. I am not sacrificing PQ or AQ on the HDs I own. That is a patently false statement, which is why I brought up HD-DVDs.

Sorry you were so offended I even dared to mention it like HD-DVD is some bastard step child, WTF ever dude. :roll:
The key word was now which was followed by no "ifs", "ands" or "buts." HD-DVD is not even a consideration for any movies being released now. It's a dead format and something you look like you are having a hard time accepting. And just so you know where I'm coming from, I have an HD-A2 and an HD-A35 with all the HD-DVDs movies I wanted. I LOVE my HD-DVD movies and they provide just as good quality or sometimes better quality than Blu-ray movies, but lets be realistic, nothing new is coming out for it. Blu-ray is the future for the people that want to watch their movies with THE best PQ and AQ, bar none. I have a PS3 (60GB) for watching BD movies and will soon have a Pioneer BDP-05FD player. Needless to say, this fall is going to be great for me. There are some GREAT Blu-ray title going to be released!

You're going to have to make the decision, are you going to sit in a corner pouting about Blu-ray winning the format war and deny yourself new HD releases? Or are you going to accept it and go with the flow? Or even a third option, you can wait around while I enjoy watching Iron Man and The Dark Knight when they're released later this year on Blu-ray.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2002
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
No, the key WORDS in his statement were No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." And the little jab with the part about If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else. I am not sacrificing PQ or AQ on the HDs I own. That is a patently false statement, which is why I brought up HD-DVDs.

And by the way, my HD-DVD library is growing just fine. I just picked up 5 more HDs titles for a bit less than 50 bucks and free shipping including Battlestar Galactica the first season box set, which is 6 HD-DVDs right there. And 2 of the other titles in this particular buy were dual HD-DVD sets, too. So that was 12 NEW HD-DVDs total for $47.96 or some odd amount. And the retail on just the BG set was $100 I think. Please point me to the similar Blu deals. Oh, wait, you can't.

Sorry you were so offended I even dared to mention it like HD-DVD is some bastard step child, WTF ever dude. :roll:

Er, the only person offended in this thread is you. I don't know how sensitive you have to be to perceive JackBurton's initial comment to be a slight on HD-DVD, but you seem to bring up HD-DVD every chance you get around here. And THAT library (not YOUR library) of movies is not growing.

Anyway, sorry OP for this thread somehow degenerating into format war nonsense. Summer probably isn't a good time for movie releases just because the blockbuster movies (the ones that usually translate better in HD) tend to come out in the summer. This holiday season ought to be better for blu-ray, when those blockbusters come out on home video.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
No, the key WORDS in his statement were No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." And the little jab with the part about If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else. I am not sacrificing PQ or AQ on the HDs I own. That is a patently false statement, which is why I brought up HD-DVDs.

Sorry you were so offended I even dared to mention it like HD-DVD is some bastard step child, WTF ever dude. :roll:
The key word was now which was followed by no "ifs", "ands" or "buts." HD-DVD is not even a consideration for any movies being released now. It's a dead format and something you look like you are having a hard time accepting. And just so you know where I'm coming from, I have an HD-A2 and an HD-A35 with all the HD-DVDs movies I wanted. I LOVE my HD-DVD movies and they provide just as good quality or sometimes better quality than Blu-ray movies, but lets be realistic, nothing new is coming out for it. Blu-ray is the future for the people that want to watch their movies with THE best PQ and AQ, bar none. I have a PS3 (60GB) for watching BD movies and will soon have a Pioneer BDP-05FD player. Needless to say, this fall is going to be great for me. There are some GREAT Blu-ray title going to be released!

You're going to have to make the decision, are you going to sit in a corner pouting about Blu-ray winning the format war and deny yourself new HD releases? Or are you going to accept it and go with the flow? Or even a third option, you can wait around while I enjoy watching Iron Man and The Dark Knight when they're released later this year on Blu-ray.

If it's worth watching, like TDK, I go to the theater, therefore I won't miss it on Blu. I never said I won't go Blu, but at this time, there is no reason to, and the high prices are certainly the problem. There are around 500 US releases on HD-DVD and including foreign film versions not released in the US with English HD audio BTW, that total then jumps to somewhere around 800 HDs available. And because of SONYs higher royalties, I still don't think their releases have even topped 700 yet. Not to mention the fact many titles in HD-DVD may NEVER get a Blu release, according to some studios.

And I also have a Blockbuster premium subscription, which means I could rent all the Blu I wanted to, and still not miss a thing. But at the moment, half my que is HD-DVDs. And the rest in my que are DVDs that will never see the light of Blu release since they are not mainstream films. So am I missing out on all the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT over BLU? Ummm, No?

And also concerning HD-DVD many movies available on it were only theatrically released toward the end of last year for heavens sake. It's not like the only movies I can get on it are 20 years old, sheese. But some of the best ones, are.

And as far as it being a "dead" format we will see about that when Toshiba finally launches their Blu killer, which will be HD-DVD backwards compatible. But that is on a need to know basis, and I didn't mean to get your hopes up or imply anything at this point, or did I? :roll:

And who cares if they decide not to release the Blu killer at all and start making HD toasters, instead? The HD-DVDs will still work just fine. And I think you will see the format adopted very soon for main stream personal PC burners. So a dead format I am having a hard time accepting? LOL, you sound like a SONY shrink. We will just have to wait and see. And I will accept it just fine regardless.


Jul 18, 2000
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
If it's worth watching, like TDK, I go to the theater, therefore I won't miss it on Blu.

Wow, that's interesting. Maybe you should have taken that approach with HD-DVD. Listen, I'm not spending my money on a Pioneer 141FD to go to the movies. Maybe if you had a crappy TV or you just can't wait, I could see why theaters may be appealing. But I like to watch my movies without someone else's cell phone going off, or someone kicking my seat, or someone having a conversation behind me and most importantly, I like to watch it in the comfort of my own home. Some people like to go to the theaters, others like to bring the theater home. I'm the latter, you must be the former.

I never said I won't go Blu, but at this time, there is no reason to, and the high prices are certainly the problem.
Yeah there is, I just gave them to you. And as for high prices, I RARELY go to the theaters, so I take the $40 I spend on a theater outing (and $40 is conservative) and put it toward a Blu-ray movie. They're normally $30, but you can find quite a few under $20. And under $20 they're fine with me.

There are around 500 US releases on HD-DVD and including foreign film versions not released in the US with English HD audio BTW, that total then jumps to somewhere around 800 HDs available. And because of SONYs higher royalties, I still don't think their releases have even topped 700 yet. Not to mention the fact many titles in HD-DVD may NEVER get a Blu release, according to some studios.

Give me a freakin' break. Those are just padded numbers. I have 35 QUALITY HD-DVD movies and those were the only ones I wanted. If I wanted more, I would have bought them. Anything more than what I bought would have been buying HD-DVD movies just to buy them. So please, stop with the inflated numbers.

And I also have a Blockbuster premium subscription, which means I could rent all the Blu I wanted to, and still not miss a thing. But at the moment, half my que is HD-DVDs. And the rest in my que are DVDs that will never see the light of Blu release since they are not mainstream films. So am I missing out on all the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT over BLU? Ummm, No?
WOW a Blockbuster premium subscription. Hey, let me let you in on a little secret, in order to watch a Blu-ray movies (bought or rented), you need a Blu-ray player.

And I love the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT. First, I don't think $399 is expensive. Secondly, you are the definition of "fanboy," so please stop throwing that word around. There is NO fanboy bigger than you.

And also concerning HD-DVD many movies available on it were only theatrically released toward the end of last year for heavens sake. It's not like the only movies I can get on it are 20 years old, sheese. But some of the best ones, are.

I never said you still can't enjoy those. Knock yourself out.

And as far as it being a "dead" format we will see about that when Toshiba finally launches their Blu killer, which will be HD-DVD backwards compatible. But that is on a need to know basis, and I didn't mean to get your hopes up or imply anything at this point, or did I?

:roll: Riiiiight. You just hold your breath on that one.

And who cares if they decide not to release the Blu killer at all and start making HD toasters, instead? The HD-DVDs will still work just fine. And I think you will see the format adopted very soon for main stream personal PC burners. So a dead format I am having a hard time accepting? LOL, you sound like a SONY shrink. We will just have to wait and see. And I will accept it just fine regardless.

Seriously, are you that dense? Good lord. No one is going to start making HD-DVD burners. There is no reason to. The ONLY one that thinks that will happen is YOU.

SlickSnake, you do understand that everyone throws what you say in the garbage right? No one takes you seriously. Why? Because you are a fanboy. I would have thought you were a shill for Toshiba, but I'm sure they would have laid you off after they lost the format war. Now it seems like you are just a bitter HD-DVD supporter.


May 10, 2001
Blu-Ray isnt ready yet so I will save my money till it is, and thats when players come down and movies are way more abundant and they are better priced also. Patience will pay off to those who wait on this technology IMHO.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
If it's worth watching, like TDK, I go to the theater, therefore I won't miss it on Blu.

Wow, that's interesting. Maybe you should have taken that approach with HD-DVD. Listen, I'm not spending my money on a Pioneer 141FD to go to the movies. Maybe if you had a crappy TV or you just can't wait, I could see why theaters may be appealing. But I like to watch my movies without someone else's cell phone going off, or someone kicking my seat, or someone having a conversation behind me and most importantly, I like to watch it in the comfort of my own home. Some people like to go to the theaters, others like to bring the theater home. I'm the latter, you must be the former.

I never said I won't go Blu, but at this time, there is no reason to, and the high prices are certainly the problem.
Yeah there is, I just gave them to you. And as for high prices, I RARELY go to the theaters, so I take the $40 I spend on a theater outing (and $40 is conservative) and put it toward a Blu-ray movie. They're normally $30, but you can find quite a few under $20. And under $20 they're fine with me.

There are around 500 US releases on HD-DVD and including foreign film versions not released in the US with English HD audio BTW, that total then jumps to somewhere around 800 HDs available. And because of SONYs higher royalties, I still don't think their releases have even topped 700 yet. Not to mention the fact many titles in HD-DVD may NEVER get a Blu release, according to some studios.

Give me a freakin' break. Those are just padded numbers. I have 35 QUALITY HD-DVD movies and those were the only ones I wanted. If I wanted more, I would have bought them. Anything more than what I bought would have been buying HD-DVD movies just to buy them. So please, stop with the inflated numbers.

And I also have a Blockbuster premium subscription, which means I could rent all the Blu I wanted to, and still not miss a thing. But at the moment, half my que is HD-DVDs. And the rest in my que are DVDs that will never see the light of Blu release since they are not mainstream films. So am I missing out on all the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT over BLU? Ummm, No?
WOW a Blockbuster premium subscription. Hey, let me let you in on a little secret, in order to watch a Blu-ray movies (bought or rented), you need a Blu-ray player.

And I love the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT. First, I don't think $399 is expensive. Secondly, you are the definition of "fanboy," so please stop throwing that word around. There is NO fanboy bigger than you.

And also concerning HD-DVD many movies available on it were only theatrically released toward the end of last year for heavens sake. It's not like the only movies I can get on it are 20 years old, sheese. But some of the best ones, are.

I never said you still can't enjoy those. Knock yourself out.

And as far as it being a "dead" format we will see about that when Toshiba finally launches their Blu killer, which will be HD-DVD backwards compatible. But that is on a need to know basis, and I didn't mean to get your hopes up or imply anything at this point, or did I?

:roll: Riiiiight. You just hold your breath on that one.

And who cares if they decide not to release the Blu killer at all and start making HD toasters, instead? The HD-DVDs will still work just fine. And I think you will see the format adopted very soon for main stream personal PC burners. So a dead format I am having a hard time accepting? LOL, you sound like a SONY shrink. We will just have to wait and see. And I will accept it just fine regardless.

Seriously, are you that dense? Good lord. No one is going to start making HD-DVD burners. There is no reason to. The ONLY one that thinks that will happen is YOU.

SlickSnake, you do understand that everyone throws what you say in the garbage right? No one takes you seriously. Why? Because you are a fanboy. I would have thought you were a shill for Toshiba, but I'm sure they would have laid you off after they lost the format war. Now it seems like you are just a bitter HD-DVD supporter.

Originally posted by: Muadib
Stop feeding the troll, Jack. You've moved on, but not everyone will.

Yea, I moved on too. There is so much wrong with Jackos wacko rebuttal I wont even try very hard to anally respond point by silly anal point like he did. Such as Jacks mistaken personal characterization he made about me and going to movies.

Jack, if you are really so interested about getting to know me, I actually rarely go myself, unless it is worth seeing way larger than life, like TDK. BTW, You got IMAX set up at your house, Jack? No, I guess you missed that one while watching all those Blues at home, alone, with no annoying cell phones going off, like even yours. But if it makes you all warm and fuzzy inside to pretend to know my movie habits and post mindless ranting crap about me and theaters, more power to you.

And when you stated there were only 35 quality HD-DVD releases out there, you glaringly pointed out who the troll really was.

Give me a break Jack. If you are really that picky on movie quality, all those "blockbuster-want-a-be" bombs they release on Blu to make their money back that they lost at the theaters won't make you a bit happier. So based on your quality statements you must also have about 35 Blu releases, too. You certainly are one picky HD cinema expert.

And yea, I also figured you needed a Blu player to play Blu movies. But thanks anyhow for that important piece of useless information you felt I must have missed at some point. Do you often get pointlessly sarcastic like this just before you take your meds?

To be stupidly presuming to tell other people what they must do, how they must think and what to buy makes you sound like some kind of nutty control freak, Jack. Somehow I feel you and I would not get along in person. But then you already know a lot of other people who also feel that way about you in real life, for good reason. I tend to try to avoid control freaks like yourself in person. But on the internet, they just seem to multiply everywhere like maggots. You see how others can also play that silly psychoanalytical game of presuming what someone else is thinking and doing just to attempt to appear superior, Jack? Just don't forget you started this little personal tirade against me and my opinions just because I dared to mention the bastard stepchild HD-DVD, not me. That much is obvious.

Thanks again for showing us your paper thin insight and wisdom about all things and people in general and also showing your true "blue" colors by just not letting it drop in the first place. There was no original slight towards you, I simply disagreed with your flawed assessment of available HD media and made it known. And all this bitter sarcastic farce merely because someone simply failed to agree 100% with you.


Jul 18, 2000
Seriously man, you do understand everyone on this forum thinks you're a joke, right? You can write whatever you'd like about me and they'll just toss your junk posts out the window. I think the only member of this forum that really cares what you think is you. And if that's the case, why don't you do something positive in your life for once and stop posting. This will give you more time to spend with your outdated HD-DVD collection, but more importantly, it will stop the pollution of your incessant and irrelevant HD-DVD posts on this forum. You'll be happier with the extra time on your hands and everyone else will be happy that your gone. It's just a win win solution.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Originally posted by: SlickSnake
No, the key WORDS in his statement were No "ifs", "ands" or "buts." And the little jab with the part about If you are willing to sacrifice PQ and AQ, you go with something else. I am not sacrificing PQ or AQ on the HDs I own. That is a patently false statement, which is why I brought up HD-DVDs.

Sorry you were so offended I even dared to mention it like HD-DVD is some bastard step child, WTF ever dude. :roll:
The key word was now which was followed by no "ifs", "ands" or "buts." HD-DVD is not even a consideration for any movies being released now. It's a dead format and something you look like you are having a hard time accepting. And just so you know where I'm coming from, I have an HD-A2 and an HD-A35 with all the HD-DVDs movies I wanted. I LOVE my HD-DVD movies and they provide just as good quality or sometimes better quality than Blu-ray movies, but lets be realistic, nothing new is coming out for it. Blu-ray is the future for the people that want to watch their movies with THE best PQ and AQ, bar none. I have a PS3 (60GB) for watching BD movies and will soon have a Pioneer BDP-05FD player. Needless to say, this fall is going to be great for me. There are some GREAT Blu-ray title going to be released!

You're going to have to make the decision, are you going to sit in a corner pouting about Blu-ray winning the format war and deny yourself new HD releases? Or are you going to accept it and go with the flow? Or even a third option, you can wait around while I enjoy watching Iron Man and The Dark Knight when they're released later this year on Blu-ray.

If it's worth watching, like TDK, I go to the theater, therefore I won't miss it on Blu. I never said I won't go Blu, but at this time, there is no reason to, and the high prices are certainly the problem. There are around 500 US releases on HD-DVD and including foreign film versions not released in the US with English HD audio BTW, that total then jumps to somewhere around 800 HDs available. And because of SONYs higher royalties, I still don't think their releases have even topped 700 yet. Not to mention the fact many titles in HD-DVD may NEVER get a Blu release, according to some studios.

And I also have a Blockbuster premium subscription, which means I could rent all the Blu I wanted to, and still not miss a thing. But at the moment, half my que is HD-DVDs. And the rest in my que are DVDs that will never see the light of Blu release since they are not mainstream films. So am I missing out on all the EXPENSIVE SONY PS3 FANBOY EXCITEMENT over BLU? Ummm, No?

And also concerning HD-DVD many movies available on it were only theatrically released toward the end of last year for heavens sake. It's not like the only movies I can get on it are 20 years old, sheese. But some of the best ones, are.

And as far as it being a "dead" format we will see about that when Toshiba finally launches their Blu killer, which will be HD-DVD backwards compatible. But that is on a need to know basis, and I didn't mean to get your hopes up or imply anything at this point, or did I? :roll:

And who cares if they decide not to release the Blu killer at all and start making HD toasters, instead? The HD-DVDs will still work just fine. And I think you will see the format adopted very soon for main stream personal PC burners. So a dead format I am having a hard time accepting? LOL, you sound like a SONY shrink. We will just have to wait and see. And I will accept it just fine regardless.

Its just an overpirced, fancy upscaler....


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
Originally posted by: JackBurton
Seriously man, you do understand everyone on this forum thinks you're a joke, right? You can write whatever you'd like about me and they'll just toss your junk posts out the window. I think the only member of this forum that really cares what you think is you. And if that's the case, why don't you do something positive in your life for once and stop posting. This will give you more time to spend with your outdated HD-DVD collection, but more importantly, it will stop the pollution of your incessant and irrelevant HD-DVD posts on this forum. You'll be happier with the extra time on your hands and everyone else will be happy that your gone. It's just a win win solution.

Maybe you should take your own advice, Jack, since you are so full of it. Nobody will miss you, either. Just like in real life.

yours truly

Golden Member
Aug 19, 2006
received my copy of transformers on blu ray the other day

but yeah the last couple of months has been sloow

i think when star wars gets released on blu ray, thats when this media is really gonna be centre stage. im surprised george lucas isnt all over blu ray to milk his franchise for all its worth

as a side note, the ps3's standard dvd playback is awesome!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: hopeless74
received my copy of transformers on blu ray the other day

but yeah the last couple of months has been sloow

i think when star wars gets released on blu ray, thats when this media is really gonna be centre stage. im surprised george lucas isnt all over blu ray to milk his franchise for all its worth

as a side note, the ps3's standard dvd playback is awesome!

Thought it comes out on the 2nd or 3rd?

yours truly

Golden Member
Aug 19, 2006
Originally posted by: Shawn
Some places have been shipping early.

i got mine from eBay. he seems to ship slighlty early. its region free too. havent checked it out yet, but i heard the picture quality is good


Feb 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Muadib
Stop feeding the troll, Jack. You've moved on, but not everyone will.

Isn't SlickSnake the same guy that argues his mobile home was a better buy/investment than a house?

yours truly

Golden Member
Aug 19, 2006
i just finished watching Transformers. its OTT and silly, but i enjoyed it.

the picture quality is pristine. its definitely reference material. one of the best ive seen. the audio is excellent too.

i totally recommend it.

picture quality :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
sound quality :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
film itself :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
overall :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

roll on ironman and wall.e

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