Lakeside home for sale

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Aug 2, 2001
Sure you understand it. Tearing the building down is an act against the memory of the nazis.

Same reason homes of serial killers are torn down, schools are demolished after a shooting. It is not the building, but the memory associated with the building.

That somehow destroying an inanimate object will allow us to feel better about ourselves.

Chances are in 200 years very few people are going to care about what happened in that house. Much like how the memories of the tyrant kings and conquerors has fallen to the wayside.

Ask a high school kid who caligula was. Chances are the kid will say "who?"

1,500 years from now same response when someone ask who hitler or joseph goebbels was.

... if I'm in the market for homes "owned by prominent World War 2 figures", I think I'd much rather own Chartwell, thank you very much.

Would you buy an AUDI or Lamborghini?

Not sure why you ask that?

Of course you don't. I doubt you understand your own argument, else you would stop making it.

On this day in 1937, the government of Germany--then under the control of Adolf Hitler of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party--forms a new state-owned automobile company, then known as Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH. Later that year, it was renamed simply Volkswagenwerk, or "The People's Car Company."

Originally operated by the German Labor Front, a Nazi organization, Volkswagen was headquartered in Wolfsburg, Germany. In addition to his ambitious campaign to build a network of autobahns and limited access highways across Germany, Hitler's pet project was the development and mass production of an affordable yet still speedy vehicle that could sell for less than 1,000 Reich marks

VW is the parent company of Audi, which owns Lamborghini, and at the root of the company is Hitler.

If destruction of the products of the Nazis is an act against them, then it follows that support of these products is an act of support for the Nazis. You are making this argument, (and taking the further leap to linking to this to abortion.)

Setting aside the sheer stupidity of the abortion connection, by your own logic, buying the estate is supportive of Nazism, ergo buying anything VW is supportive of Nazis. That's what your half-witted attempt at baiting "liberals" is about.

Going full Texastard: driving around in an S4 means you are a Nazi loving, baby killing liberal with a moral compass stuck on selfish hedonism and murder.

Your logic is foolish beyond believability, even for this place. This is why you are a troll.


Dec 18, 2010
Your logic is foolish beyond believability, even for this place. This is why you are a troll.

You are comparing apples to oranges.

Did Jospeh vacation at the VW plant? Are any of the VW plants used during the war still standing? Did Joseph celebrate his birthday at a VW plant?

A factory is a factory. It makes stuff, cars weapons of war,,,, whatever.

A home is a place where we are supposed to have good memories. kids growing up, birthday parties, celebrations, easter,,,, whatever.

Joseph Goebbels owning the home spoils the view of what a home should be. The good that is supposed to come from a home is spoiled by the hate that flourished under its roof.

Surely you know the difference between a factory and a home, right?


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Give it up. When someone posts something like "The poor were unhappy with their circumstances and the Nazis gave them a scapegoat: The rich..... This is conservatism."

That's a level of dishonesty you just have to walk away from.
True - but I gotta poke them before I walk away.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Give it up. When someone posts something like "The poor were unhappy with their circumstances and the Nazis gave them a scapegoat: The rich..... This is conservatism."

That's a level of dishonesty you just have to walk away from.

I looked through the thread and couldn't a single post like that. In the meantime, werepossum grossly confused left wing populism with fascism (because obviously the Nazis were dirty hippies like the Occupiers). So who's being dishonest here, seriously?


Dec 18, 2010
I looked through the thread and couldn't a single post like that.

Link below.

The poor were unhappy with their circumstances and the Nazis gave them a scapegoat: The rich. That scapegoat later became the Jews, homosexuals, the institutionalized, and the Gypsies.

This is conservatism.

I guess DominionSeraph did not see my reply a few pages back, so I am going to repeat it.

What you posted is not conservatism, that is liberalism. Blaming someone else for your problems is being a liberal. Why do you think they are called bleeding heart liberals?

It is not your fault you robbed that store, your parents raised you wrong.

It is not your fault you got a junk degree, the bankers are keeping you down.

Occupy wall street - if you have time to sit around on a street, you have time to look for a job.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Says the ignorant trolling douchebag who posted this:

For liberals this may be a none issue. After all, slaughtering jews was legal at the time. Morals and values aside, as long as it was legal, right?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
There is nothing wrong with me. In times of doubt I use my moral compass.

To liberals, as long as it is legal anything goes.

You are the dumbest dumbfuck to ever place hands on a keyboard and type words. That is the antithesis of liberalism. Remove Glen Beck's cock from your mouth, and try to engage in independent, rational thought for once in your life.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What you posted is not conservatism, that is liberalism. Blaming someone else for your problems is being a liberal. Why do you think they are called bleeding heart liberals?

This is the argumentative logic of an 8 year old. Uninformed bias, precludes irrational fallacy


Dec 18, 2010
This is the argumentative logic of an 8 year old. Uninformed bias, precludes irrational fallacy

It is not your fault your mother drank heavily while she was pregnant with you.

It is understandable you have rage fits. Maybe there is some medicine that can help you?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Actually conservatism is pretty simple: Let's all play by the same rules, earn our keep, and be nice. Liberalism - classical liberalism - is much the same, but more willing to accept change (of which we conservatives are suspicious) to promote individual liberty whereas conservatives like more structure and group behavior.

The closest thing we have today to National Socialism is the progressive movement. The Nazis said "you are poor because evil Jews are conspiring to keep you poor"; the American Progressives say "you are poor because evil Jews rich people (many of whom by pure coincidence are Jewish) are conspiring to keep you poor". The Nazis promised to take things from others and give them to you; the American Progressives promise to take things from others and give them to you.

usually, I give you the benefit of the doubt, as you tend to stand well above the arch-fascist losers like TH and Mattwhatshisnumber...then posts like this.

You tend to be able to separate the nuggets of wisdom from the chaff. Now, not so sure.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
It is not your fault your mother drank heavily while she was pregnant with you.

It is understandable you have rage fits. Maybe there is some medicine that can help you?

My Mom is a a teetotatlling ordained minister. I wonder why it is that you diddle your chickens in your spare time. Are these the habits that keep you from spending your time doing useful things, like reading?


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
the American Progressives say "you are poor because evil rich people are conspiring to keep you poor".

I don't think the rich are actually conspiring, they are doing this shit right out in the open and conservatives like you cheerlead them on. Christ you guys get a hard-on everytime a union is busted or whenever a factory is moved overseas. You seem to want the American middle class to be erased. You NEVER but NEVER blame the rich for the loss of middle class jobs..... that is ALWAYS the fault of the poor.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
What you posted is not conservatism, that is liberalism. Blaming someone else for your problems is being a liberal. Why do you think they are called bleeding heart liberals?

It is not your fault you robbed that store, your parents raised you wrong.

It is not your fault you got a junk degree, the bankers are keeping you down.

Occupy wall street - if you have time to sit around on a street, you have time to look for a job.

That's not liberalism, dipshit, it's populism.

Seriously, you come to a "Politics and News" forum, and you don't even know the basic definitions of the most common political terms.

Oh and BTW, populism comes in 2 basic flavors: left wing and right wing. Guess which one you are?


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
I don't think the rich are actually conspiring, they are doing this shit right out in the open and conservatives like you cheerlead them on. Christ you guys get a hard-on everytime a union is busted or whenever a factory is moved overseas. You seem to want the American middle class to be erased. You NEVER but NEVER blame the rich for the loss of middle class jobs..... that is ALWAYS the fault of the poor.

All of that is just partisanship. If unions voted Republican, then being a union worker would be as American as mom and apple pie. Likewise, if a Republican were in the White House right now, GOP rhetoric would be exactly the opposite even if everything else were the same. And so would yours.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2003
She probably told you all those $1 bills came from the donation plate?

It is ok though, we still love you.

if !(CanFormCogentArgument()){
    //LOL, who am I kidding? This conditional path will never get taken.



Apr 10, 2000
if !(CanFormCogentArgument()){
    //LOL, who am I kidding? This conditional path will never get taken.


I was about to comment on how he's devolved into childish behavior, and then I realized he actually started there he's just gone a different direction with it now.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
usually, I give you the benefit of the doubt, as you tend to stand well above the arch-fascist losers like TH and Mattwhatshisnumber...then posts like this.

You tend to be able to separate the nuggets of wisdom from the chaff. Now, not so sure.
Gotta look at it in the context of the post to which I was responding.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
All of that is just partisanship. If unions voted Republican, then being a union worker would be as American as mom and apple pie. Likewise, if a Republican were in the White House right now, GOP rhetoric would be exactly the opposite even if everything else were the same. And so would yours.

Utter rubbish. You will not find a more fair-minded, non-biased, non-partisan viewpoint than mine. How dare you insinuate that I would let petty partisanship shape my opinions in any manner? That banal insipidity is for Republicans only.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Utter rubbish. You will not find a more fair-minded, non-biased, non-partisan viewpoint than mine. How dare you insinuate that I would let petty partisanship shape my opinions in any manner? That banal insipidity is for Republicans only.

Is this a parody post?

"How dare you say that I let partisanship cloud my judgment? THAT'S WHAT THE OTHER PARTY DOES".


Diamond Member
May 29, 2007
I saw this article a couple of weeks ago, and have been debating on whether or not to start a thread on it.

So here goes.

For liberals this may be a none issue. After all, slaughtering jews was legal at the time. Morals and values aside, as long as it was legal, right? But for civilized people, who you want to own a home with such a "rich" history?

Such a place would probably be best preserved as a museum, or national monument, or maybe bulldoze the house and make a part out of the land? But a home to have children in?

At a good price would you consider buying this lakeside home?

I could see some of the liberal members of the forum who like to hide behind the shield of law buying the house. What Goebbels did was legal. So there should be no issue.

I just could not imagine my kids or grandkids being in a house that harbored so much hate. When hate becomes law, what are people supposed to do?

Placed in P&N because of the political overtone and political history.

ROFLOL at your childish trolling attempt to rationalize in your defective conservative brain that a liberal would automatically want to live there.

If that was the case, then why is Germany so worried about selling the property to an ultra-conservative, far right wing, Neo-Nazi, white supremacy hate group who may try to misuse it to glorify Hitler? Ironicaly enough, a conservative type hate group that you clearly align yourself and your beliefs with.

Clearly, this troll post by you proves beyond a shadow of a doubt you are bat shit crazy since you obviously can't even begin to fathom the laughable contradictions of your mindless liberal vitriol here.

Here's a pro tip; Maybe if you read the whole news item before you posted it next time, you wouldn't look like such a raving, blithering idiot.

Why not just ask the honest question: "Would a liberal or a conservative be more likely to buy this house?" and leave your childish, idiotic, liberal hate out of the mix?

And if you had any common sense at all, you would already know most people are not completely liberal or conservative, but fall somewhere in between, except for hard headed conservative numbskulls like yourself, that is.
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Dec 18, 2010
ROFLOL at your childish trolling attempt to rationalize in your defective conservative brain that a liberal would automatically want to live there.

Here,'s a pro tip; Maybe if you read the whole news item before you posted it next time, you wouldn't look like such a raving, blithering idiot.

Members of this forum hide behind the shield of law to justify crimes against humanity.

Why not just ask the honest question: "Would a liberal or a conservative be more likely to buy this house?" and leave your childish, idiotic liberal hate out of the mix?

One of the big differences between conservatives and liberals is our respect and love for life.

Who is campaigning to give plan b to a girl of any age over the counter with no questions asked? 13 year old girl has sex, wants plan b, no problem.

Who is justifying murdering millions of unborn children?

Who was justified murdering millions of jews?

Who was justified in murdering slaves?

Does that honestly sound like a group of people who love and respect life? No it does not.
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Apr 10, 2000
Who is justifying murdering millions of unborn children?

Who was justified murdering millions of jews?

Who was justified in murdering slaves?

You can't murder something which isn't alive (ie. unborn).
No one ever was justified in murdering jews or slaves. However the Nazis who murdered millions of jews were far right and the slave owning south was then as it is now far right.

Also you're a fucking idiot, but the rest of us already knew that and I suspect you do as well.
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